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Isn't the ministry of finance approving these remigrant requests to bring in Fancy vehicles? so how did they miss this?


Isn't a PPP minister at the center of a scandal bringing in Hummer Limos?


Why did Sattaur lie to the RCMP?????????



‘Fancy vehicles’

According to the source it was the sudden appearance of an unusual amount of ‘fancy vehicles’ that started raising eye brows. The source insisted that it was the presence of these luxury vehicles and nothing more which sparked the investigations. A trip around the city would reveal several such vehicles, including Hummers.

Stabroek News was told that it has been a current trend for remigrants to bring in vehicles for people under the pretext that they belong to them. According to the source, customs staff are not being overlooked as it is suspected that both senior and junior staff members may be embroiled in the scam.

The source said too that it is suspected that most of the vehicles being brought in as part of the scam are luxury vehicles which makes the situation worse as they attract more duties than the regular ordinary vehicle.

Perdessa Dundas was slapped with 54 forgery and corruption transaction by an agent charges, over her alleged involvement in the 2003 Ministry of Foreign Affairs remigration scam,

In January 2005, acting Chief Magistrate Cecil Sullivan released Dundas on her own recognisance after she was slapped with 42 counts of forgery. It was alleged that Dundas on various dates in 2003, with intent to defraud, forged Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minutes in favour of several persons, purporting to show that they were signed by the then minister Rudy Insanally.

Then in June 2005, 12 more charges were added: two counts of corrupt transaction by an agent and ten counts of forgery. She had appeared before Sullivan and was released on $10,000 bail. Prior to these two sets of charges, Dundas together with another Ministry of Foreign Affairs employee Simone Hinds was charged with corrupt transaction and forgery. They were also accused of taking huge sums of money from persons as payment for the preparation and processing of duty-free concession letters. The case was heard by Magistrate Maxwell Edwards and they were both later acquitted.

When the scam was detected many persons from both the foreign affairs and finance ministries fell under suspicion.

Then in 2012, a similar scam erupted at the GRA but it had to do with duty-free concessions for local persons. Based on what this newspaper had gathered back then, one of the two junior officers implicated had admitted forging at least 20 duty-free letters for expensive vehicles and the taxes lost ran into tens of millions. Three other employees were subsequently identified as masterminds. Information was that the scam might have been running for some two years.

The duty-free letters were purported to have originated from the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission as well as the Ministry of Agriculture.

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No one could design what is happening to him. Because of his " nasty, and brutish" nature he is becoming one of the most reviled individual in the state after Jagdeo. There is no recovery from this. The PPP is shackled to his open sore of implanting his 3 children and 3 cousins in his office. He cannot avoid the stain or the caricature of what is endemic in the PPP, ethnic nepotism. Worse, he is seen as how the agency of a state can be corrupted by an ignorant, greedy, unprincipled and indecent man. That he is not seen ( by his own words regarding of his unethical auditing of Freddie)  to act as an enforcement tool of the state.


Kaieteur News should file a complaint with ACCA (England)

October 14, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

As the evidence mounts and becomes starker, it is critical that certain steps should be taken to not only protect Kaieteur News, but also to protect the very foundation of the fifth estate – the independent media – and the country at large in a nation swimming in elected totalitarianism.
Taxpayers and Guyana must be protected. Kurshid Sattaur is the head of an agency that he admitted in an affidavit collects an average of $125 billion in revenue from Guyanese yearly. The people and nation’s trust in Sattaur is not deflated any longer, it is completely gone.
Kaieteur News should file a complaint against Kurshid Sattaur directly with the ACCA in England. It should consider filing complaints with the governments of any countries in which Sattaur enjoys dual citizenship or dual residency with Guyana so that this evidence may be reviewed by these nations to see if there are breaches of their laws.

Kaieteur News should explain in its complaint against Sattaur; that these actions threaten the already restrained independent press, attack freedom of speech, infringe on the right of the citizen to enjoy legal protection of confidentiality with respect to their information, encourage thuggery using governmental resources, amount to abuse of power and malfeasance in exercise of public office, breach duty of care, exhibit bad faith, and intimidate the barely clinging freedom left in the elected dictatorship that is Guyana.
Actually, the argument could be made that ACCA members who operate in nations under the gun of dictatorial misconduct, incessant wrongdoing and a wilfully demolished rule of law, should operate at a higher standard in upholding the principles of that professional body, its rules, mandate and conduct requirements.
Indeed, the muzzling of one of Guyana’s most fearsome anti-government critics, Freddie Kissoon, by use of tax assessments is referenced, in what appears to be gleeful fashion, in an email allegedly written by Sattaur.  This evidence should be provided to ACCA and any countries in which Sattaur may enjoy dual citizenship or residency.

It must be noted that since 9-11, many developed countries have now widened the powers of the state to revoke residency and citizenship acquired by naturalization and to take action against its citizens and residents for actions it views as corrupt, wrongful and illegal committed elsewhere.
For example, many developed countries now have laws dealing with corruption by its citizens and residents abroad. In fact, given the refusal of the last two regimes (PNC and PPP) to take any action against the transgressions of their own and their creation of a failed state, where there is no prosecution of crimes by the majority of society, this is an angle the Guyanese people should pursue if they want to see action against the wrongdoers who enjoy foreign residency and citizenship in a developed nation.
Confidential reports should be made to countries where the elites of Guyanese society enjoy dual citizenship and residency. Revenue agencies like the IRS and the immigration departments of most developed nations have departments that treat this information with the strictest confidence. They will investigate and take action if evidence is found.
M. Maxwell



"  Simone Hinds was charged with corrupt transaction and forgery. They were also accused of taking huge sums of money from persons as payment for the preparation and processing of duty-free concession letters. ".....


Isn't this person Sam Hind's daughter ?


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