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Court grants order to remove “sexual

abused” girls from NOC

May 11, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

- as Child Protection Agency moves swiftly to investigate sex allegations

By Latoya Giles

A High Court Judge has granted the Child Protection Agency (CPA) a court order to have four teenage girls removed from the New Opportunity Corps (NOC). Head of the CPA Ms. Ann Greene told Kaieteur News that the Agency had moved to the courts to have the girls removed as to continue the investigation into allegations of abuse. Greene said that the girls will remain in protective custody. She noted that the Child Protection Agency is obligated to investigate every single report of abuse against a child. “We have to be very careful with the issue,” she told Kaieteur News yesterday afternoon. On Wednesday evening Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster, said that she had asked the Child Care and Protection Agency to investigate the alleged sexual molestation of female inmates of the New Opportunity Corps. Minister Webster told Kaieteur News, yesterday, that her Ministry received reports from the parents of the alleged victims on Tuesday. “I have asked the Director of the Child Care and Protection Agency to conduct an investigation. We are currently conducting an investigation,” Webster said. Minister Webster’s comments came amid reports that several teenage girls have alleged that a senior government official was among individuals who had sexual intercourse with them at the New Opportunity Corps. Within the last week several allegations have been emanating from the NOC about caregivers and senior ministry officials engaged in sexual acts with teenagers. Parents of teenagers have come forward and told harrowing stories about sexual abuse. One mother told Kaieteur News on Thursday that she was being denied a “one-on-one” visit with her daughter. According to the woman, while visiting her daughter recently, the 16-year-old managed to slip a note in her pocket, which detailed accounts of sexual abuse. Kaieteur News was told by the woman that her daughter was initially sentenced to two years at the NOC. “When she get that two years I say okay….she gon go there and learn a trade and get counseling,” the woman said. A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Parliamentarian Chris Jones had told Kaieteur News that his Party was in the process of preparing a dossier which would be sent to various international organizations. “One dossier will be filled with statements of the children and the Government of Guyana’s inaction to deal with these matters,” Jones explained. Opposition Leader Brig. David Granger had said that his Party had no confidence in the capability of the Ministry of Culture, to administer the New Opportunity Corps. Granger had proposed that the responsibility of the Corps be transferred to another Ministry or agency that possesses the requisite personnel and skills and is better prepared to tend to the lives of juveniles sympathetically. He stressed, “It is evident that a new approach and a new agency are needed to curb the perpetuation of abuses and interpersonal violence which are still occurring in the Corps. “APNU is concerned that the worst incidence of violence in the entire history of the Corps occurred in August 2012 and involved about one-third of the juveniles in the Corps.” The Minister however, has been unable to present the report of the Commission of Inquiry to the National Assembly after over 20 months. “The absence of the report clearly has resulted in the Ministry’s inability to comprehend the problem and to prevent the recurrence of abuses similar to those that are alleged to have triggered the August 2012 events.’ “The last escape occurred between March 22 and March 24, this year. It involved 11 juveniles.” Granger had said that APNU has been disturbed, particularly by the new reports of sexual harassment and exploitation of juvenile girls by male staff members and older males.

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Quote "One mother told Kaieteur News on Thursday that she was being denied a “one-on-one” visit with her daughter. According to the woman, while visiting her daughter recently, the 16-year-old managed to slip a note in her pocket, which detailed accounts of sexual abuse. unquote


A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Parliamentarian Chris Jones had told Kaieteur News that his Party was in the process of preparing a dossier which would be sent to various international organizations. “One dossier will be filled with statements of the children and the Government of Guyana’s inaction to deal with these matters,”


NOC sex scandal…Teens being forced

to switch stories – Relatives

May 9, 2014 | By | Filed Under News


By Latoya Giles

“I honestly thought that by sending my daughter to the NOC (New Opportunity Corps)…that I was doing the right thing. I thought that they had persons that were trained professionally to help her, but it’s like I sent her to hell….I feel guilty,” cried a mother of one of the teenage girls who is at the centre of a bitter sex scandal at the facility. The mother told Kaieteur News that she is currently being denied a “one-on-one” visit with her daughter. According to the woman, while visiting her daughter recently, the 16-year-old managed to slip a note in her pocket. The woman told Kaieteur News that she almost collapsed after she read the letter. She said that her daughter complained of physical and sexual abuse by caregivers at NOC and Ministry officials. Kaieteur News was told by the woman that her daughter was initially sentenced to two years at the NOC. “When she get that two years I say okay….she gun go there and learn a trade and get counseling,” the woman said. The woman further alleges that officials from the NOC would take them out of the compound to their houses to clean. While at the houses they would fondle and would have sex with them. “It’s like a free-for-all…That’s how they treat the young girls,” the mother told Kaieteur News. She said that officials are forcing her daughter along with other teenage girls to change stories that they have told their parents. The woman alleges that she isn’t allowed to speak with her child alone. “You can’t speak to them one-on-one…six of them (officials) in the room sitting listening to what the children saying…they (children) are afraid to speak.” She said that it would appear as though the children are being forced to withhold information from relatives. Kaieteur News was told by the woman that her daughter was expected to be released next month; however, officials are now telling her that this may not be so. According to the girl’s mother, she was told that her daughter was part of a “gang” and she was sentenced to an additional four years by the magistrate at the Anna Regina Court. However, the woman said that she was told that her daughter would be on one year’s probation which would have been spent with her. Director of the Child Protection Agency Ann Greene told Kaieteur News that they are treating the matter with great urgency. She said that she could not divulge much information at this time. On Wednesday evening Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster, said that she had asked the Child Care and Protection Agency to investigate the alleged sexual molestation of female inmates of the New Opportunity Corps. Minister Webster told Kaieteur News, yesterday, that her Ministry received reports from the parents of the alleged victims on Tuesday. “I have asked the Director of the Child Care and Protection Agency to conduct an investigation. We are currently conducting an investigation,” Webster said. Minister Webster’s comments came amid reports that several teenage girls have alleged that a senior government official was one of the individuals who had sexual intercourse with them at the New Opportunity Corps. Parliamentarian Chris Jones had told Kaieteur News that his party was in the process of preparing a dossier which would be sent to various international organizations. “One dossier will be filled with statements of the children and the Government of Guyana’s inaction to deal with these matters” Jones explained.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Is the NOC a PPP/C Porno Technical Institute?

