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during the campaign Chump said that he will hire the best people if he becomes President. So far he has managed to hire crooked and incompetent people to his administration with record number of them having to leave or being fired after their crookedness or incompetence are exposed. It turns out that his ability to attract crooked and incompetent associates is contagious as it also spreads to the Congressional Republicans and those at FixNews. After all the hoopla over the memo, I thought they would prefer that it does not get released so that they can have the benefit of people thinking that things were so horrible at the FBI and DOJ especially if they can point to how the FBI and DOJ along with the Democrats are against the release of the memo. But once again, Chump, his administration, the Congressional Republicans as well as his other supporters (FixNews) found the way to get in their way. They went ahead with releasing the memo which concluded that it was not the Dossier that prompted the counter intelligence investigation but rather George Pappadopoulos' actions that prompted it. That is incompetence to the highest level. Actually, that is political malpractice.

Secondly, during the 8 years that Obama was president, the stock market never lost 600+ points in one day.

On another note, a picture tells a thousand words. Unfortunately I don't have the picture but yesterday as they descended the plane in Palm Beach, Melania was so far behind Trump it almost looked like she was on a different plane. Stormy has created a terrible storm for Chump.


Trump created a memo to deflect the Russian interference and his participation in it. Now he wants the Republicans to justify what he wrote. This memo was not created by Nunes; it was created by the white house and given to Nunes to publish. Paul Ryan is in this big time. When Carter Page was confronted months ago about his dealings with the Russians, he stated that Paul Ryan would take care of this and refute all the accusations. Seems like a conspiracy to cover up a crime. I am still waiting for Baseman to tell me what happened to the "dark state".

ksazma posted:

during the campaign Chump said that he will hire the best people if he becomes President. So far he has managed to hire crooked and incompetent people to his administration with record number of them having to leave or being fired after their crookedness or incompetence are exposed. It turns out that his ability to attract crooked and incompetent associates is contagious as it also spreads to the Congressional Republicans and those at FixNews. After all the hoopla over the memo, I thought they would prefer that it does not get released so that they can have the benefit of people thinking that things were so horrible at the FBI and DOJ especially if they can point to how the FBI and DOJ along with the Democrats are against the release of the memo. But once again, Chump, his administration, the Congressional Republicans as well as his other supporters (FixNews) found the way to get in their way. They went ahead with releasing the memo which concluded that it was not the Dossier that prompted the counter intelligence investigation but rather George Pappadopoulos' actions that prompted it. That is incompetence to the highest level. Actually, that is political malpractice.

Secondly, during the 8 years that Obama was president, the stock market never lost 600+ points in one day.

On another note, a picture tells a thousand words. Unfortunately I don't have the picture but yesterday as they descended the plane in Palm Beach, Melania was so far behind Trump it almost looked like she was on a different plane. Stormy has created a terrible storm for Chump.

Secondly, during the 8 years that Obama was president, the stock market never lost 600+ points in one day.

I took a big hit these few days. Looks as though Trump State of the Union brings Doom and Gloom to the Markets.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump is riding high. Q1 Economic growth will accelerate, his polls are surging and the grand Democrat conspiracy have been uncovered!   Next shoe to drop. 

Surging towards 40%? 

After a Union address all presidents get a surge but Donald cannot hold a climb in popularity.  After the release of the Democrats Memo Trump will have to eat humble pie and Nunes will have to hide in the kennel.. In just a week the government will shut down and no solution for the Dacca people even Republicans will turn against Trump.

Baseman posted:

Funny listening to all these Canadians getting hyper.  They have no say.  Alyuh funny.

Alyuh need to make sure Pretty boy can convince American companies to remain invested in Canada.  Moving south is no longer a remote probability!  For my relatives sake, I hope Trump don’t scrap NAFTA.  

fool canada is still the best country to live in 

kp posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump is riding high. Q1 Economic growth will accelerate, his polls are surging and the grand Democrat conspiracy have been uncovered!   Next shoe to drop. 

Surging towards 40%? 

 ...In just a week the government will shut down and no solution for the Dacca people even Republicans will turn against Trump.

I support Trump on DACA.  He proposed 1.8 mil, not 700k.  I’m concerned he might be giving away too much. They need to fund the Wall and accept modifications to the current migration laws.  He should compromise on is a hybrid Canadian and current US rules.  That would be the best balance.

End car blanched chain migration.  No need to bring uneducated drunkards just because they have a brother or sister living here!

He needs to hold the line, that’s why he won the election!  Trump is the man!

warrior posted:
Baseman posted:

Funny listening to all these Canadians getting hyper.  They have no say.  Alyuh funny.

Alyuh need to make sure Pretty boy can convince American companies to remain invested in Canada.  Moving south is no longer a remote probability!  For my relatives sake, I hope Trump don’t scrap NAFTA.  

fool canada is still the best country to live in 

I know, never said it was not.  I love coming to Canada.   Trump will listen to Canada in any negotiation. 

warrior posted:
Baseman posted:

Funny listening to all these Canadians getting hyper.  They have no say.  Alyuh funny.

