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Prashad posted:

Red house can be saved. But I would like to see those documents out of that old wood building and into a safe location. These is nothing preventing a racist fool with a bucket of gasoline to put an end to that old wood building. Once those documents are burned they are not coming back.

If it was something that the PPP wanted to get rid of in the the PPP's time of power, Georgetown and its surroundings would have been a charcoal supplier. The PNC dogs would have unleashed their kerosene an matches on the buildings. No wonder Guyana cannot progress.

yuji22 posted:

PNC is like a Ko Ko Beah Cancer. They can only destroy, it is an integral part of their genetics.

What have clowns built since the the election was rigged ?

Zero, Nothing. Nada.

Like Donald trump said "it's a trait in the African community"


Images (1)
  • laziness-is-a-trait
Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

Red house can be saved. But I would like to see those documents out of that old wood building and into a safe location. These is nothing preventing a racist fool with a bucket of gasoline to put an end to that old wood building. Once those documents are burned they are not coming back.

If it was something that the PPP wanted to get rid of in the the PPP's time of power, Georgetown and its surroundings would have been a charcoal supplier. The PNC dogs would have unleashed their kerosene an matches on the buildings. No wonder Guyana cannot progress.

Should have read "the PPP wanted to get rid of related to the PNC"

Prashad posted:

Red house can be saved. But I would like to see those documents out of that old wood building and into a safe location. These is nothing preventing a racist fool with a bucket of gasoline to put an end to that old wood building. Once those documents are burned they are not coming back.

Good point.

Is the current lease valid?

Prashad posted:

Red house can be saved. But I would like to see those documents out of that old wood building and into a safe location. These is nothing preventing a racist fool with a bucket of gasoline to put an end to that old wood building. Once those documents are burned they are not coming back.

I agree with you.

As a matter of fact the foundation should quietly remove the documents and other stuff from Red House and build a nice modern building toi be used as the Cheddie Jagan Muesuem.

Prince posted:

Vishnu, if Mitwah, Gilbakka and TK signed the petition, it would be conflict of interest since they all supported PNC and their anti-indian policies that's hurting us today. Do you have an explanation for this? 

 This is not by any stretch of the imagination a fair statement about Mitwah, Giily and TK.

These distinguished  gentlemen  chose the lesser of two evils, the corrupted- thieving  PPP or  a new coalition Government.

Last edited by Chief

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