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Dozens of Saudi judges resign in protest at regime pressure

Saudi protesters hold portraits of political prisoners during an anti-regime demonstration in the Qatif region of Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. [File photo)

Saudi protesters hold portraits of political prisoners during an anti-regime demonstration in the Qatif region of Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. (File photo)
Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:15AM GMT
At least 50 Saudi judges have resigned in protest at the pressure exerted on them by the Riyadh regime to sentence political activists, Press TV reports.

The judges said in a statement that they made the decision in protest at the regime pressure.

According to Human Rights Watch, the Saudi regime β€œroutinely represses expression critical of the government."

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information has called on regional and international organizations to take action against Saudi Arabia’s crackdown on rights activists.

Since February 2011, protesters have held demonstrations on an almost regular basis in Saudi Arabia, mainly in Qatif and Awamiyah in Eastern Province, primarily calling for the release of all political prisoners, freedom of expression and assembly, as well as an end to widespread discrimination.

However, the demonstrations have turned into protests against the repressive Al Saud regime, especially since November 2011, when Saudi security forces killed five protesters and injured many others in the province.

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DIED 2005



The Deen of Islam is a divine message and a complete way of life for the

whole of mankind. Islam is not associated with any nationality. In other words

people, especially westerners, hold a misconception that Arabs or Asians are

Muslims and vice versa. Islam is a Religion and a way of life for all humanity,

regardless of race, colour, language or country. Fortunate are the ones who

believe in it, and misfortunates are the ones who deny it.



The internal enemy of Islam is Kufr and without any exception the current

regimes and leaders of the Muslim countries. These ruthless dictators and

bloody killers never relate to or associate themselves with Islam. They don't

know anything about Islam apart from its name, and nothing about the Qur'an

apart from how it looks.

Since all the current regimes and rulers have their own share of malicious and

evil acts towards Islam and Muslims, we will concentrate on the head of the

snake i.e. the oppressive, sinful and kufr regime of Saudi Arabia.



Prior to the twentieth century all of Arabia was part of the Islamic State (the

Ottomani Khilafah). Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Ibn-Saud (the founder of

so-called Saudi Arabia) with some Bedouin bandits rose by the help of British

soldiers against the Islamic state, conspiring to expel the authority of the

Khilafah, and therefore Islam, form that region.

Britain used Ibn-Saud as a tool in her ultimate objective of destroying the

Khilafah and dividing the Muslim countries (Divide & Rule). Today all regimes

in the world are against Islam and Muslims. The Russian, British, French and

American governments in particular use Aal-Saud and the Arab leaders as

tools in order to prevent the re-establishment of the Islamic State (Al-



The Oppression Of The Pirate State: Saudi Arabia


If you study the oppression and corruption of Saudi Arabia you won't know

where to start, whether from the Ruling System, Economically, Socially or in

its international relationships.

Usually oppression can be attributed to a regime or a person, however here

the regime and person represent both the oppressor and the oppression.

Here we will attempt to highlight the oppression of the Saudi Regime led by

King Fahd.


The Ruling System In Saudi Arabia:


Saudi Arabia is a monarchy (Man-made law or Kufr law) which is based on

the principal that sovereignty and authority is for the monarch, i.e. the selfstyled

king and his brothers, and that the people have no say whatsoever

even if they contradict the Shari'ah. The People have no right to elect their

leader or representative nor are they entitled to account, advise or disagree

with the corruption of the regime otherwise they will be subject to be

beheaded. Note the recent mass arrest of scholars and intellectuals including

professors, doctors and lecturers, without trial or representation.


The Economic System of Saudi Arabia:


The Saudi regime declare that public property and natural resources are not

for the people rather for the monarchy i.e. The king, his brothers and family.

For this reason you find that the economic system in Saudi Arabia is held in

tight control by companies owned by the royal family and the poverty in which

the people are living is miserable i.e. most of the people live below the poverty

line in shanty towns and many live off of the litter/rubbish and left-overs. This

in a country which is considered to be holding most of the Natural oil and gold

resources of the world. In contrast the Saudi royal family has an abundance of

empty palaces. As for the distribution and management of wealth and the

provision of basic needs for the people i.e. food, housing, welfare, health and

education these are not available free of charge for the poor unlike for the

royal family. In addition a vast amount of the peoples wealth is frittered away

on gambling, prostitution and opulence, the best example being Abdul-Aziz

the teenage millionaire son of king Fahd.


The Judicial System of Saudi Arabia:


The injustice of the system is clear when we look at the amount of people who

have been arrested and beheaded without a fair trial and in the absence of

evidence. People have been imprisoned, murdered, tortured and have

disappeared without trace and whoever tries to trace them has the same fate.

Whereas thousands of the Saudi royal family are above the law.


The Social System of Saudi Arabia:


Men are treated as second class citizens who have no right to vote nor any

right to account the government. Woman are treated as third class citizens

who have no right to vote nor to account nor to get married from any non

Saudi Muslim male. In addition any resident non Saudi Muslim men or women

are treated as slaves for example they are not allowed to work without having

a master (i.e. Kafeel) who can keep him/her, give him/her away or lend

him/her to another whether for a long (i.e. Naqel Kafaalah), or a short period

(i.e. Isti'arah) or to deport him/her without notice or reason and in many cases

without salary otherwise they may be charged as a thief whose hand can be

cut upon the accusation of the master whose word is evidence.

Allah (swt) revealed: "The ruling is for none but Allah" [EMQ 6:43]. In Islam,

Allah (swt) is the lawmaker and sovereignty lies with Him (swt) alone. He (swt)

has commanded the ruling system for Muslims as being the Khilafah.

However, in the system of monarchy, sovereignty lies with the King, which

contradicts Islam. Despite this clear, fundamental, violation of Islam, the Saudi

constitution is peppered with references to Islam!


The Constitutional Oppression Of Al-saud:


Non-Saudi nationals cannot establish businesses (except with Saudi


Non-Saudis cannot purchase real estate.

Non-Saudis cannot marry Saudis

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Whosoever calls for nationalism, fights

for nationalism or dies for nationalism, is not one of us". Therefore, in the

Islamic State, it is not allowed to discriminate on the basis of race or indeed

belief. It is indeed ironic that a regime that pretends to love the Sahabah (ra)

and the Messenger of Allah (saw), would deny the marriage of Bilal (ra) to the

sister of Abdur-Rahman ibn Auf. For he was non-Arab, being an Abyssinian,

married to an Arab!

The basic system of government (Issued 1/3/92 by the Saudi government)

Article 5 A says: […The system of government in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia

is a monarchy].

The above serves as a chronicle of a few of the many, many crimes of the

Saudi regime against Islam and Muslims. If these are not enough the Saudi

Kingdom tries to achieve what must be its 'crowning glory', by claiming that

their actions are ' Islamic'. The Saudi regime actually has the gall to dazzle

the Muslims with false and twisted 'fatawa' to 'legitimise' their un-Islamic

dealings. An attempt which extends to financing mosques, publication houses

and 'scholars' to clean up the image of Saudi Arabia.



More Crimes of Aal-Saud:


Up to 300 people were subsequently detained after protests occurred in

Buraida and Riyadh following the arrest of some scholars. Since the incident

thousands of scholars, lecturers and executives in fact anyone who the

regime sees as a threat to their power base have disappeared.

