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Saving Guysuco


Posted By On April 30, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features | 


The purpose of this column is to propose a non-exhaustive list of possible solutions for the crisis facing the sugar industry, a crisis mainly brought about by several political decisions over the years. As a matter of context, we should acknowledge the crucial moments when the roots of the present day crisis were planted. Firstly, nationalization in the mid-1970s was the first blow to the industry by the political establishment. Nationalization, of course, was proposed by Mr Burnham and willingly supported in the name of ideological fervour by Dr Jagan. Nationalization not only caused the country to lose scarce foreign exchange as some of the surplus sugar funds were paid as reparation to Bookers, but also it had the more lasting effect of burdening the scarce management pool of the country. Management that could have been deployed into other sectors of the economy had to be placed into the sugar industry. The bauxite industry also faced the same problem, and by extension other sectors of the economy suffered as management was drained from the other areas. The foreign managers had the global social networks that gave them substantial marketing reach. A more glorious revolution would have seen Guyanese being slowly inculcated into the global social networks.

development watchThe second crucial blow to the industry was the decision to construct the Skeldon sugar factory after it was obvious that under the new World Trade Organization (WTO) rules of the mid-1990s the preferential access African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) had to Europe would come under challenge. One wonders whether the early PPP had analysts observing these global developments; perhaps not as the party is known for marginalizing dissenting views within its structures. Other developing countries – some with good left-wing credentials – challenged the preferential access the ACP countries enjoyed and won; hence, today we have the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). Not only did the PPP decide to construct a new sugar factory, instead of diversifying the product mix of Guysuco, but also it built a seriously flawed one that cannot meet its production and employment targets. Many were befuddled why the particular contractor was given the contract to construct the factory instead of another from a country with sound track record in sugar production and management.

The problems facing the sugar industry cannot be fixed with tweaking accounting conventions. Cash flow is not the central problem, nor is it about accounting profit. The industry can once again make an accounting profit by producing only sugar, but its revenues will not be stable in a globalized world. Therefore, Guysuco has to innovate in terms of its product mix. As a state-owned enterprise, Guysuco cannot only think in terms of accounting profit, but must also think in terms of economic profit. That is, are the land, management talent, physical capital and finance best allocated in making only raw sugar? What are some alternatives that Guysuco could produce that will give it a diversified portfolio of products that can dampen global shocks? So, for example, when the price of bulk sugar declines does the price of dairy (milk and cheese) and/or ethanol increase to smooth the stream of future revenues? What about coconut water? How is its price correlated with sugar, ethanol and dairy? I also believe that Guysuco should think more about growing crops that are suited to several industrial applications. Indeed numerous agro-industrial products, energy and organic fertilizer can be derived from growing sugar cane, cows and coconut trees.

Therefore, in addition to diversifying the product mix, I would outline a few other specific proposals that could possibly enhance the industry over the long-term. The second policy tool is to promote partial, but not complete, privatization of the aspects of the industry. Privatization should be done through the eventual sale of shares that could be listed on the local stock exchange. The stock market, also, would be a good disciplining mechanism for the state-owned company and also would help to promote transparency (I am assuming NICIL and the Minister of Finance would have a preference for transparency and good governance). The government must maintain majority ownership, however. Guysuco cannot be privatized in full because there is a major public good component to the industry. The fact that the coastal plains are below sea level, and Guysuco maintains an elaborate drainage system, implies the industry has a crucial social role to play, in addition to making the private good, raw sugar. Therefore, the industry cannot only strive for accounting and economic profits, but must also aim to maintain its social returns. A single private investor might not want to assume this responsibility and would shift it to government; hence, the government and people of Guyana no longer own the industry (and the profits it make) but now have to subsidize the private investor by maintaining the drainage system. That cannot be a Pareto (or Kaldor-Hicks) improvement for the country as a whole.

The third policy proposal would be a temporary halt to housing development on fertile coastal lands that could be used for agriculture. This should be temporary until a serious analysis is done to calculate the opportunity costs of the land diverted into housing development. Perhaps housing development might turn out to provide better economic returns; but at least I believe the government owes the people an explanation on whether the land could be better deployed for agriculture and whether alternative land should be used for housing.

