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Today marks fourteen years since former Minister of Agriculture Satyadeow `Sash’ Sawh, his siblings and a security guard were murdered at his La Bonne Intention, East Coast Demerara home and his family is still anxiously awaiting the start of a promised inquiry into the deaths.

In a letter to Stabroek News, published in today’s edition, Roger Sawh, on behalf of the family, voiced the hope that when a new government is sworn in, an inquiry will be immediately held.

Sawh noted that urgency must be exercised given the “inexplicable” delay.

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‘Sash’ Sawh’s family still seeking closure 14 years after slaying

-calls for next gov’t to launch urgent inquiry


April 22 2020

Today marks fourteen years since former Minister of Agriculture Satyadeow `Sash’ Sawh, his siblings and a security guard were murdered at his La Bonne Intention, East Coast Demerara home and his family is still anxiously awaiting the start of a promised inquiry into the deaths.

In a letter to Stabroek News, published in today’s edition, Roger Sawh, on behalf of the family, voiced the hope that when a new government is sworn in, an inquiry will be immediately held.

Sawh noted that urgency must be exercised given the “inexplicable” delay.

“It is the family’s determined hope that whomever forms the government post-2020 elections will proceed with immediacy to launch an inquiry into the despicable tragedy of the Sawh killings. We have noted in the past that such an inquiry must be independent, thorough, and focused on both the criminal elements and the controlling minds involved,” he wrote.

Sawh described the years after the killings as not only an “episode” of profound personal grief but also a “grisly” smear on the modern history of the country.

“It has been to the utter dismay of the Sawh family that, 14 years on, despite commentary, public statements, campaign promises and the invocation of the tragedy for political mileage by both sides of the divide, an inquiry has not been initiated, much less conducted. The ball has been in the courts of successive governments of both the PPP/C and the APNU+AFC, but has been left to sit in ominous stasis,” he further stated.

“The electoral brouhaha post-March 2, 2020 has been a sad reminder of the sorts of events Sash Sawh dedicated his life to fighting against. Once this calamity subsides, it will be high time to reckon with his murder in order to bring badly needed closure and healing to his family – and to Guyana,” he added.

Around 12.15 am on April 22, 2006, seven masked gunmen, dressed in military fatigues, invaded Sawh’s home and riddled him, his two siblings, Rajpat Sawh and Phulmattie Persaud, security guard Curtis Robertson and the family dog with bullets.

Three other persons were injured: Omprakash Sawh, 53, another brother of the Minister, and security guards Albert Mangra and Aga Khan.

The Minister’s wife, Sattie, and his brother, Omprakash, were in the kitchen when they saw a masked gunman looking at them through a window. Sattie had said that she alerted the Minister, who was in his hammock on the veranda, but before he could escape to safety, he was riddled with shots. He collapsed just inside his front door.

Sawh’s brother, Omprakash, hid his sister Phulmattie underneath a bed, but the gunmen found her and after dragging her out shot her in the face.

The gunmen then turned their weapons on the Minister again and at the same time placed Omprakash on top of another brother, Rajpa, to kill them both. Omprakash said he begged the men for his sister’s life and gave them $23,000, a digital camera and a watch. He said he and his brother were praying for their lives, but before the gunmen left they fired another shot at them, killing Rajpat.

Jermaine ‘Skinny’ Charles, who was killed along with Rondell ‘Fineman’ Rawlins, during a shoot-out with the joint services and David Leander, called ‘Biscuit,’ who died, had been charged with the murders.

Former Crime Chief Seelall Persaud had told Stabroek News that the case was closed and would only be reopened when new information surfaced. He had said that the closing of the case signaled a suspension of investigations until new information came to hand. He did not deny that there may have been more persons engaged in the murders but pointed out that investigations are done based on the availability of information.

Shortly before taking up office, the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) coalition had promised that if elected to govern it would hold independent inquiries into the killings of Sawh and activist Courtney Crum Ewing.

After assuming office, President David Granger had announced that there would be a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the assassination of Sawh, his siblings and his security guard but he didn’t say when.

In December 2019, Granger cited the lack of evidence and witnesses as the reasons why the inquiries have not been held into the killing of persons following the 2002 Camp Street Prison jailbreak and the ensuing crime wave.

