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Let me give you some good news then chap. My post count will dramatically decrease from Monday coming I promise. I'm not even sure I want to continue posting here. The election has made everyone into mindless combatants.


I post here often because regardless of our buse downs, we're all still Guyanese and I like hanging out with Guyanese people...even you and your rants.


That you can read into my positing (flippant as it was) some notion of "PPP too soft on genocidal Blackman" is truly amazing to me. I don't know why you keep insisting I have some beef with Black people. I don't. It's as simple as that.


If you knew me personally, you'd be very hesitant to even think such a thing.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Let me give you some good news then chap. My post count will dramatically decrease from Monday coming I promise. I'm not even sure I want to continue posting here. The election has made everyone into mindless combatants.


I post here often because regardless of our buse downs, we're all still Guyanese and I like hanging out with Guyanese people...even you and your rants.


That you can read into my positing (flippant as it was) some notion of "PPP too soft on genocidal Blackman" is truly amazing to me. I don't know why you keep insisting I have some beef with Black people. I don't. It's as simple as that.


If you knew me personally, you'd be very hesitant to even think such a thing.

so, your latest weasel move is to 'redefine' your racist vomit as "flippant" . . . i seee


lissen up "chap" . . . you cannot claim that i misquote you; so give it a rest and OWN your shit


further, i don't care to "know" low-life punks like u "personally" . . . after all, many of yuji22's white mouth buddies posting here regard him as a jolly good fellow


and, newsflash sir, nobody gives a f**k about your life, your post count or priorities; the proper response is the one given to yugee's frequent announcements of imminent departure from GNI . . .



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Let me give you some good news then chap. My post count will dramatically decrease from Monday coming I promise. I'm not even sure I want to continue posting here. The election has made everyone into mindless combatants.


I post here often because regardless of our buse downs, we're all still Guyanese and I like hanging out with Guyanese people...even you and your rants.


That you can read into my positing (flippant as it was) some notion of "PPP too soft on genocidal Blackman" is truly amazing to me. I don't know why you keep insisting I have some beef with Black people. I don't. It's as simple as that.


If you knew me personally, you'd be very hesitant to even think such a thing.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Let me give you some good news then chap. My post count will dramatically decrease from Monday coming I promise. I'm not even sure I want to continue posting here. The election has made everyone into mindless combatants.


I post here often because regardless of our buse downs, we're all still Guyanese and I like hanging out with Guyanese people...even you and your rants.


That you can read into my positing (flippant as it was) some notion of "PPP too soft on genocidal Blackman" is truly amazing to me. I don't know why you keep insisting I have some beef with Black people. I don't. It's as simple as that.


If you knew me personally, you'd be very hesitant to even think such a thing.

Shaitaan we can only judge you by what you write.  You wrote that Indians have two choices, and then engaged in your usual rant full of your usual implication that only the PNC engages in racial violence, and that annihilation of Indians is all that they are capable of.  Of course this is also backed by your belief that you cannot ascribe racist behavior by the PPP towards blacks.


Hardly a sign of a vfair minded person who tries to objectively assess politics or ethnic relations in Guyana.


Maybe you should take a deep breath every time you write, if it is that what you write here doesnt represent who you are. 




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