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Shame on Soulja Bai and Rum Jattan

Jun 07, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....-bai-and-rum-jattan/

Dem want Soulja Bai and Rum Jattan fuh know that dem vex. Dem seeing nuff things tekking place wha dem ain’t like and wha use to happen under Jagdeo and Donald Dumb.

Under dem crooks from de time dem boys expose a skullduggery or some dishonest act. 19 sometimes 40 lawsuits use to come de next day.

All of dem use to claim $100 million.

That is de standard figure for dem scamps and some officials. It start back again.

De other day dem expose de story how Customs officers ketch people in a vehicle wid fake number plate. De officers tell dem boys a big one name Curly order dem to stand down.

Last night dem boys get a lawyer letter threatening to sue fuh $100 million. First dem thought was Brassington, that fat crook, come out of hiding.

When dem read dem see is from Moochoo representing Curly. Dem boys want to know if is Brer Nancy story.

Dem boys also vex wid dem police who charging dem Cubans, Venezuelans, Surinamese and Brazilians who come fuh spend li’l time in de country and stay lil lang.

Some of dem come in search of a better life because dem country tek a turn fuh de worse. Dem boys remember when Guyana was down and out and we people use to run to dem same place.

Dem boys never hear dem country lock up Guyanese, try dem, fine dem, jail dem and send dem back here.

Shame on Soulja Bai and Rum Jattan who heading de coalition.

Guyanese living all over de world. Nuff of dem illegal unto this day and dem country open dem arms to dem.

Dem boys more vex bout that four post and a zinc sheet that dem call a guard hut that cost de taxpayers $540,000.

On tap of dat dem renting a state of de art bamsie cleaning machine fuh $20,000 a month. But that is fuh a story to come.

Talk half and wait fuh more on de lawsuit.

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