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A militant in Syria


Terrorist groups operating inside Syria has reportedly received the first new batch of heavy weapons sent by America’s key Persian Gulf ally, Saudi Arabia.

Militant sources told the British newspaper Daily Telegraph on Wednesday that the terrorists had been supplied with Russian-made “Konkurs” anti-tank missiles.

“A handful of the missiles were already in use and in high demand after opposition forces looted them from captured regime bases,” the report said.

More have now arrived, confirming reports that the White House has lifted an unofficial embargo on its Persian Gulf allies sending heavy weapons to the militants, it added.

Last week, the White House said it would send military support to Syria’s opposition after accusing that that the Syrian government had used chemical agents against the foreign-backed militants.

Unlike rocket-propelled grenades, the Konkurs – Contest in English – can penetrate the most advanced tanks such as Russian-made T72s.

“We now have supplies from Saudi Arabia,” a terrorist source said. “We have been told more weapons are on their way, even higher-end missiles.”

At the G8 this week Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, condemned the West’s attempts to send arms to the militants.

Putin warned that those in the west who want to arm Syria insurgents may find the weapons ended up anywhere, even in Europe.

"We are calling on all our partners to once again think thoroughly before taking this very dangerous step,” he told reporters after a G8 summit in Northern Ireland.

"Europe wants to send arms to these people? And what happens then to these arms? Who will control in whose hands and where they will end up? Maybe in Europe?"

He also rejected US and European claims that Syria's government had used chemical weapons.

"We do not have facts pointing to the use of such weapons by the Syrian government," Putin said.

Syria has been gripped by a deadly unrest since March 2011, and thousands people, including large numbers of government forces, have been killed in the violence.

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The bodies of 70 Saudi nationals fighting against the Syrian government have returned to Saudi Arabia.

According to a report by published on Friday, a Saudi source said the bodies were delivered to the country in King Fahad International Airport. 
The source said the Saudi regime had sent a number of diplomats to Turkey in order to facilitate the transfer process. 
According to the source, the Saudi regime did not dispatch anyone to fight in Syria, and that the 70 people had been fighting on their own will. 
The source added that there were four women among the 70 killed. He also said there are currently about 8,000 Saudi nationals fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the country. 
According to the report, Saudi Arabia’s intelligence sources help with transferring fighters to Syria through Jordan. 
The Syria crisis began in March 2011, and many people, including large numbers of soldiers and security personnel, have been killed in the violence. 
The Syrian government says that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the militants are foreign nationals. 
Damascus says the West and its regional allies, such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, are supporting the militants. 
In an interview broadcast on Turkish television in April, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that if the militants take power in Syria, they could destabilize the entire Middle East region for decades. 
“If the unrest in Syria leads to the partitioning of the country, or if the terrorist forces take control… the situation will inevitably spill over into neighboring countries and create a domino effect throughout the Middle East and beyond,” he stated. 
(Source: Press TV)


Report: 5,000 Saudi Fighters Disappear in Syria, 1,000 Bodies Transferred

TEHRAN (FNA)- 5,000 Saudi fighters who had joined the terrorist groups in Syria have disappeared, while corpses of over a thousand more have been transferred to Saudi Arabia, news media said on Monday.

According to al-Khabar Press news website, Riyadh officials have transferred the bodies of over 1,000 militants killed in Syria to Saudi Arabia via Turkey.

News sources said that the Saudi government has paid nearly $30,000 to the families of each of the militants who have been killed or disappeared in Syria.

They also added that nearly 5,000 Saudi fighters have disappeared in Syria and certain groups have been entrusted with the duty to investigate their fate.

Top secret documents leaked to the media disclosed in September that Saudi Arabia has been dispatching death convicts to Syria to join the armed campaign against President Bashar a-Assad's government.

The documents include the orders which have been issued to grant amnesty to criminals from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, Somalia, Kuwait, Palestine, Afghanistan and Sudan - who had been waiting in the death row in Saudi jails - in return for joining the terrorist war on the Syrian government.

According to the document, the Saudi Interior Ministry has conceded to pardon these people who have been sentenced to death on charges of drug trafficking, murder and rape after they accepted to go under military trainings and be sent to Syria to help terrorist groups and the FSA in the war on President Assad.

Families of the convicts do not have the right to leave Saudi Arabia, but they receive monthly salaries from the Al Saud regime.

The regime has taken the families hostage to make sure that the criminals remain loyal to their missions and plots in Syria.

Pardoning inmates in return for terrorist operations in Syria is not confined to Saudi Arabia, as Qatar and some other Persian Gulf states have followed suit.

