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Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
any duck curry competition in Qns soon? Or all dat rass ended wid PPP demise?

Will be metemgee cookoff now




The era of Duck Curry is over. Let the Era of Metemgee begin.


I now have to learn what the hell metemgee is. I know the word and I think it's heavy on ground provisions but that's really it.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
any duck curry competition in Qns soon? Or all dat rass ended wid PPP demise?

Will be metemgee cookoff now




The era of Duck Curry is over. Let the Era of Metemgee begin.


I now have to learn what the hell metemgee is. I know the word and I think it's heavy on ground provisions but that's really it.

If you never had a good metemgee, you miss out banna.  My mother learnt to make it from an Afro friend in GT, banna was good.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
any duck curry competition in Qns soon? Or all dat rass ended wid PPP demise?

Will be metemgee cookoff now

Cook-up rice with soaked black-eyed peas and pickled poke.

Afro Guyanese, not being ethnocentric and having a creole culture, like it more multi cultural.  How about cook up rice (cooked in coconut milk with pig tail), black pudding, chow mien, chicken roti, and pepper pot.  These days metem might be too heavy for some people.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
any duck curry competition in Qns soon? Or all dat rass ended wid PPP demise?

Will be metemgee cookoff now

Cook-up rice with soaked black-eyed peas and pickled poke.

Afro Guyanese, not being ethnocentric and having a creole culture, like it more multi cultural.  How about cook up rice (cooked in coconut milk with pig tail), black pudding, chow mien, chicken roti, and pepper pot.  These days metem might be too heavy for some people.

I can't believe you does eat roti bai.


Member posted April 26, 1999 03:03 PM

The mob mentality has taken over' says Wayne Moses,â€Ķâ€Ķâ€Ķâ€Ķ.
The hypocrite Wayne Moses, casts a wide net catching all Guyana in the shameful and disgraceful behaviour of Blacks.  It is not minorities who are commiting all these crimes in the U.S., it is the Black minorityâ€Ķâ€Ķ When hypocrites like Wayne Moses change from their hypocrisies, and identify the perpetrators and their leaders for their animalistic behaviour, â€Ķâ€Ķ..So Mr. Wayne Moses, 65% of Guyanese should not be blamed for the filtâ€Ķ.. we had one D2 who frequented this forum, his hypocrisy reminds me of yours, any relation?.


Member posted April 26, 1999 03:33 PM

Just thinking out loud... Roy-Paul Philly, Wayne Moses, Bharat Rakshak - Consortium of Indian Military Websites. Am I on to something


Executive Member posted April 26, 1999 03:51 PM

There is a Wayne Moses Website On Ozzie.
Is this the same person? If so, then he definitely a PNC man and hates coolie.


Executive Member posted April 26, 1999 04:05 PM

There is another one called Arthur Mckenzie in NJ. I think he can be ?. Find out Paris.


Member posted April 26, 1999 04:13 PM

PM, Hope I get a "BONUS" in my next paycheck.

If you want a 'BONUS' in your paycheck, you must do a good deed.
Blasks need a leader who can show them the way.
Teach Blacks about civilized behaviour, about the law, become a DANIEL to the Black people.

Go up to the mountain top and come back down with a message from God, become the new MOSES, do not ride around as though you are the new john WAYNE. fORGET YOUR ROCK MUSIC WITH BANDS LIKE D2, SORRY I MEAN U2.  God says to the 2nd. MOSES, all that land in the RUP. I shall give you if you would only obey me Obey God and teach those poor Blacks, after all they are God's creatures too, not only Hoyte's. THE KINGDOM IS AT HAND.

