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GTUC calls for Parliament to reign

over state media operations

March 23, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

…says fake poll exposes another level of Jagdeo’s corruption


Recent reports regarding a fake poll in relation to former President Bharrat Jagdeo, that appeared in the Guyana Times then the Guyana Chronicle, confirms the disservice being done to society by those misusing the fourth estate (media) in the faÇade for power grabbing. This is according to the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), which yesterday registered its concern about the level of misrepresentation and implications the fake poll has for distorting public perception of understanding.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

“This society is being bombarded with fake polls, including the infamous NACTA poll, as a new weapon of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) that was good for President (Donald) Ramotar until the same weapon was turned against him.” The GTUC yesterday said that it notes the President’s haste to act on the matter and calls on him to address the management of the State-owned media, not only for self-serving reasons but for the national good. “The haste to address acts to preserve self-interest is contrary to action for the national good which the President can be very slothful about…This rapid reaction sends a signal that weren’t there negative reference to/implication for him, or his position personally threatened, this abuse of the state media would have been ignored.” The GTUC said too that it is further concerned the ‘opinion poll’ seems to have been conjured in some dark dungeon of Jagdeo and his cohorts’ corrupt minds and first published in the Guyana Times as a means of establishing face validity. “The combined political Opposition reportedly denied knowledge of commissioning this poll, which is contrary to the attribution given by the Times and Chronicle…The nation must now ask what ‘opposition’ solicited this poll and on whose interest it was commissioned, along with the methodology used.” It noted that the fact that the poll’s coverage first appeared in the Guyana Times and storyline later regurgitated in the Guyana Chronicle, “speaks to the misuse and abuse of the state media apparatus to positively rebrand Jagdeo’s despotic presidency, and foist on this nation its worst leader in history as more favourable in the public than other potential leaders.” The GTUC said that the President, who seemed offended by the potential impact of this questionable poll, is reminded that it is lack of professionalism that leads to such levels of incredulous reporting. “And whilst this may be a reflection of Jagdeo’s internal posturing in the PPP, the nation is made the victim of these circumstances of power grabbing.” GTUC reminded also that it is no secret that the owner of Guyana Times and the New GPC, Dr Ranjisingi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop has a close relationship with Jagdeo, and has been the favourable recipient of State advertisements and holds the monopoly on pharmaceutical procurement for State run healthcare institutions. “The nation ought to be concerned this relationship is also being used to undermine the society through media production and distribution of false reports, using the workers/citizens’ tax dollars.” The GTUC said that the Opposition is therefore being called on to take note and establish a bi-partisan parliamentary select committee to review the complete operation and management of State media boards to arrive at decisions that would realise respect for and positively impact the masses and nation’s development. “It is in theirs and the national interest to do so…The use of State institutions and taxpayers’ money for propaganda to create and sustain manufactured divisions through the plethora of lies that pass as news is a disservice to the people.” The GTUC said that the questionable poll is no different from the several fake polls published in the media to mislead a society socialised to believe what is seen in black and white and in the newspapers. “A government that continues to operate inimical to the interest of the masses by using one of society’s major estates (media), a pillar of democracy, to serve its own interest and keep the people in darkness in pursuance of a herd-like mentality to continue the nefarious management of the affairs of state, must be held to account…The state media belong to the people and together we must work to ensure it serves our collective interest.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We are witnessing

a power struggle

for the leadership of the PPP

with the Funny Fellas.


These Vultures, Kaka-roach & Crablouse

are struggling to deal with  issues involving

Corruption, Crime, Nepotism,

Buggerism, Narcotics,

Money Laundering, Gun Smuggling,

Land Grabbing, Thieving,

and Black Hindus

& House Of Israel Thugs

hijacking the Leadership.....and running things.


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