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Former Member

The harsh reality that faces APNU

February 11, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Whose Freedom at Midnight on May 11, 2015?
“Discovery creates unity and unity is created in struggle….” – Walter Rodney (1974).
We in the working and academic class must never be distracted by the public antics of the Ramotar “pro-rogued” regime to truly appreciate that we have a duty to never allow an ethnic driven political force to dominate public life in Guyana again.  Participate-YES! Dominate-NO!
That is why in increasing numbers, we must speak out in our homes, in our villages, in the newspapers and debunk this obsession with harmony as a back door to ethnic supremacy. We have a right to call a spade a spade and understand that the PPP and the PNC which dominates the APNU are ethnic political parties.  No shame in that! But with that fact established, they must also know their place.
History will show that it was Walter Rodney who by the late 1970s had established himself as the principle threat to the afro-centric PNC dictatorship and to the indo-centric PPP because he was galvanizing support from all races.
One just has to revisit history to see our people coming together at the Bourda Green to identify with the message.  It was done, it can be done and it will be done again – unity.  But this is feat that neither the PPP nor the PNC which dominate the APNU can achieve.
After 50 years of suffering under various leaders in Government (I would always discount the decade of progress from 1989 – 1999), by way of this failed model of ethnic supremacy and a message of ethnic fear, do we think the working class is prepared to go on for another 50 years like this?
The sad truth remains that after 50 years, real freedom is still a prize to be won for the masses.  So why try the same old formula that failed to work in the past?  It is total insanity to do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome.
Some vocal social commentators and newly converted APNU supporters would want to pretend they have the permission of the working class to advocate for an APNU-led Government, but it appears they selectively forget the events that unfolded at the 2014 PNC Congress – voter disenfranchisement, padded lists and the whole nine yards of how not to conduct one’s political affairs and mold a nation.  They are misinformed to think they can play with the intelligence of the working class.
That is why it is imperative, if these partnership talks between the AFC and the APNU are to succeed; we must all be true to ourselves and ask – what is the best programme and the best political construct that can motivate more people to abandon the PPP and beat the party at the ballot box – fair and square.
Those who never voted for the PPP will continue to not vote for the PPP whether the slate is APNU-led or PNC-led or AFC-led.  But what the PNC which dominates the APNU, has failed miserably to do over the last 50 years was to peel away enough voters who traditionally voted for the PPP to win the plurality or the majority.
My prediction in a three-way race, the APNU will fail again at this task.  This is the intangible asset of the AFC – the party successfully peeled away some voters from the PPP in the 2011 elections and will do even better in 2015.
That is why it is important to these talks because it is the AFC that is breaking the back of the PPP, not the APNU.
That decision to walk away from the PPP was not a cosmetic decision, it is a substantial decision.  There is a clear migration path for those who choose to walk away from the PPP and it is not into Congress Place.  If we are honest to ourselves, ask any person from Enmore or Albion who has made the decision to abandon the PPP if he or she will vote for APNU and the answer will be to the effect – “are you loco?”
This is not an abnormality since if you flip the same question in Linden or Buxton and ask – are you willing to vote for the PPP, the response will be even more resoundingly negative.
So with this background, I wish Mr. Carl Greenidge and Mr. David Patterson all success in these talks but they must know they are but only plenipotentiaries of the people and until the people ask for a different paradigm, the PPP and the PNC which dominate the APNU will continue to never win the hearts of the majority of our people.  This is another reason why it makes absolute sense for there to be an AFC-led coalition.
Sase Singh

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I was one of the fiercest supporters of an AFC-led Broad Based Alliance (BBA) as explained by AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan. In this regards, the terms of the recent Cummingsburg Accord has caused me some anxiety. However, after much consideration, this Accord, in its current construct, still emerges as a superior option than another term with Ramotar and Rohee.

I continue to have absolute faith in Ramjattan as a principled politician whose only motivation has been the return to a path of social justice with economic empowerment for all. We all can learn from Ramjattan. I have known him for years and he has always placed the welfare of the people before his personal ambitions. I believe he has played this innings as best as he possibly could on a very sticky wicket for the team and the people of Guyana. Going it alone is not an option at this point. It could mean five more years of the PPP corruption, crookedness and cronyism.  If an APNU-led BBA can achieve the positive changes we all seek, then the choice is clear.

When all the cameras are gone, every single Guyanese, like me, will have to level with our conscious in our private space and battle our fears because come tomorrow, we have to walk out that door and embrace the future.  This has to work! 

