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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I have zero interest in your childish personal attacks chap. Zero. That you cannot carry on a conversation without some childish ad hominen attack says more about redux than it does about your target.

  I just don't understand this pattern of behavior on the part of redux.  How does he think that he makes his point by engaging in personal attacks?  If he has a point concerning the political situation in Guyana he ought to focus on that point.


I have no friggin clue either. I don't think he understands that his attacks aren't even interesting enough to merit a response.


The lack of a response to his attacks is not evidence of intimidation. They're evidence of adulthood. Somehow I doan think he realizes this.


Also, I don't attack him personally because I kinda like him. I admit that. I happen to like people for even the smallest of reasons. He makes me laugh sometimes. And I like that.


I have no problems with him attacking my opinions and whatnot. Perfectly acceptable and welcome even. He just loses me at the ad hominems.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The entire house of cards that passes for Indian domination in Guyana is sourced in the Presidency and the Cabinet. Removing Indian control of this this brings it all crashing down. We are no Gramschian hegemon. I suspect most Indians are keenly aware of this to one degree or another, which is why the Coalition which will in fact destroy the only source of Indian State power in Guyana will not attract significant Indian support. Guyanese Indians would be the first ethnic group from an ethnic conflict State to vote themselves out of power. . . .

soooo, how exactly is Guyana an "ethnic conflict state"? . . . or did u just pull that one out of your ass because it 'flowed'?


and, word to the not-so-wise, "Gramschian hegemon" is not a term that dilettantes should throw about carelessly

Buy David Hinds' book on the ethnic conflict in Guyana and his solutions proferred. He does a more elegant job of answering your question than I could.


I have zero interest in your childish personal attacks chap. Zero. That you cannot carry on a conversation without some childish ad hominen attack says more about redux than it does about your target.

i am not looking for "elegance" here, simply an answer to a simple question


i didn't ask for "solutions" or a David Hinds reading list


characterizing my hard questions as "personal attacks" . . . well, oh dear


You remind me of how Creationists argue. They want you to give them a lecture on every scientific subject under the sun.


Then they digress ad nauseum on niggling points to try and distract from the big picture.


Try discoursing as an adult. You'll find it a much more enjoyable exercise.


It's why I look forward to reading Caribj's posts nevermind that we are not in agreement most of the time.


Yours I first have to decide if I even wish to condescend a response.

heh heh heh


i'd really appreciate it if you "condescend" to a discourse on the idea of Guyana Indos as a "Gramscian hegemon"




Do you even read my posts anymore (assuming that you ever did)? "We are NO Gramscian hegemon."


How de F did you get from that to "the idea of Guyana Indos as a "Gramscian hegemon""?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I have zero interest in your childish personal attacks chap. Zero. That you cannot carry on a conversation without some childish ad hominen attack says more about redux than it does about your target.

  I just don't understand this pattern of behavior on the part of redux.  How does he think that he makes his point by engaging in personal attacks?  If he has a point concerning the political situation in Guyana he ought to focus on that point.


I have no friggin clue either. I don't think he understands that his attacks aren't even interesting enough to merit a response.


The lack of a response to his attacks is not evidence of intimidation. They're evidence of adulthood. Somehow I doan think he realizes this.


Also, I don't attack him personally because I kinda like him. I admit that. I happen to like people for even the smallest of reasons. He makes me laugh sometimes. And I like that.


I have no problems with him attacking my opinions and whatnot. Perfectly acceptable and welcome even. He just loses me at the ad hominems.

awwwww . . .


it brings a tear to my eye when u and caribj rush into wan annada's arms for comfort when things get stressful and embarrassing


gives me hope for the Guyanese nation

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I have zero interest in your childish personal attacks chap. Zero. That you cannot carry on a conversation without some childish ad hominen attack says more about redux than it does about your target.

  I just don't understand this pattern of behavior on the part of redux.  How does he think that he makes his point by engaging in personal attacks?  If he has a point concerning the political situation in Guyana he ought to focus on that point.


