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Most on here probably realize by now that I do not take political sides in Gy because all of the current crop of leading politicians are crooks. However, I care about Gy and it is true that someone is raping the rain forests of Gy.


I have a lot of contacts in Gy and I know for a fact from a good friend who is a pilot in Gy that large swaths of the forest is gone, someone is pretty much clear cutting and destroying the forest. This is not news coming from a newspaper or any other media outlet this is coming from a friend of mine who has been flying over the rain forest pretty much everyday for the past 15 years and he has seen the change. Someone is destroying the rain forest and it’s time for anyone of us who still has any love for Gy to save our rain forest.


I do not get involved in Gy politics but I have to hold the government of the day responsible. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

you are short sighted..Gy can generate more money from preserving its rain forest than by cutting it down. Do the math....think outside the box for a moment...I know more about Gy and it's politicians than you will probably ever know...when I go to Gy I love among them, I have to believe they are thieves because there is no way they can build the kind of properties they have and amass the wealth the have by the salary they make and none are big time traders in the financial would weep if you saw what they are doing to the rain forest. They are killing our land....


By the way I have a house in Pardoville so I know what I speak of...There is so much I can tell you about opposition and government politicians it will blow your have no idea how crooked these people are...yu ou have great aspirations for Gy I believe and it would make you angry if you know what I know...

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look, there is no doubt that the Ministers are living large and I do not condone that but THE WEST must change their ways before getting small countries to use what they have.  There must be a balance and strict control with regards to the forestry Programs.

Nehru...we do not have to rely on the west to generate revenue from saving the rain forest...within 6 years of preserving our rain forest we can generate an extra $2 billion US at the low end to an extra $10 billion US at eh high end in GDP.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look, there is no doubt that the Ministers are living large and I do not condone that but THE WEST must change their ways before getting small countries to use what they have.  There must be a balance and strict control with regards to the forestry Programs.

Nehru...we do not have to rely on the west to generate revenue from saving the rain forest...within 6 years of preserving our rain forest we can generate an extra $2 billion US at the low end to an extra $10 billion US at eh high end in GDP.

My brother, I will not pretend to know what you are talking about since I have limited knowledge of the business of Rain Forest. But if this is possible, someone and maybe you need to submit a Proposal to the Govt to show how gUYANA CAN BENEFIT by preserving the Rain Forest. I am being very serious here.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I spent most of my life in Guyana. Visited from one end to the other. Had great times and memories, I cant see how I will be able to get that out of my system.

fight for your this point I know many in Gy would have still voted for the PPP despite their corruption...but this environment destruction is the last straw..I believe people are willing to take thoer chances with the opposition now....the PPP have put the PNC to shame as far as thieving goes...


every year that I go to Gy I visit the rain forest..and for the one week that I am there I spend over 5k US just imagine how much a foreigner will spend......and multiply that by 200k visitors.....and then at least double it for economy activity generated.(it is usually more) and then imagine the GDP growth...but the current crop of politicians are only interested in thieving and lip service...most in the current government are nothing but crooks...remember I live among them when I am there 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

There is more than enough Rain forest in Guyana. Timber trading has been going on in Guyana for over 100 years. If the West want Guyana to keep the Rain Forest as it is, THEY MUSY PAY GUYANA TO DO SO. The West cannot keep burning Fossil Fuel like there is no tomorrow and expect Guyana to replenish their Oxygen!!!!!!!

You are wrong. this statement does not justify what is happening to the rainforest in Guyana. Do not take the the forest we have in Guyana for granted, it is not as large as u might think. It is true that logging has been going on in Guyana for a long time, but not at this magnitude.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I spent most of my life in Guyana. Visited from one end to the other. Had great times and memories, I cant see how I will be able to get that out of my system.

With this statement, I'm going to step away, laugh as loudly as I can, then come back.

with all due respect I would like to keep this thread civil...and I know you are being kind ...thx.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I spent most of my life in Guyana. Visited from one end to the other. Had great times and memories, I cant see how I will be able to get that out of my system.

With this statement, I'm going to step away, laugh as loudly as I can, then come back.

with all due respect I would like to keep this thread civil...and I know you are being kind ...thx.

You have no idea how civil I'm being. But when individuals who have no idea what's happening in the homeland but come here and pretend they do, I find them laughable.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

There is more than enough Rain forest in Guyana. Timber trading has been going on in Guyana for over 100 years. If the West want Guyana to keep the Rain Forest as it is, THEY MUSY PAY GUYANA TO DO SO. The West cannot keep burning Fossil Fuel like there is no tomorrow and expect Guyana to replenish their Oxygen!!!!!!!

You are wrong. this statement does not justify what is happening to the rainforest in Guyana. Do not take the the forest we have in Guyana for granted, it is not as large as u might think. It is true that logging has been going on in Guyana for a long time, but not at this magnitude.

bannas, It is half of the Country.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

There is more than enough Rain forest in Guyana. Timber trading has been going on in Guyana for over 100 years. If the West want Guyana to keep the Rain Forest as it is, THEY MUSY PAY GUYANA TO DO SO. The West cannot keep burning Fossil Fuel like there is no tomorrow and expect Guyana to replenish their Oxygen!!!!!!!

