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Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Seems that it is simply a political "game-play" by the Republicans to gain points with "loud noises" while even the main Republican individuals have not even read the materials.

Interest times indeed are ahead.

SH.IT will indeed hit the fan and cover the Re_poop_licans.

Go change your diaper!

As always, your stupidity and ignorance completely override your ability to engage with discussions.

You hit the Nail Head on the head.

kp posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Seems that it is simply a political "game-play" by the Republicans to gain points with "loud noises" while even the main Republican individuals have not even read the materials.

Interest times indeed are ahead.

SH.IT will indeed hit the fan and cover the Re_poop_licans.

Go change your diaper!

As always, your stupidity and ignorance completely override your ability to engage with discussions.c

You hit the Nail Head on the head.

Clown, look at his response, deserving of the diaper treatment.  But a dummy like you cannot correlate.  You are binary guided by prejudices and hatred for things America!

And what got you on the head making you an imbecile?

Go suck an egg!!


Absolutely, let us see it ALL and ANYONE GUILTY OF A CRIME must BE BROUGHT TO jUSTICE


Note:: This is exactly what Mr Mueller is trying to do but the Orange Orangutan doing everything possible to OBSTRUCT the Gentleman. This is the same FOOL who said if Hillary needs a Lawyer she is Guilty, well no more questions or speculation about the Orange Orangutan.  lock him up!!!!   lock him up!!!!

Nehru posted:

Absolutely, let us see it ALL and ANYONE GUILTY OF A CRIME must BE BROUGHT TO jUSTICE


Note:: This is exactly what Mr Mueller is trying to do but the Orange Orangutan doing everything possible to OBSTRUCT the Gentleman. This is the same FOOL who said if Hillary needs a Lawyer she is Guilty, well no more questions or speculation about the Orange Orangutan.  lock him up!!!!   lock him up!!!!

Hope you watch the address tonight.  I got a peek at the draft.  Interesting stuff impacting many years to come!

Nehru posted:

Absolutely, let us see it ALL and ANYONE GUILTY OF A CRIME must BE BROUGHT TO jUSTICE

Note:: This is exactly what Mr Mueller is trying to do but the Orange Orangutan doing everything possible to OBSTRUCT the Gentleman. This is the same FOOL who said if Hillary needs a Lawyer she is Guilty, well no more questions or speculation about the Orange Orangutan.  lock him up!!!!   lock him up!!!!

Correct, Nehru.

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

This Orange Orangutan has taken our GREAT Country to the MUD of an 1980's African Style Dictatorship!!!!!!!

Let’s see what these people were up to BEFORE Trump was even elected.  You know that, right?  Nothing to do with Trump.  This investigation is of things which occurred on Obama’s watch!

The report will be released after the speech tonight so we don’t have to wait long. I just realized Trump wants it released around the same time as Stormy Daniels’ tv appearance tonight.

Nehru posted:

I feel sorry for Trophy wife Melania but  some women from that part of the world enjoy being trophies.

Did you also feel sorry for Hilary when Bill was getting head on the West wing while she was preparing dinner?

That woman knew the Donald.   She was no lil country girl!  Alyuh relax and leave the people to sort out their issues!

kp posted:

The Memo is a nothing burger.Let Trump declassify the Democrats Memo. Then we will see the truth. Nunez is Trump's puppy dog.

Funny how Nunes was on FixNews claiming that the Democrats are lying about everything and can't be trusted. This same Nunes who recused himself many months ago when he was exposed for being Trump's lap dog. Lets not forget how he ditched his staff while they were in a cab as he ran to the White house to pick up a document which he subsequently claimed he took to the White House to show them what he found. Found in the White House. Funny indeed. 

ksazma posted:
kp posted:

The Memo is a nothing burger.Let Trump declassify the Democrats Memo. Then we will see the truth. Nunez is Trump's puppy dog.

Funny how Nunes was on FixNews claiming that the Democrats are lying about everything and can't be trusted. This same Nunes who recused himself many months ago when he was exposed for being Trump's lap dog. Lets not forget how he ditched his staff while they were in a cab as he ran to the White house to pick up a document which he subsequently claimed he took to the White House to show them what he found. Found in the White House. Funny indeed. 

Nunes memo was built with help from the White House hoping to discredit Bob Mueller. 


We have to wait and see.   The anti-Trump media spinning.  The next shoe to drop!   The Mueller investigation will continue, albeit  compromised and questionable.  This investigation was spawned by forces within the FBI/DOJ who was anti Trump and funded by Hillayites. Clearly it was poisoned from the inception!   This makes it clearer why Trump should not testify at the hearing. 

The sole purpose of this investigation is to harm Trump and impede him in 2020. The Democrats and their anointed Queen still cannot get over their loss!  Nothing, barring health, will stop Trump making America great all the way thru 2024!

Demerara_Guy posted:

Memos from both political parties should be published (become available ) at the same time.

However, the focus is clearly on the investigation by Mueller which must be conducted to its rightful conclusion.

Nothing much against the president will come of this.  Some people will get snared on unrelated issues.   Trump will then pardon them and everyone can go back to earning an honest living!


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