When black South Africans made the honorable compromise and embraced white South Africans who oppressed them for years inside the Mandela cabinet they did it for the country. As an outcome of those interactions, understanding rather than racial fear won the day.  Shouldn’t we in Guyana have the same dreams and ambitions?

This is not to say there are no political risks. But what are the alternatives? More unauthorized spending by a PPP Minister of Finance? More rampant PPP driven corruption? More poverty for the working class under a PPP Government?

Any rational mind has to be fully aware that this entire construct can unravel to the detriment and destruction of the AFC.  But it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees under the unscrupulous and vindictive Jagdeo/Ramotar/Rohee cabal.

The important challenge ahead is to market this Cummingsburg Accord to a nation divided by ethnic fears and brainwashed by their opportunistic political ancestors over the past 50 years some of whom are still around on both side. But all in the BBA must now tell these dinosaurs; we need a break from the racial politics of the past. The Guyanese people have been mis-led for too long but we cannot give up hope.  This BBA is yet another opportunity to try something different to achieve a different outcome.

Everyone needs to appreciate the leap of faith taken by the AFC. The objective is the banishment of African and Indian hegemony as practiced over the last 50 years in Guyana. It is time for the “all hands-on-deck” approach to mobilize and mold the nation to emancipate itself from its racist past. Can we do it?  YES WE CAN!

History will always remember men like Ramjattan who made the ultimate sacrifice to bring betterment for the people.  Even under false attack and being called names like “PPP-lite” to “Indian racist” by lesser men, today Ramjattan stands vindicated as those lesser men bow their head in shame for gravely misjudging this Guyanese patriot who has again placed country first.

My name is Sase Singh

and I endorse the decision of the AFC to join an APNU-lead broad based alliance.


My name is Sase Singh and I live in NYC where I have nothing to fear from the PNC hardliners and have been absent from Guyana for decades. I wasn't there for the PNC anti-Indian riots in Georgetown and the PNC-connected Buxton Freedom Fighters battling for their freedom one dead, raped, robbed coolie peasant at a time.


I'm also close pals with Ramjattan so I wanna support my friend just in case he becomes Vice President of Guyana on May 12th. For these reasons, I endorse the AFC's coalition with the PNC.


Shaitan, as I'm sure you know, in the US there are generally no permanent Democrats or Republicans these days. Someone might have voted for Al Gore in 2000 then switched th GW Bush in 2004.

Another normal thing: husband votes for Donkey while wife votes for Elephant.

So, regarding Sase Singh, that's not really going to raise eyebrows. Sase is an educated guy and he would look like an intellectual fossil if he holds on doggedly to one opinion while the surrounding dynamics are in rapid motion.



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My name is Sase Singh and I live in NYC where I have nothing to fear from the PNC hardliners and have been absent from Guyana for decades. I wasn't there for the PNC anti-Indian riots in Georgetown and the PNC-connected Buxton Freedom Fighters battling for their freedom one dead, raped, robbed coolie peasant at a time.


I'm also close pals with Ramjattan so I wanna support my friend just in case he becomes Vice President of Guyana on May 12th. For these reasons, I endorse the AFC's coalition with the PNC.

The PPP had plans to hire an American consultant to run their campaign. Did they change those plans after they heard you were available and is most experienced at being a campaign maninguh for low breed c**lies?  

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My name is Sase Singh and I live in NYC where I have nothing to fear from the PNC hardliners and have been absent from Guyana for decades. I wasn't there for the PNC anti-Indian riots in Georgetown and the PNC-connected Buxton Freedom Fighters battling for their freedom one dead, raped, robbed coolie peasant at a time.


I'm also close pals with Ramjattan so I wanna support my friend just in case he becomes Vice President of Guyana on May 12th. For these reasons, I endorse the AFC's coalition with the PNC.

Shaitan is wha Sase do yuh Bhai?


Tell me so we can straighten him out...


Was he hiding in NY all this time

Ravi Dev been Fighting the PPP in Guyana?


Sase could have Joined you & Ravi in Guyana...

Sase Yuh Bad.........


Lets hope Sase do not ask about Baldeo

like How you ask about Ramjattan.

Lets Keep our fingers Cross Bhai


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitan, as I'm sure you know, in the US there are generally no permanent Democrats or Republicans these days. Someone might have voted for Al Gore in 2000 then switched th GW Bush in 2004.

Another normal thing: husband votes for Donkey while wife votes for Elephant.

