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S E C R E T GEORGETOWN 000640 SIPDIS NOFORN SIPDIS DEPT FOR INR DEPT FOR WHA/CAR PORT OF SPAIN FOR DEA AND LEGATT E.O. 12958: DECL: 06/29/2031 TAGS: PINR [Intelligence], SNAR [Narcotics], KCRM [Criminal Activity], PREL [External Political Relations], PGOV [Internal Governmental Affairs], GY [Guyana], NS [Suriname] SUBJECT: (C/NF) GUYANA RESPONSE: DESI BOUTERSE AND SHAHEED ROGER KHAN ACTIVITIES (C-AL6-00586) REF: A. SECSTATE 92995 B. PARAMARIBO 399 C. GEORGETOWN 433 D. 02 GEORGETOWN 1425 Classified By: Ambassador Roland W. Bullen For reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)


¶1. (C) Post presents response to ref A. Noting that Shaheed "Roger" Khan is now in custody, Post takes this opportunity to mention other narco-criminals in Guyana eager to take over Khan's turf (see paras 14-17). As Minister of Home Affairs told Ambassador at their June 23 meeting: "When one star goes down, another one goes up."






¶4. (S/NF) IS KHAN ACTIVE IN THE NARCOTICS TRADE, AND IF SO, WHICH DRUG TRAFFICKING GROUPS DOES HE DEAL WITH? DOES HE MAINTAIN TIES TO ANY OTHER CRIMINAL GROUPS, SUCH AS TERRORIST OR ORGANIZED CRIME GROUPS? WHAT FINANCES AND TECHNICAL CAPABILITY DOES HE HAVE AT HIS DISPOSAL? Khan is a known drug trafficker who is believed to have ties with Colombian, Brazilian, and Venezuelan drug trafficking groups. Post does not know that Khan has ties to terrorist groups. Post does believe that Khan has ties to organized crime groups. Khan had access to large sums of money and could purchase whatever technical resources he needed. In 2002, for example, the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) detained Khan and two others (including a Guyana Police Force (GPF) officer) after finding them in possession of an armored vehicle, military arms and cell-phone surveillance equipment (ref D). The latter was a Cellular Protocol Analyzer model CSM 7806 manufactured by Smith-Meyers. Khan and the others were hastily released, the charges dropped, and the equipment returned.


¶5. (S/NF) HOW OFTEN, AND WHERE, DOES BOUTERSE TRAVEL TO GUYANA? REF C INDICATES KHAN WAS LAST IN SURINAME IN JANUARY 2006, BUT ANALYSTS WOULD WELCOME INFORMATION ON HOW OFTEN HE TRAVELS TO SURINAME. Post is unaware of any specific travel by Bouterse to Guyana. However, he has stated publicly that he travels to Guyana and Brazil despite the Interpol Red Notice against him.





¶6. (S) OTHER THAN THROUGH VIOLENCE, DO BOUTERSE OR KHAN HAVE ANY PLANS TO CREATE CIVIL UNREST THROUGH PROPAGANDA, RUMOR CAMPAIGNS AGAINST GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS OR POLITICAL LEADERS, OR STIRRING RACIAL OR SOCIOECONOMIC TENSIONS? Yes. Khan has pursued a very active "public relations" campaign to paint himself as a Robin Hood figure, polarizing Guyanese opinion in the process (ref C). Through his intermediaries, this campaign continues even after his arrest: -- Khan claims that he fled to Suriname because Guyanese security forces were on a hunt to murder him. -- He accuses the USG, the GDF, GPF, and the PNC/R (Guyana's main opposition party) of colluding to remove the PPP government. -- He disseminated two secret recordings (there may be others) of Police Commissioner Winston Felix's conversations in a bid to force him out. -- He claims credit for bringing the 2002-03 crime wave in Guyana under control, meting out vigilante justice on behalf of the government. Background: The ruling PPP (supported by Indo-Guyanese) distrusts the GPF and GDF because they are staffed and led mostly by Afro-Guyanese. In private conversations, PPP insiders reveal their paranoia about the security forces' connections to the political opposition and possible coup-plotting. In this environment, Khan finds an Indo-Guyanese audience willing to believe that he is their protector against Afro-Guyanese criminals. Khan exploits this to stir racial tensions and discredit his enemies. But this influence has its limits. Recent demonstrations -- organized and bankrolled by Khan and his associates -- protesting the conduct of joint services raids on the properties of suspected criminals fizzled out quickly.





