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Setting Sail From NYC For Guyana

Posted: 9/7/11 03:05 PM ET
Source - Huffington Post

After a year of boat living in the protected waters of New York Harbor, Soanya and I are feeling the call of the wild wide open sea again. We think our three year old son Darshen is ready to go too. When a storm wind blows between the buildings that line the waterfront, Darshen stands in the wind with his arms stretched out to the sides and shouts over and over again, "I love the breeze!"

Soanya's family is from Guyana and we have been thinking of sailing there for many reasons. We want to sail to a faraway place where we won't be tourists or "yachties." We will leave NY and the cold North Atlantic and enter warmer waters and trade winds. As we sail into warm tropical winds, we will make our landfall on a jungle coast and begin our exploration of Guyana's rivers.

A friend of ours had to abandon his 90-foot sailboat. As a result, he gave us all the gear like the anchor, chain, sails, rigging, turnbuckles, ropes and pulleys. This gift freed us up to imagine we could go to sea again. We have quite a few friends who have been telling us that they want to go with us when we sail again. So we are currently taking crew on-board and are interviewing others. Rachel has already moved on the schooner and more are coming.

Of course we will have to work on the schooner as we go. Seamanship comes first. As we explore the outer reaches of nature where few people go. We will share our story live as we did on our previous "longest non-stop continuous sea voyage in history."

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