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Several arrested for anti-Jagdeo road markings on 'Appreciation Day'
Written by Kwesi Isles Friday, 16 September 2011 13:13

At least three persons have been arrested for a rash of anti-Jagdeo signs which have appeared in the city and its environs as the ‘Friends of Jagdeo’ on Friday prepared to honour the president who is set to demit office by year end. Elections are constitutionally by December 28 but it is anticipated that Guyanese will go to the polls in November with the Guyana Elections Commission saying it will be ready by November 15.

The signs have been painted on the roads at the UG and Railway Embankment Roads junction, in the vicinity of the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue and near Banks DIH at Thirst Park. “For heaven’s sake go Jagdeo,” the one at Turkeyen read. Members of the Guyana Police Force turned up at the scene shortly after Demerara Waves Online News ( and painted over the president’s name.

A private group, including representatives of the trade union movement, religious community and private sector has come together to show its regard for President Bharrat Jagdeo with a tribute scheduled to begin at 3 PM at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence. The invitation titled 'A World of Thanks President Jagdeo!' states that the event is "In tribute to the contribution of His Excellency President Bharrat Jagdeo to the economic, social and political transformation of Guyana."

But not everyone is sending love Jagdeo’s way. The Alliance For Change has dubbed Friday “Day of Shame and Disgrace” and in newspaper ads it has urged people to wear black or hang black banners from their homes, businesses and vehicles to show solidarity against Jagdeo’s rule.

The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) for its part has said that Guyanese have nothing to thank Jagdeo for. “To give him a “World of Thanks [for] the economic, social and political transformation of Guyana” is to look destiny in her face and slap her. For it is clear should we continue along this path the country will implode and the law-abiding face increasing danger,” the body said in a statement Friday. According to the GTUC, it is saying no thanks to Jagdeo for “transforming this society into one where the stench of drugs, corruption, deprivation, violence, hopelessness, crimes, poverty and discrimination are every where.”

The trade union body also drew from Guyana’s late poet laureate Martin Carter to register its displeasure. “This is indeed “the dark time, when all round the land brown beetles crawl about. The shining sun is hidden in the sky…Red flowers bend their heads in awful sorrow…It is the season of oppression, dark metal, and tears. It is the festival of guns, the carnival of misery. Everywhere the faces of men are strained and anxious,” the GTUC quoted.

Some 15,000 persons are expected to descend on Providence where there is expected to be a paratrooping display by members of the Guyana Defence, a Gymkhana by the Guyana Police Force and a large number of cultural acts, all local, and video and personal messages. Several motorcades from different parts of the country will culminate at the stadium while free ferry service for persons travelling from the Essequibo Coast have been organised.


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At least three persons have been arrested for a rash of anti-Jagdeo signs which have appeared in the city and its environs as the ‘Friends of Jagdeo’ on Friday prepared to honour the president who is set to demit office by year end.

Several arrested for anti-Jagdeo road markings on 'Appreciation Day'
Written by Kwesi Isles Friday, 16 September 2011 13:13

Regardles of reasons, person(s) who deface other individual's or state properties ought to be prosecuted.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

At least three persons have been arrested for a rash of anti-Jagdeo signs which have appeared in the city and its environs as the ‘Friends of Jagdeo’ on Friday prepared to honour the president who is set to demit office by year end.

Several arrested for anti-Jagdeo road markings on 'Appreciation Day'
Written by Kwesi Isles Friday, 16 September 2011 13:13

Regardles of reasons, person(s) who deface other individual's or state properties ought to be prosecuted.

What a democracy Guyana is.
Minister Benn is allowed to destroy people's property without due process and the Berbice regional administrators is allowed to make vindictive decisions regarding building sites.

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