¶8. (S) WHAT IS BOUTERSE'S RELATIONSHIP WITH THE RULING PEOPLE'S PROGRESSIVE PARTY (PPP) IN GUYANA? IS THE PPP SUPPORTING BOUTERSE'S EFFORTS? Post is unaware of any relationship between Bouterse and the PPP. However, Bouterse has links with the PNC/R (ref B). As Home Affairs Minister Gail Teixeira recently told Ambassador: Bouterse's link with Buxton is a "key factor" for Guyana and Suriname because so much "revolves around him". (Note: Buxton, an Afro-Guyanese community about 10 miles east of Georgetown, is a hot-bed of criminal/militant activity. Desi Bouterse's son Dino organized a Surinamese soccer team's trip to Buxton a few years ago. It is believed that the team bus carried weapons to Buxton.)


¶9. (S) WILL EITHER GUYANA OR VENEZUELA GRANT BOUTERSE ASYLUM OR PROVIDE HIM WITH OTHER SUPPORT? IF SO, WHY WOULD THEY DO SO? Post does not believe that Guyana would grant Bouterse asylum or provide him with other support.




¶11. (C) WHAT IS KHAN'S ABILITY TO HELP DESTABILIZE THE GUYANESE GOVERNMENT AND/OR THE ELECTIONS? While active in Guyana, destabilizing elections did not seem to be a priority for Khan. Keeping a pliable PPP in power through a successful re-election suited his interests. However, even in custody Khan could potentially cause great embarrassment to -- or even bring down -- Guyana's government by revealing his links with the PPP and the skeletons in its closet.



¶12. (S/NF) IS THERE EVIDENCE, BEYOND POSSIBLE CONJECTURE, THAT KHAN ENJOYS SOME LEVEL OF POLITICAL PROTECTION FROM SENIOR OFFICIALS OF THE GUYANESE GOVERNMENT AND, IF SO, FROM WHOM? Khan did enjoy political protection from GoG officials at the highest levels. At a minimum, former Home Affairs Minister Ronald Gajraj and long-time Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon collaborated with Khan. SIPDIS Gajraj (now Guyana's High Commissioner to India) orchestrated Guyana's "death squads" in 2002-03 -- certainly in close collaboration with Khan. Luncheon (President Jagdeo's deputy) is known to have intervened and ordered the authorities to release Khan and return his equipment as described in para 4. Also, eyewitnesses say they have seen Khan leaving the President's office. Ever since Khan's May 2006 indictment in the U.S. on drug charges, the GoG has tried assiduously to distance itself from him.



¶13. (S/NF) WHAT ARE THE GUYANESE GOVERNMENT'S OPTIONS AND CAPABILITIES, ASSUMING THERE IS THE POLITICAL WILL TO DO SO, FOR, AT A MINIMUM, CONTAINING KHAN AND HIS ACTIVITIES OR, AT BEST, SUCCESSFULLY APPREHENDING AND PROSECUTING HIM? Even in the unlikely event that the GoG and the security forces were on the same page and determined to go after narco-criminals, their ability to do so is extremely limited. The narco-criminals have entourages of highly-trained, well-armed ex-tactical squad members at their disposal. The GPF cannot compete with them. In addition, corruption and tip-offs are so rampant that the GPF and GDF rarely enjoy the element of surprise. Even if these challenges were overcome, a successful arrest would stand little chance of progressing through the judicial system. Guyana has not convicted a single drug trafficker of note. -------------------- WAITING IN THE WINGS --------------------



¶14. (C) Khan was the brashiest of Guyana's narco-criminals, but he was by no means the only one. Others will certainly try to fill the void left by Khan's departure from the local scene. Two leading candidates are Bramhanand (Alt: Bramhand, Brammanand) Nandalall and Clayton Hutson (DOB:31-Dec-64). Older than the upstart Khan, they have been active in drug trafficking for many years. Nandalall is the "godfather" of organized crime in Guyana. Khan and Hutson both worked for him before setting them up their own criminal organizations.




