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It is not just anti black. It is also towards anyone who does not approve of the nepotism and criminal behaviour of the PPP. But it doesn't matter. The intelligent ones amongst us are quite aware that each and every one of these GNI folks have been involved in the plundering of Guyanese assets. But now the gravy train has been derailed they are pulling their hair out.


When a people uses their race to dominate the culture of another race, that is a racism. That sort of thing has happened to every race of people on the face of the earth. Whether it is white south Africans against black south Africans or Black Rhodesian chasing off white Rhodesian from Rhodesia. Or native people discriminated against by whites all over the world. Or lower caste indians discriminated by upper class indians. African tribes killing each other. Or sunni muslim killing shiite. 

For Guyana, we have no ownership of its lands, but the PNC in the 1960's felt they were powerful and dominant as a race. East Indians were the only race marked for genocide. It was a force of domination by the PNC henchmen under the leadership of the House of Israel.

African Americans should study the arrogance of the 1960 Black Guyanese. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo show dem skont who is bad. 

And today, all dem older skonts dead out, but  the young ones still have their racism. Which goes to show their racism is inbred. If the gorilla was able to sound like a human being these pricks would hate this animal too.


seignet. . . i didn't place your name prominently in the bigot roll of honor since i didn't see u participating in the latest frenzy

i won't make that mistake next time

and there will be a next time . . . creatures like you can't help yourselves; your bigotry is virulent and will never be quenched

but please enlighten us as to y'all Indo brief against African descended people in general, including African Americans who have been more than welcoming to East Indian refugees like you

redux posted:

African Americans (especially in NY) are increasingly grim and appalled watching this BIGOTRY, this BETRAYAL, this COMMONNESS being played out here . . . important people taking note

trust me

Can you enlighten me a bit Redux? What the heck are you so hyped about? 

Whatever you find offensive here (and I do admittedly find some things offensive because people use "fake names" and they can get away with a lot of trash, you included) should be regulated by the admin. It means that the admin is being laxed.

I suggest having several admins who can regulate the information being posted here. And it look like some people just live for these moments...I sometimes wonder if this is all that they live for...And I do think some people post stuff here to tick off other people. 


redux posted:

African Americans (especially in NY) are increasingly grim and appalled watching this BIGOTRY, this BETRAYAL, this COMMONNESS being played out here . . . important people taking note

trust me

Good that important people are taking note.  Let it be known that the world is noticing the blatant discrimination by the PNC government.  I was hoping for a lot better from this government since they promised a clean slate. I am very disappointed.  Granger had a good chance to show the people that he can do better.  But he blew it in a bad bad way.

Bibi Haniffa

I struggle with doubt and sometimes feel racism against blacks and I try to understand why. I don't want to feel it because I feel bad. I think this is due to god and his lover the devil. I think the truth is suspect and causes confusion of our feeling and does not want us to know who did what so we can assign our emotions correctly.  

Ronald Anthony Arjune

Participants of a discussion board do not have to use their real names to be legitimate. Real names/identities are only necessary if a law is violated. The Site Administrators have that information if it is necessary.

Secondly, there are no need for the micro-management of the Site by the Administrators. The posts generally dictate their useful lives. Discuss the subject matters and worry less about the identities of the posters.

seignet posted:

When a people uses their race to dominate the culture of another race, that is a racism. That sort of thing has happened to every race of people on the face of the earth. Whether it is white south Africans against black south Africans or Black Rhodesian chasing off white Rhodesian from Rhodesia. Or native people discriminated against by whites all over the world. Or lower caste indians discriminated by upper class indians. African tribes killing each other. Or sunni muslim killing shiite. 

For Guyana, we have no ownership of its lands, but the PNC in the 1960's felt they were powerful and dominant as a race. East Indians were the only race marked for genocide. It was a force of domination by the PNC henchmen under the leadership of the House of Israel.

African Americans should study the arrogance of the 1960 Black Guyanese. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo show dem skont who is bad. 

And today, all dem older skonts dead out, but  the young ones still have their racism. Which goes to show their racism is inbred. If the gorilla was able to sound like a human being these pricks would hate this animal too.

Skunks like redux wants us to remain silent at Indo discrimination in Guyana.

Indos of Today are not like Indos of yesterday. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune posted:

I struggle with doubt and sometimes feel racism against blacks and I try to understand why. I don't want to feel it because I feel bad. I think this is due to god and his lover the devil. I think the truth is suspect and causes confusion of our feeling and does not want us to know who did what so we can assign our emotions correctly.  

Yo Banna!

