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Former Member

Since the freedom of movement becomes open and free, many people took the opportunity to cross into each other borders for business and pleasure. For one, we can't forsake or forbid the sex trade that dominates Guyana from the age old industry. The sex industry is beating the odds by staying profitable under any condition, and some government are becoming wiser to capitalize on the industry by legalizing paid sex while the sex workers or their company paid a tax in return to the government. To be fair to the sex industry, the tax revenues and the government, there could be no argument that the sex workers do contribute to the country's economy.                                      

Why? Is is difficult for government to get rid of the sex trade or its industry even if you tried. People will find ways to conduct their business in illegal ways. If sex workers cannot be controlled by government, sex would be unsafe for clients in general. If you can't offer sex to tourists, it will eventually kill that industry. Sex revolves around our people, our businesses, our tourists, and our entertainments, just to name a few.    


Warning: (1) As a business entity, I fully agreed to legalize the sex trade that controlled by government.

(2) I don't encourage married men/women to indulge in extramarital affairs.  


The sex industry and sex workers in our country may have different views and opinions by the general public, but not many people took the time to discuss the subject rationally. Please do not politicized this topic and point fingers at anyone, but give it your best and come up with ideas as how, we as a people can take control of our own problems. Your contribution is well appreciated!


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Good news for our young ladies who fell victims are now given a new opportunity in life.

Commercial sex workers in Guyanese mining communities are being given the opportunity to upgrade their skills.

Sex workers in communities like Mahdia, in Region 8, will soon have an opportunity to ply a new trade, thanks to collaboration between a newly established Women Miners’ Group and the Canadian High Commission. These ladies may soon have the chance to become miners themselves. 


Sex workers and loggers in Guyana

challenge HIV together


Kay Forde discusses HIV prevention with loggers
Credit: ILO


Kay Forde has been a sex worker in Guyana for more than 20 years. She is an AIDS activist too. As secretary of the One Love Organization, a non-governmental organization addressing the HIV needs of sex workers, Ms Forde is committed to making a difference in the Kwakwani region, Guyana.

This commitment involves not only advocating for the rights of sex workers to live free of stigma and discrimination, with access to good information about HIV, it also extends to working with their clients. Many of the clients earn their living in the wood logging industry.


A wonderful piece:

According the article in the Guyanese newspaper Stabroek News, more young people turning to sex work because of economic circumstances. They interview Miriam Edwards, Executive Director of the Guyana Sex Workers Coalition, who says that more women are taking on this means of earning support by choice or circumstances, and they need to be supported rather than demonized. Doing this drives these workers underground, where their work becomes even more precarious and at-risk. A lot of people demonize sex work on moral grounds because of their own views on sexuality and sex work as a means of economic subsistence, but the reality is that many people have been making the choice to engage in sex work independently for thousands and thousands of years.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stinger:
The sex trade in GY is booming because of the Brazzos, their miners are there and they want their own not some scrally ting from bush. Damn I cyan wait till dem Brazzos tek ova dat *****ry

I support my claim to legalize the sex trade under a govt supervision controlled and gain revenue at the same time by adding different story from the same subject. It is a big issue and it take positives steps as well as tough ones. You haven't told me anything that I didn't know. So, what do you want to do about the sex industry?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

People sees it as an entertainment rather than sex so it's an indirect acceptance. 

 You do not mean 'people" but low lives like you and Nehru. This establishment is one of a hundred the PPP knows to exist and theretofore refused to act. I guess he did not pay someone their cut so he gets jacked up. Meanwhile, right under their noses the exploitation continues. Do you think they did not know those Russian girls who could not interact with Guyanese were victims of trafficking? Do you know how many Brazilians and Amerinds are servicing the mining camps? This is again a consequence of Obama getting fierce against those who turn a blind eye to trafficking.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

People sees it as an entertainment rather than sex so it's an indirect acceptance. 

 You do not mean 'people" but low lives like you and Nehru. This establishment is one of a hundred the PPP knows to exist and theretofore refused to act. I guess he did not pay someone their cut so he gets jacked up. Meanwhile, right under their noses the exploitation continues. Do you think they did not know those Russian girls who could not interact with Guyanese were victims of trafficking? Do you know how many Brazilians and Amerinds are servicing the mining camps? This is again a consequence of Obama getting fierce against those who turn a blind eye to trafficking.

Stormy, you never prostituted yourself before? You never ever slept with a strange woman before? Why you picking on Nehru as low life? Stinger is a good example to pick on.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

People sees it as an entertainment rather than sex so it's an indirect acceptance. 

 You do not mean 'people" but low lives like you and Nehru. This establishment is one of a hundred the PPP knows to exist and theretofore refused to act. I guess he did not pay someone their cut so he gets jacked up. Meanwhile, right under their noses the exploitation continues. Do you think they did not know those Russian girls who could not interact with Guyanese were victims of trafficking? Do you know how many Brazilians and Amerinds are servicing the mining camps? This is again a consequence of Obama getting fierce against those who turn a blind eye to trafficking.

Stormy, you never prostituted yourself before? You never ever slept with a strange woman before? Why you picking on Nehru as low life? Stinger is a good example to pick on.

  Sorry, no. If you are experienced in prostituting yourself I extend my condolences to you and hoped you are rehabilitated and indeed received sound therapy.


Stinger has never spoken of his love for ***** houses, Nehru has.


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