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Cable time

Tue, 19 Jun 2007 









A DVD enclosed with the letter apparently features audio and video surveillance recordings linking the corrupt officer and the son-in-law of the PPP,s co-founder to a 200kg, US$710,000 cocaine deal gone sour.

Luncheon volunteered to Charge that the businessman purportedly captured on DVD is the son-in-law of Ashton Chase, revered as co-founder of the PPP along with Cheddi and Janet Jagan.

The threat is made more serious by allegations in the letter that three persons arrested in May with 106.5 kg cocaine have "strong connections to Freedom House" (PPP Headquarters).

Luncheon threaten the US Embassy that if the USG is not able to end the asymmetry in information sharing, Guyana may need to reevaluate which countries it will partner with in security matters, with Cuba being a specific possibility.

Luncheon noted that, unlike Surinam and Trinidad which have demonstrated an ability to work closely with U.S. law enforcement, "Guyana's constitutional and legal structures are inconvenient" for acting against narco-traffickers. Luncheon, who has repeatedly stated his conviction that in security matters "the ends justify the means" said he is not bothered by legalities.

Do They Really Want US Government Help?


After listening to Luncheon's 45-minute soliloquy, Charge responded that DEA Country Attach resident in Trinidad was due in Guyana this week and volunteered to bring him to Luncheon's office.

In a reflexive action, Luncheon pushed himself away from the table on his wheeled chair, raising his hands in the air as he blurted out "Whoa! I'm not going to talk to DEA!"

Charge expressed confusion since Luncheon had only moments before sought USG partnership in fighting the narco-trafficking scourge in Guyana. Luncheon back-pedaled and accepted the offer.

In 2005 DEA offered to set up a vetted police unit that would gather actionable intelligence in support of Guyanese counter-narcotics operations. Luncheon proceeded to kill it, although this did not stop him and Jagdeo from repeatedly publicly announcing the supposed opening of a DEA office in Guyana.

Senior government officials socialize with notorious drug traffickers, and the president participates in ribbon-cutting ceremonies opening businesses built with drug money. The GoG does not need DEA to point the way. In this environment, it is the lack of political will, rather that the lack of foreign assistance that impedes progress against narco-trafficking in Guyana.

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Originally Posted by Devindra:

Is this what that Freak Baseman supports?


Oops, I forgot, he is the washerman at that Baroda bank in India.

Hey Katahar, what does old Ashton Chase son-in-law have to do with the PPP.  What does/did weed-smoking lil Cheddie have to do with the PPP.  What does many descendants of PPP stalwarts have to do with the PPP, what does LFSB kids and grand kids have to do with the PNC?


Alyuh running on empty bai if this is what excite alyuh.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Devindra:

Is this what that Freak Baseman supports?


Oops, I forgot, he is the washerman at that Baroda bank in India.

Hey Katahar, what does old Ashton Chase son-in-law have to do with the PPP.  What does/did weed-smoking lil Cheddie have to do with the PPP.  What does many descendants of PPP stalwarts have to do with the PPP, what does LFSB kids and grand kids have to do with the PNC?


Alyuh running on empty bai if this is what excite alyuh.

De snake oil bottle is now empty and people are now fed up with "dem boys she". The AFC is definitely running on empty. Good call Baseman.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

Well I am not surprised. Good post here Devindra. I know of a young MOF who once said leave the drug pushers alone. They bring in foreign exchange and hurt America. 

You SHAMELESS KATAHAR, you will NEVER attain POWER. Yuh gun BYTCH and MOAN till yuh get to yuh grave!!!!!

That MOF use to clear RK containers....they were very thigh.


Luncheon threaten the US Embassy that if the USG is not able to end the asymmetry in information sharing, Guyana may need to reevaluate which countries it will partner with in security matters, with Cuba being a specific possibility.

well mad max luncheon, go right ahead and ask the cubans to be your security advisors.


is more black man will come from cuba to run the gdf and the police and if history has taught me well CASTRO loves BURNHAM more than he loves CHEDDI.


READ the history!


nehru my boy,a little truth will not hurt you,i see it all over guyana,ministers drinking with drug dealers.ask ramotar he went to salim house,in fact when salim open his fish farm he trow a big bash at palm court guess who was there,then he trow a next one right at palm court for the arg ministry,i was there, now i wish i had a camara.and donot let us talk about roger and bar--rat 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You fools need to bring this message to the Guyanese public rather than on this obscure forum with less than 10 users. hahahh

Guyanese already know this.  Thats why Trotman and Granger, and not ramotar, controls the parliament.

No, the PNC/AFC rigged the elections, remember how they fought against a recount and end up robbing a seat from the PPP. Also there was voter apathy, after years of PPP progress the voters assumed that they would retain power and many did not go out to vote. Next elections will be a landslide for the PPP as the people now see the consequences of not voting. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You fools need to bring this message to the Guyanese public rather than on this obscure forum with less than 10 users. hahahh

Guyanese already know this.  Thats why Trotman and Granger, and not ramotar, controls the parliament.

No, the PNC/AFC rigged the elections, remember how they fought against a recount and end up robbing a seat from the PPP. Also there was voter apathy, after years of PPP progress the voters assumed that they would retain power and many did not go out to vote. Next elections will be a landslide for the PPP as the people now see the consequences of not voting. 

Continue to delude yourself Bugurd!


If you think voter apathy got the PPP where it is today, then you deserve the PHD for brilliance, not the DIRT of the EARTH!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You fools need to bring this message to the Guyanese public rather than on this obscure forum with less than 10 users. hahahh

Guyanese already know this.  Thats why Trotman and Granger, and not ramotar, controls the parliament.

No, the PNC/AFC rigged the elections, remember how they fought against a recount and end up robbing a seat from the PPP. Also there was voter apathy, after years of PPP progress the voters assumed that they would retain power and many did not go out to vote. Next elections will be a landslide for the PPP as the people now see the consequences of not voting. 


So, how come ayuh PPP homan ayuh always end up as victims of PNC buggery?


And now ayuh allege AFC buggery?


How can a Government (even a minority Government) get buggered by the third party?


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