The Iraqi media disclosed late November that Persian Gulf Arab states have released and sent 3,800 of their death convicts to Syria to join the armed rebels.

"So far, a number of 3800 prisoners waiting for capital punishment in some Persian Gulf Arab states, including Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, have been released and dispatched to Syria to join the armed revolt against the government of President Bashar al-Assad," Director of Iraq's al-Nakheel News Agency Mohammad Ali al-Hakim told FNA in November.

He said all costs of the dispatch of these convicts to Syria are covered by Valid Tabatabaei, the representative of the Salafis and Wabbites in Kuwait's Parliament.

Tabatabaei underlined his full support for armed rebels and terrorists fighting the Syrian government during an address to an anti-government protest rally in September.

Originally Posted by asj:


Hi tweedlededum, the US and lest of all the Israeli do not care for the carnage in the arab streets It destabilizes the region.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:


Hi tweedlededum, the US and lest of all the Israeli do not care for the carnage in the arab streets It destabilizes the region.

Resident Welfare Bum, then say why the United States are killing muslims all over the world? Well we know Israelis kill Palestinians on a daily basis.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:


Hi tweedlededum, the US and lest of all the Israeli do not care for the carnage in the arab streets It destabilizes the region.

Resident Welfare Bum, then say why the United States are killing muslims all over the world? Well we know Israelis kill Palestinians on a daily basis.


Tweedledeedum..Arabs are killing Muslims are killing Muslims because they are still to properly interpret their holy book that prohibit the senseless carnage in their streets. They US selectively excise particular tumors because they plot to project their indiscriminate killing machines born of a nascent barbarism outside their local sphere.


Now go choke on that fool.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:


Hi tweedlededum, the US and lest of all the Israeli do not care for the carnage in the arab streets It destabilizes the region.

Resident Welfare Bum, then say why the United States are killing muslims all over the world? Well we know Israelis kill Palestinians on a daily basis.


Tweedledeedum..Arabs are killing Muslims are killing Muslims because they are still to properly interpret their holy book that prohibit the senseless carnage in their streets. They US selectively excise particular tumors because they plot to project their indiscriminate killing machines born of a nascent barbarism outside their local sphere.


Now go choke on that fool.

Someone who is not aware that you are a shithead, will wonder which planet you come from, as your language is shitty just like your thinking pattern commands you to write garbage. Who the ass would understand,

your quote

"They US selectively excise particular tumor"

What the ass you are trying to say? Most times I do not worry with you because it seems like you are friggin brain dead.


50 minutes ago

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why is wasn't terrorist when Iran send 4000 troops to fight for a dictator in Syria? Asj, who side are you on? 


Syria can defend itself against the rebels (even AL Qaeda)  that are from many other countries, that has been pouring in from Turkey, So I do not see any wrong when Iran decides to send 4000 troops, we have seen that the United States send troops as well, dont be surprised if you hear that Russia is sending troops too.


Recently  speaking to The Associated Press in an interview at his office in Damascus, Faisal Mekdad condemned U.S. “hypocrisy” and called on Washington to stop supporting the insurgents fighting against the government, adding that Syria can and will continue to defend itself.




“We believe the U.S. should behave as a responsible superpower, the U.S. should be committed not to financing and arming terrorists,” Mekdad said.



The Syrian regime refers to the rebels fighting Assad's regime as “terrorists” and “armed gangs” paid by foreign countries to destabilize and weaken Syria.


In this one I think that Syria will prevail.


Anyway in answer to your questions of Iran sending 4000 troops to Syria, this can be just hearsay re


Iran has no plans to send troops to aid Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces in the ongoing civil war there, an Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Tuesday, rejecting media reports claiming Tehran was set to intervene directly in the fighting.


“We categorically deny this information,” Seyed Abbas Araqchi said, adding Tehran has never and would never send its troops to Damascus. Syria’s government forces have all the necessary means to fight against “terrorists acting in Syria,” and “Iran has no need to provide military aid to Syria’s authorities,” he said.

The Independent on Sunday, citing "pro-Iranian sources," reported on June 16 that Iran, Syria’s strategic ally, has decided tosend 4.000 troops to Syria. Iran “has proposed opening up a new ‘Syrian’ front on the Golan Heights against Israel” to help prop up the Assad regime, the paper said.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why is wasn't terrorist when Iran send 4000 troops to fight for a dictator in Syria? Asj, who side are you on? 

The Saudi Wahab terrorists have invaded Syria and, if successful, will cleanse it of Alawites, Christians, Druze, etc.  Those Saudi terrorist are the creators of the terrorists Taliban and Al-Qaeda, who have their supporters embedded right here waiting to pounce.


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