In early 1994, Dr. Mohammed Al-Mas'ari a former physicist at King Saud

University left Riyadh after being held and tortured in Al-Hayer prison.

Some of the dirtiest crimes perpetrated by Al-Saud against the Ummah

include backing the Marxist secessionists in South Yemen and covertly

supporting the so-called Christian rebels trying to divide Sudan.

Other abuses include:

The unprovoked murder of Saudi citizens by members of the ruling family, for

example, Prince Mish'al bin Abdul Aziz killed a retired army officer in the town

of Ta'if and was never brought before a court of justice. As Prince Salman

once stated: "no punishment on Al Saud" .

Prisoners in Saudi jails have to face inhuman conditions. By December 1994

Breeman prison in Jeddah had 6500 inmates - its maximum capacity is only

3000. Unsurprisingly, a highly contagious liver disease broke out in the

squalid conditions and many of the prison officers refused to enter the cells for

fear of contagion. Many prison inmates do not reappear long after their prison

terms have expired.

The regime has abolished the Land Reform law so it is now impossible for a

member of the public to build a house or to buy land except through a prince.

A common practice among princes is to forcibly take control over large areas

of land and to sell it at inflated prices to the general public.

Sermons at Friday prayers are not allowed to mention anything about the

American presence in the region or of the Gulf War and it's effects. There

does not now exist a single public co-operative or committee that is not

controlled or manipulated by the regime. Charities in particular are hit hardest

from Government restrictions.

The incompetence of the Saudi administrators during the Hajj season and

their attitude towards visiting pilgrims defies belief. For example, recent fires

at Mina destroyed 250,000 square meters of tents and led to the deaths of a

number (the regime will not clarify the exact number) of people. The official

Saud statement blamed the inability to control the flames on the wind! Again

and again Saudi customs officers violate the basic Islamic principles of not

discriminating against Muslims of a different colour or nationality.

The land distribution plan and traffic plan concerning the distribution of Al-

Masha'ir land during the last pilgrimage were again blatantly engineered to

satisfy the ruling clique. For example, on the last Sunday of Arafat, pilgrims

were allocated 35% of the land while the princes and their groups had 65%

reserved for them.

Educational institutions such as Al Imam University and the Shari'ah College

have been completely infiltrated by Government agents leading to a climate of

both fear and paranoia amongst students and some staff.

Each of the 7000 princes surrounds themselves with private militias of

hoodlums who are protected by the princes and Al-Saud's authority from any

accountability in the judicial system. The princes have been linked to a

number of questionable activities.

Reliable sources inform us that there are currently over 370 non-Muslim

doctors and hospital staff living and working in Makkah - some of them from

Christian missionary backgrounds.

From this we see that Al-Saud have turned the Holy Land, the spiritual home

of the world's one billion Muslims into a vicious police state with the people in

chains. Only Al-Saud remain free to wallow in the cesspool of corruption,

immorality and greed. They are criminally destroying the country's wealth,

economy and what is more important, the Islamic code of conduct. Corruption

is at its most rotten and torture at its most degrading. The terrorists of Al-Saud

while continuing barbaric human rights abuses are pushing the state towards

a bloody and suicidal confrontation with the people. Few people within the

Ummah will shed a tear upon their departure.






In 1740, Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab (his father was a judge)

called on Muslims to return to the original form of Islam (in accordance with

his understanding) but the scholars of the Islamic state at that time (i.e. of the

Ottomani Khilafah) rejected some of his views because they appeared to

contradict the divine texts and the views of the classical scholars of the main

(Mazaahib) schools of thought in Islam i.e. those of Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'ie and

Hanbali. Then he started to abuse the Islamic schools of thought and labeled

those who disagreed with him as Murtadd (apostate), or Mushrik (polytheist).

Initially he was disciplined by the scholars and was to face prosecution. He

then sought protection in the town of Diriyah, which was ruled unlawfully by

the rebellious Muhammad Bin Saud, head of Al-A'nnza tribe and a member of

the prominent Al-Saud family, an enemy of the Ottomani Khilafah. The

partnership between these two men eventually led to the foundation of socalled

Saudi Arabia today.

1740-1747, Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab was preaching his views

and severely criticising and attacking the Ottomani Khilafah. This continuous

attack was beautiful music to the ears of the rebellious Muhammad Bin Saud.

In 1747, The Amir Muhammad Bin Saud declared full support and adoption of

Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhaab’s ideas and views. This led to the

formulation of a tribal authority (Imaarah Qabaliyyah) under the political

leadership of the rebellious Muhammad Bin Saud and the Spiritual leadership

of Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhaab. The Sheikh was calling for and

teaching his views i.e. the Wahhabi Mazhab or School of thought, while the

rebellious Muhammad Ibn-Saud was ruling and judging with them. (The

scholars refer to this alliance as the Wahhabi Movement).

1747-1755, The Wahhabi movement spread its authority under the leadership

of the rebellious Muhammad Bin Saud. They raided and controlled many

villages while forcing the Wahhabi views.

In 1755, British forces tried to occupy Kuwait but failed.

In 1757, the rebellious Muhammad Bin Saud defeated the Amir of Al-Ihsaa

city and controlled the Whole of Diriyah.

In 1765, The rebellious Muhammad Bin Saud died; his son Abdul-Aziz

succeeded him.

In 1765, Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad, became the pirate leader of Al-Diriyah

and head of the A'nnza tribe.

.In 1767, The Wahhabi movement started to move towards controlling Arabia.

In 1786, British forces tried to occupy Kuwait again but failed due to the

tactical defending of the army of the Ottomani Khilafah.

In 1787, Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad In a large public gathering chaired by

Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahaab, formed a new type of inherited

authority (Wilayat ul-A'hed) based on the Wahhabi views and declared himself

leader of the Muslims (while the true leader was the Khaleef who was in

Istanbul). Then the pirate leader Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad appointed his

son Saud as the Khalifah after him. Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahaab

agreed to this illegitimate pirate authority and passed his illegitimate Fatwa of

Jihad against the Ottomani Khilafah.

In 1788, The pirate leader Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad with the military help of

the British prepared a huge army of Wahhabis with British forces, attacked

Kuwait and occupied it (this was offered as a gift to Britain who had failed

many times in this task). The Al-Saud family ruled much of the Arabian


1788-1791, The Army of The pirate leader Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad i.e. the

Wahhabi movement attacked most of the Muslims who differed with their

views. They waged a war of so-called Jihad against the governors and

soldiers of The Islamic State (Ottomani Khilafah). Thereafter they succeeding

occupying Medinah, Kuwait, Iraq and part of Damascus ( and thousands of

innocent Muslims were killed because they were Shi'a, Hanafi or followers of

other Islamic Mazahib: The irony was that those Muslims were labeled as

Mushriks whilst most of the forces with the Wahhabi movement were British


In 1792, Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhaab died. His son succeeded

him as the Spiritual leader of the Wahhabi movement.

1792-1810, The Wahhabi movement with the help of the British forces

controlled many countries up to Damascus. This rise to power alarmed the

Ottomani Khilafah which was already facing massive attacks from western

and eastern forces in different parts of the world. However, because of the

huge conspiracy of the Wahhabi movement and Aal-Saud and their scale of

attacks against Islam and Muslims it left the Ottomani Khilafah with no choice

but to send forth its armies to contain the influence of the Wahhabi movement

and their alliance.