So, regarding Sase Singh, that's not really going to raise eyebrows. Sase is an educated guy and he would look like an intellectual fossil if he holds on doggedly to one opinion while the surrounding dynamics are in rapid motion.




I absolutely agree with you my friend. I fully support Sase's right to change his opinions and evolve or what not. Perfectly normal.


But the AFC crowd shouldn't have the automatic expectation for the rest of us to just fall in line because the Comrade Leaders said so so it's so.


I need more time to digest this Coalition. I'm a human being. I may end up supporting the Coalition. I'm not dead set against it. I'm actually just talking/thinking out loud. I don't have the claim to divine wisdom that the AFC crowd here seems to have. I'm a mere mortal.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My name is Sase Singh and I live in NYC where I have nothing to fear from the PNC hardliners and have been absent from Guyana for decades. I wasn't there for the PNC anti-Indian riots in Georgetown and the PNC-connected Buxton Freedom Fighters battling for their freedom one dead, raped, robbed coolie peasant at a time.


I'm also close pals with Ramjattan so I wanna support my friend just in case he becomes Vice President of Guyana on May 12th. For these reasons, I endorse the AFC's coalition with the PNC.

The PPP had plans to hire an American consultant to run their campaign. Did they change those plans after they heard you were available and is most experienced at being a campaign maninguh for low breed c**lies?  

Mars that is a Low Blow to the Officer.


Although Anil, Irfan & Kwame

got something up them sleeve.


But them crook saying

"Dem don't Trust de Chap"

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My name is Sase Singh and I live in NYC where I have nothing to fear from the PNC hardliners and have been absent from Guyana for decades. I wasn't there for the PNC anti-Indian riots in Georgetown and the PNC-connected Buxton Freedom Fighters battling for their freedom one dead, raped, robbed coolie peasant at a time.


I'm also close pals with Ramjattan so I wanna support my friend just in case he becomes Vice President of Guyana on May 12th. For these reasons, I endorse the AFC's coalition with the PNC.

The PPP had plans to hire an American consultant to run their campaign. Did they change those plans after they heard you were available and is most experienced at being a campaign maninguh for low breed c**lies?  


Call me old fashioned but usually people try to convince others of the correctness of their position in politics not rubbish them with personal attacks.


I'm sure calling me Patron Saint of Low Breed Coolies is gonna make me agree with you.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My name is Sase Singh and I live in NYC where I have nothing to fear from the PNC hardliners and have been absent from Guyana for decades. I wasn't there for the PNC anti-Indian riots in Georgetown and the PNC-connected Buxton Freedom Fighters battling for their freedom one dead, raped, robbed coolie peasant at a time.


I'm also close pals with Ramjattan so I wanna support my friend just in case he becomes Vice President of Guyana on May 12th. For these reasons, I endorse the AFC's coalition with the PNC.

The PPP had plans to hire an American consultant to run their campaign. Did they change those plans after they heard you were available and is most experienced at being a campaign maninguh for low breed c**lies?  

Mars that is a Low Blow to the Officer.


Although Anil, Irfan & Kwame

got something up them sleeve.


But them crook saying

"Dem don't Trust de Chap"


I don't need anyone to trust me because I'm not looking for anything from anyone.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My name is Sase Singh and I live in NYC where I have nothing to fear from the PNC hardliners and have been absent from Guyana for decades. I wasn't there for the PNC anti-Indian riots in Georgetown and the PNC-connected Buxton Freedom Fighters battling for their freedom one dead, raped, robbed coolie peasant at a time.


I'm also close pals with Ramjattan so I wanna support my friend just in case he becomes Vice President of Guyana on May 12th. For these reasons, I endorse the AFC's coalition with the PNC.

The PPP had plans to hire an American consultant to run their campaign. Did they change those plans after they heard you were available and is most experienced at being a campaign maninguh for low breed c**lies?  


Call me old fashioned but usually people try to convince others of the correctness of their position in politics not rubbish them with personal attacks.


I'm sure calling me Patron Saint of Low Breed Coolies is gonna make me agree with you.

Far from it.


You're behaving like the PPP Low Breed Crew and earning your stripes on your own. 


All I'm saying is that your present campaign would fit in well with the fear mongering and race baiting which is a hallmark of PPP elections strategy. You were crucifying Alena the other day for fear mongering and now you're ten times worse.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My name is Sase Singh and I live in NYC where I have nothing to fear from the PNC hardliners and have been absent from Guyana for decades. I wasn't there for the PNC anti-Indian riots in Georgetown and the PNC-connected Buxton Freedom Fighters battling for their freedom one dead, raped, robbed coolie peasant at a time.


