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Sense of patriotism needed, don’t oppose for opposing sake : – Labour Minister on Marriott criticismsPDFPrintE-mail
Wednesday, 20 February 2013 20:52

MINISTER of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul is calling on naysayers to seek explanations and not lose focus on the benefits that Guyana will obtain with the presence of the five-star Marriott hotel. The minister, speaking on the National Communications Network (NCN) programme “Focus”, made the statement during comments on the Marriott labour issue. He said that while he would like to see Guyanese working alongside foreign workers on any project, there are times when concessions have to be made, especially when negotiating contracts with deadlines. “There are specific terms that are negotiated, and it was agreed that Chinese workers, skilled workers, would be put in the main part for the commencement of the project.” All of the local labour laws the Chinese are complying with, the minister added.
Following two recent site visits, Minister Gopaul said that even with his years of experience and travel, he has never seen such a project executed at such a pace anywhere, locally or even in the United States. “I’m very pleased with what I’ve seen in terms of the professionalism and the quality of work”.
He dismissed claims that there are no Guyanese workers on the site. He said that there are specific times when Guyanese are employed to do specific jobs. “Over 60,000 concrete blocks are produced and transported there by Guyanese, over 10,000 tonnes of stones are being produced and supplied by Guyanese business entities every month, plus all of the sand supplied are from local truckers, and in addition to that, several business entities are supplying millions of dollars in materials to the site, involving no less than 10 to 15 contractors, all Guyanese.”    
Minister Gopaul said that when one takes into consideration the number of Guyanese producing items and supplying labour as is required on the site, they can see that it is not only Chinese that are involved in building the Marriott.
There are even training opportunities for engineering students as the onsite engineer has indicated that he is willing to accommodate University of Guyana students, as well as graduates interested in new techniques being employed. “He’s willing to train some at intervals and let them go so that the skills will be transferred.”
The minister added that the Marriott’s construction is already three months ahead, “One storey of this building is completed every week”.
While he said that the sentiments of the labour unions are understood, there are certain projects where, “one will have to concede if you want to see developments, certain things have to be conceded”.
The PNC’s Omai project had over 300 Canadians on site during the initial construction phase, and no fuss was made because it was understood that Guyanese would benefit from hundreds of jobs eventually. Barama, which imported technical staff during its initial phase, was also cited by the minister. While he admitted that there are some skilled workers locally who would be able to work on the site, the contractor, he said, would want a labour force that he was comfortable with, and could maintain a certain pace and standard.
The tremendous challenges affecting local labour should not be discounted, the minister said, and cited Guysuco and the housing sector that face such challenges. 
The fact that over 200 Guyanese will gain employment eventually when the Marriott is completed should not be overlooked, the minister noted. Even several private sector stakeholders whom he met recently, have expressed support for the project as they understand the long- term benefits from it.
Reacting to criticisms from the political opposition that government negotiated poorly, Minister Gopaul said it was easy to criticise after the fact, but Guyanese will end up being the victor. The benefits will be a five-star hotel providing high-end accommodation, attracting tourists. “If only we could adopt some degree of patriotism as we look at issues, and not oppose for opposing sake,” he concluded.


Taken from the Guyana Chronicle

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The joint opposition's main aim, seems to be attempting to attract a ray of limelight, they know to their gut, the Marriott Hotel project is indeed a good investment for Guyana...they should be ashamed of themselves


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