You are wrong. this statement does not justify what is happening to the rainforest in Guyana. Do not take the the forest we have in Guyana for granted, it is not as large as u might think. It is true that logging has been going on in Guyana for a long time, but not at this magnitude.

bannas, It is half of the Country.

You need to wake up, half of the country or even a piece of it. In the end the Guyanese people will lose big time. I'm speaking with friends from the hinterland. The situation is not a good one.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

There is more than enough Rain forest in Guyana. Timber trading has been going on in Guyana for over 100 years. If the West want Guyana to keep the Rain Forest as it is, THEY MUSY PAY GUYANA TO DO SO. The West cannot keep burning Fossil Fuel like there is no tomorrow and expect Guyana to replenish their Oxygen!!!!!!!

You are wrong. this statement does not justify what is happening to the rainforest in Guyana. Do not take the the forest we have in Guyana for granted, it is not as large as u might think. It is true that logging has been going on in Guyana for a long time, but not at this magnitude.

bannas, It is half of the Country.

You need to wake up, half of the country or even a piece of it. In the end the Guyanese people will lose big time. I'm speaking with friends from the hinterland. The situation is not a good one.

What are your friends doing with the Trees??  How is it helping them???  Is it being used as shade from the Sun??/

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

There is more than enough Rain forest in Guyana. Timber trading has been going on in Guyana for over 100 years. If the West want Guyana to keep the Rain Forest as it is, THEY MUSY PAY GUYANA TO DO SO. The West cannot keep burning Fossil Fuel like there is no tomorrow and expect Guyana to replenish their Oxygen!!!!!!!

You are wrong. this statement does not justify what is happening to the rainforest in Guyana. Do not take the the forest we have in Guyana for granted, it is not as large as u might think. It is true that logging has been going on in Guyana for a long time, but not at this magnitude.

bannas, It is half of the Country.

You need to wake up, half of the country or even a piece of it. In the end the Guyanese people will lose big time. I'm speaking with friends from the hinterland. The situation is not a good one.

What are your friends doing with the Trees??  How is it helping them???  Is it being used as shade from the Sun??/ know you are just being facetious. Just do the basic math on the numbers and think of what it would take to get to those is not that difficult for them to reach 200k eco-tourism visitors in six yrs....yes there will be some exploitation of the natural resources...but not to the vulgar levels with no regard for the ramifications that we are seeing today...

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

There is more than enough Rain forest in Guyana. Timber trading has been going on in Guyana for over 100 years. If the West want Guyana to keep the Rain Forest as it is, THEY MUSY PAY GUYANA TO DO SO. The West cannot keep burning Fossil Fuel like there is no tomorrow and expect Guyana to replenish their Oxygen!!!!!!!

You are wrong. this statement does not justify what is happening to the rainforest in Guyana. Do not take the the forest we have in Guyana for granted, it is not as large as u might think. It is true that logging has been going on in Guyana for a long time, but not at this magnitude.

bannas, It is half of the Country.

You need to wake up, half of the country or even a piece of it. In the end the Guyanese people will lose big time. I'm speaking with friends from the hinterland. The situation is not a good one.

What are your friends doing with the Trees??  How is it helping them???  Is it being used as shade from the Sun??/

Irrelevant questions. Do yourself a favor. stop supporting this Govt. with their nonsense. I understand you like the PPP, but their actions in this case are truly appalling,  Don't let yourself be fooled. Remember the Pied Piper story? There's a cliff loomimg up ahead. Take heed.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

There is more than enough Rain forest in Guyana. Timber trading has been going on in Guyana for over 100 years. If the West want Guyana to keep the Rain Forest as it is, THEY MUSY PAY GUYANA TO DO SO. The West cannot keep burning Fossil Fuel like there is no tomorrow and expect Guyana to replenish their Oxygen!!!!!!!

You are wrong. this statement does not justify what is happening to the rainforest in Guyana. Do not take the the forest we have in Guyana for granted, it is not as large as u might think. It is true that logging has been going on in Guyana for a long time, but not at this magnitude.

bannas, It is half of the Country.

You need to wake up, half of the country or even a piece of it. In the end the Guyanese people will lose big time. I'm speaking with friends from the hinterland. The situation is not a good one.

What are your friends doing with the Trees??  How is it helping them???  Is it being used as shade from the Sun??/

Irrelevant questions. Do yourself a favor. stop supporting this Govt. with their nonsense. I understand you like the PPP, but their actions in this case are truly appalling,  Don't let yourself be fooled. Remember the Pied Piper story? There's a cliff loomimg up ahead. Take heed.

I am trying to understand your concern. What exactly is the problem of the Contract with the Chinese and Indian company?? 

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am trying to understand your concern. What exactly is the problem of the Contract with the Chinese and Indian company?? 

the concern is the wanton destruction of the rain forest....never midn who is doing is the fact that it is being done with total disregard...

