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Former Member

Vishmahabir opines quoting David Hinds:

But here is the racism in Hinds arguments:

"Second, during the PPP’s tenure, that party chose three Indian-Guyanese to fill that position. All three are/were honourable men, but in our ethnically divided society, their ethnicity is highlighted. In our ethnically heightened situation, that matters whether we choose to say it aloud or not."


Lord help us to overcome this insanity masquerading as reason

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The definition of racism is any suggestion by anyone that the PPP or Indians in general, are guilty of any form of racism.

What is NOT considered racism is stereotyping blacks as being lazy, criminal, failures, incompetent, and useless to society.



I see that Homme/Redux warped his tail between his legs and ran away. He realized that backing Granger made him look silly. He tried to label Indos as racists and this site as Jagdeoite. 

As far as I can see, most members at GNI are opposed to Jagdeo. I do not know what Homme was smoking.

Let him take his kick and cry in a corner, only big men hang out at GNI.

As for deleting and closing threads, I had threads deleted and or closed. Admin has rules and they have the ultimate decision as to what is acceptable or not. We have to live by rules and respect them even though we may disagree with them.

Homme is a Grangerite, the only thing he did not realize is that this is a website for debate and differences where big men engage. He can take his marble and play in a corner and cry like a lil boy. 


Last edited by Former Member

Homme getting upset and asking that his handle be deleted shows that he is thin skinned. I don't know why anyone would start crying that they know when they are not wanted. GNI is always open and people can come and go as they wish. Complaining about knowing when you are not wanted is very puerile.


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