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Former Member
Yes, I said it! Shameless begins with Mitwah when he said he's a shame of his country. He is dead wrong in his statement. He cannot be a shame of his country, he's actually a shame of himself and the political system, and that's not because of the PPP but the masquerading with APNU/AFC in parliament. We can stat with the Rohee episodes and that I agree, anyone should be a shame to call themselves Guyanese.
The Honorable Speaker is between a rock and a hard place and he finally realized he can no longer side with the opposition and go against the nation's constitution and the laws of the land. He finally put his food down and made a firm ruling. I expect from here on, the opposition will give him hell or he will give the opposition hell in parliament and we will have a parliamentary crises. If Mr. Trotman leave the PNC, he not get a clear picture of what the AFC is all about. Don't be surprise if he chose to leave the AFC in the next four years. APNU & AFC expectations are over where favoritism is concern.
Shameless is when you stand for anti-progress and anti-development and that's what taking place currently. We can start with the Marriott project, the 2013 budget and the anti-crime bill in parliament. The cream of the crop is that AFC's Ramjattan is cutting without seeing and measuring. He reminds me of "Liar the Loin" in a lying competition. This is what people should be a shame of. Are you shame enough to wipe the smock off your face?

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