So you are claiming there is no control and that they are destroying the Rain Forest to  the extent that sooner or later there will be no Rain Forest. If that is true, then I agree something needs to be done.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Hay dummy, posting the same video across every thread will not make it any more honest.

Perhaps you should remind yourself and your colleagues about this item.

Bynoe's expose' is obviously bothering them. They cannot counter any of what the man has said with facts so of course their resort is to personal attacks. Isn't this what they accuse the PPP of?

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Hay dummy, posting the same video across every thread will not make it any more honest.

Perhaps you should remind yourself and your colleagues about this item.

Bynoe's expose' is obviously bothering them. They cannot counter any of what the man has said with facts so of course their resort is to personal attacks. Isn't this what they accuse the PPP of?

Our videos have the backing of the world. I can bring you videos of dozens of activists from across the world, from environmental groups, from even Redd monitor and they all say the same thing. We are being plundered.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am trying to understand your concern. What exactly is the problem of the Contract with the Chinese and Indian company?? 

the concern is the wanton destruction of the rain forest....never midn who is doing is the fact that it is being done with total disregard...

So you are claiming there is no control and that they are destroying the Rain Forest to  the extent that sooner or later there will be no Rain Forest. If that is true, then I agree something needs to be done.

Bai Shan Jagdeo 


Bai Shan Lin controls over a Million Hectares of Guyana forests through a variety of companies they have bought up in Guyana. They hide the ownership through these various companies.


02/1985 Nagasar Sawh 29,175  02/1991,

Demerara Timbers Ltd. 485,692

01/1999 WAICO (Wood Associated Industries Ltd.) 26,074

03/2005 Garner Forest Industries 92,737

01/2007 Puruni Woods Products Inc. 107,665

04/2009 Kwebanna Wood Products 87,356

? Karlam South American Timber (Guyana) Inc. 105,056

01/2011 Haimorakabra Logging Company Inc. A 16,271

Haimorakabra Logging Company Inc. B 35,859

Sub-total -



This is just a shap shot of a few of the companies they own.


01/2007 Sherwood Forrests Inc. 167,066

01/2011 Baishanlin International Forest Industry Development Co. Ltd. A


01/2011 Baishanlin International Forest Industry Development Co. Ltd. B


Unknown Unknown 73,015

This figure is stunning this company actually controls more forest than Barama which hires a ton of Guyanese to work for them. If you compare the employees of Barama and the revenues Barama pays to the government vs. Bai Shan Lin it is night and day. BSL pays nothing Guyana compared to Barama.

Total -

Baishanlin   1,338,910 Hectares

Barama Co. Ltd.  1,601,577 Hectares.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Hay dummy, posting the same video across every thread will not make it any more honest.

Perhaps you should remind yourself and your colleagues about this item.

Bynoe's expose' is obviously bothering them. They cannot counter any of what the man has said with facts so of course their resort is to personal attacks. Isn't this what they accuse the PPP of?

the house slave is in the ppp chains

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am trying to understand your concern. What exactly is the problem of the Contract with the Chinese and Indian company?? 

the concern is the wanton destruction of the rain forest....never midn who is doing is the fact that it is being done with total disregard...

The company’s concessions are illustrated in one of the slides in Chu Wenze’s presentation:


According to the website Global Timber, these concessions were taken over from other concession holders, a process known as β€œlandlording” which is illegal in Guyana (unless officially authorised by the President). Under Guyanese law, forest concessions cannot be traded, but must be re-advertised by the Forestry Commission in an open auction.

Last week, Bai Shan Lin ignored a cease order issued by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission at a sand excavation pit in Moblissa. The company has received no permission for excavation work in the area and this is the third time that the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission has issued a cease order. Bai Shan Lin has also started construction of a road, without any permission.

Despite the company’s record, among its supporters is Guyana’s ex-President Bharrat Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Hay dummy, posting the same video across every thread will not make it any more honest.

Perhaps you should remind yourself and your colleagues about this item.

Bynoe's expose' is obviously bothering them. They cannot counter any of what the man has said with facts so of course their resort is to personal attacks. Isn't this what they accuse the PPP of?

Remember Mr Bynoe burn down that building with Mr Poole? 

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Hay dummy, posting the same video across every thread will not make it any more honest.

Perhaps you should remind yourself and your colleagues about this item.

Bynoe's expose' is obviously bothering them. They cannot counter any of what the man has said with facts so of course their resort is to personal attacks. Isn't this what they accuse the PPP of?

He is an ignar and a PPP house boy.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Hay dummy, posting the same video across every thread will not make it any more honest.

Perhaps you should remind yourself and your colleagues about this item.

Bynoe's expose' is obviously bothering them. They cannot counter any of what the man has said with facts so of course their resort is to personal attacks. Isn't this what they accuse the PPP of?

Expose? the only Expose Bynoe can tell us is weh de flag deh that he was draping coffin with.


When he done deh he has to tell us how come he get that man kill in office of the president. Like all yuh forget that already.


It is clear the PPP is embracing criminals. Bynoe has blood on his hands.





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