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Scott clears air on repossession of houses

December 18, 2015 12:01 pm Category: latest news A+ /A-

Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Keith Scott

Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Keith Scott


Junior Minister of Communities, Keith Scott has accused Former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall of pedaling lies with regards to move by the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) to repossess core houses from persons.

At a recent press conference, Nandlall alleged that the Government was making steps to reclaim the houses from persons that were of a certain ethnicity and called the names of some of the individuals affected.

However Scott in a statement on Friday, December 18, 2015 noted that the only thing the CHPA was doing was repossessing properties from persons who had breached the contract.

“CHPA has noted recently evidence of persons who presented information to allow them to participate in (a) IDG/GOG programme, subletting and in one instance attempting to sell the house,” said Scott.

He noted that the Housing authority was able to stop the sale and revert the property to the State.

The statement noted that the CHPA is mandated to make the houses in question available to low income families and those in dire need of housing for themselves and family.

“In each case, when letters were sent out seeking to repossess these houses, the persons who were allocated the houses, breached the agreement which they signed and violated the principles of fairness and equity,” said Scott.

The Minister stated that the former AG has “no interest in justice or decency but seem determined to create a new group of exploiters, reminiscent of the old imperial type regime of which he was a part.”

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Comments from readers:

King Kong

Great job Scott take away from ppl that are not of your kind and give to your ppl.We know this was coming and here we are next they will raid the bank accounts of the hard working too.These acts by the APNU cronies are not new the PNC did it .


Readers Comment:


not everyone can afford to build their house once allocated the land …thing happen in people live lost of job, death in a family and so on .


"The Minister stated that the former AG has “no interest in justice or decency but seem determined to create a new group of exploiters, reminiscent of the old imperial type regime of which he was a part."


Tiefman got no bloody shame, dam!

NandaSpermaLandaBanna should learn to stay quiet.

Last edited by cain
asj posted:

Comments from readers:

King Kong

Great job Scott take away from ppl that are not of your kind and give to your ppl.We know this was coming and here we are next they will raid the bank accounts of the hard working too.These acts by the APNU cronies are not new the PNC did it .

nandalall is a thief and i swear one of these days i will kick is teeth in this low life try to steal my land 

warrior posted:
asj posted:

Comments from readers:

King Kong

Great job Scott take away from ppl that are not of your kind and give to your ppl.We know this was coming and here we are next they will raid the bank accounts of the hard working too.These acts by the APNU cronies are not new the PNC did it .

nandalall is a thief and i swear one of these days i will kick is teeth in this low life try to steal my land 

Don't worry about Nandalall stealing your land..worry about him stealing your land(but with a different pronunciation).

warrior posted:
asj posted:

Comments from readers:

King Kong

Great job Scott take away from ppl that are not of your kind and give to your ppl.We know this was coming and here we are next they will raid the bank accounts of the hard working too.These acts by the APNU cronies are not new the PNC did it .

nandalall is a thief and i swear one of these days i will kick is teeth in this low life try to steal my land 

Suh you have a personal vendetta.

“CHPA has noted recently evidence of persons who presented information to allow them to participate in a IDG/GOG programme, subletting and in one instance attempting to sell the house,” said Scott.

He noted that the Housing authority was able to stop the sale and revert the property to the State

redux posted:
Drugb posted:

The concern is that Indians are being targeted in a biased manner. 

where is the evidence for this?

Maybe because they are the only ones who were using their contacts in the PPP to obtain a property without due process?


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