In 1811, The army of the Ottomani Khilafah under the command of the

governor of Egypt, Muhammad Ali paasha declared war against Abdul-Aziz

Bin Muhammad and his Wahhabi movement. The governor of Egypt sent

armies with his son Tosoun paasha to liberate Medinah.

In 1812, Tosoun paasha defeated the army of Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad and

liberated Medinah.

In 1815, The governor of Egypt sent armies under the command of his second

son: Ibraheem paasha to liberate Damascus, Iraq and Kuwait.

In 1816, The army of Ibraheem paasha defeated the army of Abdul-Aziz Bin

Muhammad and the Wahhabi movement in Medinah, Iraq and Kuwait and

liberated them.

In 1817, The army of Ibraheem paasha chased the soldiers of the Wahhabi

movement up to their pirate capital Al-Diriyah.

In April 1818 the army of Ibraheem paasha surrounded the last stronghold of

Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad and the Wahhabi movement in Al-Diriyah for the

whole summer until the 9th of September 1818 when the Wahhabis

surrendered themselves. Ibraheem paasha ordered his soldiers to destroy the

whole city of Al-Diriyah and they did it. However the Aal-Saud family and the

head of the A'nnza tribe Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad were protected by the

British soldiers in Jeddah. Most of the Wahhabis including the son of Sheikh

Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab ran away to Riyadh. The Soldiers of the

Islamic state (Ottomani Khilafah) ultimately captured Al-Diriyah, thus ending

the first phase of the rebellion of Al-Saud in 1818.

1824-1864, The remaining followers of the Wahhabi movement built

themselves up and rose again under the leadership of Abdul-Rahman Bin


1865-1891, The Wahhabi movement under the leadership of Abdul-Rahman

bin Abdul-Aziz tried to get power over all tribes in Riyadh in order to fight the

governor (Aal-Rasheed) of The Islamic State (Ottomani Khilafah). They tried

to get political power in Riyadh, which was located close to their old

stronghold Al-Diriyah. But this uprising caused unrest which led to tribal

warfare which lasted for over 25 years and resulted in the governor of the

Islamic State (Ottomani Khilafah) Aal-Rasheed resisting this internal uprising

while the British and western forces were still hammering against the

Ottomani Khilafah..

In 1891, The governor of The Ottomani Khilafah forced Abdul-Rahman and

Al-Saud into exile. Al-Saud and the rest of the Wahhabi movement lived on

the borders of the desert of the Empty Quarter (Al-Rebi' Al-Khaali) before

settling in Kuwait.

1892-1900, Abdul-Rahman died, and his son Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman

and the rest of the Wahhabi movement lived in Kuwait.

In 1901, Twenty-one-year-old Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Saud left

Kuwait, determined to fight along-side the British forces against the Islamic

state in order to get power over all of the territory once occupied by his pirate

forefathers and to extend his occupation over the holy cities of Makkah and


In 1902, The Exiled Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman Al-Saud and his gangsters

(the Wahhabi movement) stormed Riyadh and shot and killed the Wali (the

governor of the Khilafah:Aal-Rasheed) as another gift for Britain. This event

marked the beginning of the formation of the pirate kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

1902-1913, After establishing Riyadh as his headquarters, Abdul Aziz

proceeded, over the following decades side to side with the British soldiers to

loot and kill the soldiers and supporters of The Ottomani Khilafah and he

succeeded in many cities.

In 1914, Britain started to send a stream of agents (including William H.

Shakespeare, Harry St. John Philby and Percy Cox) to woo and encourage

Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman in her task on the Arabian front. Abdul-Aziz Bin

Abdul-Rahman's campaign was one of sabotage and stabbing in the back, it

was never face-to-face confrontation.

In 1915, Britain dispatched an agent by the name of William H. Shakespeare

as a close advisor to Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman. The soldiers of the

Khaleefah killed William alongside some Wahhabi conspirators.

In 1915, Britain dispatched another agent by the name of Harry St. John

Philby, who soon appeared in full Arab dress on top of a camel with Abdul-

Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman as a saudi warrior. Philby was called by Abdul-Aziz

Bin Abdul-Rahman the "new star of Arab firmament". Philby in return

described Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman as the Arabs "man of destiny"

however Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman was the arch political sell-out, many

times offering to sell himself to the British. He once said to Philby, "If anyone

offered me a million pounds I would give him all the concessions he wants".

In December 1915 the Anglo-Saud friendship treaty was concluded. This

treaty made the house of Saud an outpost of the British Empire. Britain was

given trading privileges and was superintendent of Saudi foreign policy. A

guarantee of British military protection and arms supplies ended the

Khaleefah's authority in central Arabia.

In 1916, Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman received from the British 1300 guns,

10,000 rupees and 20,000 pieces of gold in cash.

1917-1926, Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman and his organised Wahhabi

gangsters in military style and with the help of the British soldiers succeeded

in controlling the Whole of Arabia i.e. Najd and Hijaz.

In On 8 January 1926 Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman ( Known as Ibn-Saud)

was self-proclaimed king of Arabia. King Abdul-Aziz was embroiled in

discussions with the British representative, Percy Cox, for the determination of

the borders of the new entity. The British Public Records described king

Abdul-Aziz's demeaning stature at these meetings "like a naughty schoolboy"

in front of Cox. When Cox insisted it was his decision as to the frontiers

between Kuwait, "Ibn-Saud almost broke down and pathetically remarked that

Sir Percy was like his father and mother who made him and raised him from

nothing... and he would surrender half his Kingdom, nay the whole, if Sir

Percy ordered. Cox took out a map and pencil and drew a line of the frontier

of Arabia". Surely no Muslim can ever read such a statement except with

abject shame at the way the sacred sites of Makkah and Medinah and the

land of Hijaaz were put in the hands of a family with such debased and

dishonorable pedigree.

1926-1932, King Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman (Ibn-Saud) courted the British

unashamedly, showing sublime affection towards Britain's envoys. He offered

to put Arabia under their control. For his loyalty to the British crown, like so

many other British agents, Ibn Saud was awarded a knighthood (presented to

him by his self-proclaimed "father and mother" Percy Cox) and British

documents referred to him as "Sir" Abdul Aziz Bin Saud for many years


In On September 23, 1932 the self appointed king, Sir Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-

Rahman replaced the names of Najd and Hijaaz by the Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia and he laid the foundations of the current Pirate state.

In 1953, The pirate king Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman died.

In 1953, Saud the eldest son of Abdul Aziz Succeeded the throne upon his

father's death and became king.

In 1957, King Saud made the first trip by a Saudi monarch to the United


In 1962, Saudi Arabia by special request of the British government sponsored

an international Islamic conference, which fostered the Muslim World League,

which has its headquarters in Makkah.

In 1964, King Saud Bin Abdul-Aziz died.

In 1964, Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz became king.

In 1971, King Faisal by special request of the British government was a

central force behind the establishment of the Organization of the Islamic

Conference (the OIC) in Jeddah.

In 1975, King Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz was killed by his brother Fahd (The

current king).

In 1975, Khalid Bin Abdul Aziz became king.