Fourth, Parliament should declare a national renewable energy policy. The essence of the policy is a portfolio of renewable sources of energy. An E10 policy (mixing 10 per cent ethanol with gasoline) should be part of the framework. It implies that Guysuco has a captive market for ethanol production since imported gasoline has to be blended with Guyanese made ethanol for a maximum of 10 per cent. Present vehicles can operate using E10 and there is no need to alter engine configuration. My regular car runs perfectly okay on E10 all the time. With a captive market in place, private investors would be more willing to jump in, thus creating the opportunity for public-private partnership. This could be one area where the political establishment could work together to atone for past deeds that have brought the industry down to where it is today.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The purpose of this column is to propose a non-exhaustive list of possible solutions for the crisis facing the sugar industry, a crisis mainly brought about by several political decisions over the years. As a matter of context, we should acknowledge the crucial moments when the roots of the present day crisis were planted.


Saving Guysuco

Posted By On April 30, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |

development watch

Usual presentation of what if this, what if that, what if the other, etc., which lack tangible solutions to the issues.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The purpose of this column is to propose a non-exhaustive list of possible solutions for the crisis facing the sugar industry, a crisis mainly brought about by several political decisions over the years. As a matter of context, we should acknowledge the crucial moments when the roots of the present day crisis were planted.


Saving Guysuco

Posted By On April 30, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |

development watch

Usual presentation of what if this, what if that, what if the other, etc., which lack tangible solutions to the issues.

You are a dunce.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The purpose of this column is to propose a non-exhaustive list of possible solutions for the crisis facing the sugar industry, a crisis mainly brought about by several political decisions over the years. As a matter of context, we should acknowledge the crucial moments when the roots of the present day crisis were planted.


Saving Guysuco

Posted By On April 30, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |

development watch

Usual presentation of what if this, what if that, what if the other, etc., which lack tangible solutions to the issues.

You are a dunce.

Mr Mitwah you say it very well. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The purpose of this column is to propose a non-exhaustive list of possible solutions for the crisis facing the sugar industry, a crisis mainly brought about by several political decisions over the years. As a matter of context, we should acknowledge the crucial moments when the roots of the present day crisis were planted.


Saving Guysuco

Posted By On April 30, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |

development watch

Usual presentation of what if this, what if that, what if the other, etc., which lack tangible solutions to the issues.

You are a dunce.

Mr Mitwah you say it very well. 

He is an empty self important barrel. His senile comments sucks.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Is TK still a member of the PNC? Will the Walter Rodney on going inquiry force him to leave the PNC criminal Inc? He should have stayed with the AFC!

He was in every Party ever formed in Guyana. They keep kicking hin to the curb like a stray dog.

Keera mout. Goh tek some wite rum yuh low class jackass.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Is TK still a member of the PNC? Will the Walter Rodney on going inquiry force him to leave the PNC criminal Inc? He should have stayed with the AFC!

He was in every Party ever formed in Guyana. They keep kicking hin to the curb like a stray dog.

Keera mout. Goh tek some wite rum yuh low class jackass.

You are one of the few leppa mouth on the Planet. Since dem discharge you from Mahaica Hospital, the place empty.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The purpose of this column is to propose a non-exhaustive list of possible solutions for the crisis facing the sugar industry, a crisis mainly brought about by several political decisions over the years. As a matter of context, we should acknowledge the crucial moments when the roots of the present day crisis were planted.


Saving Guysuco

Posted By On April 30, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |

development watch

Usual presentation of what if this, what if that, what if the other, etc., which lack tangible solutions to the issues.

And your point iiisssssss? 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Is TK still a member of the PNC? Will the Walter Rodney on going inquiry force him to leave the PNC criminal Inc? He should have stayed with the AFC!

Wormie de PPP is de known criminal enterprise. BTW since wen TK is was wan card membah of PNC? 

Since he told AFC to kiss his ass and in turn he's kissing Granger ass. Therefore, they're all a bunch of ass kissers.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Is TK still a member of the PNC? Will the Walter Rodney on going inquiry force him to leave the PNC criminal Inc? He should have stayed with the AFC!

Wormie de PPP is de known criminal enterprise. BTW since wen TK is was wan card membah of PNC? 

Since he told AFC to kiss his ass and in turn he's kissing Granger ass. Therefore, they're all a bunch of ass kissers.

Cobra, It was Officer Nehru who rightly stated many times that these people will sell their mothers for Power and wealth.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The purpose of this column is to propose a non-exhaustive list of possible solutions for the crisis facing the sugar industry, a crisis mainly brought about by several political decisions over the years. As a matter of context, we should acknowledge the crucial moments when the roots of the present day crisis were planted.


