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Sex abuse allegations against House Speaker …Accuser’s father says ‘He is lying!’


Though Johnny Terry Welshman  has a strained relationship with his son Johnny (Jnr.) who recently accused House

Johnny Terry Welshman Snr.

Johnny Terry
Welshman Snr.

Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman of sexually abusing him when he was younger, he is pleading with his son to desist from making such “wicked” accusations and seek professional help henceforth.
“I know that I may have not been the best parent to my son; that I could have been a better father, but from since Johnny was a little boy he has always been a rebel. I had hoped that he would grow out of it but it only got worse.
“He suffered from depression and fits of rage and it just continued to get nasty and out of hand. This is not the first time my son is making these wild accusations. In fact, he did worse. With this whole fiasco, I ended up travelling to Guyana from Brazil because I want my son to know that I will always love him but he needs help,” said Welshman Snr.
The 47-year-old said that he feels “deeply embarrassed” by his son’s latest actions. He said that his son has repeatedly turned him down every time he tried to help him. The Brazilian resident said, too, that he feels most unhappy about the accusations being made against Trotman who has been nothing more than a dear and respectful friend of the family.
“There was never an opportunity for what my son said happened. It is a most despicable lie and I feel so ashamed. I cannot begin to find the words to describe the disgrace my son is bringing to the family name. Even when he secured that restraining order on me, for allegedly physically and verbally abusing him, I was never even in the country,” the man explained.
There are “several things” that will eventually be exposed to prove that his son has been involved in more serious and scandalous activities, things that will put this “deceitful” matter to rest. Welshman said that he will be forwarding the information he has to the relevant authorities so that nothing but the truth will prevail.
He said that he is in “great fear of his life” because of the sexual abuse allegations his son is now leveling against him and the House Speaker. He reiterated that his son has struggled for many years with severe depression and behavioral problems. He has even attempted suicide at least once, Welshman said.
“Anyone who took the time to observe his Facebook page would see the degree of distress that my son is in and the extent of his delusion and anger. He has even made up fictitious persons and profiles and have them conversing with another and making statements about molestations that are untrue.
“I want to appeal to the public to not believe for one moment these accusations and to understand that he needs medical help. I want to make a sincere attempt at helping him so that he does not become a further risk and danger to anyone else.

House Speaker, Raphael Trotman

House Speaker,
Raphael Trotman

“If those who are with him really care about him, they will insist that he gets the professional help that he needs. Despite our differences, I am ready to forgive my son and help him find healing the right way instead of lashing out in this manner,” the emotional father pleaded.
The young man had claimed that he had sought legal advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) on how to proceed on the said matter. However, the DPP, Mrs. Shalimar Ali-Hack, said yesterday, that this conversation never occurred.
The DPP said that at no time did she ever engage in a discussion, telephone or otherwise, with the younger Welshman.
The DPP’s Communications Officer reported that a written complaint was received from Welshman at approximately 12:50 hours, yesterday.
Welshman has also said that he had retained the services of Attorney at Law Jaya Manickchand and wants to ensure that those who allegedly molested him are put before the court. But Manickchand has denied that the young man had retained her as his lawyer in the matter.
The Alliance For Change, however, disseminated some text messages from the Attorney’s cell phone number where she apparently tried to settle the matter discreetly with Trotman, this despite refuting days earlier that she was looking out for Welshman’s interest.
The political party since the discovery, has concluded that the troubled young man may be part of a scheme to entrap the House Speaker and tarnish the AFC.
The Attorney at Law subsequently posted on her Facebook page, a detailed statement in defense of her actions.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Now the Corrupt PPP/C will go have to look for something else. Those on this forum, should hang their head in shame, as when the story break out first, they had taken it for gospel.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The Young man must have his day in court.



AFC = Burger Man Party

yuji, the young man will have his 15 minutes of fame in court. And a lifetime of shame too.

Read back this part:

"The 47-year-old [Welshman Snr] said that he feels “deeply embarrassed” by his son’s latest actions. He said that his son has repeatedly turned him down every time he tried to help him. The Brazilian resident said, too, that he feels most unhappy about the accusations being made against Trotman who has been nothing more than a dear and respectful friend of the family.
“There was never an opportunity for what my son said happened. It is a most despicable lie and I feel so ashamed. I cannot begin to find the words to describe the disgrace my son is bringing to the family name. Even when he secured that restraining order on me, for allegedly physically and verbally abusing him, I was never even in the country,” the man explained."