I'm also close pals with Ramjattan so I wanna support my friend just in case he becomes Vice President of Guyana on May 12th. For these reasons, I endorse the AFC's coalition with the PNC.

The PPP had plans to hire an American consultant to run their campaign. Did they change those plans after they heard you were available and is most experienced at being a campaign maninguh for low breed c**lies?  


Call me old fashioned but usually people try to convince others of the correctness of their position in politics not rubbish them with personal attacks.


I'm sure calling me Patron Saint of Low Breed Coolies is gonna make me agree with you.

Flour bai you are fooling no one!!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitan, as I'm sure you know, in the US there are generally no permanent Democrats or Republicans these days. Someone might have voted for Al Gore in 2000 then switched th GW Bush in 2004.

Another normal thing: husband votes for Donkey while wife votes for Elephant.

So, regarding Sase Singh, that's not really going to raise eyebrows. Sase is an educated guy and he would look like an intellectual fossil if he holds on doggedly to one opinion while the surrounding dynamics are in rapid motion.




I absolutely agree with you my friend. I fully support Sase's right to change his opinions and evolve or what not. Perfectly normal.


But the AFC crowd shouldn't have the automatic expectation for the rest of us to just fall in line because the Comrade Leaders said so so it's so.


I need more time to digest this Coalition. I'm a human being. I may end up supporting the Coalition. I'm not dead set against it. I'm actually just talking/thinking out loud. I don't have the claim to divine wisdom that the AFC crowd here seems to have. I'm a mere mortal.

Shaitan we cannot destroy our Friendship over Politics.


I actuall like the hard Questions you are asking....


But De Problem is when yuh team up with De Black Racist.


Da chap like a wolf in sheep clothing...

he will convince you he is an African Jihaji...


and will fool nuff people.....

And after creating his mischief...

Get Caught Redhanded......

he gon turn around and sing "It wasn't me" 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My name is Sase Singh and I live in NYC where I have nothing to fear from the PNC hardliners and have been absent from Guyana for decades. I wasn't there for the PNC anti-Indian riots in Georgetown and the PNC-connected Buxton Freedom Fighters battling for their freedom one dead, raped, robbed coolie peasant at a time.


I'm also close pals with Ramjattan so I wanna support my friend just in case he becomes Vice President of Guyana on May 12th. For these reasons, I endorse the AFC's coalition with the PNC.

The PPP had plans to hire an American consultant to run their campaign. Did they change those plans after they heard you were available and is most experienced at being a campaign maninguh for low breed c**lies?  


Call me old fashioned but usually people try to convince others of the correctness of their position in politics not rubbish them with personal attacks.


I'm sure calling me Patron Saint of Low Breed Coolies is gonna make me agree with you.

Far from it.


You're behaving like the PPP Low Breed Crew and earning your stripes on your own. 


All I'm saying is that your present campaign would fit in well with the fear mongering and race baiting which is a hallmark of PPP elections strategy. You were crucifying Alena the other day for fear mongering and now you're ten times worse.


You mean you people are all of a sudden beyond criticism? When did you all become such fascists?


Is free speech not allowed under your Coalition rules?


Do you really expect me to sing the Comrade Leaders' praises or post pics of Kwame all the time?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitan, as I'm sure you know, in the US there are generally no permanent Democrats or Republicans these days. Someone might have voted for Al Gore in 2000 then switched th GW Bush in 2004.

Another normal thing: husband votes for Donkey while wife votes for Elephant.

So, regarding Sase Singh, that's not really going to raise eyebrows. Sase is an educated guy and he would look like an intellectual fossil if he holds on doggedly to one opinion while the surrounding dynamics are in rapid motion.




I absolutely agree with you my friend. I fully support Sase's right to change his opinions and evolve or what not. Perfectly normal.


But the AFC crowd shouldn't have the automatic expectation for the rest of us to just fall in line because the Comrade Leaders said so so it's so.


I need more time to digest this Coalition. I'm a human being. I may end up supporting the Coalition. I'm not dead set against it. I'm actually just talking/thinking out loud. I don't have the claim to divine wisdom that the AFC crowd here seems to have. I'm a mere mortal.

Of course, take your time and weigh the pros and cons of the APNU-AFC alliance.

Whichever way you go, I will respect.