Saving Guysuco

Posted By On April 30, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |

development watch

Usual presentation of what if this, what if that, what if the other, etc., which lack tangible solutions to the issues.

What a stupid and brazenly false assessment of what TK said. There is no if this then that in the entire presentation. It is about resource allocation, land, machinery, people and purpose optimality  ie of looking at "profit" as a Pareto system and why. It is why a symbiotic systemic approach of private/government strategy can be employed contingent with product mix for the industry, crop mix fro land, land use and all for the best outcome for people. Read the damn thing before you spout the usual senile drivel.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The purpose of this column is to propose a non-exhaustive list of possible solutions for the crisis facing the sugar industry, a crisis mainly brought about by several political decisions over the years. As a matter of context, we should acknowledge the crucial moments when the roots of the present day crisis were planted.


Saving Guysuco

Posted By On April 30, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |

development watch

Usual presentation of what if this, what if that, what if the other, etc., which lack tangible solutions to the issues.

What a stupid and brazenly false assessment of what TK said. There is no if this then that in the entire presentation. It is about resource allocation, land, machinery, people and purpose optimality  ie of looking at "profit" as a Pareto system and why. It is why a symbiotic systemic approach of private/government strategy can be employed contingent with product mix for the industry, crop mix fro land, land use and all for the best outcome for people. Read the damn thing before you spout the usual senile drivel.

Perhaps, only you have the ability to read and understand issues.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Perhaps, all that he can do is examine items and issues.

shut your old dumb, senile and progressively irritating rather than information behind!

Your usual rantings while addressing yourself in front of the mirror.

This SENILE FOOL is quick to talk shit without realizing he talks the MOST SHIT!!!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The purpose of this column is to propose a non-exhaustive list of possible solutions for the crisis facing the sugar industry, a crisis mainly brought about by several political decisions over the years. As a matter of context, we should acknowledge the crucial moments when the roots of the present day crisis were planted.


Saving Guysuco

Posted By On April 30, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |

development watch

Usual presentation of what if this, what if that, what if the other, etc., which lack tangible solutions to the issues.

What a stupid and brazenly false assessment of what TK said. There is no if this then that in the entire presentation. It is about resource allocation, land, machinery, people and purpose optimality  ie of looking at "profit" as a Pareto system and why. It is why a symbiotic systemic approach of private/government strategy can be employed contingent with product mix for the industry, crop mix fro land, land use and all for the best outcome for people. Read the damn thing before you spout the usual senile drivel.

Ow aluh know DG senile and ole. Leff he. Even in he ole age he hopin foh lil Jagdoe soup.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The purpose of this column is to propose a non-exhaustive list of possible solutions for the crisis facing the sugar industry, a crisis mainly brought about by several political decisions over the years. As a matter of context, we should acknowledge the crucial moments when the roots of the present day crisis were planted.


Saving Guysuco

Posted By On April 30, 2014 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features |

development watch

Usual presentation of what if this, what if that, what if the other, etc., which lack tangible solutions to the issues.

What a stupid and brazenly false assessment of what TK said. There is no if this then that in the entire presentation. It is about resource allocation, land, machinery, people and purpose optimality  ie of looking at "profit" as a Pareto system and why. It is why a symbiotic systemic approach of private/government strategy can be employed contingent with product mix for the industry, crop mix fro land, land use and all for the best outcome for people. Read the damn thing before you spout the usual senile drivel.

Perhaps, only you have the ability to read and understand issues.

DG yuh even see how you acknowledge how stupid yuh is wid sentence?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK has been writing pages and pages of FILTH for years now without and success. He does well talking to himself. I feel sorry for his students.


Aye yu keera mout. Yu stupid low class hignorant jackass. De man wuk require him foh write. De man a get pay cheque foh support he family. If peopkle na lissen and he nah bin success he nah would a deh pun de streets lika yuh keera mout?

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK has been writing pages and pages of FILTH for years now without and success. He does well talking to himself. I feel sorry for his students.


Aye yu keera mout. Yu stupid low class hignorant jackass. De man wuk require him foh write. De man a get pay cheque foh support he family. If peopkle na lissen and he nah bin success he nah would a deh pun de streets lika yuh keera mout?

