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Selective memory can be embarrassing

February 21, 2016 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, My Column 

I would not fool anyone by pretending that I am not politically-minded. I do have a stake in the politics of this country. But I also separate my politics from my journalism. I know what it is to be impartial, although time and time again someone in the political divide would label me with a broad political brush.
Just the other day, Member of Parliament Clement Rohee waxed warm with talk about disrespect in the National Assembly. He contended that the present administration introduced disrespect into the House. He must have had a rotten memory, especially since he claimed that he has been sitting in the House for decades and could not recall anyone from his party being disrespectful.
Surely he could not have forgotten that former President Janet Jagan sprinkled flour across the House during a debate. But worse, his leader Dr Cheddi Jagan tossed the Speaker’s mace from its holder on the table to the floor. That mace is the symbol of authority in the House.
Mr Jagan was asked to apologise and he refused. The Speaker barred him from speaking in the House until he did. Eventually it took the intervention of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
Rohee also claimed that the members on his side never heckled any of the Opposition Leaders. Again I am forced to remind of at least one case that involved Cyril Belgrave and Desmond Hoyte.
The fact is that debates in the House are often rambunctious.  People on both sides take the opportunity to remind speakers of past indiscretions, not that such should be the behaviour in the House. Suffice it to say that I have seen clips from other parliamentary settings in which there were fist fights.
I hear people accuse each other of hiring thugs to do their dirty bidding. Forbes Burnham got his share, but the People’s Progressive Party cannot claim to be Snow White. At this moment the party is claiming political harassment of some of its supporters, even as the police are investigating some untoward incidents.
There has already been an admission of dastardly behaviour involving Freddie Kissoon. No political party in the history of this country ever stooped so low as to hurl filth in the face of someone critical of it. The PPP did. The party may claim that the people acted on their own, but the very party offered them succor.
It was the very Clement Rohee who issued an edict to the police to leave Kwame McCoy alone during the recent elections. Anyone who touched McCoy would have to answer to him, he said from his seat as Minister of Home Affairs.
And there has been murder. The current investigations seem to suggest that the PPP had a hand in the death of political critic Courtney Crum-Ewing. The very people so involved were actually hatching a plan to kill the publisher of Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall. One of the men in custody actually sent a warning to Lall just about the time the then President Bharrat Jagdeo revoked some firearms Lall had issued to his personal security.
Far too often we point fingers at each other for transgressions when we are guilty of the same. I remember the days of political witch-hunt. People were sacked because they were perceived to be supporters of the then People’s National Congress Government.
Dr Roger Luncheon actually said to me one day that I was lucky to have gained employment; that there were people walking the streets kicking bricks. What manner of politician would vent its spleen on people who appear not to be supporters, then complain when it is visited with the same?
Right now, one of the founding members of the PPP is exhibiting the kind of behaviour to his ex-wife that no person should. The woman is now 88 years old, but she is finding the going rough. According to a letter the woman wrote, she filed for division of property forty years ago and the matter has not seen the light of the day.
She had to file that matter when J.O.F. Haynes was the Chief Justice. Since then there were Victor Crane, Keith Massiah, Kenneth George, Aubrey Bishop, Cecil Kennard, Desiree Bernard, Carl Singh and Ian Chang (acting). One of them actually made a decision to have this man pay maintenance. This man actually told the court that he was working for a certain sum of money when the truth was different.
This is a man who argued for justice in the courts on behalf of some of his clients, but when it is his turn the situation changes. I know that just recently he was seeking $300,000 from C.N. Sharma for a case that Steve Surujbally dropped. That is just one case. Imagine what he earns at the end of a year.
That is why when some people talk, the listener would merely shrug. It is a case of the priest or pastor telling the congregation how to live, but they would do the gods. Sin is something that visits the other person.
Anyhow, tomorrow promises to be interesting. There should be Kwame et al marching up the court steps. I am hearing that the police had a lot of knowledge even before there was the change in government. However, given the political situation they were reluctant or afraid to act. Everything is coming out in the open and the society can’t wait.

