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Scholarship vetting system under APNU/AFC flawed, skewed to 1 demographic – Minister

Public Service Minister Sonia Parag on Monday disclosed that the system for vetting scholarships was heavily flawed over the past five years under the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) – something which the new Administration will modify to benefit all Guyanese.

Public Service Minister Sonia Parag

Since the new PPP/C Government initiated their transition into power, several damning issues have been unearthed within the various sectors. During a virtual press conference, Minister Parag said she found that the awarding of scholarships throughout the Granger-led regime was highly skewed.
“What I have found is that the system that we have for vetting scholarships is heavily flawed. That is what I have personally observed and that is something that I plan to review and change. If I may say, it is skewed to one demographic and geographic in Guyana. That has been going on for the last five years,” Parag disclosed.
For persons who would have applied before and were denied or those that were facing other difficulties, the Minister said such will be looked at on a case by case basis. The entire system will be reviewed to ensure that these services benefit all stakeholders.
“The review of those persons will be on a case by case basis…The PPP/C Government has always said that it is going to be fair, transparent to Guyanese. That is what we plan to do.”

Just a few days ago, it was reported that a medical doctor was denied six times when he applied for scholarships or sponsorship to study neurology under the APNU/AFC Administration. Dr Jason Ramcharran would have studied in Cuba from 2008 to 2015. He recorded almost perfect scores in all the subjects he covered in both theory and practice.
After returning, his first posting was at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), but Ramcharran, who hails from La Penitence, Georgetown, always aspired to be a neurologist. He first applied for a post-graduate scholarship to study neurology in China in the 2016/2017 academic year.
In a letter dated February 24, 2016, then Permanent Secretary in the Department of Public Service, Reginald Brotherson wrote the young doctor informing him that his application was being refused because of limited scholarships and “due to the competitive nature of the selection process”.
But that same year, Ramcharran was accepted by the University of Medical Sciences Havana to do the neurology programme. He approached the Government again, this time writing to the then Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, seeking sponsorship to do his post-graduate studies in Cuba. Harmon referred his request to the relevant agency and on June 13, 2016, he got a second rejection letter from Brotherson.
This time the letter cited a lack of finances for rejecting him. According to Brotherson in the letter, “due to budgetary constraints, your request cannot be facilitated at this time.”
Undeterred, Ramcharran reapplied in 2017 for a scholarship to study in China. He was again informed by Brotherson in a letter dated March 27, 2017, that he would not be getting the scholarship, this time because of an unnamed requirement he failed to meet. The rejection continued later and was coupled with other excuses.
Guyana Times published Ramcharran’s story on August 23, 2020.
After assuming office, Minister Parag had explained that her most urgent task is to ensure that those Guyanese who returned from scholarship programmes are adequately employed. She underscored that one of her main goals, as she embarks on this new journey, is to have the citizenry involved, especially the young people. As such, her aim is to see Guyanese of all walks of life benefit from scholarships. (G12)

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This is another indication that the PNC have not changed one iota. Even down to the rigging they brought back the old despicable PNC.  Never again. We would rather deal with the PPP flaws than live with the PNC sins. 


The PNC supporters are running for cover.

Some of them are running around the Forum looking for me to bash my head.  They don't have the ability to discuss the issues constructively. They hang on to me like leeches.

Although I blocked them they still behave like Idiots.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

Under APNU+AFC the scholarships selection committee was reconstituted to represent multiethnic nature of our society

Dear Editor,

Over the last two weeks I have listened to a number of the seasoned PPP “Ministers” take to the media to spew misinformation and I hoped that the new Ministers would choose to develop an ethos of remaining objective and committed to the truth even as they seek to advance their policies. However, After Ms. Parag’s press conference yesterday I am forced to respond to some of the statements she made given that a decision was made by her to fall into the category of those who feel the need to criticize everything done under the previous administration.

Permit me to respond to some of the statements made by Ms Parag.

In keeping with the COI into the Public Service which recommended that all public servants on contract employment be transferred to the fixed establishment, over 5000 public servants have transitioned from contract to the fixed establishment. Most persons who remain on contract at the Department of Public Service and throughout the public service are persons over the age of 45 who cannot be put onto the fixed establishment.

President David Granger on August 08th, 2018 administered the Oath of office to the members of the Public Service Commission (PSC) for a three-year period.  The Public Service Commission is a constitutional commission, thus the statement made by the Minister that the PSC is not constituted is troubling and should be clarified.

It is not practical  to have one fixed timeline for the award of scholarships as the timelines vary based on a number of factors, including:

If the scholarship is to the University of Guyana

 If the scholarship is based on a bilateral agreement and certain information from the donor country is vital for the process to move forward.

The start date of the programme of study being considered which varies across universities

 Ms. Parag’s statement that scholarships have been “skewed to one demographic and geographic in Guyana” can only be seen for what it is, an intrinsic view of the PPP that the APNU+AFC would continue to do what they had done while in office. I can assure the Minister that when she actually gets a chance to look at the data she would have no choice but to recognize that it is her statements and beliefs that are skewed and not the management of the scholarships department over the last 5 years. Please note the following:

•  The scholarships awarded are consistent with applications received. If candidates from a particular ethnic group apply for scholarships more than others then the scholarships awarded will be consistent with this fact.  Further, over the past five years, the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs was allocated a fixed a percentage of scholarships by the Department of the Public Service annually. So it is impossible to just look at the names of persons and determine their ethnic origin, as attempted by Ms. Parag.

•   Under the APNU+AFC administration the scholarships selection committee was reconstituted to represent the multiethnic nature of our society and allow for a more transparent process in the awarding of scholarships.

•  Ms. Parag observes the limited human resources skills across the public service but is unsure what will be done with the Bertram Collins College of the Public Service. This attests to the PPP’s inclination to destroy anything developed by the Granger Administration regardless of the financial and social cost. So she plans to create a code of conduct for Public Servant but sees little value in a training institution that can provide holistic training, far beyond codes of conduct.

On the issue of the demographics of the scholarships awarded, at the beginning of this year an analysis was done of the scholarships given out in 2019 for students to attend the University of Guyana. It can be seen that the scholarships awarded were consistent with the population of each region. What must also be noted is that some of our Indigenous students staying in Region 4 or the Amerindian Hostel used Region 4 addresses and thus were captured under Region 4’s data.

Ms. Parag should become familiar with the workings of the department instead of rushing to criticize a system she could not possibly grasp in two weeks.

Yours faithfully,

Tabitha Sarabo-Halley

Former Minister of Public Service

@Ramakant-P posted:

I always believe that scholarships should be given to those who needed them the most, regardless of race, colour or creed.

I see it slightly differently. Scholarships should go to those who needed them the least and should be based on religion, race, color and creed.

@Totaram posted:

The new minister ,Parag ,is in over her head.  The old Minister is making her look like a schoolgirl.  The pseudo-intellectualism of the PPP is pathological.

The new minister is jumping the gun without all the facts. She needs to slow down and look at the data.

@Totaram posted:

The new minister ,Parag ,is in over her head.  The old Minister is making her look like a schoolgirl.  The pseudo-intellectualism of the PPP is pathological.

She young.  She is onto things. I agree with her. 


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