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Former Member

The CJ’s decision is rock solid

Posted By Staff Writer On January 31, 2014 @ 5:07 am In Letters | No Comments

 Dear Editor,

I have read the Chief Justice’s decision and I have reconciled it with the constitution.

The man is rock solid; he deserves a national award for pointing out the obvious to brilliant lawyers.  With our flawed constitution, he has followed the letter of the law as enshrined in that document and thus I welcome this decision.

It is time the majority opposition get their act together, and do what is prescribed by law and vote against the entire 2014 budget if they have any reason to believe that it does not serve the needs of the people. If the 2014 Budget looks anything like the 2013 Budget, filled with all those doubtful projects, then the only sensible and legal option is to reject the entire Budget.

If the PPP is not happy with this roadmap, they have the power and the option to call fresh general elections.  But this is not an option for the PPP since if elections were held today, the secret PPP-sponsored poll pins them at approximately 42 per cent, which is worse than where they stood in 2011.

It is time for the opposition to take this fight to the PPP and vote down the entire budget.

Voting down sections of the budget is an extremely risky option and will just empower the PPP to spend whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want without parliamentary approval.

We must judge this decision on its merits, and it is sound.

This man should be confirmed as the Chief Justice since he is a judicial official par excellence.  Just brilliant!


Yours faithfully, 
Sasenarine Singh


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I think this chap gone PPP.  OH rass, the AFC lose another one of them!

He sounds exactly like you - when you choose to support the ruling, not when you dissing it. It's just that since he is using his real name he cannot afford to be supporting the ruling at one time and then later skipping over to criticize it and then reversing positions again as one could when using a pseudonym.  You know exactly what I mean don't you?




The judgement is in the favour of the opposition.


It is time for the opposition to take this fight to the PPP and vote down the entire budget.

Voting down sections of the budget is an extremely risky option and will just empower the PPP to spend whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want without parliamentary approval.

We must judge this decision on its merits, and it is sound.

Originally Posted by kajol:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I think this chap gone PPP.  OH rass, the AFC lose another one of them!

He sounds exactly like you - when you choose to support the ruling, not when you dissing it. It's just that since he is using his real name he cannot afford to be supporting the ruling at one time and then later skipping over to criticize it and then reversing positions again as one could when using a pseudonym.  You know exactly what I mean don't you?



Kajol show me where I KB, criticise the rulling?  I have always said the ruling is good and we must support it.


I criticise Granja because he continue to get check mate.


I have not flipped flopped on this ruling.


I am not sure about this chap Sase, since one time he saying rock sold opinion, then he calling for a vote down on the budget.


He flip flopping, not me.




Sorry no space for you.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by kajol:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I think this chap gone PPP.  OH rass, the AFC lose another one of them!

He sounds exactly like you - when you choose to support the ruling, not when you dissing it. It's just that since he is using his real name he cannot afford to be supporting the ruling at one time and then later skipping over to criticize it and then reversing positions again as one could when using a pseudonym.  You know exactly what I mean don't you?



Kajol show me where I KB, criticise the rulling?  I have always said the ruling is good and we must support it.


I criticise Granja because he continue to get check mate.


I have not flipped flopped on this ruling.


I am not sure about this chap Sase, since one time he saying rock sold opinion, then he calling for a vote down on the budget.


He flip flopping, not me.



You are very mistaken and deluded - it is not because a woman responds to you that you should assume that she wants you. I certainly don't want you sase, opps, sorry KishanB, my bad,  the mulitple personalities confuse me, you see.


Grow up and get accustomed to recognising women as equals or even betters. No need to get nasty and insult women by saying that they want you just because they take you up on your political ramblings.








Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kajol:

Grow up and get accustomed to recognising women as equals or even betters. No need to get nasty and insult women by saying that they want you just because they take you up on your political ramblings.






* That was an excellent response to Sase aka kishan.




* Sase/kishan is typical of most men---they can't handle a strong, assertive, intelligent woman---and resort to making silly, immature, nonsensical assumptions when you confront them---like foolishly claiming that you want them.


* Once again, excellent reply kajol---you nailed Sase in the head.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Is this the former PNC Speaker Sase Narain Singh?

No Joker. His name was Sase Narine not Sase Narine Singh. He must be dead by now or paying for his sins.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I think this chap gone PPP.  OH rass, the AFC lose another one of them!

Not really. Sase is saying, hey my friend, you AFC/APNU fools.....the CJ gave you a weapon....use the entire budget down and the PPP/C will have to call fresh elections where their secret poll shows them to lose even more in a snap election.


that's what Sase is saying.