You need to stick to making those scary got a follower name CAIN.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
redux posted:

African Americans (especially in NY) are increasingly grim and appalled watching this BIGOTRY, this BETRAYAL, this COMMONNESS being played out here . . . important people taking note

trust me

Good that important people are taking note.  Let it be known that the world is noticing the blatant discrimination by the PNC government.  I was hoping for a lot better from this government since they promised a clean slate. I am very disappointed.  Granger had a good chance to show the people that he can do better.  But he blew it in a bad bad way.

quite the 'eloquent' one talking around the subject . . . aren't u?

there is a term of art . . . lemme see here

"epic fail" it is

i think i spoke about bigot skonts like u on the other thread here:

redux posted:

African Americans (especially in NY) are increasingly grim and appalled watching this BIGOTRY, this BETRAYAL, this COMMONNESS being played out here . . . important people taking note

trust me

Several years ago I brought notice to this site that I saw reference to it on a Barbados forum.   They used the fact that;


1.  there is rampant anti black bigotry, IDENTICAL to that seen on a KKK site seen FREQUENTY.

2.  Almost NO Indians condemned this, and the few who did were reviled in the mist vulgar terms.

They used these facts as verification if what they were told by Afro Guyanese, of the rampant anti black racism that they faced under the PPP, was indeed true. This reinforced their notion that any Indo Guyanese, who couldn't prove that they had a right to legally reside on Barbados, should be rounded up and deported.   They were insulted that a bunch of people who disrespect blacks should be allowed to illegally earn a living on that island.

I have also seen similar references to this site in forums located in other Caribbean islands where many Guyanese Indians find themselves.


So folks can continue to ignore the filth pouring out of the mouths of Indo supremacists.  They can add their further anecdotes of "black man so blackman have to apologize" (Kari being an example).   They should just note that this contributes to the belief rampant throughout the Caribbean (and even held by some non Guyanese Indo Caribbean people) that Indo Guyanese are a bunch of bigots.

VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:

African Americans (especially in NY) are increasingly grim and appalled watching this BIGOTRY, this BETRAYAL, this COMMONNESS being played out here . . . important people taking note

trust me

Can you enlighten me a bit Redux? What the heck are you so hyped about? 

Whatever you find offensive here (


If you truly found those remarks offensive you would spend as much time confronting those bigots as you do confronting those of us who protest against them.

In fact your behavior merely underscores the belief that many (including many NON GUYANESE) have that Indo Guyanese are either fundamentally racist against blacks, or indifferent when they observe such racism existing.

Please note that in North America, ALL of us non whites might have to depend on each other, should bigotry be directed against them.   The silence by almost all Indians, when there is bigotry by Indians, has been noted.  This by other Caribbean people, and by African Americans.


BTW I confronted Mr T several times about his comments about Indians. I stopped recently when I noted that you, and the other so called moderate Indians, preferred to confront me, rather than confront the TRUE racists on GNI.  The VAST MAJORITY of whom are INDIAN!

Last edited by Former Member

I think Indians are racist against blacks because subconsciously they suspect blacks are engaging in love (sodomy with God and our souls). Love can get very hot and burn the hair because of a high degree of pleasure. Are blacks black because they willfully engaged in love or they are black because they tried to help the creator by stopping love? I am saying that blacks are not black originally. I think that maybe Lucifer is deceiving us about blacks so we wouldn't join hands and function in cohesion to foster brotherhood. If I hate blacks I would hate whites and jews also for hiding the truth. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:

African Americans (especially in NY) are increasingly grim and appalled watching this BIGOTRY, this BETRAYAL, this COMMONNESS being played out here . . . important people taking note

trust me

Can you enlighten me a bit Redux? What the heck are you so hyped about? 

Whatever you find offensive here (


If you truly found those remarks offensive you would spend as much time confronting those bigots as you do confronting those of us who protest against them.

In fact your behavior merely underscores the belief that many (including many NON GUYANESE) have that Indo Guyanese are either fundamentally racist against blacks, or indifferent when they observe such racism existing.

Please note that in North America, ALL of us non whites might have to depend on each other, should bigotry be directed against them.   The silence by almost all Indians, when there is bigotry by Indians, has been noted.  This by other Caribbean people, and by African Americans.


BTW I confronted Mr T several times about his comments about Indians. I stopped recently when I noted that you, and the other so called moderate Indians, preferred to confront me, rather than confront the TRUE racists on GNI.  The VAST MAJORITY of whom are INDIAN!

"BTW I confronted Mr T several times about his comments about Indians. I stopped recently when I noted that you, and the other so called moderate Indians, preferred to confront me, rather than confront the TRUE racists on GNI.  The VAST MAJORITY of whom are INDIAN!"

