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Former Member
@Former Member posted:

PPP will reopen the Sugar Estates. They will be given jobs and rehired to cut cane.

Is that what you like to see that coolie work in the mud like jackasses until they die? Guyana is an oil economy now. How about selling the sugar estates to private companies and let the people chose if they want to continue working in that environment. The new government should offer new skills training for future industries. Why all you so damn old fashion? Cane cutting should not be a generational job. That's like keeping the tradition of slavery. 

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@Former Member posted:

You should go cut cane.

hey hey hey

I called you so we can chat with decency and respect on these issues facing our country and people. My daddy cut cane and did farming and I am proud of their hard work. But, if I cut came for a living, it means that I didn't appreciate their sweat. For me to make them proud, I had to climb the ladder and do better. 


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