If you decide to support the Alliance, me go kill a goat and celebrate.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My name is Sase Singh and I live in NYC where I have nothing to fear from the PNC hardliners and have been absent from Guyana for decades. I wasn't there for the PNC anti-Indian riots in Georgetown and the PNC-connected Buxton Freedom Fighters battling for their freedom one dead, raped, robbed coolie peasant at a time.


I'm also close pals with Ramjattan so I wanna support my friend just in case he becomes Vice President of Guyana on May 12th. For these reasons, I endorse the AFC's coalition with the PNC.

The PPP had plans to hire an American consultant to run their campaign. Did they change those plans after they heard you were available and is most experienced at being a campaign maninguh for low breed c**lies?  


Call me old fashioned but usually people try to convince others of the correctness of their position in politics not rubbish them with personal attacks.


I'm sure calling me Patron Saint of Low Breed Coolies is gonna make me agree with you.

Far from it.


You're behaving like the PPP Low Breed Crew and earning your stripes on your own. 


All I'm saying is that your present campaign would fit in well with the fear mongering and race baiting which is a hallmark of PPP elections strategy. You were crucifying Alena the other day for fear mongering and now you're ten times worse.


You mean you people are all of a sudden beyond criticism? When did you all become such fascists?


Is free speech not allowed under your Coalition rules?


Do you really expect me to sing the Comrade Leaders' praises or post pics of Kwame all the time?

You're entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. It doesn't mean you'll get a free pass when you're shooting shit.



Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitan, as I'm sure you know, in the US there are generally no permanent Democrats or Republicans these days. Someone might have voted for Al Gore in 2000 then switched th GW Bush in 2004.

Another normal thing: husband votes for Donkey while wife votes for Elephant.

So, regarding Sase Singh, that's not really going to raise eyebrows. Sase is an educated guy and he would look like an intellectual fossil if he holds on doggedly to one opinion while the surrounding dynamics are in rapid motion.




I absolutely agree with you my friend. I fully support Sase's right to change his opinions and evolve or what not. Perfectly normal.


But the AFC crowd shouldn't have the automatic expectation for the rest of us to just fall in line because the Comrade Leaders said so so it's so.


I need more time to digest this Coalition. I'm a human being. I may end up supporting the Coalition. I'm not dead set against it. I'm actually just talking/thinking out loud. I don't have the claim to divine wisdom that the AFC crowd here seems to have. I'm a mere mortal.

Shaitan we cannot destroy our Friendship over Politics.


I actuall like the hard Questions you are asking....


But De Problem is when yuh team up with De Black Racist.


Da chap like a wolf in sheep clothing...

he will convince you he is an African Jihaji...


and will fool nuff people.....

And after creating his mischief...

Get Caught Redhanded......

he gon turn around and sing "It wasn't me" 


Whether or not Caribj is the Black Hitler is another question I'd like to lay aside for the moment.


Caribj is part of that great tradition of Afro-Guyanese middle class intellects who don't subscribe to the exterminate coolie philosophy some do. He's a moderate. If you can't make room for the moderates like Caribj, you will have to make room for more Buxton Freedom Fighters who believe the AK-47 is mightier than the pen.


Secondly, and most importantly, Caribj offers some excellent analysis which bears out from my personal experiences in Guyana over the past 15 years and various other sources of objective "reporting" on Guyana. He presents clear, cogent, well reasoned arguments for his positions. Whether or not you personally like his positions is another matter. I personally disagree with him on some esoteric and substantive points as well. However, we broadly agree on many things for good reason.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitan, as I'm sure you know, in the US there are generally no permanent Democrats or Republicans these days. Someone might have voted for Al Gore in 2000 then switched th GW Bush in 2004.

Another normal thing: husband votes for Donkey while wife votes for Elephant.

So, regarding Sase Singh, that's not really going to raise eyebrows. Sase is an educated guy and he would look like an intellectual fossil if he holds on doggedly to one opinion while the surrounding dynamics are in rapid motion.




I absolutely agree with you my friend. I fully support Sase's right to change his opinions and evolve or what not. Perfectly normal.


But the AFC crowd shouldn't have the automatic expectation for the rest of us to just fall in line because the Comrade Leaders said so so it's so.


I need more time to digest this Coalition. I'm a human being. I may end up supporting the Coalition. I'm not dead set against it. I'm actually just talking/thinking out loud. I don't have the claim to divine wisdom that the AFC crowd here seems to have. I'm a mere mortal.

Of course, take your time and weigh the pros and cons of the APNU-AFC alliance.

Whichever way you go, I will respect.

If you decide to support the Alliance, me go kill a goat and celebrate.


