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Severe overtopping on some parts of West Dem – Chief Sea Defence officer

This Leonora compound was flooded today. (DPI photo)

Chief Sea and River Defence Officer at the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Kevin Samad has reported that there is severe overtopping along West Demerara between the Den Amstel and De Willem area. He said according to the Department of Public Information (DPI) that the situation is more severe at Stewarville, Uitvlugt and Anna Catherina. The overtopping began yesterday.

Samad said that at Uitvlugt, approximately 75 feet in length, of the upper part of the concrete crest wall of the structure has broken resulting in the area being flooded.
According to DPI, the Ministry has responded and is currently mobilising a contractor, with the requisite materials and equipment (boulders), to prevent further overtopping of the area. The boulders will be transported to the Uitvlugt area this afternoon and will be placed in front of the broken areas of the concrete structure.

Waves crashed over the seawall yesterday.

Meanwhile, at Leonora Hospital, a team has been deployed to pack sand bags “creating a barrier to prevent further flooding of the compound so the hospital could be functional back this afternoon”, Samad said.

Sandbags being placed at the Leonora Cottage Hospital compound.

High tide is expected again this afternoon and tomorrow around 5:00 pm. By Monday the situation is expected to return to normalcy.

DPI said that Minister within the Ministry of Public Health Dr. Karen Cummings, a team from the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, other government officials and Col. Kester Craig and officials from the Civil Defence Commission are on the ground assessing the situation, distributing supplies and sandbags.

The Guyana Fire Service aided in cleaning and securing the Leonora Cottage Hospital and is also assisting with the distribution of sandbags.
In the interim, residents are advised to take the necessary precautions to safeguard against flood risks.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I heard from someone from Uitvlugt today that the sea wall has eroded by two feet high and about 100 feet length, water is flooding all of Ocean View and surrounding areas. That sea wall saw built about two hundred years ago by the Dutch, it is highly due for replacement, but don't use Guyanese, take the oil money and pay the Dutchman.

kp posted:

I heard from someone from Uitvlugt today that the sea wall has eroded by two feet high and about 100 feet length, water is flooding all of Ocean View and surrounding areas. That sea wall saw built about two hundred years ago by the Dutch, it is highly due for replacement, but don't use Guyanese, take the oil money and pay the Dutchman.

Have this only started in the past few years? 

Django posted:

It's Spring Tide,most of times there are overtopping.

Not a new phenomenon,in a few days it will subside.

It’s not new but it’s getting worst!!

Its is public knowledge that about five years ago and expert determined that in less than two decades Guyanas coastal areas and its city will be inundated as the level of the sea becomes threatening. This is perhaps an indication of what is to come. Guyan need the Start making drastic decisions soon.

They should allocate the oil money to the sea defence ... if any is left .

Who is me to tell but ... bai Django, you can suggest to them as part of your consultancy 


Spring tides smash West Dem sea defence, houses

-three villages flooded, Leonora Hospital closed

Massive waves, mere seconds apart, overtopped the seawall during yesterday afternoon’s high tide, quickly flooding the streets and dam below. (Photo by Keno George)

Towering spring tides yesterday flooded three villages on the West Coast Demerara, destroying houses, smashing 75 feet of the Uitvlugt sea defence, drowning livestock and displacing patients of the Leonora Hospital.

The high tides began at around 3 pm on Thursday, according to reports, flooding the streets and bottom houses of residents who reside closest to the seawall. But it was the waves that crept up in the wee hours of yesterday that caused the most damage, and in the aftermath of the early morning destruction, residents had braced themselves in anticipation of another rising tide, scheduled to hit again at 3 pm.

At close to 4 pm, scores of residents had congregated in the streets at Uitvlugt, some with cameras raised, as the water poured in around them, draining in torrents into the surrounding trenches and dams, inundating the area within minutes.

The scene was mirrored at Leonora and Stewartville, where similar devastation was experienced.

Temporary disaster relief camps have been set up at the Uitvlugt Community Centre and the Uitvlugt Secondary School, to accommodate residents affected by the flooding.

According to a release from the Department of Public Information (DPI), the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) will reportedly be providing 100 camp cots, 100 blankets, 100 pillows, cooking utensils and meals to residents displaced by the flooding.

These meals—breakfast, lunch and dinner—are being served until Monday.

It was related that sanitation and cleaning hampers are also being prepared for distribution.

Meanwhile, residents were bracing for another round with the high tides today.