In 1982, King Khalid was poisoned by his brother Fahd (The current king)

In 1982, Fahd became king.

1982-1997, Until today King Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz is the pirate ruler of the

pirate state of so-called Saudi-Arabia.





The "Royal Family" of Saudi Arabia is the leading champion of all efforts to

silence Islam, and to wipe out and demolish its identity. Najd and Hijaaz were

the former names of so-called Saudi Arabia today. As everybody knows,

Makkah and Madinah are Islam's place of birth. Makkah houses "Al-Haram Al-

Sharif", and Madinah houses "Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi", these are known as the

"Two Holy Mosques". The darker history of Hijaaz started with the ruthless,

coward, savage and murdering Abdul-Aziz Bin Saud, who established himself

as King back in 1932.

With the help of the British, King Abdul-Aziz replaced the country's name of

Hijaaz with Saudi Arabia which is the only country in the world that is named

after its Dictator. King Abdul Aziz sexually abused many women, he now has

more than 44 known sons and lots of known and unknown daughters.

This dark history continues with the so-called "royal family", and their leader

King Fahd, the so-called "Guardian" whose title should be, "The Robber of the

two Holy Mosques", from the Arabic Expression: " Ha-miha..Ha-ramiha ",

which means " Its Protector is really Its Robber ".

This corrupt royal family has stripped the Muslims of their Wealth and taken

their Freedom, their Pride, their security and their Land.

Sincere Muslims have never considered the Saudi Regime as an Islamic one.

On the contrary, It is considered to be the regime that has destroyed the

image of Islam around the world.

The Saudi Regime has silenced its people, so nobody can say anything to

them. They have abused Men's and Women's Rights, Human Rights, Animal

Right's, chopped off innocent people's heads, cut off their hands, and finally,

broke Allah's Rules and exceeded His Boundaries. They only behead or cut of

the heads of poor people without legitimate reasons and without a fair trial. On

the other hand, when a corrupt Prince commits a sinful Deed or a

crime...nothing happens to him. This is of course barbaric and outrageous.

The Saudi Regime has used and mastered all the skills of torture and tools

never invented up until now on poor Muslims. Their plans and intentions are

to demolish the essence of Islam. They are making it even tougher for people

to go to Makkah for Pilgrimage (Haj) by for example raising the Haj Tax and

also by imposing age limits and other draconian and unlawful conditions upon




Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz,

Turki Bin Abdul-Aziz,

Abdul Rahman Bin Abdul-Aziz,

Sultan Bin Abdul-Aziz,

Naef Bin Abdul-Aziz,

Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz,

Ahmad Bin Abdul-Aziz,





These seven brothers with their sons now control Saudi Arabia. They

have in one way or another held tightly onto power as the only ruling family

Saudi Arabia has ever had. Their control is absolute and those who dare to

question them are excluded from their circle, which in Saudi culture means

ostracism from the larger society. Exclusion, or "chastising" is like a death

warrant. To be excluded is to be no longer accepted as a citizen, and to have

society scorn the family of the "banished" one.

This is the ugly reality of Aal-Saud the self-proclaimed rulers of so-called

Saudi Arabia today. Now let us exlpore the history of the current pirate king

Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz Aal-Saud.











Hossa Al-Sudeiri


75 years old.


Hossa Al-Sudeiri, Fahd's mother, grew up in the same

household. In the first years of her marriage to Abdul Aziz, no sons were born.

Following Saudi tradition and culture, Abdul Aziz divorced her because she

obviously could not produce sons. She married Abdul Aziz's brother with her

former husband's full consent. Not long after, she gave her new husband a

boy. Abdul Aziz then changed his mind and asked his brother to divorce her

so that he could marry her again. Hossa then bore him seven sons: Fahd,

Turki, Abdul Rahman, Sultan, Naef, Salman, and Ahmad: called the Sudeiri



Fahd is the eldest brother of the Al-Sudeiri seven. He grew up in a household

where competition was admired, strength encouraged, and Machiavellianism

promoted. This is how Fahd learned ambition and greed. Fahd grew up in a

tough household where his mother supported and nurtured his warlike and

greedy nature. She was able to foster these qualities in all of the brothers

except Naef, the Minister of Interior, who is not known for his courage or




Fahd Looks For Power At Any Cost:

Fahd's ambitious and predatory nature ensured his emergence as leader of

the royal family and killing King Faisal showed how far he was willing to go to

gain power.


Early on, Fahd recognised that the system of accession put in place by his

father, granting age over experience, would not guarantee his rule of the

Kingdom. He would have to wait for a number of older half-brothers to be king

before he could attain the prize. Fahd has never been a patient person.

When ARAMCO (The ARab American Marketing COmpany) was formed, the

country was gaining financial independence from foreign aid. Fahd wanted to

become part of the inner circle controlling oil revenues so that he could

continue his playboy lifestyle of sex and gambling. Late in 1969, after losing a

lot of money in the Monte Carlo casinos, King Faisal summoned him back to

Saudi Arabia.



When Fahd arrived, he had to wait for Faisal to acknowledge him. Waiting

meant standing behind a seated Faisal and in front of commoners. Making

Fahd wait was Faisal's way of punishing Fahd for his gambling losses without

ostracising him publicly. Fahd stood like a sulking child for the hour it took

Faisal to finish his dinner. He never forgave Faisal for this humiliation, and

even today, years after it happened, he still seethes at the mention of that


Since that meeting, Fahd plotted to kill Faisal. Faisal's death would guarantee

total power for the Sudeiris and complete control of the considerable amount

of revenue pouring into the national treasury. It was a no loss situation for

Fahd. If he killed Faisal, he would be in control. If he was unable to kill him, he

would be building the political allies needed to ascend to power. The plotting

placed members of the family against each other without involving the

Sudeiris directly.




: Fahd




Hossa Al-Sudeiri


75 years old.


: Hossa Al-Sudeiri, Fahd's mother, grew up in the same

household. In the first years of her marriage to Abdul Aziz, no sons were born.


Following Saudi tradition and culture, Abdul Aziz divorced her because she


obviously could not produce sons. She married Abdul Aziz's brother with her


former husband's full consent. Not long after, she gave her new husband a


boy. Abdul Aziz then changed his mind and asked his brother to divorce her


so that he could marry her again. Hossa then bore him seven sons: Fahd,


Turki, Abdul Rahman, Sultan, Naef, Salman, and Ahmad: called the Sudeiri




Fahd is the eldest brother of the Al-Sudeiri seven. He grew up in a household


where competition was admired, strength encouraged, and Machiavellianism


promoted. This is how Fahd learned ambition and greed. Fahd grew up in a


tough household where his mother supported and nurtured his warlike and


greedy nature. She was able to foster these qualities in all of the brothers


except Naef, the Minister of Interior, who is not known for his courage or





Fahd Looks For Power At Any Cost:

Fahd's ambitious and predatory nature ensured his emergence as leader of

the royal family and killing King Faisal showed how far he was willing to go to

gain power.

Early on, Fahd recognised that the system of accession put in place by his

father, granting age over experience, would not guarantee his rule of the

Kingdom. He would have to wait for a number of older half-brothers to be king

before he could attain the prize. Fahd has never been a patient person.