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PPP needs to reflect on where it is going

February 21, 2016 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Some in the PPP leadership have shown they are not open to critiques of blunders made by the party in government and in opposition. Such behavior will not ingratiate it with independent minded voters needed to win an election; in fact, voters are turned off by the behavior of some in the leadership. The PPP leadership has to be opened to criticism and heed suggestions on how to transform into a modern party that will appeal to defected (former) supporters and new voters.
Elements in the leadership and some party workers did not pay attention to the endless complaints of supporters and members in last several years of governance in which supporters virtually begged for reconciliation with dissenters and democratic reform. The leadership was tone deaf and blind to appeals for internal change and paid a hefty price with loss of office. Unless the party heeds current warnings and accept critiques for what they are, it will not win the next general election. Reforming the PPP and reconciling with excommunicated members will not hurt the party and instead will increase its chance at the polls.
The party tends to look at those who defect from it calling betrayers. As a case in point is Moses Nagamootoo. Moses did not betray the PPP. If any betrayal took place, it was the other way around as many (former) PPP members and supporters felt betrayed by the leadership’s actions (viewed as arrogant even by Bharrat Jagdeo) that cost it the majority in 2011 and government in 2015.
The behavior of some in the PPP leadership reminds us of that of a Richmond Hill lawyer now serving jail. In his obsession to win political office, the lawyer was given countless suggestions on how to avoid legal troubles and even to avoid jail when he was indicted for a petty violation of election law that others also breached and subsequently β€œlet off” by paying a fine. The lawyer ignored all the advice and lost a court trial and now in jail. Analogous to the jailed lawyer, had the PPP leadership heeded the countless suggestions and advice given to it over the years by independent individuals who had the party’s best interests in mind, the party would have avoided the pitfalls it now finds itself.
After the party lost its majority in 2011, it could have supported Naga as Speaker as proposed by AFC when incumbent Ramkarran’s candidacy was not viable. The APNU made it clear it would not support Ramkarran or Naga saying it did not want an ex-PPP or PPP member as head of Parliament. Why then did the PPP persist with the candidacy of Ramkarran who himself had earlier endorsed the idea of Naga as Speaker. Ramkarran recognized PNC would not support him even though Ramkarran was perhaps the most neutral and objective Speaker in the history of the parliament and the best person for the job. The PPP was prepared to give the speakership to an ex-PNC (now AFC) and deputy speakership to a PNC (late Deborsh Backer) rather than to an ex-PPP in the name of Nagamootoo. The party was warned about that position by independent friendly advisors and even by Ramkarran. How did the PPP benefit from that obstinate anti-Naga position? That was not promoting the interest of the party and its supporters. The party needs to identify the root causes of its loss of support and not apply a β€œquick fix” to or blaming others for the problems facing it.
Vishnu Bisram

randolph posted:

This house slave at KN and his Ilk at the PNC are the "king kongs" of selective memory. Like how Dumbger failed to mention the genocide of Indos at Wismar/ Mackenzie.

suure klown . . . why don't u then tell us all we don't know about the "genocide" of Indos at Wismar/Mackenzie

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
redux posted:
randolph posted:

This house slave at KN and his Ilk at the PNC are the "king kongs" of selective memory. Like how Dumbger failed to mention the genocide of Indos at Wismar/ Mackenzie.

suure klown . . . why don't u then tell us all we don't know about the "genocide" of Indos at Wismar/Mackenzie

That's like right out of the mouths of a "Holohoaxster"!!

bad grammar aside, please translate . . . i don't know the special bigot's handshake alyuh Freedom House initiates does use to unlock meaning

Last edited by Former Member

Told, Can you please clarify:

1. The name of the charitable organization that you represent ?

2. You claim that that the Canadian and American organizations were involved in assisting your cause, can you please specify which particular organization ?

3. Can you name specific programmes and projects that are in place today in Guyana ?

4. Has the current government of Guyana assisted and recognized your organization ?

5. How can people get a hold of audited financial statements from your charitable organization so that they can feel confident in donating ?

I await your response.

Tola posted:


 Member of Parliament Clement Rohee waxed warm with talk about disrespect in the National Assembly. He contended that the present administration introduced disrespect into the House. He must have had a rotten memory, especially since he claimed that he has been sitting in the House for decades and could not recall anyone from his party being disrespectful.

You have to put this into context. Rohee did not notice anyone in the PPP being disrespectful, because:

1. They were sitting behind him.
2. He was asleep most of the time.
3. He needs to see an optician urgently.
4. His eyes were covered in U$ bills.

yuji22 posted:

Told, Can you please clarify:

1. The name of the charitable organization that you represent ?

2. You claim that that the Canadian and American organizations were involved in assisting your cause, can you please specify which particular organization ?