This is a lame excuse. T has been very vigorous in his comments recently, from what I have seen. You are just as guilty. Its not T, its also Warria, and even some Indos  who make these comments. 

The bigger problem here is people hiding behind fake names (you included), and comments are not regulated by the Admin effectively. I understand this is a difficult task and people should be given a forum to express themselves, but this cover gives people a "license" to spout their nonsense.

Incidentally, names can be deceiving. Why are you assuming that I am "Indian"?

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:

African Americans (especially in NY) are increasingly grim and appalled watching this BIGOTRY, this BETRAYAL, this COMMONNESS being played out here . . . important people taking note

trust me

Can you enlighten me a bit Redux? What the heck are you so hyped about? 

Whatever you find offensive here (


If you truly found those remarks offensive you would spend as much time confronting those bigots as you do confronting those of us who protest against them.

In fact your behavior merely underscores the belief that many (including many NON GUYANESE) have that Indo Guyanese are either fundamentally racist against blacks, or indifferent when they observe such racism existing.

Please note that in North America, ALL of us non whites might have to depend on each other, should bigotry be directed against them.   The silence by almost all Indians, when there is bigotry by Indians, has been noted.  This by other Caribbean people, and by African Americans.


BTW I confronted Mr T several times about his comments about Indians. I stopped recently when I noted that you, and the other so called moderate Indians, preferred to confront me, rather than confront the TRUE racists on GNI.  The VAST MAJORITY of whom are INDIAN!

"BTW I confronted Mr T several times about his comments about Indians. I stopped recently when I noted that you, and the other so called moderate Indians, preferred to confront me, rather than confront the TRUE racists on GNI.  The VAST MAJORITY of whom are INDIAN!"

This is a lame excuse. T has been very vigorous in his comments recently, from what I have seen. You are just as guilty. Its not T, its also Warria, and even some Indos  who make these comments. 

The bigger problem here is people hiding behind fake names (you included), and comments are not regulated by the Admin effectively. I understand this is a difficult task and people should be given a forum to express themselves, but this cover gives people a "license" to spout their nonsense.

Incidentally, names can be deceiving. Why are you assuming that I am "Indian"?

shut u rass

VishMahabir posted:

This is a lame excuse. T has been very vigorous in his comments recently, from what I have seen.

I have asked many times what exactly I say is racist.  NEVER get answers, yet the endless accusations.

So I have come to the conclusion that I am a racist because I hold Indians as blameworthy as I do hold Africans for our ethnic morass, which has destroyed Guyana.

This is NOT allowed by people like you.  YOU pretend not to be racist, yet you peddle the same racist rant that they do "black man good, Indian good, so blackman has to apologize".

I have frequently said that BOTH races are to blame and BOTH races have suffered. I have demonized Burnham as a monster.

 Now jump up and down and scream and wail and call me a racist for saying that.

As to the fake name.  Well when you have brutes like Jagdeo with his goon squads running around, what else do you expect.  The man is a vicious monster and even now isn't powerless!  He will exact his savage revenge on people's relatives, if he cannot get his target.

You are an Indian, so don't scream otherwise.  I don't even care you if you some non Indian ancestry.  Your clear bias towards Indians and antipathy towards non Indians is quite apparent.


Look at how you class me, redux, and itaname with the likes of seignet, yuji, and others who have said the most vile things about blacks.  But you never condemn what they say, so maybe you share their opinions.

I have condemned Mr. T in the past.  When people like you celebrate the Indo KKK by peddling their same "bad blackman" prattle I decided to stop.  If Indo bigotry can be tolerated then so can bigotry peddled by people who are not Indian identified.  Mr. T in fact claims to be mixed, and apparently not even vaguely African looking.


Last edited by Former Member

I think Indians don't trust the sexuaality of blacks, especially when it applies to indian women. Bwcause of this perception, blacks feel violated and betrayed by the concept of Indians. This cancer has caused crime by both blacks and Indians in Georgetown as a way to confine and isolate terror like a concentration camp because their spirits are barricaded and violence is legal venting of fustration. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
Ronald Anthony Arjune posted:

. Bwcause of this perception, blacks feel violated and betrayed by the concept of Indians. . 

Blacks don't trust Indians because they think them clannish, and seeing how socalled moderate Indians ignore the rampant Indo supremacist bigotry on GNI, can you blame them?

The fact that so many Indo men seem to feel sexually inadequate when they compare themselves to black men isn't something that we spend time worrying about.

Last edited by Former Member

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