When ARAMCO (The ARab American Marketing COmpany) was formed, the

country was gaining financial independence from foreign aid. Fahd wanted to

become part of the inner circle controlling oil revenues so that he could

continue his playboy lifestyle of sex and gambling. Late in 1969, after losing a

lot of money in the Monte Carlo casinos, King Faisal summoned him back to

Saudi Arabia.


When Fahd arrived, he had to wait for Faisal to acknowledge him. Waiting

meant standing behind a seated Faisal and in front of commoners. Making

Fahd wait was Faisal's way of punishing Fahd for his gambling losses without

ostracising him publicly. Fahd stood like a sulking child for the hour it took

Faisal to finish his dinner. He never forgave Faisal for this humiliation, and

even today, years after it happened, he still seethes at the mention of that


Since that meeting, Fahd plotted to kill Faisal. Faisal's death would guarantee

total power for the Sudeiris and complete control of the considerable amount

of revenue pouring into the national treasury. It was a no loss situation for

Fahd. If he killed Faisal, he would be in control. If he was unable to kill him, he

would be building the political allies needed to ascend to power. The plotting

placed members of the family against each other without involving the

Sudeiris directly.


In 1965, Fahd was Minister of Interior and, therefore, in charge of internal

security. His job was to maintain law and order. Order was threatened on

March 25, 1965 when Khaled bin Musaid, a member of the Al-Saud family,

was killed while leading a protest against the introduction of a radio station in

Saudi Arabia. Fahd ordered Khaled executed for killing a guard standing

outside. The death of the guard--who belonged to the Oneiza tribe, one of the

largest tribes in Saudi Arabia--late in the evening almost started a riot.. King

Faisal awakened to the news and was unable to stop rumours blaming him for

the execution. Having no choice but to accept responsibility, the King claimed

that he stood by the Quran and Islamic tradition, implicitly protecting Fahd.

Fahd could not be happier. Thus ended the first stage of Fahd's plot to kill

King Faisal. The second stage was more precise and needed stronger

support from members of the family. Since Faisal was highly respected in

Saudi Arabia, his killing must look like it was an accident or the act of a




Fahd built family support by complaining continuously about Faisal's avarice

and tight control of the budget process. Besides the Sudeiri brothers, other

princes started listening to Fahd because they had the same complaints and

wondered why they were not benefiting from Saudi Arabia's wealth. A

legitimate question given that some of these princes had been abroad and

had seen capitalism and consumerism at work and the power money yields.



International events helped sway the Saud family to side with Fahd. In

October 1973, Egypt crossed the desert in a surprise attack on Israel. The

Yom Kippur war prompted King Faisal to support Egypt through a muchremembered

oil embargo that created the OPEC cartel and raised oil prices

through the roof. The new additional income generated by the demand for oil

persuaded princes who previously hesitated to align themselves with Fahd to

change their minds. The West hated Faisal because of the oil embargo and

because of the greed they had witnessed in his immediate family, including

Fahd. With the advice of Dr. Rashad Pharaon, Faisal, at the end of 1973,

increased the annual compensation of all the princes in the royal family, thus

defusing the palace coup that was being pushed by Fahd. The raise in their

compensation alleviated the pressure only somewhat. Faisal had to worry

about Saudi Arabia's image abroad after the oil embargo, and Fahd took

advantage of this embargo to seek international support for dethroning King

Faisal. But Fahd lacked the know-how and the network to successfully lobby

for that support. Fahd returned to the drawing board and found that a simple

decision he made back in 1969 as Minister of Interior was his best bet.

Musaid bin Saud had a son studying at the University of Colorado. Playing on

the son's thirst for revenge, Fahd, through emissaries, convinced the son that

King Faisal, not Fahd, was his father's killer.

On March 25, 1975, King Faisal was in a meeting with the Saudi Oil Minister

Ahmad Zaki Yamani who was introducing the Oil Minister of Kuwait, Mr.

Kazimi. Among the people behind Kazimi's large frame was Faisal bin

Musaid, the brother of Khaled bin Musaid who was killed in 1965 by Fahd. As

he got close to Faisal, he brandished his .38 pistol, shooting Faisal 3 times at

close range. Faisal's last words, according to those present, were "Fahd, I

forgive you". Stories surfaced everywhere that an American girlfriend was

behind the killing. The truth is that Fahd killed Faisal. He killed him to get his

hands on the oil revenues of Saudi Arabia.


Khaled succeeded King Faisal, but he was just a figurehead. He never

wanted to become king. When King Faisal was killed, Fahd, with support of

the seven Sudeiris, met with the elders of the royal family. During that

meeting, Fahd pushed to have Khaled relinquish the throne, but Prince

Mohammad, known as "Twin-evil" or (Abou Al-Sharrain) because he uses

violence to get his way, disagreed.

Mohammad relinquished the throne because of his age and let Khaled take

over. During this historic family meeting Mohammad refused to back Fahd,

claiming that he would become king before he let Fahd become one.

Reluctantly, Fahd had to abstain from pursuing his dream of becoming king

and let Khaled be crowned against his will and with the approval of

Mohammad "Twin-evil". But Fahd knew that Khaled would be amiable to his

wishes. In fact, even though Khaled was king, Fahd ruled the kingdom.

Khaled would spend his days receiving dignitaries and hunting. His limited

understanding of international affairs suited Fahd just fine.

During Khaled's reign from 1975 until his death in 1982, Saudi Arabia

experienced an unprecedented oil boom. Billionaires were created overnight,

and billions were being stolen in the guise of commissions from contracts.

Big-league racketeering had come to Saudi Arabia. For seven years, Fahd

stole from the Saudi people as he waited for what he wanted most of all--to

become king and to use the power of the throne to feed his greed.

Everyone knew about Khaled's weak heart. In fact, he never moved anywhere

unless accompanied by a team of American and European doctors and

nurses on 24-hour standby in case of emergency. A Canadian nurse was a

member of that team. In 1982, she was called into King Khaled's room for

consultation along with the waiting team of experts. As soon as the team

started emergency procedures, and while the king was still barely alive, Fahd

barged in and asked everyone, including the medical staff, to leave the room.

Later, the nurse learned that another team took care of the king who

subsequently died of a heart attack. In truth, Fahd did not want the regular

team to attend to Khaled because they would discover the real cause of his


Several days later, a small obituary on the 12th page of the local daily

newspaper declared that the palace cook drowned in a swimming pool. The

cook, a young Egyptian named Youssef, was murdered. He had poisoned

King Khaled's meal. The king's servants called the team that included the

Canadian nurse when they realized that the king felt sick. Fahd forbade the

team to see the King. One plus one equals two. First, Fahd killed Faisal, then

seven years later, poisoned Khaled. He had finally arrived; he would finally

become king.





March of 1975 marked the beginning of the end of Saudi Arabia as a rich and

independent country and the beginning of the largest embezzlement scheme

in the history of mankind. King Fahd is the mastermind and all his Sudeiri

brothers are major beneficiaries and accomplices in his crime.

