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Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

this company was at the NY Guyana Expo

So when can we expect to hear that they are ripping off innocent people? Almost everything that has the Guyana/Richmond Hill connection turn out crooked.

BEWARE of any company Vish promotes . Remember EZJet.

Exactly what prompted me to ask this question. The question may seem crude but the concern is relevant.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

it seems as though Ksazma, pointblank and Chief has issues with my posting even if "Mohamed" was under-writing it

I don't have any problem with you posting bai. I don't own this site, never paid its dues nor would be offended if removed from it. I gave my opinion and you are welcome to give yours.

This company is not owned nor controlled by ED
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

this company was at the NY Guyana Expo

So when can we expect to hear that they are ripping off innocent people? Almost everything that has the Guyana/Richmond Hill connection turn out crooked.

BEWARE of any company Vish promotes . Remember EZJet.

Exactly what prompted me to ask this question. The question may seem crude but the concern is relevant.

Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:

it seems as though Ksazma, pointblank and Chief has issues with my posting even if "Mohamed" was under-writing it

Bro you are sunch a dunce!!


You have problem with everyone in the community. Just check in with Richard David, the lady Laxchmee,. they are youing communoity leaders and they have a bad impression of you. As for the old community leaders none of them want you to come within 100 yards of them. They are all smiling with you but as soon you leave they all say" Vishnu the jackass."  

Chief or Farouk,
Your opinion does not matter for the following reasons:
1 You do not attend any meeting in Richmond Hill except Muslim programs
2 You do not contribute to any organization in Richmond Hill except for some Islamic Program
3 You do not live in the community...just another "foreigner with an opinion"
4 You seems to think who are in the leadership in Richmond Hill, who cares?
5 You are just an empty bag looking to get filled even with garbage.
6 You were a different person who I knew in Guyana, a Berbician who always "Bad Mouth Burnham"  and here you are the leader of the Pro-Burnham Hymn Choir.
more to follow 
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

it seems as though Ksazma, pointblank and Chief has issues with my posting even if "Mohamed" was under-writing it

Bro you are sunch a dunce!!


You have problem with everyone in the community. Just check in with Richard David, the lady Laxchmee,. they are youing communoity leaders and they have a bad impression of you. As for the old community leaders none of them want you to come within 100 yards of them. They are all smiling with you but as soon you leave they all say" Vishnu the jackass."  

Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Chief or Farouk,
Your opinion does not matter for the following reasons:
1 You do not attend any meeting in Richmond Hill except Muslim programs
2 You do not contribute to any organization in Richmond Hill except for some Islamic Program
3 You do not live in the community...just another "foreigner with an opinion"
4 You seems to think who are in the leadership in Richmond Hill, who cares?
5 You are just an empty bag looking to get filled even with garbage.
6 You were a different person who I knew in Guyana, a Berbician who always "Bad Mouth Burnham"  and here you are the leader of the Pro-Burnham Hymn Choir.
more to follow 

Cheif is a lungera mullah who would sell his mother for a shilling.  He loves Burnham under whom he made good.  He hates the PPP since Asgar Ally and his pro-Paki/anti-Indian philosophy was rejected.

Originally Posted by cain:

T Banna, you rass better watch out or you might wind up with the title "foreigner with an opinion" ever heard dat one?

More than half of the PPP ministers hold a foreign passport. And the majority of government projects are being done by foreign companies. So foreigners are welcome with open hands by the PPP waiting for a cash hand out.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Any bets on Chief vs Vishnu????


Battle Royale in Richmond Hill.


One call the other dunce and the other seh he is leading the Pro-Burnham choir.


Licks like peas

Name the place and I will show up.

Trust me it will not be a fight you will surprise to see me and Vish hugging up.

As a matter of fact I did not see Vish's family in a while especially his wonderful father.

That the Chief I know and respect
Nice to see that side of my brother
Keeping coming and we will be able to "line the ducks"
Decent people do not put 30+ years of relationship for BS ing on GNI
Get a life
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Any bets on Chief vs Vishnu????


Battle Royale in Richmond Hill.


One call the other dunce and the other seh he is leading the Pro-Burnham choir.


Licks like peas

Name the place and I will show up.

Trust me it will not be a fight you will surprise to see me and Vish hugging up.

As a matter of fact I did not see Vish's family in a while especially his wonderful father.

Vish M
Originally Posted by Stinger:
Vishnu, you lambasted Chief with six bombs but he took de high road in his response Shows de kinda weasel yuh is compared to him

Exactly. He unashamedly injected Chief into this thread and now talking about not squandering 30+ years of relationship. What a fraud. Either that or he has been hanging out with Nehru and Cobra drinking rum and eating poke.