Earlier, Chief Sea and River Defence officer, Kevin Samad told the DPI that approximately 75 feet of the upper part of the concrete crest wall of the Uitvlugt seawall had broken resulting in the area being flooded. The force of the water also broke off a portion of the asphalt on the “Old Well side” road, and transported it several feet away, where it rested in the middle of the street. At Leonora, a section of the seawall was eroded, leaving behind panels of freshly exposed mud. At Stewartville, fences, shacks and vegetation were levelled, and workmen, attached to BK Inter-national, were seen using an excavator to fill mud into a section of the seawall that had broken off.

50 Ft waves

According to a CDC Damage Assessment Report, shared by DPI yesterday morning, the waves rose in excess of 25 feet, and extended as far as 50 feet, to the roofs of homes.

It was reported that 32 households in Stewartville were affected by the flooding, including 11 in the squatting area and 21 regularised residents. Additionally, the waters reportedly affected three of four blocks within Ocean View, Uitvlugt.

The effects of the rise in tide could be seen even a few villages away, where, at La Jalousie, a carpet of refuse, hundreds of plastic bottles among displaced logs and twigs, lay strewn along the dam.

“In split seconds, the place was flooded…By the time I woke up a little after 4, I think it was, and we moved the vehicles from the garage, by the time the vehicles came out, and we went back in, water was knee high,” Uitvlugt resident Shaleeza Khan recounted, stating that she had close to 15 inches of water in her yard.

“…The time since I’ve been living here, the only time I know it flooded was in 2013 and it was nothing compared to this, and people who grew up here, like old people, they’re saying that they’ve never seen anything like this,” she stated. Khan has lived at Ocean View, Uitvlugt for 19 years.

Residents were left in awe at the towering waves that crashed over the seawall and the flooding that followed.

“It was terrible. Terrible. I live here, born and grow, I never reach up something like this,” Richie Mahadeo, a shop owner at 3rd Street Uitvlugt related, recalling that the village had experienced a flood in 2013, but nothing of that magnitude.

Mahadeo lost hundreds of thousands in food and grocery items and suffered damage to electrical appliances. The zinc fence behind the house was also destroyed, some of the sheets having been washed away by the ocean waters.

“…All them flour, rice, sugar, everything, gone. The next band, get wah ya could ah get out, pack em up high, carry dem upstairs, pack some things there. All wah deh bottom damage. The whole fence at the back deh damage. Me ain even know bout the freezer dem and the fridge dem. The washing machine, everything,” he related.

“This nah easy wa abi pass through, me can’t bear this no more,” his wife, Vijantie, said.

Another Uitvlugt resident, Rajdai Singh, lost close to 300 chickens to the floodwaters on Thursday, as well as suffered damage to her kitchen garden. Her family’s house, located on the corner of the Old Well road, faced the brunt of the waves yesterday afternoon, when the tides came in once again, quickly flooding the yard as those residing there watched on helplessly.

“Wah go with the water go, wah save, it save,” Stewartville resident Stacy stated. Her wardrobe had come apart in the floodwaters, taking some of her clothes with it. “The whole thing loose up and the door alone I get back,” she explained. Her mattress had been soaked by the rising water, but her neighbour had been kind enough to lend her a replacement.

Outside, Stacy showed the spot in her yard where the bathroom had been knocked down by the impact of the waves.

The houses bordering the seawall at Stewartville suffered even more damage, as one resident related that the columns of his house had collapsed, bringing it to the ground. That had been the fate of several houses built on that stretch.

The waves yesterday afternoon appeared to rival the waves experienced earlier in the day. A CDC representative had related that the tides were expected to rise to 3.2 meters the highest yesterday.

Leonora Hospital

The king tides flooded the majority of the lower level of the Leonora Hospital, save for the newly built operating theatre and maternity unit, and destroyed the air conditioning units inside. Other machinery was saved because of the action of the hospital’s security, which took the initiative to move them to higher ground.

All patients of the Leonora hospital were transferred to the Mildred Cox Young Health Centre, located at Den Amstel, where they will remain until the Leonora Hospital is in a functional state again.

Junior Minister of Public Health, Dr Karen Cummings related on the scene yesterday that the health centre will be offering 24/7 service in the interim. DPI, in a release later on, stated that the health centres at Uitvlugt community centre and De Kinderen would also be operating on a 24-hour basis, and would be utilized to address emergencies.

Cummings, along with the Regional Health Officer and Deputy Director of the CDC Colonel Kester Craig, toured the facility yesterday, following cleanup efforts by the firemen based at the nearby station.

