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Former Member



The Opposition party, Alliance For Change is calling for the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority Khurshid Sattaur to be sent packing, in wake of reports in the Kaieteur News that a number of independent media houses are being targeted by the Revenue Authority for reporting stories that do not find favour with the PPP Civic government.

The Kaieteur News in a Monday report revealed alleged email exchanges between the GRA Commissioner General, the Attorney General and former President Bharrat Jagdeo. In one of those alleged exchanges, tax documents regarding the income and expenditure of a number of media houses were sent allegedly by the Commissioner General to the former President and then forwarded to the Attorney General.

The Alliance For Change in a Tuesday press statement said it “is extremely aghast at the shocking revelations by Kaieteur News with regard to the targeting of independent media by the Guyana Revenue Authority, seemingly under the direction of forces external to the GRA.”

According to the party, it has been in receipt of various “complaints of activities of this nature and had thus long-held suspicions that independent media houses and businesses which are deemed not to be subservient to the authorities have been unfairly targeted for investigations”.

The AFC said it now appears as though “there is incontrovertible evidence as to the scandalous levels of this seemingly highly orchestrated illegal and vile campaign of fear and intimidation which reaches the highest levels of government”.

Contacted by News Source on Tuesday afternoon and asked whether the emails that were featured in the Kaieteur News article were authentic and were indeed sent by him to the former President, Mr. Sattaur said he has no concern about emails but his concerns are more about doing the government’s job and collect taxes from those who have taxes to pay.

He was repeatedly asked by News Source if the emails featured by Kaieteur News were sent by him and while he never denied that they were, he said he does not have time to waste with that issue. He however, expressed some worry that private email exchanges would find their way into the local press, while refusing to say if the same emails are authentic.

“I am not interested in emails. I am interested in collecting taxes. I have more important work to do. The State requires me and they pay me a lot of money to collect taxes, not to go after people who have egos”, the Commissioner General said.

Asked about a response to the call by the Alliance For Change for him to be removed from office, Sattaur said he does not want to get involved in politics.

But the Alliance For Change in its statement is adamant that it is time for the Commissioner General of the GRA to be sent home. The AFC described as ”scandalous, appalling and deliberate”, what it considers the breach of the public trust and of the Revenue Authority Act.

The party said the alleged breach represents “a most sickening and foul act perpetrated on the people of Guyana. This revelation brings to the attention of the nation that every citizen and every business is at risk of being targeted and shut down”. The party has now made several calls in wake of the Kaieteur News revelations.

“In light of the evidence which is in the public domain the AFC calls:

1.       For immediate action be taken by the Government of Guyana in relieving the Commissioner General of his duties. No other option can be acceptable.

2.       For a thorough, independent investigation on the matter and for the law to take its full course. Should there be, as indeed seems unavoidable, the need for charges to be laid against those culpable, then this must be executed without fear or favour.

3.       On President Donald Ramotar to immediately withdraw the Attorney General, Mr. Anil Nandlall from heading the Guyana delegation which is scheduled to meet with the CFATF’s America Region Reviewing Group at the end of the month in Miami.

4.       On the Private Sector Commission to publicly and unequivocally condemn these frightening and terrifying revelations.

5.       On civil society, the media and all non-governmental organizations to forthrightly condemn these dastardly and odious revelations”



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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:



The Opposition party, Alliance For Change is calling for the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority Khurshid Sattaur to be sent packing, in wake of reports in the Kaieteur News that a number of independent media houses are being targeted by the Revenue Authority for reporting stories that do not find favour with the PPP Civic government.

The Kaieteur News in a Monday report revealed alleged email exchanges between the GRA Commissioner General, the Attorney General and former President Bharrat Jagdeo. In one of those alleged exchanges, tax documents regarding the income and expenditure of a number of media houses were sent allegedly by the Commissioner General to the former President and then forwarded to the Attorney General.

The Alliance For Change in a Tuesday press statement said it “is extremely aghast at the shocking revelations by Kaieteur News with regard to the targeting of independent media by the Guyana Revenue Authority, seemingly under the direction of forces external to the GRA.”

According to the party, it has been in receipt of various “complaints of activities of this nature and had thus long-held suspicions that independent media houses and businesses which are deemed not to be subservient to the authorities have been unfairly targeted for investigations”.

The AFC said it now appears as though “there is incontrovertible evidence as to the scandalous levels of this seemingly highly orchestrated illegal and vile campaign of fear and intimidation which reaches the highest levels of government”.

Contacted by News Source on Tuesday afternoon and asked whether the emails that were featured in the Kaieteur News article were authentic and were indeed sent by him to the former President, Mr. Sattaur said he has no concern about emails but his concerns are more about doing the government’s job and collect taxes from those who have taxes to pay.

He was repeatedly asked by News Source if the emails featured by Kaieteur News were sent by him and while he never denied that they were, he said he does not have time to waste with that issue. He however, expressed some worry that private email exchanges would find their way into the local press, while refusing to say if the same emails are authentic.

“I am not interested in emails. I am interested in collecting taxes. I have more important work to do. The State requires me and they pay me a lot of money to collect taxes, not to go after people who have egos”, the Commissioner General said.

Asked about a response to the call by the Alliance For Change for him to be removed from office, Sattaur said he does not want to get involved in politics.

But the Alliance For Change in its statement is adamant that it is time for the Commissioner General of the GRA to be sent home. The AFC described as ”scandalous, appalling and deliberate”, what it considers the breach of the public trust and of the Revenue Authority Act.