Why don't you go and find out.  Maybe you like it?



Eh eh! Stinking bugga batty is here again, why dont you go pimp somewhere the same time you can carry your wife and your daughter. Let them go to NOC whilst as an anti man you can sit down a look/enjoy

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by assjack:

Is the NOC a PPP/C Porno Technical Institute?

Why don't you go and find out.  Maybe you like it


Eh eh! Stinking bugga batty is here again, why dont you go pimp somewhere the same time you can carry your wife and your daughter. Let them go to NOC whilst as an anti man you can sit down a look/enjoy

You sound pretty upset at the "exposure".  Anyway, happy mothers' day.

Last edited by Former Member

The President of Guyana has daughter, the many Ministers has daughters, I am sure that none of these scumbags would like something like this to happen to their daughters:


Yet when the story burst out..........none of these Scumbags took any actions to Protect these Girls. How shameful can this be.

The world should know what kind of uncare and immoral minority Government is in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by assjack:

Is the NOC a PPP/C Porno Technical Institute?

Why don't you go and find out.  Maybe you like it


Eh eh! Stinking bugga batty is here again, why dont you go pimp somewhere the same time you can carry your wife and your daughter. Let them go to NOC whilst as an anti man you can sit down a look/enjoy

You sound pretty upset at the "exposure".  Anyway, happy mothers' day.

It is a sorry state of affairs when people like you can enjoy this situation and sit down and say nothing agains't it.

Instead you come on GNI to insult someone who is voicing their opinion agains't the Corrupt PPP/C immoral behavior.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by assjack:

Is the NOC a PPP/C Porno Technical Institute?

Why don't you go and find out.  Maybe you like it


Eh eh! Stinking bugga batty is here again, why dont you go pimp somewhere the same time you can carry your wife and your daughter. Let them go to NOC whilst as an anti man you can sit down a look/enjoy

You sound pretty upset at the "exposure".  Anyway, happy mothers' day.

It is a sorry state of affairs when people like you can enjoy this situation and sit down and say nothing agains't it.

Instead you come on GNI to insult someone who is voicing their opinion agains't the Corrupt PPP/C immoral behavior.

You don't voice opposition to the PPP, you voice personal hate, as such, whatever you say, even when ligit, losses currency given your irrational and obscene positions.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by assjack:

Is the NOC a PPP/C Porno Technical Institute?

Why don't you go and find out.  Maybe you like it


Eh eh! Stinking bugga batty is here again, why dont you go pimp somewhere the same time you can carry your wife and your daughter. Let them go to NOC whilst as an anti man you can sit down a look/enjoy

You sound pretty upset at the "exposure".  Anyway, happy mothers' day.

It is a sorry state of affairs when people like you can enjoy this situation and sit down and say nothing agains't it.

Instead you come on GNI to insult someone who is voicing their opinion agains't the Corrupt PPP/C immoral behavior.

You don't voice opposition to the PPP, you voice personal hate, as such, whatever you say, even when ligit, losses currency given your irrational and obscene positions.

I do not see anything wrong is voicing opposition to a Corrupt PPP/C in a hateful way. They deserves more that that. And, bhai the obscene position which you agree with by the PPP/C shows it is your position. Had you disagree with those would have come here on GNI and at lease critique it, rather than support such immorality, makes you a part and parcel of it.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by assjack:

Is the NOC a PPP/C Porno Technical Institute?

Why don't you go and find out.  Maybe you like it


Eh eh! Stinking bugga batty is here again, why dont you go pimp somewhere the same time you can carry your wife and your daughter. Let them go to NOC whilst as an anti man you can sit down a look/enjoy

You sound pretty upset at the "exposure".  Anyway, happy mothers' day.

It is a sorry state of affairs when people like you can enjoy this situation and sit down and say nothing agains't it.

Instead you come on GNI to insult someone who is voicing their opinion agains't the Corrupt PPP/C immoral behavior.

You don't voice opposition to the PPP, you voice personal hate, as such, whatever you say, even when ligit, losses currency given your irrational and obscene positions.

Not true baseman.


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