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Former Member


…PNC rigging
If anyone thought your Eyewitness was crying wolf when he insisted the PNC would resort to rigging to remain in power, he hopes they’ve been following their shenanigans in the last few days. As he said yesterday, it was 1997 déjà vu all over again!! They’d already fiddled with the voters’ list to give them a head start with fake bodies. They’d discouraged PPP supporters from voting by placing all sorts of obstacles in their way – figuring that even 5 each from 2300 polling stations would give them a two-seat advantage!!
But like in 1997, they had a Plan B in place in case the PPP mobilised and garnered support way beyond what they’d achieved in 2015. And as this come to pass, the plan kicked in. First, there were a few skirmishes: claiming that Disciplined Forces votes in Region 3 weren’t mixed in at Vergenoegen and some spoiled votes were given to the PPP in Parika. It wasn’t substantial in the grand scheme of things, but it was enough to hold up the declaration from a region that always gave the PPP a big bump.
The centrepiece of Plan B, however, was always going to be Reg 4. It’s where the PNC’s biggest block of supporters are located and therefore provided the most cover for sleights of hand. Or rigging of elections. In 1997, the PNC had rushed the polling stations, but this time, tipped off by Volda’s “nightshift” call, this was abandoned.  So when the declarations from the outlying regions came in and showed the PPP racing ahead and increasing their gap, Plan B unfolded. The Reg 4 Returning Office (RO) – who certifies the count from the SOPs – after declaring he’d continue through the night, suddenly said he was tired and sent everybody home by 9 pm! Counting ceased!
The fella never showed up till late the next morning and soon promptly declared he was ill and had to be rushed to the hospital. While he was being attended to, the GECOM PRO declared the count had been halted. But when he was discharged and returned to the counting centre, a strange thing had happened. Suddenly, the count from the SOPs was being read off from a spreadsheet, which varied from the SOPs in the possession of the PPP and other parties’ representatives!!
By now, it was apparent that the PNC had to produce over 50,000 bodies to overcome the lead the PPP had built up from the outlying regions. And this was how they’d do it: by violating the very clear law that the RO check had to be done directly from the SOPs!!
This was chutzpah to the max!! Shameless!!
…but stymied
Because Granger had been allowed to get away with the nonsense about “majorities” over the NCM – even after the CCJ’s judgement declared his moves illegal – it obviously made him believe he could repeat this nonsense in front of the entire diplomatic corps and their election observers!! He forgot he might be a big fish, but it was in a very small pond. And while they might’ve overlooked his shenanigans with the SOPs, if it were in some footnote in a bureaucratic report, they had to act when it was playing out literally in front of their eyes!! This was eye-pass!!
The PPP and the other parties stood their ground and demanded that the law be followed – and they were supported by the observers and the foreign missions. The GECOM Commission met and the CEO had to accept that the counting would proceed from the SOPs.
But this is the PNC we’re dealing with and we still cannot afford to exhale. Today, expect them to throw some more curves.
Even after the declaration!! It’s in their genes!!
…and shameful
Doesn’t GECOM feel ashamed to hear the EU Observer Head describe his experience when he went to one of the cow pasture tents they used as a polling place?
The fella said two cows actually came to vote. Like the rest of us??

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That is why the PNC should never be helped by anyone who is not a PNC again. They should only get into government when they earn it through their supporters. They continue to refuse to change their wicked ways.


KSAZ, I don't think Guyanese should ever vote for any PNC government again. Anytime they are in power, it's a nightmare to get them out. The PNC is an example of why Guyanese should learn the history of the PNC. Teach it in the schools from kindergarten.

Last edited by Former Member


A crowd gathered outside GECOM last night and Granger addressed them to "wait for the results". He never asked them to go home and wait for the results like the rest of decent and peaceful Guyanese Public.

Last edited by Former Member

They actually ran a pre 1992 campaign.

You were very accurately warning CaribJ about the PNC mistreating the AFC. They accelerated killing the AFC and in the end killed their chance of winning. A vibrant AFC would have crippled the PPP.


@Former Member: I know you were planning to leave this forum after the elections. Please stay on so we can collectively hammer PNC supporters. WE can always say, "Good thing they lost".


Well, we need to look at the positives.

Moses challenged Bharat Jagdeo to bring it on at NCV and Jagdeo bussed their balls.

Ramjattan created a Coronavirus scare by closing the border and preventing Ferries from running and PNC supporters stayed home scared of the virus in GT. hey hey hey.

They set the stage for a handsome PPP victory.


@All We need to really look closely  at the numbers released.  PPP votes as against coalition votes - In region 1, PPP votes declined by 4.38%, in region 2 they went up by 6.14%, in Region 3, up by 1.51%, region 5 by .66%, in region 6 by 7.40%, region 7 increased by 7.37%, in region 8 declined by 2.36%, in region 9 declined by 4.90%, and in region 10 increased by .21%.

This is at a quick and elementary level at this point.  There are some obvious questions that come to mind.  When we are able to look at all the numbers from all the polling stations, then we get a better understanding of what the story is and the deeper and broader implications.


Hey hey hey...Irfaan win foh true. Expect 5 year destabilise. Moss black peopkle not go accept Irfaan. Ayoo go see destabilise. Ayoo tink Guyana is wan normal kuntry. Dis deh happenin since 1957...hey hey hey. 


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