¶15. (C) Ambassador met with Home Affairs Teixeira June 23 to discuss Khan and other matters. Teixeira was eager to share her views on the risk and instability that Khan's capture causes in Guyana. She guesses Hutson might become the next kingpin. She said that Nandalall is keeping very quiet and is rumored to be cooperating with the U.S.



¶16. (C) Teixeira warned that Khan's departure from the scene opens the door for the criminal situation to become more political -- she said it will no longer be about "just narcotics, but about ethnicity" as well. She fears that if Hutson uses this opportunity to assume a larger role, then he and his accomplices will pose a serious political threat with the help of drug and gun trafficking.



¶17. (C) COMMENT. GoG leaders were comfortable with Khan because they thought he was on their side; the possibility of a new kingpin allied with the political opposition makes them very nervous indeed. Other sources indicate that Nandalall is more likely than Hutson to take over as Guyana's number one narco-criminal. Judging from Teixeira's tone, Hutson leans politically towards the PNC/R. Nandalall's political stance is uncertain, but it is telling that the PPP government has never gone after him during his many years of criminal activity. END COMMENT. BULLEN

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"Khan had access to large sums of money and could purchase whatever technical resources he needed. In 2002, for example, the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) detained Khan and two others (including a Guyana Police Force (GPF) officer) after finding them in possession of an armored vehicle, military arms and cell-phone surveillance equipment (ref D). The latter was a Cellular Protocol Analyzer model CSM 7806 manufactured by Smith-Meyers. Khan and the others were hastily released, the charges dropped, and the equipment returned."





Who provided the government letter for Khan to purchase the cell-phone surveillance equipment that only official governments can purchase????


Who provided him with permit to import steel plated armor vehicles?  Only GRA and Ministry of Home Affairs has that authority?  Was there a Muslim connection?  Kurshid + Khan = CIOG???


Who provide Khan with GDF issued military equipment?


Lt Colonel - then a Major Omar Khan + Roger Khan = Muslim connection????



Who dropped the charges against Roger Khan???



DPP = Shalimar + Roger Khan = Muslim = CIOG connection????

Last edited by Former Member

Background from Amb Bullen:


The ruling PPP (supported by Indo-Guyanese) distrusts the GPF and GDF because they are staffed and led mostly by Afro-Guyanese. In private conversations, PPP insiders reveal their paranoia about the security forces' connections to the political opposition and possible coup-plotting


SourceL  https://cablegatesearch.wikile...0&qto=2010-02-28


The nation was held hostage by the gunmen of Buxton. Our police and army could not help us. Then came the Phantoms. They brought peace and hope to the nation. God bless those who sacrificed with Roger Khan to end the senseless violence that was threatening to tear our country apart.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The nation was held hostage by the gunmen of Buxton. Our police and army could not help us. Then came the Phantoms. They brought peace and hope to the nation. God bless those who sacrificed with Roger Khan to end the senseless violence that was threatening to tear our country apart.

¶12. (S/NF) IS THERE EVIDENCE, BEYOND POSSIBLE CONJECTURE, THAT KHAN ENJOYS SOME LEVEL OF POLITICAL PROTECTION FROM SENIOR OFFICIALS OF THE GUYANESE GOVERNMENT AND, IF SO, FROM WHOM? Khan did enjoy political protection from GoG officials at the highest levels. At a minimum, former Home Affairs Minister Ronald Gajraj and long-time Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon collaborated with Khan. SIPDIS Gajraj (now Guyana's High Commissioner to India) orchestrated Guyana's "death squads" in 2002-03 -- certainly in close collaboration with Khan. Luncheon (President Jagdeo's deputy) is known to have intervened and ordered the authorities to release Khan and return his equipment as described in para 4. Also, eyewitnesses say they have seen Khan leaving the President's office. Ever since Khan's May 2006 indictment in the U.S. on drug charges, the GoG has tried assiduously to distance itself from him.


