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Former Member

This is my last ditch effort to advise my fellow Guyanese to vote PPP for continued progress. However, this is NOT necessary knowing that the PPP have done an excellent and peaceful campaigning with satisfactory attendance. Of course, NOT all of you will agree with me on this, but that's how our democracy works. With that said, the PPP message was clear, consistent and to the point.


Our Prime Ministerial candidate, Mrs. Harper is an excellent running mate alongside Donald Ramotar. She has an impeccable record and she's well respected and loved by all Guyanese.


Since 2011 to now, three years have wasted under the PPP watch. This is simply because the opposition control parliament used their one seat majority to block major legislation that would have benefited Guyana nationwide. Regardless, the PPP had made great stride and managed to overcome and deliver many promises to the nation.


The 2011 election was a lesson to be learned when the PPP lost the majority to the opposition in parliament. As time moves forward, we can never be too over confidence in the political game play. I hope that lesson will NOT repeat itself on May 11th.


The opposition ran a good campaign and its supporters has the same confidence in their party to win. Winning is good for everyone, but their is only one winner, unfortunately. I salute David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo in their quest for national office. Their winning will depends on how well they connect with the voters and their issues throughout their campaigns.      


Who ever wins, Guyana is still my country and I will never utter words of hate, but to continue being a patriot as a son of the soil. I will accept the final result of the election with grace, an prepared to celebrate equally with my opposition colleagues. I hope they're prepared to do the same. 


With three days left, the clock is ticking as E-day countdown to the final hour. I am sure all of us will be glued to GNI and other news source for election updates. Well, it's up to the voters to decide the faith of Guyana by exercising their constitutional right to elect the incumbent PPP, or the coalition, APNU+AFC. May the best party wins.










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Originally Posted by Cobra:

This is my last ditch effort to advise my fellow Guyanese to vote PPP for continued progress. However, this is NOT necessary knowing that the PPP have done an excellent and peaceful campaigning with satisfactory attendance. Of course, NOT all of you will agree with me on this, but that's how our democracy works. With that said, the PPP message was clear, consistent and to the point.


Our Prime Ministerial candidate, Mrs. Harper is an excellent running mate alongside Donald Ramotar. She has an impeccable record and she's well respected and loved by all Guyanese.


Since 2011 to now, three years have wasted under the PPP watch. This is simply because the opposition control parliament used their one seat majority to block major legislation that would have benefited Guyana nationwide. Regardless, the PPP had made great stride and managed to overcome and deliver many promises to the nation.


The 2011 election was a lesson to be learned when the PPP lost the majority to the opposition in parliament. As time moves forward, we can never be too over confidence in the political game play. I hope that lesson will NOT repeat itself on May 11th.


The opposition ran a good campaign and its supporters has the same confidence in their party to win. Winning is good for everyone, but their is only one winner, unfortunately. I salute David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo in their quest for national office. Their winning will depends on how well they connect with the voters and their issues throughout their campaigns.      


Who ever wins, Guyana is still my country and I will never utter words of hate, but to continue being a patriot as a son of the soil. I will accept the final result of the election with grace, an prepared to celebrate equally with my opposition colleagues. I hope they're prepared to do the same. 


With three days left, the clock is ticking as E-day countdown to the final hour. I am sure all of us will be glued to GNI and other news source for election updates. Well, it's up to the voters to decide the faith of Guyana by exercising their constitutional right to elect the incumbent PPP, or the coalition, APNU+AFC. May the best party wins.










I agree with some of what you said.


"Our Prime Ministerial candidate, Mrs. Harper is an excellent running mate alongside Donald Ramotar. She has an impeccable record and she's well respected and loved by all Guyanese."


Disagreed lots of grey areas.



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