Originally Posted by Vish M:
Stinger, I do not know you nor do I want to know about you.
I know Rafeek, so buzz off.
Originally Posted by Stinger:
Vishnu, you lambasted Chief with six bombs but he took de high road in his response Shows de kinda weasel yuh is compared to him

Now it's Vish and Stingaaaah...let's get ready to rumbllllllle..................

Originally Posted by Vish M:
Stinger, I do not know you nor do I want to know about you.
I know Rafeek, so buzz off.
Originally Posted by Stinger:
Vishnu, you lambasted Chief with six bombs but he took de high road in his response Shows de kinda weasel yuh is compared to him

Another cock fight!!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Stinger, I do not know you nor do I want to know about you.
I know Rafeek, so buzz off.
Originally Posted by Stinger:
Vishnu, you lambasted Chief with six bombs but he took de high road in his response Shows de kinda weasel yuh is compared to him

Now it's Vish and Stingaaaah...let's get ready to rumbllllllle..................


Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Cheif is a lungera mullah who would sell his mother for a shilling. 

Care to cite an incident where Chief sold his mother for a shilling? Or you just prefer to make stupid insensitive comments?


We have  just a fews days more so stay clear of Shaitaan they come in all forms.


Let me take this opportunity to wish both you and Freaky all the best for this blessed month.


Long hours so take it easy.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:


We have  just a fews days more so stay clear of Shaitaan they come in all forms.


Let me take this opportunity to wish both you and Freaky all the best for this blessed month.


Long hours so take it easy.

A blessed Ramadhaan to you and your family also.

Thanks buddy.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Chief or Farouk,
Your opinion does not matter for the following reasons:
1 You do not attend any meeting in Richmond Hill except Muslim programs
2 You do not contribute to any organization in Richmond Hill except for some Islamic Program
3 You do not live in the community...just another "foreigner with an opinion"
4 You seems to think who are in the leadership in Richmond Hill, who cares?
5 You are just an empty bag looking to get filled even with garbage.
6 You were a different person who I knew in Guyana, a Berbician who always "Bad Mouth Burnham"  and here you are the leader of the Pro-Burnham Hymn Choir.
more to follow 

Cheif is a lungera mullah who would sell his mother for a shilling.  He loves Burnham under whom he made good.  He hates the PPP since Asgar Ally and his pro-Paki/anti-Indian philosophy was rejected.

Baseman....Is a total disgrace to Indians.... Hindu, Muslin, Christian or non-believer.

Baseman.....What or Who is a Lungera-Mullah?.....

Is Chief one of those Parasites or Cockaroach who Infest the Leadership of PPP Today Like Buddies, Morgan, Roger Khan and all the Drug Lords Ramkaran talk about.


Baseman.....Who sell their mother for a shilling? ......

Let us be honest did Chief ever behave like a cheap Lombard Street *****....

It is Quick and Easy for a *****  to defend and support Jagdeo and Ramotar (Two Crooks) as they plan to get rid of all the Honest, Decent and Dedicated members of the PPP like Sash Swah, Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Boyo Ramsaroop, O'lall, Ralph Ramkarran, Fazal Khan, Karchan and other Indians Chief prostituting himself and selling out all Indians including his mother by blindly supporting Jagdeo and Ramotar for Contracts and lil Business from Ramotar and Jagdeo.


Now listen to this Funny Fella.... "Chief....He loves Burnham under whom he made good." .......

Baseman.....Let us talk about who Love Burnham......

only a B@tty-boy could not admitt Jagdeo & Ramotar are Living off, Loving & Hiding Under Burnham Constitution.

Only a F@ggot will not admit Jagdeo & Ramotar went to the PNC Garbage site and pluck Mannie, Kwamie, Gary Best, Eddie & Brian....all 100% PNC ******.

Base-man Only a @unty-man will keep praising Jagdeo & Ramotar....for Importing The Very  Worst Black PNC House-of-Isreal Thugs Lamumba, McClean, Bynoe, Kit Nascimento and Hamilton move them into office of the President and Freedom House.


So Baseman....Jagdeo....or Ramotar....

should not be telling us who love Burnham....

or who living off of Burnham....

or who is Protected by PNC Indian Killers, Rapist & Thugs.


Only an Hindu Indian Racist.....Funny Fella....would say ...

(Chief)...He hates the PPP since Asgar Ally and his pro-Paki/anti-Indian philosophy was rejected.


This Queer needs to reminded that PPP would have never got into power in 1992 if it was not for Asgar Ally....and the Trust and respect that he brought to the Table for Jagan....

President Carter or the US Govt would not have supported Jagan because of Jagdeo or Ramotar.....These two Crab Louse riding on Jagan and Asgar Clean Record......Ask President Carter or President George Bush and they will tell you.


