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Sexual favors

happen in entertainment, political world, says Shatrughan Sinha

Shatrughan Sinha says sexual favours are demanded in and given in both the entertainment and the political world.

Shatrughan Sinha speaks at a function.
Shatrughan Sinha speaks at a function.(PTI File Photo)

Updated: Apr 26, 2018 

By Indo Asian News Service, Indo Asian News Service, Mumbai

After choreographer Saroj Khan and senior Congress leader Renuka Chowdhary, actor-politician Shatrughan Sinha says sexual favours are demanded in and given in both the entertainment and the political world.

“Neither Saroj Khan nor Renuka Chowdhary is wrong. Sexual favours are demanded and given in both the entertainment world and in politics. It’s an old and time-tested way of getting ahead in life. ‘You please me I’ll please you’.

“This has been happening since time immemorial. What is there to get so upset about,” Sinha said.

Defending Khan, he said: “Saroj Khan’s contribution to choreography and to shaping the careers of Rekha, Madhuri Dixit and the late much-missed Sridevi, was invaluable. Saroj Khan is a legend in her own right.

“She often speaks from her heart and lets emotional correctness rule over political correctness. If she said that girls have to compromise sexually in Bollywood, she must be aware of what goes on.”

Sinha himself does not deny the existence of the casting couch.

“I completely agree with both Saroj and Renuka. I know the kind of compromises girls have to make to get into films. Perhaps Sarojji has herself gone through her own pain and humiliation.

“As for politics, I don’t know what we can call the casting couch in politics maybe the casting-vote couch. Of course the young aspiring brigade is known to offer sexual favours and of course the senior brigade is known to accept.

“I am not saying it is right. I would never be part of such a compromise. But we cannot shut our eyes to the reality around us. Don’t condemn Sarojji for speaking the truth.

“Condemn those who create a situation where girls and boys feel they have to compromise to get ahead in life.”

However, Sinha is quick to point out -- like Khan -- that the casting couch is a personal choice.

What happens on the couch or wherever two people come together, is a matter of personal choice. No one is forcing any girl or boy to lie down on the couch. You have something to give and you are offering it to someone who is interested. Where is the coercion or compulsion?”


(The story has not been modified from its original version)

Source: Hindustantimes


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Shatrughan Sinha is both actor and politician. If he agrees with what goes on in the entertainment industry and in politics, it must be true for many who ventured into the two zones to build a career. This tells me you have work your bottom to get to the top. This is the first time I am hearing this admittance form a veteran actor and politician. 

The many things I heard from the time I worked with Air-India, this is not surprising to me, but for the readers, it's a learning experience of what's happening in the sex capital of Mumbai. 


The olden day, actresses used to take their mothers to shooting location to guard them against sexual predators. I also believe that talented people can do well without sexual favors. But it seems quicker to get ahead in a fast-paced industry that the talented is willing to give in to such favor.

That's why I agree with the court's ruling to execute rapist, but in recent days, the raping and killing continue out of control that make headlines across the globe. 

It' a tough issue to deal with in India. I do believe the system is bent towards the lifestyle of sexual favors. 

Let go back and look at the rape and murder case that involves an ex-minister from the BJP party that's in court at present. Only a couple of Bollywood celebrities speak out on it, but the majority stays quiet about it.

Prince posted:


That's why I agree with the court's ruling to execute rapist, but in recent days, the raping and killing continue out of control that make headlines across the globe. 

Irrelevant, the issue of death penalty was with rape of girls below 12.  Nothing to do with sexual favors for career advancement.  In this case, both sides are users!


This fellow is stuck in a time warp where men were the decision makers and can take advantage of women to do what they would not be normally inclined to do given the power and authority of institutional patriarchy. Today that wall has dissolved. Women can make their own decisions and to force one in a subordinate position to compromise their values is frowned upon and is in fact illegal in much of the western world. Indian needs to catch up. It is one of those places where ignoramuses like this creep need to be reminded the the world has changed. In the US the "Me too" movement has created a legal framework to institutionalize the prohibition to such abuses of power and authority.

Stormborn posted:

This fellow is stuck in a time warp where men were the decision makers and can take advantage of women to do what they would not be normally inclined to do given the power and authority of institutional patriarchy. Today that wall has dissolved. Women can make their own decisions and to force one in a subordinate position to compromise their values is frowned upon and is in fact illegal in much of the western world. Indian needs to catch up. It is one of those places where ignoramuses like this creep need to be reminded the the world has changed. In the US the "Me too" movement has created a legal framework to institutionalize the prohibition to such abuses of power and authority.