Leppa Mouth, Dem ah look fuh yuh at Mahaica, yuh run away without geting cure fuh yuh Leppa. A Wanted Poster is out for LEPPA MOUTH Kapadilla.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK has been writing pages and pages of FILTH for years now without and success. He does well talking to himself. I feel sorry for his students.


Aye yu keera mout. Yu stupid low class hignorant jackass. De man wuk require him foh write. De man a get pay cheque foh support he family. If peopkle na lissen and he nah bin success he nah would a deh pun de streets lika yuh keera mout?

Leppa Mouth, Dem ah look fuh yuh at Mahaica, yuh run away without geting cure fuh yuh Leppa. A Wanted Poster is out for LEPPA MOUTH Kapadilla.

Wen meh go Mahaica me a go chill out in meh farm and garden. Keera mout jackass.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK has been writing pages and pages of FILTH for years now without and success. He does well talking to himself. I feel sorry for his students.


Aye yu keera mout. Yu stupid low class hignorant jackass. De man wuk require him foh write. De man a get pay cheque foh support he family. If peopkle na lissen and he nah bin success he nah would a deh pun de streets lika yuh keera mout?

Leppa Mouth, Dem ah look fuh yuh at Mahaica, yuh run away without geting cure fuh yuh Leppa. A Wanted Poster is out for LEPPA MOUTH Kapadilla.

Wen meh go Mahaica me a go chill out in meh farm and garden. Keera mout jackass.

Yes I know, Leppa patients are required to do gardening.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK has been writing pages and pages of FILTH for years now without and success. He does well talking to himself. I feel sorry for his students.

Your incapacity to grasp what he says or reluctance to get to the value of his instruction is not the measure of their instructive worth or their capacity to initiate change.


You are a moron and add to that a PPP asswhipe so value to you only comes from the pipers of freedom house. The name of that place has become the example of double speak. It makes only house or field slaves of its rank and file.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK has been writing pages and pages of FILTH for years now without and success. He does well talking to himself. I feel sorry for his students.

Your incapacity to grasp what he says or reluctance to get to the value of his instruction is not the measure of their instructive worth or their capacity to initiate change.


You are a moron and add to that a PPP asswhipe so value to you only comes from the pipers of freedom house. The name of that place has become the example of double speak. It makes only house or field slaves of its rank and file.

You were a Whitemouth, barefoot, straw-wearing IDIOT all your life so I cannot expect you to be a shining star.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK has been writing pages and pages of FILTH for years now without and success. He does well talking to himself. I feel sorry for his students.

Your incapacity to grasp what he says or reluctance to get to the value of his instruction is not the measure of their instructive worth or their capacity to initiate change.


You are a moron and add to that a PPP asswhipe so value to you only comes from the pipers of freedom house. The name of that place has become the example of double speak. It makes only house or field slaves of its rank and file.

You were a Whitemouth, barefoot, straw-wearing IDIOT all your life so I cannot expect you to be a shining star.

Why you show the world how dunce you is? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK has been writing pages and pages of FILTH for years now without and success. He does well talking to himself. I feel sorry for his students.

Your incapacity to grasp what he says or reluctance to get to the value of his instruction is not the measure of their instructive worth or their capacity to initiate change.


You are a moron and add to that a PPP asswhipe so value to you only comes from the pipers of freedom house. The name of that place has become the example of double speak. It makes only house or field slaves of its rank and file.

You were a Whitemouth, barefoot, straw-wearing IDIOT all your life so I cannot expect you to be a shining star.

Why you show the world how dunce you is? 

You is of a biggah dunce.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK has been writing pages and pages of FILTH for years now without and success. He does well talking to himself. I feel sorry for his students.

Your incapacity to grasp what he says or reluctance to get to the value of his instruction is not the measure of their instructive worth or their capacity to initiate change.


You are a moron and add to that a PPP asswhipe so value to you only comes from the pipers of freedom house. The name of that place has become the example of double speak. It makes only house or field slaves of its rank and file.

You were a Whitemouth, barefoot, straw-wearing IDIOT all your life so I cannot expect you to be a shining star.

Wishful thinking wont make it so. Unfortunately for you the knife cuts to the bone your way. You cannot expect yourself to even glow much less  grasp what it is to shine. Going on a rant is , alas, you constant retreat...dogs to in their yards, as old people say.


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