Member posted March 30, 1999 03:42 AM


You lie Eddie, you lie.
I get under the skin of you and Danielle, for one reason and one reason only, you are accustomed of frightening timid Indians, Their timidity is the result or the pacifist policies of the Jagans. Indians like me frighten you: whenever we produce the evidence, you and your afro-brothers, not able to counter any arguments with facts, revert to personal attacks, a testimony of your non-counter-arguments.
I deal in facts, you not having a just cause, do what come naturally, become personal


  Jaiag BBS
  Guyana Politics
PMourant posted 03-05-99 01:23 PM ET (US)        
There I was last night, taking the time to read over twenty newspapers from around the world.
What struck me more than anything else, is how destructive Governments can be to their own people.
Central Governments have ruined the lives of all they govern or rule, especially in Third-World countries.
Local Governments are the cure for those who choose to manipulate and control the lives of others; and yet incredibly, it's there for the Guyanese asking, and there are some who are against it. WHY?.
Demerara is the Capital, the Businesses are located there, the Shipping Facilities are there, the International Airport is there, and yet Demerarans have rejected Local Rule. WHY?.
Berbice and Essequibo, without the benfits of Demerara, with only its rice and sugar, would cherish Local Government. WHY?.
I know the answers to the three WHY's, do you?.

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(549 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 03:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PMourant   Click Here to Email PMourant      Edit/Delete Message   

From West Africa they came, with a history of being leaches.

Even in Africa, before they were captured and sold into slavery, the other tribes wanted to rid themselves of these parasites.

In 1710 when they were first discovered, the Europeans were always offered the Chingabites as slaves by the kings of the other African tribes; the Europeans became suspicious, and enquired about the Chingabites, but it was too late when they found that the African tribal leaders were cleansing Africa from leaches.

It's now known that Leslie is an honorary Chingabite.
Is it any wonder that people ask what's wrong with Guyana?, we now know, it's filled with Chingabites.

[This message has been edited by PMourant (edited July 09, 1999).]

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george joseph
(29 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 03:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for george joseph   Click Here to Email george joseph      Edit/Delete Message   

You knowledge of the Slave Trade and the Middle Passage is not only limited, it is a dream of yours (it helps you in you believe). When you are ready to learn, I can recommended a collection of books for you to read (e.g. "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" by Dr. Walter Rodney).


My I add that all the peoples of Guyana were made to suffer inhuman treatment by the Europeans, for which meny are convinced they have not fully expressed remose, but that's another topic.

[This message has been edited by george joseph (edited July 09, 1999).]

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(44 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 10:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Charisma   Click Here to Email Charisma      Edit/Delete Message   

Just before the system crashed, you posted a website re: the indians voyage to Guyana, what the Euros thought of them, etc. Can you repost please?


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(44 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 10:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Charisma   Click Here to Email Charisma      Edit/Delete Message   
Chingabites were sent to Guyana huh?!!


Untouchables were sent there too? I wonder!!

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(60 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AowBob      Edit/Delete Message   
I refuse to consider Rodney's revisionist work a serious source of history. I find his writings heavily biased, Afro-centric, Anti-white, anti-developmental, pro-socialist...and all the ingredients to make me toss it at the back of the shelf.

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fadda donor
(1316 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 10:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nuff   Click Here to Email Nuff      Edit/Delete Message   
You see there are 200,000,000, yes TWO HUNDRED MILLION Untouchables in India.

That's 1/5 yes ONE FIFTH of the population of India, yes one in every five people. Now one in every five Indians is an Indian Chingabite. Their own race of people people don't even associate with them. Poor Ghandi tried to fight for their rights, but the high and mighty INDIANS wanted no part of these dispicable people.

hmmmmmmm...... what a selfish race of people. Two hundred million, almost the population of the USA, are ostracized just because they do manual jobs, eat meat, and touch faeces. I wonder who wipes those rich Indians asses. The must have automatic toilet paper. hehehe.

Come guys... you still want to call India the worlds largest Democracy. What a bunch of clowns you all (on this forum) are. I guarantee you there aren't 200,000,000 Black Chingabites.

Please think before you write. I know you recently got access to a computer and keyboard, but, please take the time to re-read your post before selecting the "SUBMIT" option.

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(831 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 11:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bushmaster      Edit/Delete Message   
Is there any PNC of the Afro-Guyanese out there who is willing to write a BOOK on each of the following topics:
" How Burnham and Hoyte and the PNC Underdeveloped Guyana between 1964-1992".
" What Happened to all the Funds of the Country betwen 1964-92."
"What are the Bank accounts and where are these accounts kept of Burnham, Viola, Hoyte.
Green, Jackson and Yarde".
" How Burnham, Hoyte and the PNC set out to destroy the Coolies, Rice Industries, Sugar industries".