I have no friggin clue either. I don't think he understands that his attacks aren't even interesting enough to merit a response.


The lack of a response to his attacks is not evidence of intimidation. They're evidence of adulthood. Somehow I doan think he realizes this.


Also, I don't attack him personally because I kinda like him. I admit that. I happen to like people for even the smallest of reasons. He makes me laugh sometimes. And I like that.


I have no problems with him attacking my opinions and whatnot. Perfectly acceptable and welcome even. He just loses me at the ad hominems.

awwwww . . .


it brings a tear to my eye when u and caribj rush into wan annada's arms for comfort when things get stressful and embarrassing


gives me hope for the Guyanese nation


You have some serious anger management issues bai.


I think you might need counseling

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I have zero interest in your childish personal attacks chap. Zero. That you cannot carry on a conversation without some childish ad hominen attack says more about redux than it does about your target.

  I just don't understand this pattern of behavior on the part of redux.  How does he think that he makes his point by engaging in personal attacks?  If he has a point concerning the political situation in Guyana he ought to focus on that point.


I have no friggin clue either. I don't think he understands that his attacks aren't even interesting enough to merit a response.


The lack of a response to his attacks is not evidence of intimidation. They're evidence of adulthood. Somehow I doan think he realizes this.


Also, I don't attack him personally because I kinda like him. I admit that. I happen to like people for even the smallest of reasons. He makes me laugh sometimes. And I like that.


I have no problems with him attacking my opinions and whatnot. Perfectly acceptable and welcome even. He just loses me at the ad hominems.

awwwww . . .


it brings a tear to my eye when u and caribj rush into wan annada's arms for comfort when things get stressful and embarrassing


gives me hope for the Guyanese nation

 You have some serious anger management issues bai.


I think you might need counseling

now, how y'all figure i posting "angry" when i shedding tears and kvelling, eh?


the strong psychological projection odor from you two permeates . . . perhaps the reason for your [odd couple] bonding



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The entire house of cards that passes for Indian domination in Guyana is sourced in the Presidency and the Cabinet. Removing Indian control of this this brings it all crashing down. We are no Gramschian hegemon. I suspect most Indians are keenly aware of this to one degree or another, which is why the Coalition which will in fact destroy the only source of Indian State power in Guyana will not attract significant Indian support. Guyanese Indians would be the first ethnic group from an ethnic conflict State to vote themselves out of power. . . .

soooo, how exactly is Guyana an "ethnic conflict state"? . . . or did u just pull that one out of your ass because it 'flowed'?


and, word to the not-so-wise, "Gramschian hegemon" is not a term that dilettantes should throw about carelessly

Buy David Hinds' book on the ethnic conflict in Guyana and his solutions proferred. He does a more elegant job of answering your question than I could.


I have zero interest in your childish personal attacks chap. Zero. That you cannot carry on a conversation without some childish ad hominen attack says more about redux than it does about your target.

i am not looking for "elegance" here, simply an answer to a simple question


i didn't ask for "solutions" or a David Hinds reading list


characterizing my hard questions as "personal attacks" . . . well, oh dear


You remind me of how Creationists argue. They want you to give them a lecture on every scientific subject under the sun.


Then they digress ad nauseum on niggling points to try and distract from the big picture.


Try discoursing as an adult. You'll find it a much more enjoyable exercise.


It's why I look forward to reading Caribj's posts nevermind that we are not in agreement most of the time.


Yours I first have to decide if I even wish to condescend a response.

heh heh heh


i'd really appreciate it if you "condescend" to a discourse on the idea of Guyana Indos as a "Gramscian hegemon"




Do you even read my posts anymore (assuming that you ever did)? "We are NO Gramscian hegemon."


How de F did you get from that to "the idea of Guyana Indos as a "Gramscian hegemon""?

YOU ARE THE ONE who brought it up via denial! . . . NOBODY claimed, heretofore, that Indo-Guyanese functioned as "Gramscian hegemon"


which is why i proposed that we discuss the "idea"!


throwing around 'terminology' you barely understand has consequences bai


your weak straw man not helping matters


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