Listen Banna, women also more freely use it to gain advantage do it’s not as simple and straightforward as you make it.  This happens daily in America, or every country.  A woman can refuse and walk away.  And I’m not talking hostile work environment, I’m talking show biz.

india is no different than anywhere else.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

This fellow is stuck in a time warp where men were the decision makers and can take advantage of women to do what they would not be normally inclined to do given the power and authority of institutional patriarchy. Today that wall has dissolved. Women can make their own decisions and to force one in a subordinate position to compromise their values is frowned upon and is in fact illegal in much of the western world. Indian needs to catch up. It is one of those places where ignoramuses like this creep need to be reminded the the world has changed. In the US the "Me too" movement has created a legal framework to institutionalize the prohibition to such abuses of power and authority.

Listen Banna, women also more freely use it to gain advantage do it’s not as simple and straightforward as you make it.  This happens daily in America, or every country.  A woman can refuse and walk away.  And I’m not talking hostile work environment, I’m talking show biz.

india is no different than anywhere else.

What happens with consenting adult is different than the exercise of power as a means to access. I do not know what the hell you are talking about in show biz. It is about consent.

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

This fellow is stuck in a time warp where men were the decision makers and can take advantage of women to do what they would not be normally inclined to do given the power and authority of institutional patriarchy. Today that wall has dissolved. Women can make their own decisions and to force one in a subordinate position to compromise their values is frowned upon and is in fact illegal in much of the western world. Indian needs to catch up. It is one of those places where ignoramuses like this creep need to be reminded the the world has changed. In the US the "Me too" movement has created a legal framework to institutionalize the prohibition to such abuses of power and authority.

Listen Banna, women also more freely use it to gain advantage do it’s not as simple and straightforward as you make it.  This happens daily in America, or every country.  A woman can refuse and walk away.  And I’m not talking hostile work environment, I’m talking show biz.

india is no different than anywhere else.

What happens with consenting adult is different than the exercise of power as a means to access. I do not know what the hell you are talking about in show biz. It is about consent.

Yes, we were talking about the article where you attacked Indians when this occurs all over.  I’m not talking what Corsby did, that’s rape! We were talking “consent” with the aim of gaining benefit!   The article was addressing happenings in the entertainment and political world.

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

This fellow is stuck in a time warp where men were the decision makers and can take advantage of women to do what they would not be normally inclined to do given the power and authority of institutional patriarchy. Today that wall has dissolved. Women can make their own decisions and to force one in a subordinate position to compromise their values is frowned upon and is in fact illegal in much of the western world. Indian needs to catch up. It is one of those places where ignoramuses like this creep need to be reminded the the world has changed. In the US the "Me too" movement has created a legal framework to institutionalize the prohibition to such abuses of power and authority.

Listen Banna, women also more freely use it to gain advantage do it’s not as simple and straightforward as you make it.  This happens daily in America, or every country.  A woman can refuse and walk away.  And I’m not talking hostile work environment, I’m talking show biz.

india is no different than anywhere else.

What happens with consenting adult is different than the exercise of power as a means to access. I do not know what the hell you are talking about in show biz. It is about consent.

Yes, we were talking about the article where you attacked Indians when this occurs all over.  I’m not talking what Corsby did, that’s rape! We were talking “consent” with the aim of gaining benefit!   The article was addressing happenings in the entertainment and political world.

Institutional patriarchy is a disease of the entire planet not only India. It happens here, is prevalent in Guyana and as you see a disease in India.

The slave cannot consent to the master if asked for sexual favors. The casting director asking a woman to disrobe or have sex with him for the role is not trading favors even if the woman did it voluntary.

 Similarly with a boss and his secretary or a politician and his support staff. The differential of power is coercive . In the US the secretary or staff can sue because even if they consent they can always say it was coercive given the and they will always win.

Last edited by Former Member

Sex sells, it’s the oldest traded asset on the planet.  And you have the option to Put or to Call or do nothing and keep your ass-ets dry.

I was never referring to a hostile workplace.  I was referring solely to women wanting to gain an advantage over competitors. Some view that as part of their bag of tricks.  They can chose to do or not and to compete solely on the merits of their talents and capabilities.  

But you know and I know, subjectivity is involved in the final decision.  It’s neither right nor wrong, it is the way it is.  This leads to the women offering some “niceties” to edge out competition.  

I am talking Hollywood, Bollywood, Nollywood, Pollywood, and all dem Jollywood.


People in Power and with great wealth has been doing/doing and will always do solicit SEX, HOT SEX from the less privilege. Some do not have high morals and open their legs, others refuse to do so and so there start another Chapter. I am NOT condoning such practices but love SEX. 

Baseman posted:

Sex sells, it’s the oldest traded asset on the planet.  And you have the option to Put or to Call or do nothing and keep your ass-ets dry.

