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Spug I know that you are unofficially banned from entering Pakistan Kashmir even with all those high ranking contacts that you have in the Pakistan Army. It is the Pakistan ISI intelligence services that call the shots. I don't think that they will allow you in to Afghanistan when the Taliban wins. Regardless of how much money you bring.

Ali Khan Azad

Spug I know that you are unofficially banned from entering Pakistan Kashmir even with all those high ranking contacts that you have in the Pakistan Army. It is the Pakistan ISI intelligence services that call the shots. I don't think that they will allow you in to Afghanistan when the Taliban wins. Regardless of how much money you bring.

aloo - why yuh trying to impress with bs?

Last edited by Spugum

Spug knows a few retired Pakistan Punjab generals and a few retired Indian Punjab generals but the Pakistan ISI intelligence don't want him in Pakistan Kashmir because when they start throwing licks on those Kashmiris who demand independence Spug will take his camera and record it then go to the UN and demand justice. So Spug not going anywhere regardless of what he says. He has to stay in his beautiful million dollars house.

Ali Khan Azad

Spug knows a few retired Pakistan Punjab generals and a few retired Indian Punjab generals but the Pakistan ISI intelligence don't want him in Pakistan Kashmir because when they start throwing licks on those Kashmiris who demand independence Spug will take his camera and record it then go to the UN and demand justice. So Spug not going anywhere regardless of what he says. He has to stay in his beautiful million dollars house.

What does this shit have to do with the topic of this thread? Admin please delete.

Last edited by Mitwah

Reporters need to be able to do their jobs free from any hindrance or intimidation. It was after I watched back the footage I then saw Ganesh and Amanza Walton Desir as well as Georgetown Mayor Ubraj Narine were there (they will claim they couldn't recognize me) and walked passed nonchalantly and saw my camera was being cornered and I was pushed off Flatbush Avenue and onto the sidewalk and ridiculed and called a "Representative of the racist PPP Government" and trench crappo
I really weep for Guyana

No photo description available.

CGID has noted the below statement from the installed Prime Minister of Guyana, Mark Phillips, attacking Congressman Hakeem Jeffries.
The Prime Minister is a lightweight buffoon and a despicable, token, house slave who the PPP is using to obfuscate the issues regarding their despicable overt racism and their attempts to establish an apartheid government.
Phillips has no idea what he is doing. His clueless approach to governance projects his nonsensical, ill-conceived and misguided statement which is damaging to Guyana's image and relationship with the United States. Moreover, Phillips is so consumed with the stature his association with the installed government has afforded him and seems to have no idea who he is messing with.
The country knows that he has no portfolio. It is therefore no wonder Bharrat Jagdeo assigned him the task of being the national funky; albeit his misadventure is to the detriment of his government and the Guyanese people.
He should realize that the PPP government is viewed in the US as a downright racist regime and that under the new political dispensation in the US they will now be allowed to govern as the apartheid regime they are attempting to establish.
Instead of attacking the Chairman of the Democratic Caucus of the United States House of Representatives, the Prime Minister should ask his racist, apartheid regime to take steps to reverse its war on the African Guyanese population and govern Guyana for all. But obviously Mr. Phillips lacks the gravitas or influence to effect a change in the trajectory of the racist vindictiveness the PPP has embraced. Consequently, they will be dealt with like any other racist regime and defeated.
The Congressman has a significant Guyanese constituency that actively engages his office. I'm sure his foreign policy advisors have done extensive research on the racist PPP government and have the empirical evidence to support his comments.
It is time that the racist PPP government recognizes that the criminal Trump era is over. Republican racists in the US Congress, and the US Ambassador to Guyana, who have been complicit with their racism and oppression of African Guyanese have no current role in US foreign policy.
Therefore they will be forced to govern Guyana equitably and democratically. If not they will be forced out of office.
Rickford Burke
Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID)
Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Reporters need to be able to do their jobs free from any hindrance or intimidation. It was after I watched back the footage I then saw Ganesh and Amanza Walton Desir as well as Georgetown Mayor Ubraj Narine were there (they will claim they couldn't recognize me) and walked passed nonchalantly and saw my camera was being cornered and I was pushed off Flatbush Avenue and onto the sidewalk and ridiculed and called a "Representative of the racist PPP Government" and trench crappo
I really weep for Guyana

He is very lucky that they did not beat the subhuman koolie out of him. Koolie hate other koolie so this is just another layer of hate on koolie.

Ali Khan Azad

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