Administrator of the Leonora Hospital Kathlene Armstrong commended the firefighters for their work, declaring that they were prompt in their service. After cleanup, the men secured the entryways with sandbags to protect the facility from the tides that were to follow.


Django posted:

It's Spring Tide,most of times there are overtopping.

Not a new phenomenon,in a few days it will subside.


Django posted:

It's Spring Tide,most of times there are overtopping.

Not a new phenomenon,in a few days it will subside.

Today parts of the US is experiencing Bomb Cyclone this extreme high tide ,fierce wind is not something regular. Guyana always has high and low tides, but this phenomenon is the extreme, powerful waves and high winds are destroying the massive concrete sea wall structure. I lived in Ocean View but never experienced over topping of the sea wall and flooding, as a matter of fact I would enjoy walking on top of the sea wall at high tide and enjoyed the water spray. I know Leonora has lots of squatting houses built close to the sea wall, well they are going to suffer.

kp posted:
Django posted:

It's Spring Tide,most of times there are overtopping.

Not a new phenomenon,in a few days it will subside.

Today parts of the US is experiencing Bomb Cyclone this extreme high tide ,fierce wind is not something regular. Guyana always has high and low tides, but this phenomenon is the extreme, powerful waves and high winds are destroying the massive concrete sea wall structure. I lived in Ocean View but never experienced over topping of the sea wall and flooding, as a matter of fact I would enjoy walking on top of the sea wall at high tide and enjoyed the water spray. I know Leonora has lots of squatting houses built close to the sea wall, well they are going to suffer.

There is no doubt,there are changes in weather pattern.

check here

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:

It's Spring Tide,most of times there are overtopping.

Not a new phenomenon,in a few days it will subside.

Today parts of the US is experiencing Bomb Cyclone this extreme high tide ,fierce wind is not something regular. Guyana always has high and low tides, but this phenomenon is the extreme, powerful waves and high winds are destroying the massive concrete sea wall structure. I lived in Ocean View but never experienced over topping of the sea wall and flooding, as a matter of fact I would enjoy walking on top of the sea wall at high tide and enjoyed the water spray. I know Leonora has lots of squatting houses built close to the sea wall, well they are going to suffer.

There is no doubt,there are changes in weather pattern.

check here

Nice pic DJ D8CB1A9A-73AF-48F4-8C77-E920090FF1FD


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  • D8CB1A9A-73AF-48F4-8C77-E920090FF1FD

West Dem. flood waters recede as residents clean up and count their losses.

Flood waters have receded in several villages along the West Coast of Demerara (WCD) after the severe recent overtopping of the seawall due to unprecedented spring tide levels on Friday.

Clean-up efforts underway.

The overtopping continued with this morning’s high tide, along the West Coast Demerara (WCD) however, with significantly smaller waves.

Severe overtopping of the seawall due to unprecedented spring tide levels on Friday left areas between Den Amstel and De Williem flooded. When the Department of Public Information (DPI) visited the area this morning, flood waters had begun to recede in several villages and residents had begun the clean-up process.

One resident recounted, “I’m living here for more than fifteen years, I’ve never faced such a disaster as I’ve seen I in past few days and there is silt and mud and garbage all over, we didn’t even think about Phagwah yesterday, but I see they putting boulders and the minister visit us yesterday and so I’m okay”.

Yesterday, sand bags were distributed to residents to prevent the flood waters from entering their homes while others took precautions such as sealing doors, elevating furniture and creating make-shift concrete barriers.

In Uitvlugt, Amar Awadhnarine, told DPI that, “The sea was real rough and caused three sections of the sea wall to break away … my yard was almost in about 18 inches of water”

Another resident, Sarah Mongol added, “This morning we gotta be thankful because the water is going down, and we didn’t get any flooding or anything this morning.”

Resident counting his losses.

Several portions of the upper part of the Uitvlugt seawall’s concrete crest broke under the pressure of the above normal tides, on Friday resulting in immense flooding in the area.

Through a collaborative effort among the Civil Defence Commission (CDC), the Region Three Administration and several government Ministries and agencies including the Guyana Fire Service (GFS), work is currently underway to remedy the effects of the overtopping and the affected areas are being closely monitored. Two fully operational shelters have been set up at Uitvlugt Secondary School and the Uitvlugt/Leonora Community Development Centre to provide housing and aid for affected persons.