"if elections were held today, the secret PPP-sponsored poll pins them at approximately 42 per cent, which is worse than where they stood in 2011." Sase Singh aka Kishan




* That is absolute bullcrap you wrote about the PPP internal poll showing them at 42%


* Listen! the reason the PNC/AFC are deathly afraid of voting down the entire budget is because they know the PPP will regain the majority in the next election.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kajol:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by kajol:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I think this chap gone PPP.  OH rass, the AFC lose another one of them!

He sounds exactly like you - when you choose to support the ruling, not when you dissing it. It's just that since he is using his real name he cannot afford to be supporting the ruling at one time and then later skipping over to criticize it and then reversing positions again as one could when using a pseudonym.  You know exactly what I mean don't you?



Kajol show me where I KB, criticise the rulling?  I have always said the ruling is good and we must support it.


I criticise Granja because he continue to get check mate.


I have not flipped flopped on this ruling.


I am not sure about this chap Sase, since one time he saying rock sold opinion, then he calling for a vote down on the budget.


He flip flopping, not me.



You are very mistaken and deluded - it is not because a woman responds to you that you should assume that she wants you. I certainly don't want you sase, opps, sorry KishanB, my bad,  the mulitple personalities confuse me, you see.


Grow up and get accustomed to recognising women as equals or even betters. No need to get nasty and insult women by saying that they want you just because they take you up on your political ramblings.








HAHAHA I like this Girl Kajol, very smart indeed.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Is this the former PNC Speaker Sase Narain Singh?

No Joker. His name was Sase Narine not Sase Narine Singh. He must be dead by now or paying for his sins.


Thank you. much obliged.


Mr Moderator.


You can call me Sase, Granger, Ramotar, I do not care.  I know where I live and I can step up and prove myself to the moderator any day. However, I do not have to account to anyone else.


I will call out Sasenarine Singh today as flip flopper and I have that right since he is a politicians and I am not.  Further more all them politicians in Guyana are crooks.


When next I am in Toronto, I will drop by ASJ and have a beer and bury these PPP idiots and their phantom for good.


But not me and that cold - I will be there for Carabana.





Originally Posted by KishanB:

Mr Moderator.


You can call me Sase, Granger, Ramotar, I do not care.  I know where I live and I can step up and prove myself to the moderator any day. However, I do not have to account to anyone else.


I will call out Sasenarine Singh today as flip flopper and I have that right since he is a politicians and I am not.  Further more all them politicians in Guyana are crooks.


When next I am in Toronto, I will drop by ASJ and have a beer and bury these PPP idiots and their phantom for good.


But not me and that cold - I will be there for Carabana.





You don't have to call out the man. He hasn't changed his views on the Guyana political scene with those statements.

Last edited by Kari
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Sasenarine Singh Speaks

Can you please be a bit more creative with your headlines.


"Sasenarine Singh Speaks" and "Henry Jeffrey Speaks" just doesn't cut it.


Thank You.


following Mars the PSC BRAYS!


Anti-money laundering bill…PSC flays APNU over walkout

Posted By Staff Writer On February 5, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | No Comments

The Private Sector Com-mission (PSC) last night said it was astonished to learn that opposition coalition, APNU  opposed a motion on Monday to grant it observer status at all of the sittings of the Parlia-ment committee which is addressing the anti-money laundering bill.

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) walked out of the deliberations on Monday night after it disagreed with moves to promulgate a motion for the PSC to have observer status at all of the sittings of the Select Committee on the Anti-money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) (Amendment) Bill. APNU wants attendance to be at the discretion of the committee.

In a press release, the PSC said it wished to state that, at a meeting held with APNU on 10th December, 2013, over  the delay in the passing of the AML/CFT Bill “APNU gave an unqualified undertaking to support the PSC proposal `that the meeting of the Special Select Committee be held in public’, facilitating observer attendance by  

Originally Posted by KishanB:

following Mars the PSC BRAYS!


Anti-money laundering bill…PSC flays APNU over walkout

Posted By Staff Writer On February 5, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | No Comments

The Private Sector Com-mission (PSC) last night said it was astonished to learn that opposition coalition, APNU  opposed a motion on Monday to grant it observer status at all of the sittings of the Parlia-ment committee which is addressing the anti-money laundering bill.

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) walked out of the deliberations on Monday night after it disagreed with moves to promulgate a motion for the PSC to have observer status at all of the sittings of the Select Committee on the Anti-money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) (Amendment) Bill. APNU wants attendance to be at the discretion of the committee.

In a press release, the PSC said it wished to state that, at a meeting held with APNU on 10th December, 2013, over  the delay in the passing of the AML/CFT Bill “APNU gave an unqualified undertaking to support the PSC proposal `that the meeting of the Special Select Committee be held in public’, facilitating observer attendance by  

post the whole article 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

following Mars the PSC BRAYS!