The richest man in the world, according to Forbes magazine, is the Sultan of

Brunei, worth $25 billion. Witnesses who have visited Fahd and discussed the

wealthiest man issue with him see a grin spread across his face. The grin

says Fahd knows that he has stolen more and is worth more than the Sultan

of Brunei's billions. CACSA is currently developing a complex economic

model using available oil sales and consumption data to determine

approximately the amount of money Fahd and the other Sudeiris have

embezzled. The results with detailed explanations based on budgets,

revenues, expenditures and other essential criteria will be posted. Analysis of

Saudi businesses and their revenue base is also under way. Most of the

largest companies in Saudi Arabia have been created from the proceeds of

stolen money. They have remained in operation through profits from

government contracts that allow Fahd to steal.

Only certain world industries are large enough to create a very large base of

wealth. The top three are: Arms, Drugs, and Oil. People who control or deal

with any of these industries are the richest people in the world. Arms are

controlled through government and political consensus; the illegal drug

industry and the oil market have been controlled by Fahd for 15 years. That's

how he gained his vast wealth. How could a man so incompetent reach

power? How could a man so unwise become King? How could a man so

lacking in vision govern? For verification or further information try to visit

Saudi-Arabia!! Please do not believe that the Saudi regime represents or

implements Islam.




Fourth anniversary of King Abdullah’s ascension to the throne celebrated

June 19, 2009

Saudi Arabia celebrated today the 4th anniversary of the allegiance-pledge to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, who ascended to the throne on 26/6/1426 H. Speeches were delivered and articles written to mark the occasion by a number of governors, ministers and other officials.

Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal reflected on the King’s commitment to cross-cultural understanding in an article entitled β€œThe Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Culture of Dialogue.” He highlighted King Abdullah’s sponsorship of the World Initiative for Dialogue between Followers of Religions and Cultures, which held two summits last year – one in Madrid in July and another at U.N. headquarters in New York in November.

Prince Saud noted that the conferences brought together top political and religious leaders from around the world and initiated an ongoing interfaith dialogue process. King Abdullah has often promoted constructive engagement, Prince Saud added, as evidenced by his call for dialogue between Palestinian factions and Iraqi sects, his plea for Arab reconciliation, and his creation of a National Dialogue Center at home.

In his own remarks, Chairman of the Allegiance-Pledge Commission Prince Misha’al bin Abdulaziz commended the major reform efforts led by King Abdullah in the political, economic, educational and social fields. β€œThe Kingdom is no longer today an oil country affecting the world economy only, but it is a state that contributes to making decisions regionally and internationally,” said Prince Misha’al. He pointed to U.S. President Barack Obama’s decision to begin his tour of the Arab world in Saudi Arabia as an indication of β€œthe Kingdom’s position and the extent of the influence of its leader . . . in making the future of the region and the world.”

Assistant Minister of Culture and Information Prince Turki bin Abdulaziz commented on the Kingdom’s increasingly influential position in regional, Islamic and international arenas. He attributed that rise to the Kingdom’s policies of moderation, non-interference in the affairs of others, adoption of the language of dialogue, unity against terrorism in all its forms, and provision of energy in a way that balances the interests of both producers and consumers.

For his part, Minister of Health Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah noted that under the leadership of King Abdullah, the Kingdom has surpassed the development goals set by the U.N. Millennium Declaration in 2000. Minister of Economy and Planning Khalid Al-Qusaibi lauded the Kingdom’s economic growth during the reign of King Abdullah, noting that the Saudi economy β€œranks 19 on the list of the world’s largest economies and is the largest in the Arab World.” He also detailed the large number of development projects currently underway in the Kingdom.


They are making it even tougher for people

to go to Makkah for Pilgrimage (Haj) by for example raising the Haj Tax and

also by imposing age limits and other draconian and unlawful conditions upon



Lathough I am not a fan of the Saudi regime The above is not true My first hajj was in 1988 and more recently Two years ago and the hajj taz has remained the same SR1029.00.


The limits they have imposed are countries can only sens  a maximum  of 1% of their population to hajj and that is to avoid a crowd that they cannot accommodate if you are a saudi or lives in SA every five years so as tyo give others a chance.

Newly released footage shows Saudi regime brutality


A newly released video on the internet shows Saudi policemen severely beating a prisoner, thrusting into spotlight once more the plight of detainees in Saudi jails.

The video, which was purportedly shot in a detention facility, shows several policemen brutally beating a man with batons. The man is pleading for the beating to stop but to no avail.

Meanwhile, another video apparently shot last week shows dozens of Saudi students staging a protest in the city of Jeddah.

The demonstration follows a decision by the Saudi Ministry of Higher Education to close the protestors' non-profit university.

Saudi Arabia has one of the worst human rights records in the world. Thousands of anti-regime activists are languishing in jails without proper access to lawyers or trial.

According to Human Rights Watch, the Saudi regime ''routinely represses expression critical of the government''.

Since February 2011, protesters have held demonstrations on an almost regular basis in Saudi Arabia, mainly in Qatif and Awamiyah in Eastern Province, primarily calling for the release of all political prisoners, freedom of expression and assembly, as well as an end to widespread discrimination.

However, the demonstrations have turned into protests against the repressive Al Saud regime, especially since November 2011 when Saudi security forces killed five protesters and injured many others in the province.

Similar demonstrations have also been held in Riyadh and the holy city of Medina over the past few weeks.
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

They are making it even tougher for people

to go to Makkah for Pilgrimage (Haj) by for example raising the Haj Tax and

also by imposing age limits and other draconian and unlawful conditions upon



Lathough I am not a fan of the Saudi regime The above is not true My first hajj was in 1988 and more recently Two years ago and the hajj taz has remained the same SR1029.00.


The limits they have imposed are countries can only sens  a maximum  of 1% of their population to hajj and that is to avoid a crowd that they cannot accommodate if you are a saudi or lives in SA every five years so as tyo give others a chance.


Saudi Arabia gets pilgrim-taxes from the poor devotees. The Emirs, Princes and even ordinary citizens, mix up this taxation money with their enormous oil-revenues, and roam around the world, as far as the hotels of London, searching for beautiful girls and sometimes boys, to take to bed with them. This is what they do with our money -- many millions each year.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It looks like ASJ is obsessed with Arabs, maybe like chickie, he thinks that he is a direct descendant of Mohamed. Maybe he is an honorary Arab, but he is not the right complexion. hahahaha

Maybe someone should ship ASJ off to the Kingdom. after some good lash and a threat of beheading, you'll see how fast he'll hightail it back to America. Of a surety, he'll never bad talk the US  again.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

They are making it even tougher for people

to go to Makkah for Pilgrimage (Haj) by for example raising the Haj Tax and

also by imposing age limits and other draconian and unlawful conditions upon



Lathough I am not a fan of the Saudi regime The above is not true My first hajj was in 1988 and more recently Two years ago and the hajj taz has remained the same SR1029.00.


The limits they have imposed are countries can only sens  a maximum  of 1% of their population to hajj and that is to avoid a crowd that they cannot accommodate if you are a saudi or lives in SA every five years so as tyo give others a chance.


Saudi Arabia gets pilgrim-taxes from the poor devotees. The Emirs, Princes and even ordinary citizens, mix up this taxation money with their enormous oil-revenues, and roam around the world, as far as the hotels of London, searching for beautiful girls and sometimes boys, to take to bed with them. This is what they do with our money -- many millions each year.

