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Sattaur admitted sharing taxpayer info before elections and had GRA safe in his house -GRA Board

Topping that list of breaches is an admission by Sattaur himself, according to Lucas, that just before the last elections, he shared information about a taxpayer with someone who was not attached to the GRA and had no business being provided with the information and the provision of that information was of no benefit to the people of Guyana.

Sattaur admitted sharing taxpayer info before elections and had GRA safe in his house -GRA Board

The Board of the Guyana Revenue Authority on Friday defended its decision to fire Commissioner General Khurshid Sattaur who had been sent on 200 days leave.

At a press conference at GRA headquarters in Georgetown, GRA Board Chairman, Rawle Lucas said there were several breaches by Mr. Sattaur that resulted in the decision to terminate his services.

Topping that list of breaches is an admission by Sattaur himself, according to Lucas, that just before the last elections, he shared information about a taxpayer with someone who was not attached to the GRA and had no business being provided with the information and the provision of that information was of no benefit to the people of Guyana.

Additionally, the GRA board discovered that Mr. Sattaur also had a safe belonging to the GRA in his private residence. That safe contained the confidential tax information for taxpayers in the country and should have been in the possession of the GRA at all times. The GRA board Chairman said Mr. Sattaur claimed that he had the documents and database at home because his son worked in the IT department of the GRA.


GRA Chairman – Rawle Lucas

The GRA board also found out that Mr. Sattaur had opted for voluntary retirement  since 2011 and had been receiving pension ever since, although he remained in the employ of the GRA and received a $12 Million pension payout which he had backdated.

He continued to serve as GRA Commissioner General through an β€œimplied contract”.

Mr. Lucas announced also that the Guyana Revenue Authority found two additional vehicles belonging to the GRA in the possession of Mr. Sattaur. The two vehicles are in addition to the six that were discovered in his possession just after he was sent on leave.

The GRA Chairman explained that what was even more worrying is that Mr. Sattaur claimed one of the vehicles was a gift to the GRA although he could not provide the source of the gift and both vehicles carried the same license plate number at the same time, which would be against the laws of Guyana.  A third vehicle belonging to the GRA was found in the possession of another person who does not work with the GRA.

The Revenue Authority is looking at its legal options to deal with the issues discovered.

Lucas said he wants the staff at the GRA to understand that the moves by the board are to ensure a better functioning revenue collection agency.

Asked about whether the GRA fears a move by Mr. Sattaur to the court over his firing, the GRA Chairman said the Revenue Authority has no intention to deny Mr. Sattaur his constitutional right.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

They would have us believe he was fired because of his ethnicity. All part of getting rid of rotten apples from the previous government which is what the coalition campaigned on. Kudos to them for keeping their campaign promises. Bitter medicine for these guys to swallow. More squealing to come from the phantom investigation. 

FC posted:

They would have us believe he was fired because of his ethnicity. All part of getting rid of rotten apples from the previous government which is what the coalition campaigned on. Kudos to them for keeping their campaign promises. Bitter medicine for these guys to swallow. More squealing to come from the phantom investigation. 

This pisses me off the more I read about it.

If this is all true about this guy, he and his son belongs in JAIL. It is a case of theft and a total abuse of power and boggles the mind how some people like Sattaur would feel that he did no wrong....I am totally speechless.  

Last edited by VishMahabir
VishMahabir posted:
FC posted:

They would have us believe he was fired because of his ethnicity. All part of getting rid of rotten apples from the previous government which is what the coalition campaigned on. Kudos to them for keeping their campaign promises. Bitter medicine for these guys to swallow. More squealing to come from the phantom investigation. 

This pisses me off the more I read about it.

If this is all true about this guy, he and his son belongs in JAIL. It is a case of theft and a total abuse of power and boggles the mind how some people like Sattaur would feel that he did no wrong....I am totally speechless.  

We are only hearing one side of the story. A person is innocent until proven guilty. Give the man due process. If the Chairman of GRA is serious about what he is saying, why don't they call in the Police, give them the evidence, and have him charged and placed in front of the court. I will be all for that.

Dondadda posted:

We are only hearing one side of the story. A person is innocent until proven guilty. Give the man due process. If the Chairman of GRA is serious about what he is saying, why don't they call in the Police, give them the evidence, and have him charged and placed in front of the court. I will be all for that.

How many sides needed when the proof is there?

"Topping that list of breaches is an admission by Sattaur himself, according to Lucas, that just before the last elections, he shared information about a taxpayer with someone who was not attached to the GRA and had no business being provided with the information and the provision of that information was of no benefit to the people of Guyana."

VishMahabir posted:

If this is all true about this guy, he and his son belongs in JAIL..  

Which is why you shouldn't be used by the PPP to scream ethnic cleansing.

The PPP elites fear that their corruption will be uncovered.  They are angry that they can no longer plunder the treasury to enrich themselves and their friends.  They thought that Guyana was their property, and that they would rule for ever.

So they push the race card.

I am not saying that APNU/AFC aren't engaging in ethnic favoritism in some of their appointments (Van West-Charles as GWI CEO is a joke).

But the notion that the PPP is credible screaming about ethnic cleansing, when they were extremely guilty of it is a joke, and no one with the smallest bit of integrity should join them with their nonsense.

In fact the few blacks appointed by the PPP into top leadership slots in state owned corporations are also gone.  And in most cases we aren't talking about competent people.

Show me a highly competent and honest and innovative Indian who was fired, and replaced by an incompetent black person and I will listen to those screams more carefully.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

If this is all true about this guy, he and his son belongs in JAIL..  

Which is why you shouldn't be used by the PPP to scream ethnic cleansing.

The PPP elites fear that their corruption will be uncovered.  They are angry that they can no longer plunder the treasury to enrich themselves and their friends.  They thought that Guyana was their property, and that they would rule for ever.

So they push the race card.

I am not saying that APNU/AFC aren't engaging in ethnic favoritism in some of their appointments (Van West-Charles as GWI CEO is a joke).

But the notion that the PPP is credible screaming about ethnic cleansing, when they were extremely guilty of it is a joke, and no one with the smallest bit of integrity should join them with their nonsense.

In fact the few blacks appointed by the PPP into top leadership slots in state owned corporations are also gone.  And in most cases we aren't talking about competent people.

Show me a highly competent and honest and innovative Indian who was fired, and replaced by an incompetent black person and I will listen to those screams more carefully.

We both jumping to conclusion here banna. Did you read the man's response? Something terribly wrong with this story. If the government has concocted this stuff, their actions are questionable.


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