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Season Greetings Folks. 

Even though we may not see eye to eye  and hold different views or have different ideological backgrounds, this is the Season for peace and joy. We should  cease fire and pray for peace and humanity.

I have been antagonistic but mostly in jest. I have no feelings of ill will towards anyone nor persistent resentment to anyone from past insults, harsh words, labels or name calling. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.

Season Greetings and a Happy New Year to All.


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I just want to extend best wishes to all the members and (none members  that read). Hope you all have an enjoyable holiday season, eat and drink in moderation.

I will be spending mine with my children and my little rug rat.

Thanks for an entertaining 2017 on the Forum. There were many funny moments and also some not so funny ones.

Mitwah posted:

Season Greetings Folks. 

Even though we may not see eye to eye  and hold different views or have different ideological backgrounds, this is the Season for peace and joy. We should  cease fire and pray for peace and humanity.

I have been antagonistic but mostly in jest. I have no feelings of ill will towards anyone nor persistent resentment to anyone from past insults, harsh words, labels or name calling. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.

Season Greetings and a Happy New Year to All.


Mits...Happy Holidays banna! You still a knuckle head though!

Dont drink too much egg nog. Cheers!

Mitwah posted:

Season Greetings Folks. 

Even though we may not see eye to eye  and hold different views or have different ideological backgrounds, this is the Season for peace and joy. We should  cease fire and pray for peace and humanity.

I have been antagonistic but mostly in jest. I have no feelings of ill will towards anyone nor persistent resentment to anyone from past insults, harsh words, labels or name calling. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.

Season Greetings and a Happy New Year to All.


Sincerest and very best wishes to you; and in fact to everyone at GNI ! I hope the holiday season will be an enjoyable one for all and that 2018 will bring positive things to each and every one of us .... Happy Holidays !!


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