Have you ever been to hajj. The US$275.00 (SR1029.00) That pays for the haji transportation and the people who maintain that tents,making sure that water Ice ect are replenished each day in Mina and Arafat, Should anyone not use any of the services that ar refunded their money.


This money is not paid to the govt but to an agency of the ministry of hajj.


Althought there are corruption in SA you see progress and the Saudis are happy unlike what is happening under your PPP regime in Guyana.


The people protesting in SA are the SHIAS



Ale Sauds The Yazeed of the Present Era , & their Unholy UnIslamic Acts , Background , and Zionist Connections Revealed

3 Votes





JNN 22 Aug 2012 Riyadh :

This is article based on indepth research on the Ale Saud the Rulers of Saudi Arabia , who are famous for their UnIslamic acts and trying to mislead the whole of the Islamic World by Deceiving , them and Being Called the Custodian of the Most Holy Land of Islam , and the Mecca and Medina .


It is Obligatory for us to show the Innocent People of the World the real face of the Ale Saud and their Unholy acts , with which they want to Malign Islam, and the Deceive the Whole of the Muslim World.

Recently we had a chat with a person who insisted that, as a rule, whatever is taught in the grand mosques of Makka and Madina by Saudi Arabian Government is Islam.


We tried to explain him, citing Islamic history and how these sacred places were occupied by Najdi feudal Lords Sauds on the back of a Salafi frenzy created by Abd al-Wahhab and British Government’s military support who conspired with Sauds to destroy  Islamic Khilafah.


During the conversation we realized that it is important to write an Article about  moral and financial corruption and un-Islamic deeds of Saudi Princes and their Government so that people realize thatSalafism is not Islam, rather it is a political ideology to keep the power and wealth in the hands of Saudi Royal family.


Some people may argue that now-a-days almost all countries in the world are facing unchecked corruption by the ruling politicians.  Saudis are not the first one who  started this trend.


Their argument is valid.  We do agree with this line of thinking.Corrupt politicians, Kings or dictators impose on people,  their self concocted theories and try to relate it to religion to usurp power, plunder wealth, create a fear psycho among people and take advantage of people’s vulnerabilities.


Some people say that Mutawwas (Saudi Religious Police) are nothing but Government paid informers, well connected with  General Intelligence Directorate (Saudi Secret Service), assigned to keep an eye on individual members of public and help Saudi Royals to remain in power.  They are trained to  keep an eagle’s eye on public activities and close their eyes completely from the members of Royal family.Mutawwas work under the network of Government run Salafi Dawa Centers whose responsibility is to baptize people into Salafism, a political doctrine imposed on people in the name of Islam.


Some people say that Allah (سبحانہ و ΨͺΨΉΨ§ Ω„ΫŒ) has chosen Saudi Royal family to take care of the two Grand Mosques in Makka and Madina, therefore Salafism should not be treated as a political doctrine away from Islam.

Those who talk like this are unaware of the history of Islam.  At the time of Advent of Prophet Mohammad (  Ψ΅Ω„Ω‰ Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ω‡ ΨΉΩ„ΩŠΩ‡ و Ψ’Ω„Ω‡ ΩˆΨ³Ω„Ω…) Ka’ba was under the occupation of Pagan Idol worshipers.  As a matter of fact 360 Idols were kept around it which were worshiped by them. Similar is the situation now.


We all know, Salafis are Sky Idol God worshipers.  They worship a Sky Idol who has eyes, face, hands and a huge human like physical body and who is sitting on the skies. To legitimize their Idol worship, they misinterpret Quranic verses and Ahadith. They have occupied Islamic heartland and the grand mosques of Makka and Madina in 1925 and are propagating their  Salafi /Wahhabi theories in the world as Islamic teachings


Therefore, occupation of grand mosques in Makka and Madina is not a testimony that the occupiers follow Islam.


Also, read this Article, you will be aghast to see the black deeds of Saudi Royal family.  They are involved in all kinds of vices anyone could think of under the sun.  Looking at them, how can one believe that they are the chosen ones to serve the grand mosques and Islam?


In any case, we would like to reiterate that we are not against any Government or any ruling individual in the world, including Saudi Royal family.  Similarly, we are not against any Scholar, as a person, (Ahle Sunnah, Salafi or Shia) in the world. We wish  and pray for every individual good in both the lives.

However, we  identify the shortcomings of people in order that they realize it  and work for their improvement for  the good of their people and their salvation in this world and in Hereafter.  If they agree, it is fine, and if they do not agree, it is  also fine.  Our job is to counsel with good intention and pray for their good.

Also, it is important to note that progressive societies take criticism positively as it helps them to correct their shortcomings and serve people better.


The Article has been divided into 4 parts: (1) Introduction, (2) Saudi Royal’s Prostitution Rings, (3)  Saudi Royal’s Child Sex Slave Trade, and (4) Brief historical background of Saudi Royal family.


The allegations are substantiated by published data which establishes the pattern of abuse using documented occurrence where the princes and their associates have been caught.

The Article is completely based on published information available in public domain on Internet and print media. We have described what is already known to billions of people around the Globe. We have provided the sources of information throughout the Article.


We regret for some terms used in the Article.  We had to keep them, unwillingly though, as it is reported in Newspapers, Magazines and Internet.  The problem is, when we quote a source, we need to keep the information and its wording as it is.

As usual, the Article is completely unbiased and we have refrained from giving our opinions throughout the Article.




It is an open secret in Washington that the State Department is extremely sensitive to criticism of its actions regarding Saudi Arabia and its Princes.  It is alleged that there are issues related to Saudi Royals  which are so embarrassing to Washington that these must be kept secret from public domain.

The sensitivities of the US State Department are confirmed by the following BBC obituary on the death of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia.

BBC OBITUARY – KING FAHD - β€Monday, August 1, 2005 – King Fahd (1921-2005) ascended to Saudi Throne in 1982.  He had a reputation as a playboy in his youth, with allegations of excessive womanizing, drinking and gambling.


Indeed, it is claimed that he once lost more than $6m in one night at the Monte Carlo casino. There was a joke that new Cadillac made-to-order cars were dumped as soon as their ashtrays were full.  King Fahd himself amassed a personal fortune estimated at $18bn”.


He was known for his extravagant vacations in Spain’s Costa del Sol. The posh resort town of Marbella is where he built his  magnificent palace named β€œMar Mar”, and each year for a month or more he would stay there.   Luxury villas and hundreds of rooms in five-star hotels would be reserved for his entourage,  and hundreds of millions dollars would be spent by the King and his Royals





Earlier, King Saud bin Abdul Aziz (1902-1969) who ruled Saudi Arabia between 1953-64 was deposed and lived in exile in Europe for plundering oil wealth, womanizing, gambling and other vices.  It is reported that he fathered a total of 109  children,  53  princes and 56 princesses from hundreds of beautiful young women.



King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz (born 1923) sipping wine with George Bush.

Watch this  video where King Abdullah is reportedly  Dancing with teenage girls and boys.  The video shows King Abdullah or may be a high ranking Saudi Royal (we are not sure) dancing on the street with young teenage girls who are wearing Jeans and T-Shirts; some of them are in  Abaya with open hairs, faces and hands.  Many boys are also dancing along with these girls.