The Leonora Diagnostic and Treatment Center (Cottage Hospital) was closed after flooding to the lower flat of the facility. The hospital will remain until Monday but the Den Amstel Health Center, Uitvlugt Health Center and De Kindren Health Center are all on a 24-hour working system. Ministry of Public Infrastructure’s Dennis Ramsingh told DPI that an official attached to the Cottage Hospital will today identify and repair the damaged and leaking areas that are allowing water to enter the facility.

Residents are reminded to take the necessary precautions and secure their belongings as more high tides are expected tomorrow March 4, and Monday March 5.

Sections of the road eroded.

One of multiple fences torn down by the waves.


CDC grateful for stakeholder support with West Coast Demerara flood relief efforts.

The Director General (ag.) of the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) would like to express gratitude to those individuals and organisations that have thus far contributed to the response efforts for the residents of Leonora, Stewartville and Uitvlugt who have been affected by flooding as a result of overtopping of the sea defences:

– the Regional Administration of Region 3 (Essequibo Islands/West Demerara) for their great efforts in support of the administration and coordination of the response efforts

– the Guyana Fire Service for their support in securing and sandbagging the Leonora Cottage Hospital, and establishment of the two emergency shelters

– the Guyana Police Force for providing security at the two shelters, patrolling the affected communities, and their assistance in continued monitoring of the flood situation

– the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) Uitvlugt Estate for providing access to the Uitvlugt Community Centre to be used as an emergency shelter, assistance in preparations of the Community Centre for housing shelterees, and the preparation of meals for shelterees

– the Ministry of Education for providing access to the Uitvlugt Secondary School to be used as an emergency shelter

– the staff and volunteers of the CDC for their continued commitment in the operations of the response effort, including in shelter management, and damage assessment activities

– the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Carl Greenidge who is acting in the capacity of Prime Minister, Minister of Communities Hon. Ronald Bulkan, Minister within the Ministry of Public Health Dr. Karen Cummings, and Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Annette Ferguson who visited the affected communities and the emergency shelters.


One resident recounted, “I’m living here for more than fifteen years, I’ve never faced such a disaster as I’ve seen I in past few days and there is silt and mud and garbage all over, we didn’t even think about Phagwah.

I think the worst is yet to come, this is global warming.

kp posted:

One resident recounted, “I’m living here for more than fifteen years, I’ve never faced such a disaster as I’ve seen I in past few days and there is silt and mud and garbage all over, we didn’t even think about Phagwah.

I think the worst is yet to come, this is global warming.

Guyana will have to upgrade the sea walls.The sea is rising or Guyana coastline is sinking.Fifty years ago in our area,at spring tide over topping wasn't so severe.


This quite an unfortunate situation of flooding for the Leonora, Stewartville and Uitvlugt area.

I was the then Resident Senior Engineer in the early 1970's for the area when new sea defence structures which were built for those specific sites.

Remedial and upgrades should have been done on a regular basis.

kp posted:

One resident recounted, “I’m living here for more than fifteen years, I’ve never faced such a disaster as I’ve seen I in past few days and there is silt and mud and garbage all over, we didn’t even think about Phagwah.

I think the worst is yet to come, this is global warming.

Global warming is just the buzz word for those who wish to turn a blind eye to neglect and failure of policy of successive Govts.  Guyana's coast-line have sunk for several reasons.  Part of it has to do with the continental shift Westward (4 inches a years) which causes parts of the Eastern continent to go down.

The coast is also sinking due to the removal of ground water over years and the lack of replacement due to bad developmental policies over 50 years.  This water, which should be underground, now shows up as annual floods when the rains come.  BTW, parts of China had the same experience and they stopped removing ground water.

The coast of Guyana was always under sea-level and was reclaimed from the sea by the Dutch.  Parts of what is now sea bed was once also reclaimed but the Dutch pulled back as it was difficult to hold off the sea.

Guyana will one day have to decide if to hold off or retreat to higher land and give up some of the coast to the sea.  When the Venezuela issue is settled, Guyana needs to rethink its plans going forward.  One day Uitvlugt will become Uitflood!

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Yuh know yuh is Guyanese when yuh just staan deh and watch dat monsta 









It looks like a small tsunami and will only get worse over the years. Those villagers have to move to higher ground.

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
ksazma posted:

Yuh know yuh is Guyanese when yuh just staan deh and watch dat monsta 









It looks like a small tsunami and will only get worse over the years. Those villagers have to move to higher ground.

That is not as bad as facing down PNC goons!

Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:
ksazma posted:

Yuh know yuh is Guyanese when yuh just staan deh and watch dat monsta 









It looks like a small tsunami and will only get worse over the years. Those villagers have to move to higher ground.

That is not as bad as facing down PNC goons!


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