Anti-money laundering bill…PSC flays APNU over walkout

Posted By Staff Writer On February 5, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | No Comments

The Private Sector Com-mission (PSC) last night said it was astonished to learn that opposition coalition, APNU  opposed a motion on Monday to grant it observer status at all of the sittings of the Parlia-ment committee which is addressing the anti-money laundering bill.

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) walked out of the deliberations on Monday night after it disagreed with moves to promulgate a motion for the PSC to have observer status at all of the sittings of the Select Committee on the Anti-money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) (Amendment) Bill. APNU wants attendance to be at the discretion of the committee.

In a press release, the PSC said it wished to state that, at a meeting held with APNU on 10th December, 2013, over  the delay in the passing of the AML/CFT Bill “APNU gave an unqualified undertaking to support the PSC proposal `that the meeting of the Special Select Committee be held in public’, facilitating observer attendance by  

post the whole article 



Anti-money laundering bill…PSC flays APNU over walkout

Posted By Staff Writer On February 5, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | No Comments

The Private Sector Com-mission (PSC) last night said it was astonished to learn that opposition coalition, APNU  opposed a motion on Monday to grant it observer status at all of the sittings of the Parlia-ment committee which is addressing the anti-money laundering bill.

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) walked out of the deliberations on Monday night after it disagreed with moves to promulgate a motion for the PSC to have observer status at all of the sittings of the Select Committee on the Anti-money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) (Amendment) Bill. APNU wants attendance to be at the discretion of the committee.

In a press release, the PSC said it wished to state that, at a meeting held with APNU on 10th December, 2013, over  the delay in the passing of the AML/CFT Bill “APNU gave an unqualified undertaking to support the PSC proposal `that the meeting of the Special Select Committee be held in public’, facilitating observer attendance by the PSC, the media and, if they wish, representatives of Labour. “

The PSC said it made the same proposal at a meeting held with the Alliance for Change (AFC) on 18th December, 2013, to which the AFC indicated they had no objection.

“The PSC finds it inexplicable that APNU would now renege on its undertaking made at a meeting chaired by its leader Brgd.(retd) David Granger and considers this to be a disturbing display of bad faith on the part of the major opposition party.

“The PSC has requested an urgent meeting with APNU on the matter”, the PSC said.

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), a member of the PSC, also weighed in on the matter.

It urged  all parliamentary representatives “to leave political grandstanding out of the negotiations” on the AML/CFT Bill.

“The Chamber notes with deep disappointment the position adopted by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to withdraw and not allow outside observers to the Parliamen-tary Select Committee debates concerning the amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of Financing Terrorism (AML/CFT).

“It is the GCCI’s view that the issues to be deliberated on the AML/CFT Bill do not constitute sensitive information that would require secrecy by the Committee. Moreover, during meetings with both government and the APNU, the lament from both sides was to cast blame on the other for not attending meetings or adhering to appropriate procedures of the Select Committee. At those meetings, the private sector delegation received assurances from all parliamentary parties that they would welcome public screenings and observations of the Select Committee deliberations on the said Bill.  It is therefore surprising, and discouraging, that the APNU has deviated from this position”, the Chamber said.

The GCCI said it believes that public access to parliamentary committees is an important part of government transparency and hopes that APNU would rethink its position.

“The AML/CFT Bill is too important to our nation’s economy and development to have partisan and petty political tactics and grandstanding affect its consideration, augmentation and eventual passage”, the Chamber said.

Deliberations  of the Select Committee have been mired in disputes and the problems continued on Monday when the opposition walked out over what it said were the actions of the chairperson of the Committee, PPP/C  MP Gail Teixeira.

The government is supporting the presence of the PSC at all of the meetings as an observer while the view of APNU is that in accordance with the Standing Orders governing such meetings, the PSC can be invited to attend as the need arises.

On Monday night, the Ministry of Finance and APNU issued duelling press releases on the walkout. Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh said: “This is a most unfortunate development, and reflects yet another attempt by the Opposition to frustrate the timely passage of this bill”.

APNU’s position was that the first matter on the agenda on Monday was a request by the PSC to participate as observers at the meetings of the committee. APNU said that at the previous meeting of the committee it had said that it had no objection to the participation of stakeholders in the committee’s deliberations but only on an “ad hoc basis and as the need arose”. At Monday’s meeting, APNU said that its spokesman on Finance, Carl Greenidge reminded the meeting of the earlier decision and proposed that a response to the PSC be sent setting this position out. APNU said that this motion was passed on Monday evening.

APNU said that the Finance Minister then proposed an additional motion authorizing the PSC to be invited as observers to all future meetings of the committee. APNU says that Singh’s motion was seen by the majority of members as contradictory to the motion that had already been approved and therefore considered it improper and decided against putting it to a vote.