Originally Posted by asj:




Earlier, King Saud bin Abdul Aziz (1902-1969) who ruled Saudi Arabia between 1953-64 was deposed and lived in exile in Europe for plundering oil wealth, womanizing, gambling and other vices.  It is reported that he fathered a total of 109  children,  53  princes and 56 princesses from hundreds of beautiful young women.



King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz (born 1923) sipping wine with George Bush.

Watch this  video where King Abdullah is reportedly  Dancing with teenage girls and boys.  The video shows King Abdullah or may be a high ranking Saudi Royal (we are not sure) dancing on the street with young teenage girls who are wearing Jeans and T-Shirts; some of them are in  Abaya with open hairs, faces and hands.  Many boys are also dancing along with these girls.

The most disturbing thing in the video is that the girls in western outfits are using Kalima Tayyiba in their dance and  putting it on their backs, which is touching and covering their bums and legs while they are dancing along with boys.  The Kalima Tayyiba has Allah’s  (سبحانہ و ΨͺΨΉΨ§ Ω„ΫŒ) and Prophet Mohammad (Ψ΅Ω„Ω‰ Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ω‡ ΨΉΩ„ΩŠΩ‡ و Ψ’Ω„Ω‡ ΩˆΨ³Ω„Ω…) names.  This is  open  and blatant disrespect of Allah  (سبحانہ و ΨͺΨΉΨ§ Ω„ΫŒ), Prophet Mohammad (Ψ΅Ω„Ω‰ Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ω‡ ΨΉΩ„ΩŠΩ‡ و Ψ’Ω„Ω‡ ΩˆΨ³Ω„Ω…) and Islam  in the hands of Salafis


A US national wrote on December 9, 2010 -  QUOTE – β€œI worked in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for four years. Once, when I was driving a Saudi colleague to the airport, I watched this line of trucks parked at a Royal 737 on the tarmac and unloading boxes and boxes of stuff. I was told by the fella I was with (a Saudi army Captain) that it was the King and his clan replenishing the booze and fancy food stocks that were running low – the plane had flown to the UK empty just to pick up the stocks for the Royal turd and his Princes. LOL. What hypocrites!”  UNQUOTE -

Readers may be aware that Saudi Kings are officially addressed as β€˜Khadim-ul-Haramain wash Sharifain’ (the Custodians of two holy mosques in Makka and Madina).

 It is not just the Kings, the Saudi Royal family as a whole is famous for their lavish spending, womanizing, drinking, gambling and other vices.



In 1982, a Miami judge issued a warrant to search Prince Turki’s   24th-floor penthouse to determine if he was holding an Egyptian woman, Nadia Lutefi Mustafa, as sex slave, against her will.

Prince Turki and his French bodyguards prevented a search from taking place, then won retroactive diplomatic immunity to forestall any legal unpleasantness.

In March 2005, a wife of Prince Mohamed Bin Turki al-Saud, Hana Al Jader, 39, was arrested at her home near Boston on charges of forced labor, domestic servitude, falsifying records, visa fraud, and harboring aliens.   Powerful Saudi royals can be seen living it up on the French Riviera. They fly on private jets, buy the finest jewels and dine at exclusive restaurants.




Prince Walid bin Talal has summered in Cannes for the past  3 decades, and owns a 281 foot yacht called β€œthe Kingdom” that he bought from Donald Trump. The yacht comes complete with a disco studio and helicopter

The New York Times reported on September 13, 2011 that the Spanish Judge has reopened a sexual assault case against Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, reviving accusations that he raped a 20-year-old model on a luxury yacht in the Spanish Mediterranean in August 2008.

The rape victim did not go public, and the original complaint appears to have remained largely unknown. The case was quietly closed in July 2010 for what a judge on the Mediterranean resort Island of Ibiza called a lack of evidence.

But on appeal, a Spanish provincial court for the Balearic Islands, which has jurisdiction over Ibiza, ordered the judge to resume investigating and to summon the prince to appear.

According to Provincial Court’s Order to reopen the case, medical tests conducted by Departments of Spain’s National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Science turned up traces of Nordazepam (Sleep-inducing chemical), and Semen in the victim’s urine.

The victim’s lawyer, Javier Beloqui, said the tests supported her claim that her drink had been spiked and that she was sexually assaulted. He called on Prince Al-waleed to provide at least a DNA test in order to compare it with the traces of semen found.

Her Highnesses, the Saudi Princesses are not far behind with their male counterparts.

The Telegraph reported on July 7, 2012 that Saudi Princess Sara bint Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the granddaughter of King Abdulaziz al-Saud, has sought asylum in Britain, for self and her four daughters, over fears she could be persecuted by members of her family at home in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

She tells Hugh Miles and Robert Mendick why she does not want to return. β€œMy branch of the family was always different from the rest of Al Saud – open, controversial and diverse. We celebrate Christmas.”

Wearing a V-neck sweater, leggings and running shoes,Princess Sara dresses like any Westerner and refuses to wear a veil. Her nails are bright red.

The divorced princess currently lives in London after moving to Britain in 2007.  She studied at the King Saud University in Riyadh, and married a royal cousin while still young. She was divorced in her twenties.

She claims that she was assaulted outside the Saudi embassy by an official who tried to grab her arm. The police were not called because the princess was trying to avoid a scandal. Sara, 38, believes senior Saudi officials plotted to have her kidnapped and brought back to Riyadh and claims they subjected her to a β€œwell orchestrated and malicious campaign of persecution”. A Saudi embassy diplomat confirmed the embassy had been involved in visa negotiations.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

This is what they do with our money


That is why you are pissed They using your oil money

Nah they uses your Hajj hard earned money for all kinds of immorality, go figure.

who made you in charge of judging human behaviour? God?

Stop being an a$$whole, and try to understand that judging someone and making a statement of facts are two different things.


No wonder you are so friggin dumb. If you need to ask a q, then come right to the point, or keep your pie hole shut.


Saudi teenager killed by security forces in Qatif

Saudi protesters hold a demonstration in the Qatif region of the Eastern Province. [File photo)

Saudi protesters hold a demonstration in the Qatif region of the Eastern Province. (File photo)
Saudi security forces have shot dead a teenager and wounded two others as they attacked a group of pro-democracy protesters in the city of Qatif in the Eastern Province, Press TV reports.

The unnamed sixteen-year-old boy was killed on Wednesday as security forces were trying to arrest opposition activist Khaled al-Labbad.

Labbad is on a list of 23 people wanted by the Saudi regime. They are accused of organizing anti-regime protests in the oil-rich kingdom

Unconfirmed reports say Labbad was also killed in the incident.

According to activists, there are over 30,000 political prisoners in Saudi Arabia. Human rights groups have accused the House of Saud of imprisoning political dissidents.

People are randomly arrested by the Saudi police just for looking suspicious, and are held behind bars for years before they are even charged.

According to Human Rights Watch, the Saudi regime ''routinely represses expression critical of the government.”

On August 13, Swedish Defense Minister Karin Enstrom criticized Riyadh for its human rights violations, describing Saudi Arabia as β€œan authoritarian regime and an absolute monarchy where serious human rights crimes are committed.”

Since February 2011, protesters have held numerous demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, mainly in Qatif and Awamiyah in the Eastern Province, to call for the release of all political prisoners, freedom of expression and assembly, and an end to widespread discrimination against Shia Muslims

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