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Seven slain by the gun in 15 days


Seven people have died by the gun in the first 15 days of March, with gun-related homicides exceeding every other type of murder for this period.

Courtney Crum-Ewing

Courtney Crum-Ewing

Statistics compiled by Kaieteur News show that there were eleven murders between March 1 and 15. Seven of the victims succumbed to gunshots injuries, two were stabbed, one chopped and one clubbed to death.
Kaieteur News has recorded 32 murders for the year. Twelve occurred in January and nine in February.
With eleven homicides so far, the number of murders in March has already exceeded the nine in February and will exceed the 12 that occurred in January.
In all, Kaieteur has recorded 12 gun-related homicides for the year, with half of this number appearing tobe blatant execution-style killings.

The victims include Patricia Sanasie, Airmax Vulcanizing Tyre Shop ownerRandolph Singh, 19-year-old alleged gang-member Ryan Sooklall, Agricola shopkeeper Randy Persaud, political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing and 28-year-old Nabaclis, East Coast Demeara resident Dwayne Kennedy.

Ryan Sooklall

Ryan Sooklall

The statistics on the gun-related homicides show that eight, including four execution-style deaths, occurred in A Division; two in C Division; and one each in E and F Division.
So far, police have failed to solve any of the gun-related murders. Police officials have repeatedly lamented that civilians are reluctant to provide information that could help to solve these cases.
But a release issued yesterday from the Police Public Relations Department stated that at the end of February 2015 the Guyana Police Force recorded a four percent drop in serious crimes in comparison to the same period in 2014.
Among the serious crimes policed by the Force are murder, robbery under arms, robbery with violence, robbery with aggravation, larceny from the person, break and enter and larceny, burglary, rape and kidnapping.
According to the police statistics, 25 murders were recorded at the end of February 2015 in comparison to 24 murders at the end of February 2014, an increase of four percent. (This is four more than Kaieteur News had recorded for this period)

Randy Persaud

Randy Persaud

At the end of February 2015, robbery under arms overall had decreased by 29 percent in comparison to the same period in 2014.
The statistics indicate a decrease of 33 percent in the number of armed robberies involving the use of firearms and a 22 percent decrease in armed robberies where instruments other than firearms were used by the perpetrators.
In relation to traffic, 19 road fatalities from 12 accidents were recorded at the end of February 2015, in comparison to 19 fatalities from 19 accidents for the same period in 2014.
There have been decreases in all other categories of road accidents – serious, minor and damage.
Nine passengers in motor vehicles lost their lives at the end of February 2015. Inaddition one pedal cyclist, 6 pedestrians and 3 drivers also lost their lives.

Dwayne Kennedy

Dwayne Kennedy

Speeding has been the major contributory factor to fatal accidents, having been the cause of 7 of the 12 fatal accidents unto February 2015.
Traffic enforcement by the police has resulted in a total of 10,301 cases being made against errant motorists at the end of February 2015; of this total 3,449 cases were for speeding, 253 for driving under the influence of alcohol and 273 for failing to wear seat belts.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

After 23 years of the PPP, this is what we have become.  They cannot guarantee the safety of the people.


They have improved nothing in security.  They have cameras that show nothing.  They never have Police at the station to send out, and you are lucky if they answer the phone.


Do we need 5 more years of the PPP Kleptos?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

After 23 years of the PPP, this is what we have become.  They cannot guarantee the safety of the people.


They have improved nothing in security.  They have cameras that show nothing.  They never have Police at the station to send out, and you are lucky if they answer the phone.


Do we need 5 more years of the PPP Kleptos?

all this on the mountain top

From Moses Nagamootoo Facebook page
in curbing crime?
That journey started a very long time ago, Mr. president unless, like Rohee, you have been sleeping. 
The police force still remains imbalanced, just as it has been since 1964. The PPP had 22 full years to clean up the force and cannot now say that "bad apples" have "infiltrated" its ranks, which is why it is at the bottom of the clean ladder, and lacks public confidence. The fact of the matter is that all the "rotten apples" have been recruited and trained!
Ramotar continues to be like Alice in Wonderland and, like Rohee, he is clueless on how to deal with the crime splurge. 
He says that COP must be turned into POP, whatever that means, in order to rid the society of the crime menace. Really? 
Last year, the PPP squad thought that changing the name of the force could help fight crime. It was no longer going to be a force, but a service.
So, the regime would no longer confront criminals with force, but with service, like three square meals a day in jail, a pension plan if they remained after 65 behind bars, or some such absurdities. The problem is not the "force". It is the lackluster and incompetent regime that is incapable of providing appropriate general direction to our folks in uniform.
Guyanese of all walks of life are fearful for their safety and Guyana has become one large jail house with people who can hardly afford to live on what they earn, spending money on iron grills, security cameras, etc, whilst their ass-kicking government goes into deep sleep. Hope voters wake them up on May 12 with the refreshing news: time out!
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

After 23 years of the PPP, this is what we have become.  They cannot guarantee the safety of the people.


They have improved nothing in security.  They have cameras that show nothing.  They never have Police at the station to send out, and you are lucky if they answer the phone.


Do we need 5 more years of the PPP Kleptos?

A sad state of affairs. Yet there are some who think this is not a big deal. As long are they are out of harm's way, who cares. I remember the only criminals you had to deal with was the good old. fashion choke n rob. Now times have changed. Every little dispute is settled by way of the gun. Terible situation indeed. No wonder some of these die hard coolies who support the PPP don't go there.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

After 23 years of the PPP, this is what we have become.  They cannot guarantee the safety of the people.


They have improved nothing in security.  They have cameras that show nothing.  They never have Police at the station to send out, and you are lucky if they answer the phone.


Do we need 5 more years of the PPP Kleptos?

A sad state of affairs. Yet there are some who think this is not a big deal. As long are they are out of harm's way, who cares. I remember the only criminals you had to deal with was the good old. fashion choke n rob. Now times have changed. Every little dispute is settled by way of the gun. Terible situation indeed. No wonder some of these die hard coolies who support the PPP don't go there.

Do you blame them? Kill or be killed?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

After 23 years of the PPP, this is what we have become.  They cannot guarantee the safety of the people.


They have improved nothing in security.  They have cameras that show nothing.  They never have Police at the station to send out, and you are lucky if they answer the phone.


Do we need 5 more years of the PPP Kleptos?

A sad state of affairs. Yet there are some who think this is not a big deal. As long are they are out of harm's way, who cares. I remember the only criminals you had to deal with was the good old. fashion choke n rob. Now times have changed. Every little dispute is settled by way of the gun. Terible situation indeed. No wonder some of these die hard coolies who support the PPP don't go there.

Do you blame them? Kill or be killed?

fool you will not go there buy you keep supporting the people that have the place in this condition 

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

People should champion this Govt. to employ more stringent laws regarding to gun related crimes. But from all appearance, the Govt. of the day doesn't seem to be too interested in this area.

Skelly,, like you an all frighten fuh guh, nah bai?

bai more collie get kill is more power for the ppp,this is their campaign weapon 


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