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Sattaur should pack his bags and go

October 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor The constant revelations of a proposed plot by former President (a private citizen) and the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority, Mr. Khurshid Sattaur, to “bring down” the Kaieteur News and its Publisher Mr.Glenn Lall, is and should be a matter of grave concern to all political parties, the private sector commission, chambers of commerce across this country, trade unions, NGO”s, the diplomatic community and all Guyanese home and abroad. The commissioner-general, and tax chief of GRA has, by virtue of his alleged actions, betrayed and violated the confidence of all Guyanese tax payers of their most private and confidential financial information. By all indications, his action is in breach of the oath of secrecy he swore to keep and respect as an officer of the highest office of the revenue authority. He has failed to honour his obligations to all Guyanese to “truly, faithfully, impartially and honestly execute the powers vested in him. This intended plot should not in any way be brushed aside or taken for granted. This issue is very serious and diabolical in nature. It borders on the line of denying the citizens of Guyana their constitutional right to access of information. It also points to curtailing and restricting the media/press. This is infringing on the freedom of expression that our constitution provides. The free press is the essence of what democracy represents and embodies. It is the voice of the voiceless, the weapon and shield against injustice and lawlessness. The free press is the ever vigilant watch dog against capriciousness, falsehood and rapacious corruption. It is the defender against potential rise of dictators and it is the safeguard against tyranny in countries that profess to be democratic. If the press is not free, if it is controlled or curtailed by whatever means, then the tenants of democracy and freedom are at risk. The tax boss’s actions very pellucid, indicate that he has used the taxpayers personal, private and confidential information as a weapon to satisfy his and others personal grievances and vendettas. What is equally more frightening is the perceived connection with individuals of high ranking in government willing to assist him in his wicked, malicious and evil endeavour. This, as they say in proverbial language, has broken the camel’s back indeed. Mr. Sattaur’s abuse of power is coupled with a high level of arrogance and his recent press release in the Kaieteur News and Stabroek News on October 5, 2014 is tantamount to this. His breach of the oath of secrecy is criminal and the police should investigate his illegal action and deal with this issue condignly. By his actions and his pernicious attempts, he has deceived the President, the parliament, the people of this country, the diaspora and every Guyanese. I am suggesting that there has to be in the clearest language and apology from Mr. Sattaur to all tax paying Guyanese and businesses. His actions are unprofessional, unethical and Mr. Sattaur should do the professional and ethical thing. PACK HIS BAGS AND GO. Jermaine Figueira

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Indeed, Khurshid Sattaur has to go, but he shouldn't be allowed to just pack up and go. He must be summoned to court to answer for his malfeasance. I hope attorney-at-law Joe Harmon expedite his lawsuit.


Sattaur in email exchanges with letter-writer Colin Taylor

October 9, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

On Oct 8, 2014, at 7:06 PM, wrote:

Dear Editor, Some in the Guyanese expatriate community feel so strongly about what is transpiring in our homeland, that we are forced to comment. in a forceful manner.  So here it goes: Mr. Sattaur, I want you to know how you are viewed by some Guyanese who live outside of Guyana. In our view, if an investigation support the evidence and allegations presented by Kaieteur News. You sir, will be looked at as a disgrace to all upstanding public servants of your country. You will have violated a sacred trust, dishonored an organization from the highest level. Your actions show you to be a coward, not a deceiver, just a simple plain coward, a person without passion or moral convictions. You should be tried, convicted and jailed. But even if the latter does not happen, – i.e. because of a corrupt legal system. You will still be a despicable specimen of human character. And oh, the persons you acted in concert with are just as dis-honorable as you are. Just as despicable! You all bring shame to your country and families.

Sincerely, Colin Taylor


——Original Message——

From: khurshid sattaur <> To: keithcsnr <> Cc: kaieteurnews <> Sent: Wed, Oct 8, 2014 1:39 pm Subject: Re: Breach of Trust – GRA Com. Failure as a public servant

Mr Taylor

Who are bigger cowards than your friends at the Kaieteur New newspaper.   They are attempting to subvert the course of justice by putting out scandalous headlines everyday even though I have filed criminal charges against 6 persons I am accusing of thieving hundred of million of Government taxes through the process of cowardly using innocent remigrants who can hardly afford to live off their pensions and who they claim Glen Lall is their closest relatives despite having their son living in the country. As an overseas based Guyanese I cannot blame you too much for being Ignorant  of the facts if you allow yourself to be misled with all the garbage your friends at KN publishes I will try to enlighten you and I hope you share this knowledge with your friends who are so seemingly outraged over mischief being peddled by the real cowards at Kaieteur News Thank you

See below.

(Because of space constraints we provide the relevant link: http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....a-revenue-authority/


On Oct 8, 2014, at 8:16 PM, wrote:

Sir, I do not know anyone at Kaieteur News. They are not my friends.   I am responding to the allegations made against you as a trusted public official. Those notes shown appear as valid emails from you. You have not, to my knowledge denied sending them. What I am faulting you for  if true is a breach of trust of your public office.  I am not accusing you of anything. Evidence and a proper investigation will reveal the facts. Do not mis-read my letter to the editor.  These are grave accusations against you,  a  government official.

Respectfully, Colin Taylor


·    khurshid sattaur · ·    Today at 4:19 PM To CC me

Thank you for your email. I am sorry I can’t be of any further help to you.  Perhaps you need to find someone who is little more educated or should I say wiser to explain the content to you. I trust you have a pleasant rest of the day

God bless

Sent from my iPhone


·    khurshid sattaur · ·    Today at 7:29 PM To CC me

Dear Mr Taylor

Since you appear to be a very impartial individual on second thought  I was wondering whether you will be inclined to be of assistance to my lawyers and the police in establishing the motive behind the fictitious emails since despite putting out a public notice to that effect and on the purpose (refer to the relevant section of the statement which I have reproduced for your benefit that I have so attested publicly to them being false) yet you are more inclined to believe the perpetrators of this sinister plot. See the relevant section of my release which for ease of reference I have set out below. If you are so inclined, my legal departments will be making contact with you so you can provide the necessary testimonies and statements as evidence the police may require to conduct a full investigation into this matter and for purposes of prosecuting the offenders. Best regards. These unlawful transactions were clear indicators and drivers for a preliminary investigation as to whether a comprehensive audit of the company or Lall was necessary.  Unfortunately, Lall and the Kaieteur News were able to surreptitiously obtain this information by deceit, corruption and for illegal means and have attempted to manipulate this information to stultify efforts by the GRA to conduct the comprehensive audit of the company by creating false emails purportedly suggesting a conspiracy to destroy the newspaper.

Sent from my iPhone

Last edited by sachin_05

Hello, Mr Sattaur:

I hope you get this note. Please tek me lil stupiddy advice. Stop using iphone, blackberry 10, any cell phone. Osama bin-Yuh-know-who was much smarter than you. He used personal human couriers instead of cell phones. That method helped to extend his life. So, asap throw away all yuh cell phones in the Demerara River when high tide turning back outwards. Get a lil bai and give he a nice bicycle and a backpak and give he all yuh messages to deliver to BJ and de AG and yuh other confederates. And tell he to drop the bike and run when he spot Glenn Lall SUV on de road.


  Write me nah. Me think u is a big big con man.Is wha u doin with all u pickney an dem cousin wuking fu u as though the revenue office is the dole fu u family? Banna, even a kanwah man can see that is wrong me seh, u is a big con man.


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