He had made this disclosure when he appeared on Hits and Jams 94.1 Boom FM’s radio show “The Hot Seat,” where he was questioned on a number of issues by host Stan Gouveia, including the failure to hold inquiries as promised during the APNU+AFC coalition’s 2015 elections campaign.

Granger had added that there were about ten massacres which would have occurred under the Bharrat Jagdeo’s administration and charged that none were investigated.

In 2018, Jagdeo had maintained his willingness to participate in an inquiry into the killings if one was ever held.

In January 2014, Granger had brought a motion before the National Assembly calling on the government to appoint a COI to probe criminal violence from 2004 to 2010, ranging from Sawh’s killing to the massacres at Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek.

Sawh’s wife, Sattie, had first spoken to the media in-depth about the murders in 2016.

She had told Stabroek News that she welcomed Granger’s willingness to hold an inquiry into the killings and added that it did not really matter whether an inquest or an inquiry was done, only that there would be answers at the end of the process.


The 15 Freedom fighters who took out Sash Sawh are already dead. They were taken out by the police force. The Minister refused protection from the Police and he paid for his stuborness. One of his nephews was accused of fingered the Minister.   


It is very clear that this was not a robbery. This was a crime done to send a message. It takes incredible racial hate for someone to put a gun to a human's face and pull the trigger. Whoever did that left the crime scene covered with blood. Also the person who did that probably also killed some of those sleeping kids.

Last edited by Prashad

What happened to the clothes that these killers were wearing. These were up close killings. Blood evidence would be on clothes and the killers bodies. This is Guyana therefore the clothes probably were burned. The killers also had access to a shower.


The PPP had almost ten years after the murders to launch an inquiry.  It didn't.  Roger Sawh must wonder why his dad's comrades weren't interested in finding out more about Sash's Murder.  

@Prashad posted:

What happened to the clothes that these killers were wearing. These were up close killings. Blood evidence would be on clothes and the killers bodies. This is Guyana therefore the clothes probably were burned. The killers also had access to a shower.

I don't know you're trying to say here. Did u expect the killers to hand over their clothing to the Authorities? Or leave them at the crime scene while they go home naked ? Not following u here.


Guyana Chronicle Wednesday - April 26th. 2006

MINISTER Satyadeow `Sash' Sawh was hailed as a modern day martyr in Guyana' fight to preserve democratic gains and as "a fantastic human being" when thousands, from the elite to the ordinary, stood in rain, most without umbrellas, to pay final respects to him yesterday.

President Bharrat Jagdeo said "Sash has become the modern martyr in our country' drive to preserve our democratic gains and advance the goal of progress" and vowed that his assassins will be "destroyed."

At the funeral, the President whipped the security forces, charging that with more than 5,500 officers and a $7B budget, it was no use telling him about operations. He said he wants to see results, expressing disappointment that the security forces have been unable to quell the threat of 15-20 gunmen.

"We know who they are. We will track them down," he vowed at the official tribute held at the historic Castellani House, just opposite the Ministry of Agriculture on Vlissengen Road, Georgetown, where Sawh served as minister for more than eight years.

No declaration to date , who believes that fella ?

@Sheik101 posted:

I don't know you're trying to say here. Did u expect the killers to hand over their clothing to the Authorities? Or leave them at the crime scene while they go home naked ? Not following u here.

The clothes are forensic evidence. What happened to the clothes that these killers wore. Someone alive probably knows. No attempt may have been made to check the clothes of the freedom fighters after they were killed for microscopic DNA evidence of blood or hair ect. Similarly when the backlands of Buxton was cleared no forensic DNA evidence check was done on items found. An ABC country may have provided free assistance if asked. These are all questions that a lawyer can bring up in court.  

Last edited by Prashad

The PNC government has done absolutely nothing to have the murder of Sawh re-investigated. The stories handed out by the PPP are not worth the paper it is written on, or the time to listen to.


You should contact the family with the info you have there Rama. You can also tell them the reason why BJ refused the offers from the ABC countries to fight against the drug trade.