Flour boy and the rest of the katahars were scared shitless to travel to Guyana under the reign of PNC/Buxton/Agricola terrorists.  The special forces taught them a lesson and changed the paradigm.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Flour boy and the rest of the katahars were scared shitless to travel to Guyana under the reign of PNC/Buxton/Agricola terrorists.  The special forces taught them a lesson and changed the paradigm.

I guess you are confirming this:

At a minimum, former Home Affairs Minister Ronald Gajraj and long-time Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon collaborated with Khan. SIPDIS Gajraj (now Guyana's High Commissioner to India) orchestrated Guyana's "death squads" in 2002-03 -- certainly in close collaboration with Khan. Luncheon (President Jagdeo's deputy) is known to have intervened and ordered the authorities to release Khan and return his equipment as described in para 4. Also, eyewitnesses say they have seen Khan leaving the President's office.





Post (meaning the US Embassy) is unaware of any relationship between Bouterse and the PPP.


However, Bouterse has links with the PNC/R (ref B). (Grainja connected to a criminal)



As Home Affairs Minister Gail Teixeira recently told Ambassador: Bouterse's link with Buxton is a "key factor" for Guyana and Suriname because so much "revolves around him". (Note: Buxton, an Afro-Guyanese community about 10 miles east of Georgetown, is a hot-bed of criminal/militant activity.


Desi Bouterse's son Dino organized a Surinamese soccer team's trip to Buxton a few years ago. It is believed that the team bus carried weapons to Buxton.)  - So Grainja connected to Dino?







Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:



Post (meaning the US Embassy) is unaware of any relationship between Bouterse and the PPP.


However, Bouterse has links with the PNC/R (ref B). (Grainja connected to a criminal)



As Home Affairs Minister Gail Teixeira recently told Ambassador: Bouterse's link with Buxton is a "key factor" for Guyana and Suriname because so much "revolves around him". (Note: Buxton, an Afro-Guyanese community about 10 miles east of Georgetown, is a hot-bed of criminal/militant activity.


Desi Bouterse's son Dino organized a Surinamese soccer team's trip to Buxton a few years ago. It is believed that the team bus carried weapons to Buxton.)  - So Grainja connected to Dino?







LOL you see blackman in you mind. 

Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Sing like he PPP and drug dealer. He see black man in he mind. 

JB look in the Mirror and answer these Questions for us.....if you can.

Tarron claim Dr Rose became a member of the PNC along with him......

Is this True?


Tarron claim Rob forced him to join the PNC.

Rob said he wants nothing to Do with Tarron, Granger or PNC.

Rob say Tarron & Granger pon dem own.

Is this True?


Ravi Dev claim Tarron is a Jihaji Grasshopper.

Ravi told Robert Persaud & Jagdeo .....tarron is a disgrace to Roar...

First Jihaji to ever Roar into Monkey Mountain.

Is this True?


Clarissa say Granger got all kinda of monkey posing as PNC Spokesman.

Clarissa want to know how this Grasshopping Monkey got into the PNC?

WHO Let him in?

Is this True?



Kwambe say Tarron is no longer a PNC.

After Granger mess him up in richmondhill.....he know he cannot get what he was promised.

And Quietly he pull out.

Is this True?


JB as you can see ....we only want the truth....

Lets hear directly from the Horses Mouth.....

Is this True?

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Sing like he PPP and drug dealer. He see black man in he mind. 

JB look in the Mirror and answer these Questions for us.....if you can.

Tarron claim Dr Rose became a member of the PNC along with him......

Is this True?


Tarron claim Rob forced him to join the PNC.

Rob said he wants nothing to Do with Tarron, Granger or PNC.

Rob say Tarron & Granger pon dem own.

Is this True?


Ravi Dev claim Tarron is a Jihaji Grasshopper.

Ravi told Robert Persaud & Jagdeo .....tarron is a disgrace to Roar...

First Jihaji to ever Roar into Monkey Mountain.

Is this True?


Clarissa say Granger got all kinda of monkey posing as PNC Spokesman.

Clarissa want to know how this Grasshopping Monkey got into the PNC?

WHO Let him in?

Is this True?



Kwambe say Tarron is no longer a PNC.

After Granger mess him up in richmondhill.....he know he cannot get what he was promised.

And Quietly he pull out.

Is this True?


