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Post by Seignet from another forum.

There is a difference with being aware and being able to analyze the awareness. The implications over ones selfish or self actualizing goals. Guyana is in danger from its adversarial approaches at the ethnic and political levels .

So much is in our favor, yet we would destroy it all.

Guyana's destruction is the real danger.

Once the articles have been introduced there is no turning back from the mayhem. This country has killed its fellow citizens for political motives since in the nineteen fifties. It may have been a little bit here and there. But today, if it were to happen again, it would be as the Rwanda Masscres. Over seventy years of pent up frustrations being burdened upon geneartions after generations. Many faults based on false impressions carried down from decades.

Perhaps, it is time for a new gasp of air.

A long time ago, Forbes attended a Commonwealth Conference in Montreal, before returning to Guyana he stopped by in Toronto. His interactions brought much excitement among his countrymen and women. He promised to maintain an association with the audience.

A few years later, there was a social event in Toronto sponsored by the Government of Guyana. I was invited. The group from the government comprised of several Afro-Guyanese and one lone Indo-Guyanese, Cammie Ramsaroop.

As the evening progressed,  Afroes gravitated to the Afro representatives of the government. Naturally, the Indoes congregated with Cammie Ramsaroop. The Consular-General, an Afro-Guyanese, being trained in diplomacy moved from group to group making sure everyone was having an enjoyable evening. He lingered to listen in.

With Cammie Ramsaroop, the Indoes entered confrontional conversations. Cammie, in his jovial demeanor would offer his opinions with Guyanese addage at the end of each comment.

There were phographs taken, lots of it.

Soon after that event, I would visit Guyana. Upon entering my village and gathering with friends. I was asked, "since when you joined the Peoples National Congress". The PNC had published the photograph of the Indians present at the gathering. And I was deemed a PNCite from association. This was a time when overseas voting was allowed. And PNC activists supposedly voted for Indians living in Foreign Countries.

So far, I have not been a member of any Political Party. If anything I would be tempted to join a BRAND NEW GROUP with no baggages. I have tried with the PPP, PNC and the AFC to offer ideas of possible solutions to problems associated with communities. It is not easy dealing with Indoes and Afroes who has power. So, it is not like prejudices prevails. It is more like the lack of interests to do better for the impoverished.

Because I am a Guyanese, I have the interests of both the Peoples National Congress and Peoples Progressive Party. They comprised the government in the past and will for the future.

The big question, how can these organizations be shifted to the interest of the common man.

The Peoples Progressive Party has always been overly confident of forming a government in it entire history. From this position, changes to its policies and governance is not forthcoming. Their support base is rigid and perhaps intolerant-hostile to anyone who differs that being Indians.

The Peoples National Congress, definitely is an Ethnic Political Party. But, the accomodation of an Indian participation is strong with limiations-and has always been that way.

The creation of the Peoples National Congress in 1955 saw several Indians moving from the PPP into the Burnhamite PPP. They shared common views with Forbes and perhaps were the Moderates. The Extremists would remain with the Jaganite PPP, those who seriously challenged the Americans and British with a Soviet agenda. Interestingly, many Afroes with the PPP remained with the Jaganite PPP.

The Indians politically involved with Forbes somehow never rose to the top of the PNC. Forbes continued over the years to garner support from individual prominent Indians but never from the rural communities. Those prominent Indians provided legality to his questionable governance.

During this period, Africa was on the rise and its Indian populations were marginalized.

Guyana took on Pan-Africanism. Forbes in this period leaned towards the Muslim Community,  Indian looking but not as the majority of Hindus. With the muslim populations of Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria and others in Africa, perhaps, there was the acceptance. And then, the quest of diplomatic ties with  the Arabic World.   

With all that was perbetrated, a few Indians, as it is said, crossed the floor to the PNC side of the legislature. Two comes to mind, Vincent Teekah and Ranji Chandisingh.

My point, Indians always makes the effort of having a meaningful role in the governance of Guyana.   

The elections of 1992 placed the PNC in the position of never a hope to form the government again. For they have never fairly won an election.

After 23 years of PPP governance and complaints from a portion of the electorate. The emergence of Alliance for Change would throw their support behind the PNC.

In 2014, at a gathering in Toronto, in the audience were more Indo-Guyanese than Afro-Guyanese. The Indians who made public comments to David Granger, all stated their joy to share in his vision of a united Guyana.

Once again, Indians were going to take a chance for respectful governance of their country.

I briefly met David Granger at that meeting. If we were not interrupted, I would have said to him that his assent was due to the decades of prayers of the faithful.

I felt confident he was THE MAN. Because, he knew the battle was not against flesh and blood.

The People National Congress has a solid support base of possibly thirty one seats. With that, on their own they cannot win. However, in Guyana's politics, there is that slim chance that atleast three seats are Guyanese and the other sixty two seats are compromised ethnically.

The APNU+AFC won in a slim election victory. Enough Indians had barely made it happened.

The inaugurations were like a Biblical Solomon taking the oath.

Indian participation waned from the inceptions.

Afro-Guyanese emerged with dominance. Indians were bypassed.

Indians of the AFC were not trusted. The AFC had become divided with Afro and Indo. Pro PPP and Pro-PNC.

Then the Presdient began his appointments, it was obvious it was a PNC regime again.

Not one Indian to be an Advisor he could not find. I concluded, the President does not know  Indians in Guyana. He has no associations with them.

And the President continued on his style of governance. Perhaps, the part of "against principalities" he has succumbed to. The Principalities are powerful.

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I tried to include it on " Don't it make you wanna go home." Post/Thread. That is where it was intended to be posted as a complete piece. Unfortunately, GNI system must have a glintch, Copy and Post does not work. So, I decided that I  would try it at Backdam and it got posted.

Then, there is this guy over there, in a few seconds replied to it. As usual not with kind remarks. I doubt whether he reads that quick. Suh, he muss be in his regular mood-angry, perhaps vindictive too.

Thanks for posting it.


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