Last edited by cain
@Django posted:

Guyana Chronicle Wednesday - April 26th. 2006

MINISTER Satyadeow `Sash' Sawh was hailed as a modern day martyr in Guyana' fight to preserve democratic gains and as "a fantastic human being" when thousands, from the elite to the ordinary, stood in rain, most without umbrellas, to pay final respects to him yesterday.

President Bharrat Jagdeo said "Sash has become the modern martyr in our country' drive to preserve our democratic gains and advance the goal of progress" and vowed that his assassins will be "destroyed."

At the funeral, the President whipped the security forces, charging that with more than 5,500 officers and a $7B budget, it was no use telling him about operations. He said he wants to see results, expressing disappointment that the security forces have been unable to quell the threat of 15-20 gunmen.

"We know who they are. We will track them down," he vowed at the official tribute held at the historic Castellani House, just opposite the Ministry of Agriculture on Vlissengen Road, Georgetown, where Sawh served as minister for more than eight years.

No declaration to date , who believes that fella ?

Granger and the PNC made campaign promises to investigate, after five long years what happen? let sleeping dogs lie.

@kp posted:

Granger and the PNC made campaign promises to investigate, after five long years what happen? let sleeping dogs lie.

Yes, let sleeping dogs lie because if they wake up they will lead straight to Pradoville.

@kp posted:

Why? they are better equipped to do an investigation other than the PNC CROOKS.

By "they" do you mean the PPP? If so, why did they not investigate, especially after BJ "knew" who they were?

Last edited by cain
@kp posted:

Granger and the PNC made campaign promises to investigate, after five long years what happen? let sleeping dogs lie.

Get your story straight.  It was Granger who said investigations of the Sat Sawh and the Buxton issues were being hampered by forces within law enforcement.  These are the same “Dark Forces” behind the current Coup.

@kp posted:

Granger and the PNC made campaign promises to investigate, after five long years what happen? let sleeping dogs lie.

what? let sleeping dogs lie? Nah buddy, the family deserves closure to what happened. I don't know the man but I've heard great things about him, that he was a person of great character and honorable. After all these years, I cannot say which direction this investigation should head in or how the relevant Agencies plan to move forward if there's any intentions of doing so, Regardless, the family needs to know and by extension, the Guyanese public.  

@cain posted:

You should contact the family with the info you have there Rama. You can also tell them the reason why BJ refused the offers from the ABC countries to fight against the drug trade.

The family pretends they don't know.

@Ramakant-P posted:

They created a theory in their minds and repeated so often, that they now believe their own fabrication of their warped minds.

Very harsh words Bhaiji. But then you are being yourself. Sad!


That was a bloody crime scene. The gun men left the crime scene covered in blood. Someone or more than one person help them to change their clothes, get rid of the bloody clothes and to give them access to a shower/ clean clothes to clean up. Most likely that person or persons are still alive and could be a witness or witnesses if given immunity to testify.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

That was a bloody crime scene. The gun men left the crime scene covered in blood. Someone or more than one person help them to change their clothes, get rid of the bloody clothes and to give them access to a shower/ clean clothes to clean up. Most likely that person or persons are still alive and could be a witness or witnesses if given immunity to testify.

U are a madman. Are u reading what u post?  This is outlandish, like something out of a Wes Craven nightmare. The gunmen had someone help them change their clothes but still left the crime scene covered in blood after taking a shower? Which nutcases  in their rite minds would commit an act as high profile as this and have time to do all of the above.

 U fugget to mention that after the crime, they had dinner and after which, engaged in a game of chup chaal.


Have you ever seen a person shot in the face.  Have you ever seen a person shot overkill style.  Have you ever seen a person shot multiple times at close range. The amount of blood that flows.  I have.  Don't talk foolishness if you don't know. Did I say that the gunmen change their cloths at the crime scene, took a shower then left the crime scene bloody?  You are an ediot.  You should be hired by the killers to investigate the crime. 

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

Have you ever seen a person shot in the face.  Have you ever seen a person shot overkill style.  Have you ever seen a person shot multiple times at close range. The amount of blood that flows.  I have.  Don't talk foolishness if you don't know. Did I say that the gunmen change their cloths at the crime scene, took a shower then left the crime scene bloody?  You are an ediot.  You should be hired by the killers to investigate the crime. 

Lol. U are bat shit crazy, 


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