“The Chairperson contended that she was not bound to be guided by the meeting and put the matter to the vote. Her Government colleagues invited the Opposition to oppose the motion, if they dared. When a majority of members called for the matter to be resolved by way of a vote Ms. Teixeira refused. The Opposition members therefore refused to participate in the vote and walked out of the meeting”, APNU said.

In his release, Singh maintained the Govern-ment’s position that the private sector has a legitimate interest in the timely passage of the legislation given the grave consequences that would befall Guyana’s economy should Parliament fail to pass the amended bill.

“Their refusal to allow the PSC to observe the committee’s proceedings reflects the fact that they are unwilling to be unmasked and have revealed to the world at large the blatant delay tactics they have been attempting in frustrating the work of the committee.”

Referring to  Monday evening’s meeting, Singh said  “They attempted to evade and contort the matter and, eventually, when the Chairperson of the committee attempted to put to the committee the specific matter of whether the PSC should be permitted to attend all meetings of the committee in an observer capacity, the Opposition walked out.”

This is the second select committee to deliberate on this matter. The first was dissolved without the final opposition input on the bill and this resulted in a new committee having to be constituted.

Guyana has been blacklisted by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force as a result of numerous missed deadlines over the absence of the amended anti-money laundering bill and there may be further trouble for the country if the global body, the Financial Action Task Force takes the matter up this month.

In attendance at Monday’s were MPs Basil Williams, Carl B. Greenidge, Joe Harmon and Jaipaul Sharma for APMU and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh and Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill for the government. The Chairperson was PPP/C MP Gail Teixeira.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

The CJ’s decision is rock solid

Posted By Staff Writer On January 31, 2014 @ 5:07 am In Letters | No Comments

 Dear Editor,

I have read the Chief Justice’s decision and I have reconciled it with the constitution.

The man is rock solid; he deserves a national award for pointing out the obvious to brilliant lawyers.  With our flawed constitution, he has followed the letter of the law as enshrined in that document and thus I welcome this decision.

It is time the majority opposition get their act together, and do what is prescribed by law and vote against the entire 2014 budget if they have any reason to believe that it does not serve the needs of the people. If the 2014 Budget looks anything like the 2013 Budget, filled with all those doubtful projects, then the only sensible and legal option is to reject the entire Budget.

If the PPP is not happy with this roadmap, they have the power and the option to call fresh general elections.  But this is not an option for the PPP since if elections were held today, the secret PPP-sponsored poll pins them at approximately 42 per cent, which is worse than where they stood in 2011.

It is time for the opposition to take this fight to the PPP and vote down the entire budget.

Voting down sections of the budget is an extremely risky option and will just empower the PPP to spend whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want without parliamentary approval.

We must judge this decision on its merits, and it is sound.

This man should be confirmed as the Chief Justice since he is a judicial official par excellence.  Just brilliant!


Yours faithfully, 
Sasenarine Singh


This chap write again in the Papers and he now tell we to sign off from the anti-money laundering thing.  Does it make sense to sign off??


The President has a golden opportunity to act


Dear Editor,
Apropos to Mr. Ramjattan’s statement that the passage of the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) bill is “easily solvable”, one can conclude that the President has a golden opportunity to act. So please act Mr. President!
These times demand leadership, not political “mud-fights”. This gross political insanity coming out of Freedom House has to stop for the people’s sake.  Who really is this battle for?  The people or the small clique of businessmen who have invaded Freedom House?
It was Oliver Williamson in his book “Economic Institutions of Capitalism” who nicely captured a possible solution when he said:
“Transactions that are subject to ex-post opportunism will benefit if appropriate actions can be devised ex-ante.  Rather than reply to opportunism in kind, the wise is one who seeks both to give and receive ‘credible’ commitments”.
What the PPP did to the proposal from the AFC some ten-months ago is nothing but anti-national and anti-patriotic, thus destroying whatever little credibility they had left.  I am speaking directly to the AFC’s proposal for the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission as a pre-condition for support on the anti-money laundering bill.
The PPP cannot continue to subvert a constitutional body as they did for some 11 years and expect anyone to trust one word out of Freedom House.  It is time for the PPP as the largest political force to show its strength by giving something real and tangible to the people.  I am however being advised that it might be too late now, since after the belated APNU suggested amendments to the AML bills, all is now inter-woven.  The AFC cannot achieve its objective unless it gives support to the APNU amendments and Guyana cannot progress unless the PPP cedes the Public Procurement Commission. Until the PPP acts maturely, there is nothing else we can do but sign off from this AML debate.
 Sasenarine Singh


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