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Shakeup in the police force in the making very soon – Minister of State

Nov 04, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...n-minister-of-state/

Commissiner of Police, Seelall Persaud


The heads of some of the Guyana Police Force top brass are likely to roll, following the release of the damning Commission of Inquiry report into the alleged assassination plot against President, David Granger.

Likely to get the proverbial axe is Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud, who may be “made to resign,” or “be removed from office for misbehaviour.” It also recommended that he be investigated for perjury.


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Shakeup in the police force in the making very soon – Minister of State

Nov 04, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...n-minister-of-state/

The heads of some of the Guyana Police Force top brass are likely to roll, following the release of the damning Commission of Inquiry report into the alleged assassination plot against President, David Granger.

Likely to get the proverbial axe is Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud, who may be “made to resign,” or “be removed from office for misbehaviour.” It also recommended that he be investigated for perjury.

The report was also especially harsh on Senior Superintendent, Wendell Blanhum. It accused him of “arrogance” and of “lying” to the Commission. It recommended that he be booted from his position as Crime Chief.

Disciplinary action was also recommended against Assistant Police Commissioner, Clifton Hicken, who the report said, should be investigated for perjury.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon yesterday promised that the public will know ‘very soon’ of these changes.

“The actions on the recommendations have not been made public as yet, they are in the contemplation of His Excellency (President Granger), but I can say, we have taken those recommendations seriously, and action will be taken on them,” Harmon told journalists.

“You will get something very soon on the recommendations of the COI.”

The COI focused on what appeared to be unprofessional conduct of some ranks who spearheaded the probe into claims by civilian, Andriff Gillard, that another individual, Nizam Khan, had offered him $7M to assassinate President Granger, or to find someone to do the job.

Gilliard claimed that Khan made the offer in June 2015. But he only made a report at the Ministry of the Presidency on March 29, 2017.
Police Commissiner Seelall Persaud

Acting on information from a Ministry of Public, security staffer, Crime Chief Blanhum instructed that Khan be arrested. He was taken into custody at CID Headquarters, Eve Leary.

His home was also searched and he was ordered to hand over a licensed firearm.

However, during the COI, headed by Paul Slowe DSM, it was revealed that Khan was released on bail the same day, after Khan’s brother, Imran Khan, made a phone call to Commissioner, Seelall Persaud, who was on leave at the time. Imran Khan, a friend of the Commissioner, had also turned up at CID headquarters and had allegedly behaved in a disorderly manner.

The Commission found that the Top Cop had “improperly inserted himself into the investigation, even though he was on vacation leave.”

“It is the view of the Commission, that Commissioner Persaud’s actions…adversely influenced the conduct of the investigation,” the 109-page report stated.

“Commissioner Persaud acted improperly when he contacted Imran Khan on his cellular phone and engaged him in a fairly lengthy conversation. This, no doubt, had a demoralising effect on the ranks…at CID at the time.”

“Commissioner Persaud stated that during the course of his sworn testimony before the Commission, it was some time after 16:00 hrs on March 29, when he called Blanhum.

“According to Assistant Commissioner Hicken, he told Persaud of the allegation about 10:00 hrs the said day. Commissioner Persaud should be investigated for perjury in relation to his statement.”

“Having regard to all the above, the Commission is of the view that Commissioner Persaud’s ability to continue in the office of Commissioner of Police has become untenable.

“The Commission recommends that Commissioner, Seelall Persaud should be made to resign his position…under such terms and conditions that His Excellency considers appropriate. Failing this, proceedings should be initiated to have him removed from office for misbehaviour.”

The Commission also recommended that Acting Commissioner of Police, David Ramnarine, be sanctioned for failing to view the electronic medium on which the assassination allegation was recorded, before handing it over to Blanhum.

“Ramnarine gave evidence that he was of the view that the investigation was not properly conducted, yet as the second most senior member of the GPF, he did nothing to ensure that a proper investigation was done.”

The report added that even when he acted as Commissioner of Police, he failed to ensure that a proper probe was done, and should be sanctioned.
It was also recommended that he be sanctioned for failing to recommend disciplinary action against Crime Chief Blanhum, who had allegedly misled Ramnarine into believing that it was he, Blanhum, who had ordered Khan’s release.

The report noted that Senior Superintendent Blanhum was the first police rank to receive the report about the alleged plot.

According to the report, “He failed to supervise the investigation properly, even though he was instructed by the Acting Commissioner (Ramnarine) to personally do so. He should be disciplined for this neglect.

“He lied to the Acting Commissioner when he told him that it was his decision to send Nizam Khan on bail. He should be disciplined for stating this deliberate falsehood.”

“The recorded allegation was sent to Blanhum on March 30 by the Acting Commissioner. Blanhum by his own admission failed to view same. This is a serious neglect for which he should be disciplined.

“He was insubordinate when he took a rude, argumentative and aggressive posture at the COI. He should be disciplined for this.

“His lack of supervision of this important investigation, his disrespect…displayed before the Commission shows that he is incapable of functioning as the Crime Chief, the lead investigator, and manager of the leading investigative unit of the Guyana Police Force.

“Blanhum should he replaced and reassigned in order to gain command experience.”


Crime Chief, Wendell Blanhum


The report noted that Senior Superintendent Blanhum was the first police rank to receive the report about the alleged plot.

According to the report, “He failed to supervise the investigation properly, even though he was instructed by the Acting Commissioner (Ramnarine) to personally do so. He should be disciplined for this neglect.

“He lied to the Acting Commissioner when he told him that it was his decision to send Nizam Khan on bail. He should be disciplined for stating this deliberate falsehood.”


Prashad posted:

No instant death for any Anti-koolie they must feel the pain from illness and die in a hospital bed swallowing their own vomit.

Be careful what you wish upon others is OK upon you. 


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