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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nice home befitting of a former president who served his country for 8 years.  One of Guyana president served for 11 years and when he built a nice home some of us can't done cuss about how much money he thief!!

I am in agreement with you. Granger may not own a mansion in one term, but his Swiss bank account May exceed that of Burnham.


I am in favor of a leader or anyone living well.  But they must work hard and earn their keep.  Jagdeo is one of the hardest working people that I know.  And he makes sure his cabinet works hard too.  The guy hardly sleeps.  You can get him on the phone or by email anytime of day or night. He dots every "i" and crosses every "t".    And most of all he truly cares.  He is real.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am in favor of a leader or anyone living well.  But they must work hard and earn their keep.  Jagdeo is one of the hardest working people that I know.  And he makes sure his cabinet works hard too.  The guy hardly sleeps.  You can get him on the phone or by email anytime of day or night. He dots every "i" and crosses every "t".    And most of all he truly cares.  He is real.

Jagdeo took office with a full head of hair, now the man is totally bald. That's what I call a working-class president. 

Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am in favor of a leader or anyone living well.  But they must work hard and earn their keep.  Jagdeo is one of the hardest working people that I know.  And he makes sure his cabinet works hard too.  The guy hardly sleeps.  You can get him on the phone or by email anytime of day or night. He dots every "i" and crosses every "t".    And most of all he truly cares.  He is real.

Jagdeo took office with a full head of hair, now the man is totally bald. That's what I call a working-class president. 

Since when male pattern baldness is a measure of work? If you suggested a measure of prodigious capacity for corruption I would have suggest we examine the premise.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nice home befitting of a former president who served his country for 8 years.  One of Guyana president served for 11 years and when he built a nice home some of us can't done cuss about how much money he thief!!

So y'all won't have a problem when the PNC boys thief and build similar 'nice homes' on presidential salary. Actually they can build double the size of the Jagabaat and Ifart mansions because they double the salary....

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am in favor of a leader or anyone living well.  But they must work hard and earn their keep.  Jagdeo is one of the hardest working people that I know.  And he makes sure his cabinet works hard too.  The guy hardly sleeps.  You can get him on the phone or by email anytime of day or night. He dots every "i" and crosses every "t".    And most of all he truly cares.  He is real.

No doubt he was and is....but you can be all that and STILL be wrong. what was his intent, what was his motive and what were his results? Those are more pertinent than a catalog of his involvement in hard work, making sure his cabinet works hard (this is not to compare anyone to Hitler but Hitler had his boys work hard too and he didn't sleep much), dotting "i"s (Blair did too in his Iraq invasion) and crossing his "t"s (as did Cheney and Rumsfeld, and Madof and Boesky), and how little he sleeps (robbing Trump doesn't sleep much).

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nice home befitting of a former president who served his country for 8 years.  One of Guyana president served for 11 years and when he built a nice home some of us can't done cuss about how much money he thief!!

They cant help it, Some are born slaves, some achieve Slavery and some has Slavery thrust upon them!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Nehru
Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am in favor of a leader or anyone living well.  But they must work hard and earn their keep.  Jagdeo is one of the hardest working people that I know.  And he makes sure his cabinet works hard too.  The guy hardly sleeps.  You can get him on the phone or by email anytime of day or night. He dots every "i" and crosses every "t".    And most of all he truly cares.  He is real.

Jagdeo took office with a full head of hair, now the man is totally bald. That's what I call a working-class president. 

I'm losing hair too and I'm a lazy sonovabitch, so there....


Like his thoughtfulness and no drama, Obama's residence is fitting. The guy is one of the greatest family guy to inhabit the White House and a model for parents.


You have to feel it when he says he could have been Trayvon Martin, and how stupid that policeman was to arrest Professor Gates entering his own home.


You have to feel to when he asks if this is the type of America we want when mass shootings occur.

Demerara_Guy posted:

See Inside the Obamas' New House

It's not quite the White House, but with eight bedrooms and 8,200 square feet, it still has plenty of space to stretch out after the president's eight years in office.


<p>It's not quite the White House, but with eight bedrooms and 8,200 square feet, it still has plenty of space to stretch out after the president's eight years in office.</p>

Looks like Harry Potter's house. Nice though. Obama indeed adorned the White House with dignity especially taking it over from that clown before him. Best wishes for the future.

Prashad posted:

A house like this will take alot of money to upkeep plus insurance and taxes.

Prash, there is a rich suburb in MN called Minnetonka. I have seen houses on the lake front twice or thrice the size of what these people are talking about. They have sea planes and expensive boats parked in front of their houses. This house is nothing to crow about.

Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am in favor of a leader or anyone living well.  But they must work hard and earn their keep.  Jagdeo is one of the hardest working people that I know.  And he makes sure his cabinet works hard too.  The guy hardly sleeps.  You can get him on the phone or by email anytime of day or night. He dots every "i" and crosses every "t".    And most of all he truly cares.  He is real.

Jagdeo took office with a full head of hair, now the man is totally bald. That's what I call a working-class president. 

That's from the working-ass president's head constantly hitting the bedpost


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