JB as you can see ....we only want the truth....

Lets hear directly from the Horses Mouth.....

Is this True?

Mr Ravi Dave is a fake lawyer. Like you envy Mr TK. LOL 

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Sing like he PPP and drug dealer. He see black man in he mind. 

JB look in the Mirror and answer these Questions for us.....if you can.

Tarron claim Dr Rose became a member of the PNC along with him......

Is this True?


Tarron claim Rob forced him to join the PNC.

Rob said he wants nothing to Do with Tarron, Granger or PNC.

Rob say Tarron & Granger pon dem own.

Is this True?


Ravi Dev claim Tarron is a Jihaji Grasshopper.

Ravi told Robert Persaud & Jagdeo .....tarron is a disgrace to Roar...

First Jihaji to ever Roar into Monkey Mountain.

Is this True?


Clarissa say Granger got all kinda of monkey posing as PNC Spokesman.

Clarissa want to know how this Grasshopping Monkey got into the PNC?

WHO Let him in?

Is this True?



Kwambe say Tarron is no longer a PNC.

After Granger mess him up in richmondhill.....he know he cannot get what he was promised.

And Quietly he pull out.

Is this True?


JB as you can see ....we only want the truth....

Lets hear directly from the Horses Mouth.....

Is this True?

Mr Jalil me dont know you question. Ask Mr Rob he posing right here as the horse. And ask Mr Sing he here with multiple fake hame. LOL 


Ok JB ......we will note what yuh have to say...Couple Jumbie tek over Poor TK since eee join PNC.....and dem shame fuh tell abee de truth.


Personally I think is Ravi and Clarissa who check Professor and all eee Jumbie dem.


JB.....mamoo still like dem two coolie.....Ravi & Clarissa....wha eee think about them?

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Ok JB ......we will note what yuh have to say...Couple Jumbie tek over Poor TK since eee join PNC.....and dem shame fuh tell abee de truth.


Personally I think is Ravi and Clarissa who check Professor and all eee Jumbie dem.


JB.....mamoo still like dem two coolie.....Ravi & Clarissa....wha eee think about them?

LOL me mamoo say Mr Ravi Dave is a fake US lwayer. He do mail order JD degree. That why UWI tell he you must do back all law class. Me mamoo say Miss Clarissa make she living on PNC and she think Mr TK want take away she little bread crumbs.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Who dropped the charges against Roger Khan???



DPP = Shalimar + Roger Khan = Muslim = CIOG connection????

HOW come???



Khan was found with a cell-phone surveillance equipment (ref D). The latter was a Cellular Protocol Analyzer model CSM 7806 manufactured by Smith-Meyers. Khan and the others were hastily released, the charges dropped, and the equipment returned.


¶11. (C) WHAT IS KHAN'S ABILITY TO HELP DESTABILIZE THE GUYANESE GOVERNMENT AND/OR THE ELECTIONS? While active in Guyana, destabilizing elections did not seem to be a priority for Khan. Keeping a pliable PPP in power through a successful re-election suited his interests. However, even in custody Khan could potentially cause great embarrassment to -- or even bring down -- Guyana's government by revealing his links with the PPP and the skeletons in its closet.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by JB:
LOL me mamoo say Mr Ravi Dave is a fake US lwayer. He do mail order JD degree. That why UWI tell he you must do back all law class. Me mamoo say Miss Clarissa make she living on PNC and she think Mr TK want take away she little bread crumbs.

Ravi Dev is an old teacher of mine. He looks so different now that I barely recognize him.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Who dropped the charges against Roger Khan???



DPP = Shalimar + Roger Khan = Muslim = CIOG connection????

Bhai na disturb de African Bees.

Yuh know Hammi Green & Norman McClean are De two Top PNC Thugs planted into the Muslim community by Odo himself.

Dem started out in de same mosque with Feroz .....

Aya must know aya History....


Today Rohee want put "one of Dem Muslim" on De PPP Ticket.

Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by JB:
LOL me mamoo say Mr Ravi Dave is a fake US lwayer. He do mail order JD degree. That why UWI tell he you must do back all law class. Me mamoo say Miss Clarissa make she living on PNC and she think Mr TK want take away she little bread crumbs.

