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Again bai, you are still expressing a biased opinion. Take for example where many on GNI post articles from Guyana Times.  Many of their journalists received awards from Associated Press (word most recognized) and yet you call their journalism Rag. You see how bias kicks in ?

I have my biases too. We are all biased.

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Again bai, you are still expressing a biased opinion.

Take for example where many on GNI post articles from Guyana Times.  Many of their journalists received awards from Associated Press (word most recognized) and yet you call their journalism Rag. You see how bias kicks in ?

I have my biases too. We are all biased.

I try my best to post on GNI , facts . I usually stay away from media that supports political parties.

Now regarding GuyanaTimes , can you post the  names of the journalist who received awards from Associated Press.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

On the issue on free and fair elections, PNC gave us two black Presidents who were riggers and another Black President who is raping the constitution and ignoring CCJ.

All elections under PPP were certified free and fair !

Facts and figga don’t lie. 

Your myopic views on Black vs Indian , who good and who bad, it's beyond that for third world multi-ethnic countries development.

Django, is Sean lying when he said Two Black president rigged the election, rape the constitution and ignore the CCJ ruling.

Sir , please re-read my statement . Also read up on the history of Guyana ,from the entrance of Jagan and Burnham in to British Guiana politics. I mentioned many times on this site why Burnham was chosen for Guyana independence and was allowed to rig elections. Well just found Jagan had such plans , never knew there was such statements.

You believe every piece of propaganda you read!

 That’s a belief, what Burnham did is fact!  That being said, it was Jagan’s ideology that gave us Burnham for such a long time!

The information came from a paper from  "The University of Edinburgh School of History, Classics & Archaeology"

Do you think the University will print propaganda ? every piece of information was backed up by sources.

I would not put it past them.  The Catholic Church, priests and nuns were instrumental in instigating the events of the 60s!

Misinformation as an instrument of control is nothing new.

Just look even today how fake news and hysteria have a section if this country attempting of overthrow a democratically elected president!   Why not a lil country like Guyana!

Labba posted:

Hey hey na know what ayoo arguing bout...hey hey hey. Is true PNC blackman president rig de eleckshun and dem base jump up and celebrate it...hey hey hey...ayoo remember de calypso a Linden? How dem peopkle rejoice when de song seh Hoyte muss rig Hoyte stupid dat he give dem free and fair eleckshun to Cheddie in 1992? Hey hey hey...

But ayoo need foh remember dem Indo commies like Cheddie, Nagamootoo, Janet, Rohee, Feroz, Gail, (even we former PPP bai when he was in he socialist rikatics foh Cheddie, Gilbakka ) and dem would give ayoo elecksun as free and fair like what Castro give dem peopkle in Cuba...dem PPP elecshun would a be free and fair juss like Maduro give Venezuela...hey hey hey. Dem wise peopkle seh...every ackshun gat reaction. What ayoo expect? Dem rich Putagee in GT go staan quiet or de West foh do nothing? Hey hey hey...every acksun gat reaction. Hey hey hey...

Bai Labba, yuh talking wudda, cudda, shudda but dah never happened. There has NEVER been a rigged election under the PPP regardless of who was the leader. Can't say the same for the three PNC Presidents. Both Burnham and Hoyte rigged elections and currently, Granger is usurping power in Guyana.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

On the issue on free and fair elections, PNC gave us two black Presidents who were riggers and another Black President who is raping the constitution and ignoring CCJ.

All elections under PPP were certified free and fair !

Facts and figga don’t lie. 

Your myopic views on Black vs Indian , who good and who bad, it's beyond that for third world multi-ethnic countries development.

Django, is Sean lying when he said Two Black president rigged the election, rape the constitution and ignore the CCJ ruling.

Sir , please re-read my statement . Also read up on the history of Guyana ,from the entrance of Jagan and Burnham in to British Guiana politics. I mentioned many times on this site why Burnham was chosen for Guyana independence and was allowed to rig elections. Well just found Jagan had such plans , never knew there was such statements.

How do you know that this is factual? Is it because it assails Jagan?

But as Dave asked, which part of Sean's statement made you so incensed that you responded in this manner bai? "Your myopic views on Black vs Indian , who good and who bad, it's beyond that for third world multi-ethnic countries development."

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

On the issue on free and fair elections, PNC gave us two black Presidents who were riggers and another Black President who is raping the constitution and ignoring CCJ.

All elections under PPP were certified free and fair !

Facts and figga don’t lie. 

Your myopic views on Black vs Indian , who good and who bad, it's beyond that for third world multi-ethnic countries development.

Django, is Sean lying when he said Two Black president rigged the election, rape the constitution and ignore the CCJ ruling.

Sir , please re-read my statement . Also read up on the history of Guyana ,from the entrance of Jagan and Burnham in to British Guiana politics. I mentioned many times on this site why Burnham was chosen for Guyana independence and was allowed to rig elections. Well just found Jagan had such plans , never knew there was such statements.

How do you know that this is factual? Is it because it assails Jagan?

But as Dave asked, which part of Sean's statement made you so incensed that you responded in this manner bai?

"Your myopic views on Black vs Indian , who good and who bad, it's beyond that for third world multi-ethnic countries development."

The writer quotes the source , me thinks that's enough.

Ha..ha.. that response seems shocking ,tells the facts why Guyana remains a backwater country , with a population of under three quarter million, no cooperation and inclusiveness for progress ,fight for dominance of ethnic rule. This goes for both sides of the fence.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

How do you know that this is factual? Is it because it assails Jagan?

But as Dave asked, which part of Sean's statement made you so incensed that you responded in this manner bai?

"Your myopic views on Black vs Indian , who good and who bad, it's beyond that for third world multi-ethnic countries development."

The writer quotes the source , me thinks that's enough.

Sounds "non-thinking"!

A certain US president was told be expert sources Sadaam will wipe us out in 45 mins!  He said, that's enough!

So he acted, killed off 650k, just to then realize the "expert opinion" was wrong!

Learn to think for yourself and don't fall for opinions, expert or not!


Yes, I remember Colin Powell pulsing de “facts” of weapons of mass destruction like a prostitute. Tell dem deh base. Some Kulie love to buy snake oil packaged in shiny bottle readily available on the internet as a “credible” source. 

Look how dem NY Kulie lining up like cattle going for slaughter to the slave party democrats and dem get Katahar in return for their votes. Dem cussing Trump while dem 401k surging. 

Talk about Kulie stupidness. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Yes, I remember Colin Powell pulsing de “facts” of weapons of mass destruction like a prostitute. Tell dem deh base. Some Kulie love to buy snake oil packaged in shiny bottle readily available on the internet as a “credible” source. 

Yes, and remember Powell was and is a Republican too. Bai like you got selective amnesia.

Sean posted:

Me point is dat people should not buy snake oil like DJ. Yes, donkey Bush was wrong about that war. 

You buying the Republican's snake oil. If Trump did not do any wrong, release all the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. They are innocent too. They did not commit a crime. The hijackers did. Bin Laden and Al Baghdadi might be innocent too heh?


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