The party said the alleged breach represents “a most sickening and foul act perpetrated on the people of Guyana. This revelation brings to the attention of the nation that every citizen and every business is at risk of being targeted and shut down”. The party has now made several calls in wake of the Kaieteur News revelations.

“In light of the evidence which is in the public domain the AFC calls:

1.       For immediate action be taken by the Government of Guyana in relieving the Commissioner General of his duties. No other option can be acceptable.

2.       For a thorough, independent investigation on the matter and for the law to take its full course. Should there be, as indeed seems unavoidable, the need for charges to be laid against those culpable, then this must be executed without fear or favour.

3.       On President Donald Ramotar to immediately withdraw the Attorney General, Mr. Anil Nandlall from heading the Guyana delegation which is scheduled to meet with the CFATF’s America Region Reviewing Group at the end of the month in Miami.

4.       On the Private Sector Commission to publicly and unequivocally condemn these frightening and terrifying revelations.

5.       On civil society, the media and all non-governmental organizations to forthrightly condemn these dastardly and odious revelations”



wow source

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

At the end of the day Sattaur must go he is a corrupt official. It is time for him to leave how many parlimentarians have to call for him to go before he actually goes?

Hre aint going no way but home till marning again back to wuk.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

At the end of the day Sattaur must go he is a corrupt official. It is time for him to leave how many parlimentarians have to call for him to go before he actually goes?

Hre aint going no way but home till marning again back to wuk.

you mean you will not take him to liberty ave for a drink 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

At the end of the day Sattaur must go he is a corrupt official. It is time for him to leave how many parlimentarians have to call for him to go before he actually goes?

Hre aint going no way but home till marning again back to wuk.

you mean you will not take him to liberty ave for a drink 

If he was here sure but I heard he dont consume.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

At the end of the day Sattaur must go he is a corrupt official. It is time for him to leave how many parlimentarians have to call for him to go before he actually goes?

Hre aint going no way but home till marning again back to wuk.

you mean you will not take him to liberty ave for a drink 

If he was here sure but I heard he dont consume.

you and the snake drink enough for the man


Sattaur says AFC call for him to resign is malicious



Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority, Khurshid Sattaur today said that a call by the Alliance For Change (AFC) for him to resign is malicious and borders on intimidation.

The AFC call pertained to information that was contained in a recent report in Kaieteur News.

The GRA press release follows:

Political party, Alliance for Change (AFC) call for the resignation of Commissioner- General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) Mr. Khurshid Sattaur is being viewed as malicious and borders on intimidation.

This is the view expressed by the Commissioner General in light of an article published on the online news site, News Source Guyana. According to the article ‘there is incontrovertible evidence as to the scandalous levels of this seemingly highly orchestrated illegal and vile campaign of fear and intimidation which reaches the highest level of government.’

The Commissioner General has stated that he is not aware of any ‘incontrovertible evidence’ which has been referenced.‎

Mr. Sattaur noted that it is rather duplicitous for the AFC to be calling on the GRA to ensure that taxes are collected from all in a fair manner, yet instead of standing up in support when such evasions are discovered, the focus has now been diverted to attack the agency on perceived revelation of information purportedly emanating from the GRA.

The GRA wishes to assure the public that the Agency is mandated to uphold the public trust and will continue to do so.

Mr. Sattaur also stated that ‘I will continue to carry out my duties as outlined in the mandate of the Revenue Authority, since failure to do so would be tantamount to me abdicating my responsibilities. He further noted that ‘it is unfair that in carrying out my duties it also requires me to exercise the Revenue Authority’s mandate against persons who are intent on bulliyism as a form of intimidation. However, this will not be condoned and any such acts will be spoken against.


excerpts from stabroeknews


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

At the end of the day Sattaur must go he is a corrupt official. It is time for him to leave how many parlimentarians have to call for him to go before he actually goes?

Hre aint going no way but home till marning again back to wuk.

Boodhoo had similar claims we know different. Sattaur has to go and will be sent packing.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

At the end of the day Sattaur must go he is a corrupt official. It is time for him to leave how many parlimentarians have to call for him to go before he actually goes?

Hre aint going no way but home till marning again back to wuk.

Boodhoo had similar claims we know different. Sattaur has to go and will be sent packing.

SSDD. Don't hold your breath.


Yes Rohee, tell us.


Which Minista buy wan stretch limo hummer for 100,000 us dollars and claim is she personal use vehicle to get the duty free and kursh!t bend over and granted it.  But now using his office to follow Jags instruction to victimise Glenn lal and Kaiteur news because glenn skin up the radio licence fraud?


Tell us Rohee, which Minisita is a tax tief?


Two wrongs mek one right in the books of the AFC and APNU. 

Got to keep an eye these parties. They have an agenda and everybody can smell it now. It's about time the people Guyana recognize that these two parties are on a mission to capture power and take us back to the dark days of PNC rule.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Tell us Rohee which business man paid for all the italian tiles that went into the mansion on the beach front property at Pradoville own by the big shot tief and the tile were stored at State House temporarily?



Tell us Rohee about these skeltons?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Dem tiles cost $.39 a piece at Auction Outlet in Queens. All ceramic Wuh u fretting about?

meanwhile the pension costing us close to 300 Million GYD per year lets not get into the thiefin via GPC and learning channel. We gon leff dah fuh anadda day.


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