3. Can you name specific programmes and projects that are in place today in Guyana ?

4. Has the current government of Guyana assisted and recognized your organization ?

5. How can people get a hold of audited financial statements from your charitable organization so that they can feel confident in donating ?

I await your response.

Yuji - many of us have asked these same questions and still no answer.  Here is the kicker - this is the first time I have ever seen someone who is doing charitable work trying to keep it a secret! 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

Told, Can you please clarify:

1. The name of the charitable organization that you represent ?

2. You claim that that the Canadian and American organizations were involved in assisting your cause, can you please specify which particular organization ?

3. Can you name specific programmes and projects that are in place today in Guyana ?

4. Has the current government of Guyana assisted and recognized your organization ?

5. How can people get a hold of audited financial statements from your charitable organization so that they can feel confident in donating ?

I await your response.

Yuji - many of us have asked these same questions and still no answer.  Here is the kicker - this is the first time I have ever seen someone who is doing charitable work trying to keep it a secret! 


Funny how some people claim to be on the ground in Guyana and doing massive amounts of charitable works but hide when the hard questions are asked.

This reminds me of the AFC/PNC.

skeldon_man posted:

I remember Bibi outing this  videographer dude(Tola) as a con artist. I would like to know how the suicide hot line is going. Have they intervened and saved anyone yet? Has Tola's group made a difference? Come in Tola. 

He goes under cover when the topic comes up.  

He then resurface to scratch the floor, hoping everyone memory has fade. 

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

Told, Can you please clarify:

1. The name of the charitable organization that you represent ?

2. You claim that that the Canadian and American organizations were involved in assisting your cause, can you please specify which particular organization ?

3. Can you name specific programmes and projects that are in place today in Guyana ?

4. Has the current government of Guyana assisted and recognized your organization ?

5. How can people get a hold of audited financial statements from your charitable organization so that they can feel confident in donating ?

I await your response.

Yuji - many of us have asked these same questions and still no answer.  Here is the kicker - this is the first time I have ever seen someone who is doing charitable work trying to keep it a secret! 


Funny how some people claim to be on the ground in Guyana and doing massive amounts of charitable works but hide when the hard questions are asked.

This reminds me of the AFC/PNC.

The only people I know who keep their charitable work secret and choose to remain anonymous are super millionaires!  Everyone else is proud of what they do and share it with others, especially if their work is impactful and gets good results.  Tola is hiding from someone, something, somehow, someplace!!  Or he is just an AFC/PNC con artist who was planted to accuse the PPP of preventing him from doing his work and give them a bad name. 

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

I respect Tola's privacy if that is what he chooses.  In keeping with that thought, if he wishes to remain private, he shouldn't come on GNI and brag and boast and accuse the PPP of getting in the way of his "work".  Frankly, I am not interested, but if he wants to use this forum to broadcast his work, then he should have the decency to elaborate on the details.  And every time he shows up here to talk about what he does, I will ask him to tell us about it.

Bibi Haniffa
baseman posted:

Tola walked into the crab dance with his nice and dandy "white suite" and expects to come out on the other side looking "whiter than white"!

Tola's charitable deeds reeks with political involvement, opportunism and bias.  As long as anyone does that, they have to deal with the backlash and their words, even well intended, loses much of its credibility!!

Just the nature of the beast!!

reeks = wreaks!!

Bibi Haniffa
baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
baseman posted:

Tola walked into the crab dance with his nice and dandy "white suite" and expects to come out on the other side looking "whiter than white"!

Tola's charitable deeds reeks with political involvement, opportunism and bias.  As long as anyone does that, they have to deal with the backlash and their words, even well intended, loses much of its credibility!!

Just the nature of the beast!!

reeks = wreaks!!

Oh, thanks for the correction.  I see you partnering up with Redux as my Grammar teachers!!

They should post in the Educational Forum.

baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
baseman posted:

Tola walked into the crab dance with his nice and dandy "white suite" and expects to come out on the other side looking "whiter than white"!

Tola's charitable deeds reeks with political involvement, opportunism and bias.  As long as anyone does that, they have to deal with the backlash and their words, even well intended, loses much of its credibility!!

Just the nature of the beast!!

reeks = wreaks!!

Oh, thanks for the correction.  I see you partnering up with Redux as my Grammar teachers!!

REEKS means "smells strongly and unpleasantly;  or stinks".