A very intelligent and reasoned response. This is how it is in politics. I can tell easily, that unlike many of these cretins, you have some professional political experience above the common unwashed mob.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Great Shitstain you fool no are transparent as it gets.

No one.


You got me dude. I doan know how you did it but yuh got me.


Freedom House offered me the Seventh Vice Presidency


Why yall hurtin yall head over DaShaaitainster, the man know how fo crank you guys up.

He has made a valid point regarding the APNU doing a double back stunt, taking away the powers of alllll those VP's.


Hope there are measures taken to halt any dam hanky panky with the parties involved.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Great Shitstain you fool no are transparent as it gets.

No one.


You got me dude. I doan know how you did it but yuh got me.


Freedom House offered me the Seventh Vice Presidency

They wouldn't offer you shit, they see you as a bottom crawler and a *****.


But you should go back there.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:

Why yall hurtin yall head over DaShaaitainster, the man know how fo crank you guys up.

He has made a valid point regarding the APNU doing a double back stunt, taking away the powers of alllll those VP's.


Hope there are measures taken to halt any dam hanky panky with the parties involved.


Dem bais think I'm what's standing between them and victory on May 11th


On my most arrogant day, I've never ever held such thoughts of baseless self-importance

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Great Shitstain you fool no are transparent as it gets.

No one.


You got me dude. I doan know how you did it but yuh got me.


Freedom House offered me the Seventh Vice Presidency

They wouldn't offer you shit, they see you as a bottom crawler and a *****.


But you should go back there.


Then what are you worried about my opinions so much for?


Is it because I frighten you a lil? That juss maybe ayuh s k u n t are on the Titanic getting drunk in the State Dining Room while the lookouts are asleep?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Shaitan na tek on them lil Bhai.

Call me I got some info for you.


I was gonna call u in a bit anyways. Gimme an hour. Phone batt dead.

Switch the Computa battery and put um pun de phone.

Originally Posted by cain:

Just post here we not gonna read.

Shaitan ......Cain promise he na gon read....

Will u knock da thing in de picha?

This is just between me and meh buddy....

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by cain:

Just post here we not gonna read.

Shaitan ......Cain promise he na gon read....

Will u knock da thing in de picha?

This is just between me and meh buddy....


You mussee tek yuh eyes an pass me chap

Originally Posted by Conscience:


I  imagine you think that fat grease ball sounds credible! Well to you Rohee is a genius and Ramotar represent superb leadership! Unfortunately your audience are the ones that get to decide.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitan, as I'm sure you know, in the US there are generally no permanent Democrats or Republicans these days. Someone might have voted for Al Gore in 2000 then switched th GW Bush in 2004.

Another normal thing: husband votes for Donkey while wife votes for Elephant.

So, regarding Sase Singh, that's not really going to raise eyebrows. Sase is an educated guy and he would look like an intellectual fossil if he holds on doggedly to one opinion while the surrounding dynamics are in rapid motion.




There are hard core Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Swing Voters. Yes there is a segment of the population that vote on issues.


You are overstating here Gil.


Take a look at Guyana for instance where 90 Percent Afro vote PNC. 80 plus percent of Indos vote PPP.


Guyana is not America. Americans are much more mature politically.


This begs the question:


Are Blacks in Guyana racists to vote for their own kind ?


Why did APNU reject Moses as an Indo Presidential Candidate ?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitan, as I'm sure you know, in the US there are generally no permanent Democrats or Republicans these days. Someone might have voted for Al Gore in 2000 then switched th GW Bush in 2004.

Another normal thing: husband votes for Donkey while wife votes for Elephant.

So, regarding Sase Singh, that's not really going to raise eyebrows. Sase is an educated guy and he would look like an intellectual fossil if he holds on doggedly to one opinion while the surrounding dynamics are in rapid motion.




There are hard core Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Swing Voters. Yes there is a segment of the population that vote on issues.


You are overstating here Gil.


Take a look at Guyana for instance where 90 Percent Afro vote PNC. 80 plus percent of Indos vote PPP.


Guyana is not America. Americans are much more mature politically.


This begs the question:


Are Blacks in Guyana racists to vote for their own kind ?


Why did APNU reject Moses as an Indo Presidential Candidate ?

Who told you that America does not vote along racial lines?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Why did APNU reject Moses as an Indo Presidential Candidate ?

this 'question' is predicated on a falsehood mr yugee . . . please come again


at the beginning of Lent, i am trying real hard to be polite to the slithering lower life forms depressing the collective IQ of this BB


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