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Freudian Slips


A Freudian slip, we know, is a repressed wish or desire that involuntarily escapes from a person’s unconscious through his speech or writings. Sase “Thunderbolt” Singh surely made a Freudian slip when he referred to ex-punker Henry Rollins’ “Jackass Theory”. The human population explosion evidently outstripped the supply of human souls, resulting, according to Rollins, in the souls of jackasses being substituted. And presto! We can now appreciate the upsurge in jackasses parading in human bodies. Thunderbolt obviously surmised from personal introspection, the veracity of Rollins’ theory. He had sweated for months over the AFC’s economic plans with his buddy Tarron Khemraj of “Donkey Cart” economy fame – see the obsession with jackasses? They both had to be jackasses for believing that the AFC could ever win an election in Guyana!

Fleeing Guyana after the AFC’s ignominious defeat (and no finance minister’s ‘wuk’ available) Khemraj still hasn’t surfaced. We fear for his sanity. Thunderbolt, at least, has let slip what he thinks of himself after months of soul searching. But we think that Thunderbolt is being too harsh on jackasses: those poor creatures, after all, just bray without malice. Thunderbolt and Donkey Cart, on the other hand, have been viciously attacking their old comrades in the PPP just because Jagdeo refused to give them minister ‘wuk’ (Thunderbolt) and Bank of Guyana ‘wuk’ (Donkey Cart).

From their actions over the past couple of years, it is obvious that the two of them received the souls of snakes – more specifically, the souls of the black labaria. We note their propensity to strike viciously from their hiding places. Also their willingness to shed their skins (“loyalties”— PPP to ROAR to AFC) opportunistically to fulfil their ambition just to eat and grow – ie steal and get rich.

Another sign of ‘snakehood’ is that it’s not just “birds of a feather that flock together” – snakes also do the same. Now look at the characteristics of most – if not all of those in the AFC. All of them sly creatures willing to betray friend and family to satisfy their ambitions. Beware this nest of labarias!

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Khemraj is on track to an illustrious career and not comparable to the lot of this muckraking writer. Assuming that the necessity of the PPP doctrine to expect graft with every turn is unfortunately not the norm.


Some people do indeed work for nobler ends and there is no nobler task than assisting in framing the message that resulted in the unseating of the PPP from their autocratic seat where their enrichment schemes can go on unquestioned.


Credit Theron and Sase for contributing to that end. They have afforded us a chance to move away from totalitarian Leninist expectations of the PPP to a flowering of debate and demands for checks and balances. Guyana has never been in a more hopeful place politically in its entire existence as a state.









Originally Posted by D2:

Khemraj is on track to an illustrious career and not comparable to the lot of this muckraking writer. Assuming that the necessity of the PPP doctrine to expect graft with every turn is unfortunately not the norm.


Some people do indeed work for nobler ends and there is no nobler task than assisting in framing the message that resulted in the unseating of the PPP from their autocratic seat where their enrichment schemes can go on unquestioned.


Credit Theron and Sase for contributing to that end. They have afforded us a chance to move away from totalitarian Leninist expectations of the PPP to a flowering of debate and demands for checks and balances. Guyana has never been in a more hopeful place politically in its entire existence as a state.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

HAHAHAHA HEHEHEHE like i suspected d2 is no better than flour man sase. Show me your company and I'll tell you who you are.

Yes, that is your frame of refrence so one would expect to think all are like those crooks. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

HAHAHAHA HEHEHEHE like i suspected d2 is no better than flour man sase. Show me your company and I'll tell you who you are.

So if kaka belly Ramotar hang out with Bynoe the treson perp, Joe Hamilton the coolie kickdown door bandit or Kwame the rapist...what does that make him....

Originally Posted by Nehru:

HAHAHAHA HEHEHEHE like i suspected d2 is no better than flour man sase. Show me your company and I'll tell you who you are.

I show you the PPP and would take Sase over them even if he was convicted for lifting a couple of containers of flour. That would be a penny weight of theft to their full 10 stone. And he is just accused by muckjrakers with dubious credibility of theft!

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

When a sinner decides to follow Jesus do you call the Chose One a sinner or a Redeemer?

Is there supposed to be an intellectual gem buried somewhere in that nodung heap?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Dig deep in the heap. You will find gold.



I would be better off seeking Rumpelstiltskin and pledging an offspring for the secret of spinning hay to gold!

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Why don't you try make alchemy work?  It seems like you are wasted piece of brain that can change the world.

As I previously advised, you ought not do a disservice to yourself trying to fabricate meaningful allusions. You need to concentrate on stringing your ideas into coherent straight, forward sentences  first and when you have  mastered that art you can then proceed to the subtler task of crafting allusions.


 It is obvious the government has a hard on for Sase. It would not deploy you mindless grunts ceaselessly to tar and feather this man on mere accusations of a dubious character. I suggest they look to explaining the 90 million that seems to be floating out there in the aether with no one knowing where it went. We are certain it did not go to the ranks since they were foraging for food in the wilderness like lost souls while some fat cat was supping on the funds earmarked to feeding them


Sase has a very successful career in the US. Academically Sase is significantly more qualified than Jagdeo. Sase received his degrees on merit and they are not fables from unaccredited universities. They are envious of the man. Prem's lapdog, Conscience, seems to have a thing for Sase and TK. He started about three threads here dedicated to these two gentlemen. Prem was a an academic failure in the US. He moonlighted at several colleges in NY until he had to return to Guyana as no one was willing to offer him a long-term contract. Today he has lapdogs like Kwame, Conscience, Taps son and others running a scandalous online blog. 


That makes the case of your desperation to cast this man in bad light. I would more concern myself with actions of those for whom you work who apparently misplaced 90 million recently. Now that is a real scam to ponder.


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