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(549 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 11:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PMourant   Click Here to Email PMourant      Edit/Delete Message   
Chingabite leader returning home---voiceless.
Leslie who has been spending time being a hand-maiden to Hoyte, could provide us with the facts.
Wouldn't it be nice if before the end of the year, both Janet Jagan and Hoyte, resigns for health reasons.

Hoyte due back at weekend

People's National Congress (PNC) leader, Desmond Hoyte, is due back from an overseas visit sometime over the weekend.

Officials of the party yesterday said that Hoyte, who was expected back home last weekend, had remained to meet with
supporters with whom he had planned meetings. They said that the PNC leader was in good nick and revitalised to deal with
challenges of the period ahead.

They dispelled as mere rumour reports that Hoyte had lost his voice and was hospitalised. They also refuted remarks that Hoyte
had left at a sensitive period towards the end of the public servants' strike pointing out that he had delayed going overseas
because of the strike and had issued a statement about his departure when he left Guyana.

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(831 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 11:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bushmaster      Edit/Delete Message   
You think he was using White Man Medicine or the New PNC of NY PORTIONS.
He hates whites so much that he wants nothing to do wit the white and their PRODUCTS.
I guess he ready to do Battle Again.
The last time he said UNGOVENABLE. ON his return he will say DESTROY EVERYTHING BEFORE DEATH takes me.

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(26 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 12:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lazyrawan   Click Here to Email lazyrawan      Edit/Delete Message   
That what I am. A Chingabite.
Well the more I live the more
I learn.

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(831 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 12:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bushmaster      Edit/Delete Message   
You are the Son of Kunkaran who is Rawan's brother.
Kunkaran was a dead lazy man like you and the other PNCites.
Check out Buxton. No whites or Indians dare set foot in this land of Hinds and King.
Where is the Paco Dam man?

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(657 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for D2      Edit/Delete Message   


"Leslie who has been spending time being a hand-maiden to Hoyte, couldprovide us with the facts. Wouldn't it be nice if before the end of the year, both Janet Jagan and Hoyte, resigns for health reasons."


Did you conjure the above reference  out of the realms of your fantasy in a similar manner as you did your  your chingabyte idiocy? You are a base and immoral man to make claims of others that you have no evidence to support. But that is the
methodology of fools!


If you focused on your history you would know most of Guyanese Africans are of the Yuroba, Ashanti and Igbo with a sprinkling in of Madingos and Fullanis. Where do you think the word "fullaman comes from for example? Fullanis were the first Muslims in Guyana.The word was adopted as a disparaging term by Hindus when referencing Muslims from India.

I do not have to mention the legacy of the tribes I referenced above. If you are interested in truth you can find that out for yourself.You constantly distort history

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fadda donor
(1316 posts)
posted July 09, 1999 03:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nuff   Click Here to Email Nuff      Edit/Delete Message   
Put as fork in this Chingabite thread. Just like a ballpark frank or sausage .... it's done!!!

Hehehe.... This ting-a-bite PM where it hurts.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
any duck curry competition in Qns soon? Or all dat rass ended wid PPP demise?

Will be metemgee cookoff now

Cook-up rice with soaked black-eyed peas and pickled poke.

Afro Guyanese, not being ethnocentric and having a creole culture, like it more multi cultural.  How about cook up rice (cooked in coconut milk with pig tail), black pudding, chow mien, chicken roti, and pepper pot.  These days metem might be too heavy for some people.

I can't believe you does eat roti bai.


Like most racists, he hates us not our food


In his world, Guyana can do without the Indians but he's happy to keep our food and maybe one coolie to teach the proper coolie methods of roti prep

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
I'm surprised at CaribJ him seh roti and not skin


I was ordering delivery "coolie" food from a Brooklyn joint a few weeks ago and I was so confused by the menu because it had some reference to "roti skins." All I wanted was some damn roti and curried goat. Took me like 6 mins to go over the menu rather than inquire WTF a skin was.