WREAKS means "causes a large amount of damage or harm".

In baseman's sentence above, "reeks" is absolutely correct.


Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
baseman posted:

Tola walked into the crab dance with his nice and dandy "white suite" and expects to come out on the other side looking "whiter than white"!

Tola's charitable deeds reeks with political involvement, opportunism and bias.  As long as anyone does that, they have to deal with the backlash and their words, even well intended, loses much of its credibility!!

Just the nature of the beast!!

reeks = wreaks!!

Oh, thanks for the correction.  I see you partnering up with Redux as my Grammar teachers!!

REEKS means "smells strongly and unpleasantly;  or stinks".

WREAKS means "causes a large amount of damage or harm".

In baseman's sentence above, "reeks" is absolutely correct.


Lol.  I thought that would catch your attention for some strange reason

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted: Thanks for being on my side there Gilly.  Baseman being ambushed on many front these days!!  Even this lil fullah gyal [Bibi] doing a number on me!!

Nah mek yuh head swell bai. I'm not on your side; I'm on the side of linguistic correctness. 

Baseman - Gilly is not on your side.  He is really on my side with the exception of issues relating to linguistic correctness!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted: Thanks for being on my side there Gilly.  Baseman being ambushed on many front these days!!  Even this lil fullah gyal [Bibi] doing a number on me!!

Nah mek yuh head swell bai. I'm not on your side; I'm on the side of linguistic correctness. 

Baseman - Gilly is not on your side.  He is really on my side with the exception of issues relating to linguistic correctness!!

Yes, you have a fair grasp of my diction. Keep it up. 

baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
baseman posted:

Tola walked into the crab dance with his nice and dandy "white suite" and expects to come out on the other side looking "whiter than white"!

Tola's charitable deeds reeks with political involvement, opportunism and bias.  As long as anyone does that, they have to deal with the backlash and their words, even well intended, loses much of its credibility!!

Just the nature of the beast!!

reeks = wreaks!!

Oh, thanks for the correction.  I see you partnering up with Redux as my Grammar teachers!!

REEKS means "smells strongly and unpleasantly;  or stinks".

WREAKS means "causes a large amount of damage or harm".

In baseman's sentence above, "reeks" is absolutely correct.


Thanks for being on my side there Gilly.  Baseman being ambushed on many front these days!!  Even this lil fullah gyal [Bibi] doing a number on me!!

You nah outta de woods yet, Iman teach English an' I see ah wrong ting.

"Tola walked into the crab dance with his nice and dandy "white suite" .....

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted: Thanks for being on my side there Gilly.  Baseman being ambushed on many front these days!!  Even this lil fullah gyal [Bibi] doing a number on me!!

Nah mek yuh head swell bai. I'm not on your side; I'm on the side of linguistic correctness. 

Baseman - Gilly is not on your side.  He is really on my side with the exception of issues relating to linguistic correctness!!

Yes, you have a fair grasp of my diction. Keep it up. 


Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted: Thanks for being on my side there Gilly.  Baseman being ambushed on many front these days!!  Even this lil fullah gyal [Bibi] doing a number on me!!

Nah mek yuh head swell bai. I'm not on your side; I'm on the side of linguistic correctness. 

Baseman - Gilly is not on your side.  He is really on my side with the exception of issues relating to linguistic correctness!!

Yes, you have a fair grasp of my diction. Keep it up. 

This one has got to make it into Kari's collection of GNI gems.

susan posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted: Thanks for being on my side there Gilly.  Baseman being ambushed on many front these days!!  Even this lil fullah gyal [Bibi] doing a number on me!!

Nah mek yuh head swell bai. I'm not on your side; I'm on the side of linguistic correctness. 

Baseman - Gilly is not on your side.  He is really on my side with the exception of issues relating to linguistic correctness!!

Yes, you have a fair grasp of my diction. Keep it up. 

This one has got to make it into Kari's collection of GNI gems.

Kari's collection is dormant. Perhaps, this one will wake it up.

Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted: Thanks for being on my side there Gilly.  Baseman being ambushed on many front these days!!  Even this lil fullah gyal [Bibi] doing a number on me!!

Nah mek yuh head swell bai. I'm not on your side; I'm on the side of linguistic correctness. 

You mek joke. You see all" dem bai" like Stormy, Warria and Chief butcher the English language and you you put your dark sunshades in the house reading this BB. Wah rang wid you bhai?


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