I was never referring to a hostile workplace.  I was referring solely to women wanting to gain an advantage over competitors. Some view that as part of their bag of tricks.  They can chose to do or not and to compete solely on the merits of their talents and capabilities.  

But you know and I know, subjectivity is involved in the final decision.  It’s neither right nor wrong, it is the way it is.  This leads to the women offering some “niceties” to edge out competition.  

I am talking Hollywood, Bollywood, Nollywood, Pollywood, and all dem Jollywood.

Sex does indeed sell but one would be a fool to trade sex with an underling. Then she or he has you at their beck and call because sex in such circumstances is akin to rape.

Nehru posted:

People in Power and with great wealth has been doing/doing and will always do solicit SEX, HOT SEX from the less privilege. Some do not have high morals and open their legs, others refuse to do so and so there start another Chapter. I am NOT condoning such practices but love SEX. 

That is hard coded in humans.  The sin is to not have consent.   Men will always want more punani.  We live and die for it!

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:

Sex sells, it’s the oldest traded asset on the planet.  And you have the option to Put or to Call or do nothing and keep your ass-ets dry.

I was never referring to a hostile workplace.  I was referring solely to women wanting to gain an advantage over competitors. Some view that as part of their bag of tricks.  They can chose to do or not and to compete solely on the merits of their talents and capabilities.  

But you know and I know, subjectivity is involved in the final decision.  It’s neither right nor wrong, it is the way it is.  This leads to the women offering some “niceties” to edge out competition.  

I am talking Hollywood, Bollywood, Nollywood, Pollywood, and all dem Jollywood.

Sex does indeed sell but one would be a fool to trade sex with an underling. Then she or he has you at their beck and call because sex in such circumstances is akin to rape.

Whatever you say man!  

It’s the best thing god ever made and will always be a source of happiness, and of sadness, and of pleasure, and of pain.  And the woman owns it!   That is power bai!


Oh Base, I raise my hand up high and plea GUILTY as charge. Give me more Punani and you will see the biggest smile on my Face. One of my friends told me when we were teenagers that looking under a new "Garment" is the thrill of Victory NOT the agony of defeat.

Nehru posted:

Oh Base, I raise my hand up high and plea GUILTY as charge. Give me more Punani and you will see the biggest smile on my Face. One of my friends told me when we were teenagers that looking under a new "Garment" is the thrill of Victory NOT the agony of defeat.

You rass is a punani lungera 😁

Nehru posted:

Oh Base, I raise my hand up high and plea GUILTY as charge. Give me more Punani and you will see the biggest smile on my Face. One of my friends told me when we were teenagers that looking under a new "Garment" is the thrill of Victory NOT the agony of defeat.

I remember writing a story about "looking up" dresses to you or DG years ago illustrate how blind and how alien old friends point of view can be.  I will go look for it.

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

People in Power and with great wealth has been doing/doing and will always do solicit SEX, HOT SEX from the less privilege. Some do not have high morals and open their legs, others refuse to do so and so there start another Chapter. I am NOT condoning such practices but love SEX. 

That is hard coded in humans.  The sin is to not have consent.   Men will always want more punani.  We live and die for it!

Some men also go after the boys in Bollywood and Hollywood. 

Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

People in Power and with great wealth has been doing/doing and will always do solicit SEX, HOT SEX from the less privilege. Some do not have high morals and open their legs, others refuse to do so and so there start another Chapter. I am NOT condoning such practices but love SEX. 

That is hard coded in humans.  The sin is to not have consent.   Men will always want more punani.  We live and die for it!

Some men also go after the boys in Bollywood and Hollywood. 

I never singled out male or female punani.  So wazz yuh beef wid wuh me seh!🤔

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

People in Power and with great wealth has been doing/doing and will always do solicit SEX, HOT SEX from the less privilege. Some do not have high morals and open their legs, others refuse to do so and so there start another Chapter. I am NOT condoning such practices but love SEX. 

That is hard coded in humans.  The sin is to not have consent.   Men will always want more punani.  We live and die for it!

Some men also go after the boys in Bollywood and Hollywood. 

I never singled out male or female punani.  So wazz yuh beef wid wuh me seh!🤔

No beef! Just checking! 

Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:

Oh Base, I raise my hand up high and plea GUILTY as charge. Give me more Punani and you will see the biggest smile on my Face. One of my friends told me when we were teenagers that looking under a new "Garment" is the thrill of Victory NOT the agony of defeat.

I remember writing a story about "looking up" dresses to you or DG years ago illustrate how blind and how alien old friends point of view can be.  I will go look for it.

I remember Bhai but I did not really pay attention.

Nehru posted:
Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:

Oh Base, I raise my hand up high and plea GUILTY as charge. Give me more Punani and you will see the biggest smile on my Face. One of my friends told me when we were teenagers that looking under a new "Garment" is the thrill of Victory NOT the agony of defeat.