Alyuh need to make sure Pretty boy can convince American companies to remain invested in Canada.  Moving south is no longer a remote probability!  For my relatives sake, I hope Trump don’t scrap NAFTA.  

fool canada is still the best country to live in 

Warrior why getting annoyed,North America are great to live in.

Don't bother with Base,we aint shutting out Canada.

Canada is the United States largest partner for energy trade.


Imagine this in the great USA!   A sequel to the corruption of power will soon be revealed, this time The Department Of State.  

Under Obama we had the IRS scandal targeting the TEA party, then the FBI/DOJ plot against Trump. Next stop State Department conspiracy against Trump.  This is in every way the intentional thwarting of the fundamentals of our democracy.  

One would think we live in Guyana or Kenya!  Thanks to the change in admin, the slide to Shithole land status has been halted and being reversed!

The Trump locomotive rolls in!  I will take White Rule over Shitholes any day.  I ran away from racists Black and limp-dick coolie rule to a great White power.  Let it be!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Imagine this in the great USA!   A sequel to the corruption of power will soon be revealed, this time The Department Of State.  

Under Obama we had the IRS scandal targeting the TEA party, then the FBI/DOJ plot against Trump. Next stop State Department conspiracy against Trump.  This is in every way the intentional thwarting of the fundamentals of our democracy.  

One would think we live in Guyana or Kenya!  Thanks to the change in admin, the slide to Shithole land status has been halted and being reversed!

The Trump locomotive rolls in!  I will take White Rule over Shitholes any day.  I ran away from racists Black and limp-dick coolie rule to a great White power.  Let it be!

Why angry this early.

Baseman posted:

Imagine this in the great USA!   A sequel to the corruption of power will soon be revealed, this time The Department Of State.  

Under Obama we had the IRS scandal targeting the TEA party, then the FBI/DOJ plot against Trump. Next stop State Department conspiracy against Trump.  This is in every way the intentional thwarting of the fundamentals of our democracy.  

One would think we live in Guyana or Kenya!  Thanks to the change in admin, the slide to Shithole land status has been halted and being reversed!

The Trump locomotive rolls in!  I will take White Rule over Shitholes any day.  I ran away from racists Black and limp-dick coolie rule to a great White power.  Let it be!

Bai, America is already consider the Shithole by the Norwagens that Trump want as migrants... 

kp posted:
Baseman posted:

Imagine this in the great USA!   A sequel to the corruption of power will soon be revealed, this time The Department Of State.  

Under Obama we had the IRS scandal targeting the TEA party, then the FBI/DOJ plot against Trump. Next stop State Department conspiracy against Trump.  This is in every way the intentional thwarting of the fundamentals of our democracy.  

One would think we live in Guyana or Kenya!  Thanks to the change in admin, the slide to Shithole land status has been halted and being reversed!

The Trump locomotive rolls in!  I will take White Rule over Shitholes any day.  I ran away from racists Black and limp-dick coolie rule to a great White power.  Let it be!

Why angry this early.

Good maaning Bhai KP!  Dave, Bibi or this site may help you with your punctuation challenges.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:

Imagine this in the great USA!   A sequel to the corruption of power will soon be revealed, this time The Department Of State.  

Under Obama we had the IRS scandal targeting the TEA party, then the FBI/DOJ plot against Trump. Next stop State Department conspiracy against Trump.  This is in every way the intentional thwarting of the fundamentals of our democracy.  

One would think we live in Guyana or Kenya!  Thanks to the change in admin, the slide to Shithole land status has been halted and being reversed!

The Trump locomotive rolls in!  I will take White Rule over Shitholes any day.  I ran away from racists Black and limp-dick coolie rule to a great White power.  Let it be!

Why angry this early.

Base angry because he been watching FoxNews and they are hyperventilating because the shit is about to hit Trump.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:

Imagine this in the great USA!   A sequel to the corruption of power will soon be revealed, this time The Department Of State.  

Under Obama we had the IRS scandal targeting the TEA party, then the FBI/DOJ plot against Trump. Next stop State Department conspiracy against Trump.  This is in every way the intentional thwarting of the fundamentals of our democracy.  

One would think we live in Guyana or Kenya!  Thanks to the change in admin, the slide to Shithole land status has been halted and being reversed!

The Trump locomotive rolls in!  I will take White Rule over Shitholes any day.  I ran away from racists Black and limp-dick coolie rule to a great White power.  Let it be!

Why angry this early.

Me nah angry bai, just want to give alyuh a early Monday morning wake up shake up.  And besides my team lost!

Nuff time me dozz post this shyte and rake back and Laff at the reaction!

i actually don’t think Obama was that bad, and that Trump could be a real dickhead at times!  But I still support him!  


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