I ended up googling roti skin

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
any duck curry competition in Qns soon? Or all dat rass ended wid PPP demise?

Will be metemgee cookoff now

Cook-up rice with soaked black-eyed peas and pickled poke.

Afro Guyanese, not being ethnocentric and having a creole culture, like it more multi cultural.  How about cook up rice (cooked in coconut milk with pig tail), black pudding, chow mien, chicken roti, and pepper pot.  These days metem might be too heavy for some people.

i agree.  My son asked why Guyana food is not all over the world, he loves it and think it has the right mix on Indo/Afro flavor and the best he tasted. 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
I'm surprised at CaribJ him seh roti and not skin


I was ordering delivery "coolie" food from a Brooklyn joint a few weeks ago and I was so confused by the menu because it had some reference to "roti skins." All I wanted was some damn roti and curried goat. Took me like 6 mins to go over the menu rather than inquire WTF a skin was.

Yea, funny, I was at a Trini Indian roti shop and ordered 6 paratha (clap) roti.  The lady turned to me and said they don't sell shells separate.  I said wha, shells, no I want roti.  She seh nah, shells go with curry, have to order both.  Was lost for a bit but catch sense soon after.


I also heard Indians ordering "somosa skin", cannot figure that shyte because it looks like somosa to me!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
any duck curry competition in Qns soon? Or all dat rass ended wid PPP demise?

Will be metemgee cookoff now

Cook-up rice with soaked black-eyed peas and pickled poke.

Afro Guyanese, not being ethnocentric and having a creole culture, like it more multi cultural.  How about cook up rice (cooked in coconut milk with pig tail), black pudding, chow mien, chicken roti, and pepper pot.  These days metem might be too heavy for some people.

i agree.  My son asked why Guyana food is not all over the world, he loves it and think it has the right mix on Indo/Afro flavor and the best he tasted. 

Dude, there is no authentic Guyanese Cuisine. Even curry in an Indian home used to be as the matriarch did it and that was different from what the men made at wedding house. Today people take short cut with Indi or Chico curry powder but each family had their own cherished recipes.  We have a general list of ingredients to the essential structure of a dish but it is as varied as households. Even the simple rotie is varied in structure and texture. Its only commonality is it is a flat bread with its beginnings in an Indian paratha.


And cookup has as many variety from resembling a cahun dirty rice to blackeye and rice cooked in coconut milk with as many meats as the house cared to eat added to the same in tomato sauce. 


Even pepperpot is varied from if an Muslim, or a christian or an amerind cooks it.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
any duck curry competition in Qns soon? Or all dat rass ended wid PPP demise?

Will be metemgee cookoff now

Cook-up rice with soaked black-eyed peas and pickled poke.

Afro Guyanese, not being ethnocentric and having a creole culture, like it more multi cultural.  How about cook up rice (cooked in coconut milk with pig tail), black pudding, chow mien, chicken roti, and pepper pot.  These days metem might be too heavy for some people.

i agree.  My son asked why Guyana food is not all over the world, he loves it and think it has the right mix on Indo/Afro flavor and the best he tasted. 

Dude, there is no authentic Guyanese Cuisine. Even curry in an Indian home used to be as the matriarch did it and that was different from what the men made at wedding house. Today people take short cut with Indi or Chico curry powder but each family had their own cherished recipes.  We have a general list of ingredients to the essential structure of a dish but it is as varied as households. Even the simple rotie is varied in structure and texture. Its only commonality is it is a flat bread with its beginnings in an Indian paratha.


And cookup has as many variety from resembling a cahun dirty rice to blackeye and rice cooked in coconut milk with as many meats as the house cared to eat added to the same in tomato sauce. 


Even pepperpot is varied from if an Muslim, or a christian or an amerind cooks it.

Well, trust the wet fowl to be a spoiler,but me like me pepper pot the way my mother taught me to cook and baseman acknowledge, that base compound was synthesized by Amerindians.


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