I remember writing a story about "looking up" dresses to you or DG years ago illustrate how blind and how alien old friends point of view can be.  I will go look for it.

I remember Bhai but I did not really pay attention.

here it is from 2012...made some corrections.

You remind me of a realization I had a few years back. Some people simply makes you worry you met them while others are a joy even if you just know them but for a minute. 


I had a friend, He was three years older than me but we  were in the same class.He fought my fights and we used to trash the other village kids at cricket. Once we even beat them so badly they simply give up on the game and went home. I had not seen him in over 10 years and on a short stop over visit I especially sought him out. I wanted to hear of his life, the woman he married, our common friends and what they were doing and what was going on in the old village.


I got there, was dead tired, kissed my family, give them their gifts, told them I am going to catch up with my friend. I could not find him at his home and a woman who said she was his wife and pointed me to where he was. It was a filthy mud floored, tin  roofed dump that was the rum shop. I was a bit disappointed but I wanted to meet my friend.


There was a raucous crowd of mottled men with worn faces, and gnarled hands; with unkempt beards and drink dulled eyes. They were huddled around  rickety, rough-hewn, crudely put together plank tables and sitting on  benches of a similar construction and vintage. I did not know which of these  grizzled worn out men was my friend. "Jacob boyah?" I asked.


A slightly stooped fellow stood up; I discerned a familiar flop of the hair to one side on a tilted, curious head from a memory barely there, "yes, a who dah?"


I reminded him who I was and he was ecstatic that I had come to see him and so was I but sadly the meeting went down hill from there. We no longer were friends, our lives no longer coincided, his people were not my people his memories were not mine.


All of three excruciating hours I heard nothing but the same tale recited over and over and embellished further and further as he drank more with each hour on cheap rum. I heard no stories of us beating the crap out of the boys from the next village boys  cricket, no memories of how we went searching for sea shells, swimming in the back dam or fishing or horse riding. Instead it was about something I could not remember.   It was  about how him and I once stood under the stairs of our old high school and peeked up Marcy McWilliams skirt.


Try as I can I could not recollect the incident. I did but remember the girl. She was two classes ahead of us and quite a looker. She never spoke to us. I left completely dejected and disillusioned that I had memories of a child hood that only I remember.

Later I did meet Marcy once again in RH.  I saw her on the street and made a point to  call her. She did not remember me. I told  her we were in school together. We had a "hug out". She was quite happy and recalled lots of stories and events from he time and I remembered all of them. We had a wonderful 15 minutes chat. I have a feeling I may lost a  best friend from child hood forever. I won't miss him. I also have a good sense that Marcy and I are best friends from way back.

You remind me of my old "best friend". I would give my heart to meet a new "best friend" as Marcy every day.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

This fellow is stuck in a time warp where men were the decision makers and can take advantage of women to do what they would not be normally inclined to do given the power and authority of institutional patriarchy. Today that wall has dissolved. Women can make their own decisions and to force one in a subordinate position to compromise their values is frowned upon and is in fact illegal in much of the western world. Indian needs to catch up. It is one of those places where ignoramuses like this creep need to be reminded the the world has changed. In the US the "Me too" movement has created a legal framework to institutionalize the prohibition to such abuses of power and authority.

Listen Banna, women also more freely use it to gain advantage do it’s not as simple and straightforward as you make it.  This happens daily in America, or every country.  A woman can refuse and walk away.  And I’m not talking hostile work environment, I’m talking show biz.

india is no different than anywhere else.

Women have always been horny just as men.  And in all races of ppl. Just ask Cain.

GTAngler posted:

Looks like we have a bunch of studs here. In my humble opinion, real men don't need to brag about their prowess or exploits.

Oh humble one, dem seh dem wuh does talk, nah really do!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:

Looks like we have a bunch of studs here. In my humble opinion, real men don't need to brag about their prowess or exploits.

Dem seh dem wuh does talk, nah really do!

Like dogs chasing cars..........

Baseman posted:
Yes, I've had a few of them.  One said she juice run as soon as she smell me sweat.  One night she rocked me out of sleep at 1am she saying “f.uc.k me NOW, or I cannot sleep.”   Me juss did my duties and put she to sleep wid wan big smile 😊!

You should change your nick to Studmuffin! She sounds like the sweetest and purest girl in the world. Hope you send us wedding invitations.

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Yes, I've had a few of them.  One said she juice run as soon as she smell me sweat.  One night she rocked me out of sleep at 1am she saying “f.uc.k me NOW, or I cannot sleep.”   Me juss did my duties and put she to sleep wid wan big smile 😊!

You should change your nick to Studmuffin!

And I am the sexist pig, right? 


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