Funny Fellas like Baseman who openly attack muslims will be the downfall of Jagdeo & Ramotar.


Jagdeo has been a great leader but do need to ease out and leave the Government to run.  His time has come and passed and served the nation well.


Ramotar wants to be a different leader but he is in a predicament, caught between the opposition forces and the Jagdeo camp within house.  There is no better political institution than the PPP capable of running the affairs of Guyana.  However, their are some issues, real and perceived, which the PPP needs to squarely address.


BTW, Asgar Ally was fired for corruption by Jagan, the same man who brought him in after winning in 1992.


Baseman is never anti-Islam, I do support the Palestinian cause, I do support Syria against the wahab terrorists, I do support the Egyptian youth against fundamentalism, I do support the moderate muslim world against the terrorists forces, I do support progressives among the Islamic community.  Baseman is "anti-Islamic terrorists" and their supporters and sympathizers.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo has been a great leader but do need to ease out and leave the Government to run.  His time has come and passed and served the nation well.

How do you Measure Greatness...

Law Book Scandal,

Guysuco Scandal,

Laptop Scandal,

Ez Jet Scandal,

Fip  US$15 Million Scandal

De 40 year old Helicopters Scandal,

De NIS secret Investment with Clico,

De NBS secret Investment with Clico,

De Spy Equipment Imported for Roger Khan,

De Murder of Sash Swah and his entire Family 

De Marriot Hotel Fraud...

De New Airport Secret Contract...

Or.....De Secret Deals between Jagdeo & Bobby Ramroop,

De Drug Scandal with De Hospital & Min of Health

Which one makes Jagdeo a Great Leader??????


Ramotar wants to be a different leader but he is in a predicament, caught between the opposition forces and the Jagdeo camp within house.  There is no better political institution than the PPP capable of running the affairs of Guyana.  However, their are some issues, real and perceived, which the PPP needs to squarely address.

So let us Understand.....

A piece of $hit that is Friendly with Jagdeo...and wants to hide all of Jagdeo's Thiefing.....KNOWS MORE ABOUT THE PROBLEMS FACING THE PPP......THAN RALPH RAMKARRAN


BTW, Asgar Ally was fired for corruption by Jagan, the same man who brought him in after winning in 1992.

The freedom house boys and girls was upset Asgar was giving too much to the Beharry they lied and conspired to get rid of him...the same boys and girls have to shut their mouths when Bobby Ramroop & Jagdeo fulling their Pockets.


Baseman is never anti-Islam, I do support the Palestinian cause, I do support Syria against the wahab terrorists, I do support the Egyptian youth against fundamentalism, I do support the moderate muslim world against the terrorists forces, I do support progressives among the Islamic community.  Baseman is "anti-Islamic terrorists" and their supporters and sympathizers.


This is pure smoke now to cover the truth


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo has been a great leader but do need to ease out and leave the Government to run.  His time has come and passed and served the nation well.

How do you Measure Greatness...

Law Book Scandal,

Guysuco Scandal,

Laptop Scandal,

Ez Jet Scandal,

Fip  US$15 Million Scandal

De 40 year old Helicopters Scandal,

De NIS secret Investment with Clico,

De NBS secret Investment with Clico,

De Spy Equipment Imported for Roger Khan,

De Murder of Sash Swah and his entire Family 

De Marriot Hotel Fraud...

De New Airport Secret Contract...

Or.....De Secret Deals between Jagdeo & Bobby Ramroop,

De Drug Scandal with De Hospital & Min of Health

Which one makes Jagdeo a Great Leader??????


Ramotar wants to be a different leader but he is in a predicament, caught between the opposition forces and the Jagdeo camp within house.  There is no better political institution than the PPP capable of running the affairs of Guyana.  However, their are some issues, real and perceived, which the PPP needs to squarely address.

So let us Understand.....

A piece of $hit that is Friendly with Jagdeo...and wants to hide all of Jagdeo's Thiefing.....KNOWS MORE ABOUT THE PROBLEMS FACING THE PPP......THAN RALPH RAMKARRAN


BTW, Asgar Ally was fired for corruption by Jagan, the same man who brought him in after winning in 1992.

The freedom house boys and girls was upset Asgar was giving too much to the Beharry they lied and conspired to get rid of him...the same boys and girls have to shut their mouths when Bobby Ramroop & Jagdeo fulling their Pockets.


Baseman is never anti-Islam, I do support the Palestinian cause, I do support Syria against the wahab terrorists, I do support the Egyptian youth against fundamentalism, I do support the moderate muslim world against the terrorists forces, I do support progressives among the Islamic community.  Baseman is "anti-Islamic terrorists" and their supporters and sympathizers.


This is pure smoke now to cover the truth


Let's put it simple, one man's meat is another man's poison.


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