Ravi Dev is an old teacher of mine. He looks so different now that I barely recognize him.

Thank you for telling we. He was a teacher in NACTA too? 

Originally Posted by baseman:

Flour boy and the rest of the katahars were scared shitless to travel to Guyana under the reign of PNC/Buxton/Agricola terrorists.  The special forces taught them a lesson and changed the paradigm.

You right, all the eat indians was scared of their own country because Rohhee was a failure.


Time to vote the liar out.


Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Who dropped the charges against Roger Khan???



DPP = Shalimar + Roger Khan = Muslim = CIOG connection????

We needed Roger Khan then. Because of RK, I was ableto travel to Berbice without fear. Bring back Gajraj and RK. They will take care of the murderous scumbags. This has nothing to do with Muslims, Kishan Bacchus. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Who dropped the charges against Roger Khan???



DPP = Shalimar + Roger Khan = Muslim = CIOG connection????

We needed Roger Khan then. Because of RK, I was ableto travel to Berbice without fear. Bring back Gajraj and RK. They will take care of the murderous scumbags. This has nothing to do with Muslims, Kishan Bacchus. 

That banna Gajraj was juss di ting di dakta arda.  That banna mek them thugs cry fuh real. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Who dropped the charges against Roger Khan???



DPP = Shalimar + Roger Khan = Muslim = CIOG connection????

We needed Roger Khan then. Because of RK, I was ableto travel to Berbice without fear. Bring back Gajraj and RK. They will take care of the murderous scumbags. This has nothing to do with Muslims, Kishan Bacchus. 

Like we need Roger Khan now because the goat ROHHEEE failing the people today as more East Indians die at the hands of criminals.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Who dropped the charges against Roger Khan???



DPP = Shalimar + Roger Khan = Muslim = CIOG connection????

We needed Roger Khan then. Because of RK, I was ableto travel to Berbice without fear. Bring back Gajraj and RK. They will take care of the murderous scumbags. This has nothing to do with Muslims, Kishan Bacchus. 

Like we need Roger Khan now because the goat ROHHEEE failing the people today as more East Indians die at the hands of criminals.

You tink suh? Like hell yes.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Who dropped the charges against Roger Khan???



DPP = Shalimar + Roger Khan = Muslim = CIOG connection????

We needed Roger Khan then. Because of RK, I was ableto travel to Berbice without fear. Bring back Gajraj and RK. They will take care of the murderous scumbags. This has nothing to do with Muslims, Kishan Bacchus. 

That banna Gajraj was juss di ting di dakta arda.  That banna mek them thugs cry fuh real. 

Any Relationship to the Nandalall here?


¶14. (C) Khan was the brashiest of Guyana's narco-criminals, but he was by no means the only one. Others will certainly try to fill the void left by Khan's departure from the local scene. Two leading candidates are Bramhanand (Alt: Bramhand, Brammanand) Nandalall and Clayton Hutson (DOB:31-Dec-64). Older than the upstart Khan, they have been active in drug trafficking for many years. Nandalall is the "godfather" of organized crime in Guyana. Khan and Hutson both worked for him before setting them up their own criminal organizations.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Most Guyanese are now thinking of Moses Nagamootoo.  Only he can lead politically to turn around the sugar industry.

In you little "Alice in Wonderland" enclave.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Who dropped the charges against Roger Khan???



DPP = Shalimar + Roger Khan = Muslim = CIOG connection????

We needed Roger Khan then. Because of RK, I was ableto travel to Berbice without fear. Bring back Gajraj and RK. They will take care of the murderous scumbags. This has nothing to do with Muslims, Kishan Bacchus. 

Like we need Roger Khan now because the goat ROHHEEE failing the people today as more East Indians die at the hands of criminals.

Roger Khan is part of what created the crime problem in the first place. Once the PPP allowed the drug trade to flourish, violent crime spiralled out of control.


In Roger Khan day little black bwoys were beated under the pretext that they were bandits.  They had boot mark on their chest and holes in their back cause by bullets.


Official Cause of death  - dysentery.


Unofficial cause of death - murder by the PPP gang.


Some 900 died this way.


Dysentery is diarrhea which contains blood.




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