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Sections of Stabroek market under water after Koker malfunction

February 18, 2015 1:56 pm Category: Business, Local News A+ / A-



Vendors selling in the putrid water on Wednesday. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – Sections of the Stabroek Market, downtown Georgetown, are underwater after a koker that releases water into the Demerara River malfunctioned.


Vendors in the affected areas are calling on the relevant authorities to act swiftly to remedy the situation since each passing moment means more losses for them.

When iNews visited the Stabroek market just after lunch on Wednesday, February 18, vendors were seen repacking goods to ensure that they were not further affected by the floods.

In some parts of the market, the putrid water was well above the shin of some of the persons that were brave enough to venture into it.

One vendor told iNews that she saw the water rising and immediately raised an alert with her fellow vendors, who then proceeded to take proactive measures to ensure that goods would not be damaged.

Another man said that the koker has been damaged for over three years but was given a temporary fix sometime back. [Jomo Paul]

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