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Hinterland school feeding programme…Little evidence that $43M in snacks delivered-Auditor General report


October 23, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Questions have been raised whether some $43M in snacks for children in the hinterland schools were actually delivered.

The questions were raised in the 2011 Report of the Auditor General which was laid in Parliament yesterday.
Last year, Government reportedly allocated $1.2B for the countrywide school feeding programme.

However, according to the audit report, checks with the Ministry of Education regarding the programme in Region Nine found little evidence that value was received.

Children of Jawalla, Region Seven, participating in Government’s school feeding programme.(GINA photo)

“With regards to the School Feeding Programme in Region Nine, approval was granted for the procurement of snacks from a sole supplier. Following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for the consolidation of the School Snack Programme in Region Nine, two payments amounting to $42.999M were made to enable preparation and supply of schools snacks to 3,814 students across 48 villages in Region Nine,” the report said.

However, the inadequate documentation, on the related vouchers and at the Ministry, made it difficult to ascertain whether value was received for the sum expended.

According to the short response in the report published: “The Head of Budget Agency acknowledged the finding.” There were no other explanations.
The Audit Office recommended that the Ministry put systems in place to monitor the progress of the programme and to ensure that all relevant documents be affixed to source documents and secure them for audit scrutiny.

Former Education Minister, Shaik Baksh, last year said that the $1.2B school feeding programme geared to alleviate hunger of poor school children in the hinterland and on the coastland has been having a positive impact on students’ attendance and performance.

He had said that the government is aware of the difficulties of undernourished children to learn academically.

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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Why cant it be someone like you Stormy??

What is you who was involved in starving these poor kids whilst you carted away the money? No wonder you can afford to eat so well.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Why cant it be someone like you Stormy??

If one of my own is milking his people then such a one is to be exposed for his malice. I am quite aware of the way the PPP does it's business so it is it is most likely the contract awarded to a PPP kith or kin according to their habit. Given they are mainly Indians the likelihood that it is an Indian person robbing these poor kids of their food is very high. In the miniscule chance that this contractor is other than Indian it is 100% not an Amerindian. We are too much greatly held in contempt by the beast in the administration to be given any such opportunity.


Kaieteur News is an anti-gov't mouth-piece. Most of the charges are based on fabrications. Congress House propaganda czars have been using Glen Lall for this purpose. Have you ever wonder why his Printing Press is no longer under attacks by gun men and pyromaniacs since he adopted a fierce anti-gov't. stance?


Think Stormy! Think!

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Kaieteur News is an anti-gov't mouth-piece. Most of the charges are based on fabrications. Congress House propaganda czars have been using Glen Lall for this purpose. Have you ever wonder why his Printing Press is no longer under attacks by gun men and pyromaniacs since he adopted a fierce anti-gov't. stance?


Think Stormy! Think!

Think what?  The Chronicle is a yellow political rag and so is the entire GINA complex so why should I worry if Lall has an axe to grind? He is just the kind of foil to corruption a nation needs even if he is given to partisan recounting of the stories. The PPP is quite adroit at doing the same so one has to find balance from what one knows directly.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Kaieteur News is an anti-gov't mouth-piece. Most of the charges are based on fabrications. Congress House propaganda czars have been using Glen Lall for this purpose. Have you ever wonder why his Printing Press is no longer under attacks by gun men and pyromaniacs since he adopted a fierce anti-gov't. stance?


Think Stormy! Think!

I thought Ramotar and him were good buddies.


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