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Originally Posted by redux:


cobra was 1st in line . . . 'Guyanese' bigots standing up to be counted

Hey coolie bhai, where did I write that I would pray for  Maduro to take Essequibo.


Guyana do not have Guyanese leaders, the country have ethnic leaders. And by some miracle every less than 3 decades these fools change places.


If Maduro wants the Essequibo, he can take it any damn time he pleases. But there are consequences for taking such actions. And Granger wid his Caribbean bruddahs can't do dick bout it.


If u been following the drama, u would know Venezuela could taker Essequibo. But they will have to give it back, because the world would be in chaos for the all the other counties woud border issues will be exercising their might.  

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:


cobra was 1st in line . . . 'Guyanese' bigots standing up to be counted

Hey coolie bhai, where did I write that I would pray for  Maduro to take Essequibo.


Guyana do not have Guyanese leaders, the country have ethnic leaders. And by some miracle every less than 3 decades these fools change places.


If Maduro wants the Essequibo, he can take it any damn time he pleases. But there are consequences for taking such actions. And Granger wid his Caribbean bruddahs can't do dick bout it.


If u been following the drama, u would know Venezuela could taker Essequibo. But they will have to give it back, because the world would be in chaos for the all the other counties woud border issues will be exercising their might.  

now lessee here u tap-dancin bigot skont:


u now saying that u actually want Maduro to annex Essequibo because he will be forced to give it back, and that "forcing" will engender a "permanent" solution to the problem in Guyana's favor . . . especially since, as u now say, a "[non]serious" Guyana "didn't deal with the matter" for 53 years, huh??




abee rube goldberg maestro . . . har har har


but, but but . . . wait


how exactly do you square the above with your plain vanilla, very clear wish (immediately prior) for a successful Venezuela annexation of Essequibe birthing a rump negrorein Berbicestan and corresponding Demerara State for Afros . . . hmmm?


i advise u to guh pray and come again with a less insulting (to everyone's intelligence) effort to cover your newly exposed, leprous vagina


oh well, at least u are not immune to shame

Last edited by Former Member

While indeed individuals will have their political differences, one specific item that generally unite the people is the integrity of a country and its borders.


The border issue between Guyana and Venezuela was concluded in 1899.


Hence, Guyanese should stand together on the current situation against Venezuela.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While indeed individuals will have their political differences, one specific item that generally unite the people is the integrity of a country and its borders.


The border issue between Guyana and Venezuela was concluded in 1899.


Hence, Guyanese should stand together on the current situation against Venezuela.

  And what is the PPP doing to show its support.


I do know when the PPP faced problems with Suriname, and having gutted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of its competent staff, because they were Afro Guyanese, blacks wth expertise jumped in to help, and the matter was eventually resolved.


So what is the PPP doing, other than worsening the issue by celebrating that Maduro said that Granger isn't the "real" President?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While indeed individuals will have their political differences, one specific item that generally unite the people is the integrity of a country and its borders.


The border issue between Guyana and Venezuela was concluded in 1899.


Hence, Guyanese should stand together on the current situation against Venezuela.

And what is the PPP doing to show its support.


I do know when the PPP faced problems with Suriname, and having gutted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of its competent staff, because they were Afro Guyanese, blacks wth expertise jumped in to help, and the matter was eventually resolved.


So what is the PPP doing, other than worsening the issue by celebrating that Maduro said that Granger isn't the "real" President?

And what is the PPP doing to show its support. <===> Perhaps, you are unaware of the PPP/C position on this specific item.       

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

And what is the PPP doing to show its support. <===> Perhaps, you are unaware of the PPP/C position on this specific item.       

Yes I am unaware, so inform me.  That is if you can prove that the PPP has set aside its beef with APNU/AFC to join them in fending off Maduro.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

And what is the PPP doing to show its support. <===> Perhaps, you are unaware of the PPP/C position on this specific item.       

Yes I am unaware, so inform me.  That is if you can prove that the PPP has set aside its beef with APNU/AFC to join them in fending off Maduro.

Succinctly ...


PPP/C supports the government's position.


Now, it is your choice to review the newspaper articles on the PPP/C statement and position.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by redux:


cobra was 1st in line . . . 'Guyanese' bigots standing up to be counted

Becoming mo clear now that the Seig man and Prashad is the same person.

Actually no, and this just proves how pervasive the attitude is that "we are only Guyanese when ahbe PPP in power".

Unbelievable. I never thought it was THIS bad. Given anonymity here their true feelings are expressed.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by redux:


cobra was 1st in line . . . 'Guyanese' bigots standing up to be counted

Becoming mo clear now that the Seig man and Prashad is the same person.

Actually no, and this just proves how pervasive the attitude is that "we are only Guyanese when ahbe PPP in power".

Unbelievable. I never thought it was THIS bad. Given anonymity here their true feelings are expressed.

They may be unaware of the reality of Venezuelan's in the remote areas.  Many Venezuelan's would come over for supplies from Guyana.  The PPP made a lot of improvements to the lives of people in remote areas.  I know a family whose daughter-in-law came from Surinaam to Guyana for pre-natal care as GT offered superior care than Parimaribo.


Long live the PPP, we will be back to clean up the mess and damage the APNU/AFC would have inflicted by 2020.  The young who cannot remember the pre-1992 Guyana will get a little taste and run like hell come 2020. Mark my words.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by redux:


cobra was 1st in line . . . 'Guyanese' bigots standing up to be counted

Becoming mo clear now that the Seig man and Prashad is the same person.

Actually no, and this just proves how pervasive the attitude is that "we are only Guyanese when ahbe PPP in power".

Unbelievable. I never thought it was THIS bad. Given anonymity here their true feelings are expressed.

They may be unaware of the reality of Venezuelan's in the remote areas.  Many Venezuelan's would come over for supplies from Guyana.  The PPP made a lot of improvements to the lives of people in remote areas.  I know a family whose daughter-in-law came from Surinaam to Guyana for pre-natal care as GT offered superior care than Parimaribo.


Long live the PPP, we will be back to clean up the mess and damage the APNU/AFC would have inflicted by 2020.  The young who cannot remember the pre-1992 Guyana will get a little taste and run like hell come 2020. Mark my words.

And it will be a really big mess because Jackassrs and House Slaves cant run a cake shop much-less a Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
They may be unaware of the reality of Venezuelan's in the remote areas.  Many Venezuelan's would come over for supplies from Guyana.  The PPP made a lot of improvements to the lives of people in remote areas.  I know a family whose daughter-in-law came from Surinaam to Guyana for pre-natal care as GT offered superior care than Parimaribo.


Long live the PPP, we will be back to clean up the mess and damage the APNU/AFC would have inflicted by 2020.  The young who cannot remember the pre-1992 Guyana will get a little taste and run like hell come 2020. Mark my words.

Correct Baseman.


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