One more thing, yuji. The young man had told reporters he turned to the police after seeking advice from Director of Public Prosecutions Shalimar Hack.

Mrs Hack said the young man never approached her. That's another lie that will come out in court.

The accuser's father also promised to provide more shocking info about him to the court.

I'm optimistic the case will be dismissed. I'm also optimistic Raphael Trotman's name will be free from the stain that unstable young man tried to put on him.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The Young man must have his day in court.



AFC = Burger Man Party

Give both men a chance their due process. They deserve it.




I agree that both men should have their day in court. We cannot allow a sexual assault allegation to go unanswered.


It must be noted that Trotman moved swiftly to the courts to have an injunction against this young man.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The Young man must have his day in court.



AFC = Burger Man Party

Give both men a chance their due process. They deserve it.




I agree that both men should have their day in court. We cannot allow a sexual assault allegation to go unanswered.


It must be noted that Trotman moved swiftly to the courts to have an injunction against this young man.

yuji, please understand the purpose of the injunction.

Trotman is not stopping the police investigation, he is cooperating fully.

The injunction is intended to stop the young man from spreading his malicious allegations in the press and social media.

The court should also issue an injunction against you and Johnny's other supporters on GNI.


The benefit of the doubt lies with the victim. If the alleged victim is found to be lying to law enforcement and the court, they should throw the book on him. Until then, he deserves a fair trial.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The benefit of the doubt lies with the victim. If the alleged victim is found to be lying to law enforcement and the court, they should throw the book on him. Until then, he deserves a fair trial.

why would the young man get a trial? is he accused of a crime?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The benefit of the doubt lies with the victim. If the alleged victim is found to be lying to law enforcement and the court, they should throw the book on him. Until then, he deserves a fair trial.

Would you also agree that his advisors and handlers like Manickchand also be held accountable serpent?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let the man have his day in court.


Justice will be served.

Dum Dum, if the reports from the father among others reaches the investigating officers this will never get beyond quacks like you. The fellow seems to be of the habit of making things you!!!!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let the man have his day in court.


Justice will be served.

Dum Dum, if the reports from the father among others reaches the investigating officers this will never get beyond quacks like you. The fellow seems to be of the habit of making things you!!!!

Yugly22 = Johnny (Jnr)

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The benefit of the doubt lies with the victim. If the alleged victim is found to be lying to law enforcement and the court, they should throw the book on him. Until then, he deserves a fair trial.





AFC = Burger Man Party

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The Young man must have his day in court.



AFC = Burger Man Party

Give both men a chance their due process. They deserve it.




I agree that both men should have their day in court. We cannot allow a sexual assault allegation to go unanswered.


It must be noted that Trotman moved swiftly to the courts to have an injunction against this young man.

yuji, please understand the purpose of the injunction.

Trotman is not stopping the police investigation, he is cooperating fully.

The injunction is intended to stop the young man from spreading his malicious allegations in the press and social media.

The court should also issue an injunction against you and Johnny's other supporters on GNI.


Subject to your own interpretation.


The speaker must resign until a full and impartial investigation is completed. MP's must call for the resignation of the speaker.



AFC = Burger Man Party


Ray Ray how many times we gonna have this clown Fookeetutu posting the same meaningless crap over and over again? is this not spamming? Who wants to read the same exact junk over and over again?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ray Ray how many times we gonna have this clown Fookeetutu posting the same meaningless crap over and over again? is this not spamming? Who wants to read the same exact junk over and over again?


That is my Avatar signature.


It is my right according to forum rules to add my signature.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The benefit of the doubt lies with the victim. If the alleged victim is found to be lying to law enforcement and the court, they should throw the book on him. Until then, he deserves a fair trial.

Who formulated that logical rule? The benefit of the doubt is always with the accuser. That is standard in proposition making and a rule in the law....yes the same that missed your reasoning about "innocent until proven guilty".


Also, the accuser is not in jeopardy here. The accused is. His reputation is being sullied and his name is being dragged through the mud. This fellow is seeking financial restitution for his alleged buggery so he is not seeking to help the society by apprehending a predator at large. He has no moral standing to date. Given the scope of his accusation and the fact repudiation comes in the form of his father admitting he has done this before one ought to be more circumspect.


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